Arranging columns

The ARRANGE command reorders and changes the widths of columns on the current panel.

The ARRANGE command (ARR) applies only to the current panel. Each panel can contain uniquely arranged columns. Under ISPF, ARRANGE criteria are saved (one set for each JES type).
Note: Arranging some columns to the first screen of columns may impact SDSF performance. Where this is true, the help for the panel's fields indicates that the fields have delayed access.
SDSF scales numbers to make them fit the column width. To see the actual number, use ARRANGE to increase the column width.
   Display  Filter  View  Print  Options  Search  Help                          
 SDSF DA RS86     RS86     PAG  0  CPU  26              LINE 1-19 (73)          
 NP   JOBNAME  StepName ProcStep JobID    Owner    C Pos DP Real Paging    SIO  
      *MASTER*                   STC04928 +MASTER+   NS  FF 3440   0.00   0.00  
      PCAUTH   PCAUTH                                NS  FF  110   0.00   0.00  
      RASP     RASP                                  NS  FF  326   0.00   0.00  
      TRACE    TRACE                                 NS  FF 5850   0.00   0.00  
      DUMPSRV  DUMPSRV  DUMPSRV                      NS  FF  414   0.00   0.00  
      XCFAS    XCFAS    IEFPROC                      NS  FF 3799   0.00   0.00  
      GRS      GRS                                   NS  FF  21T 1    0.00   0.00  
Callout Notes:
  •  1  21T means 21 thousand. T=thousands, M=millions, B=billions, plus KB, MB, GB, TB, PB (bytes).
The ARRANGE parameters are shown in Table 1.
The parameter usage is as follows:
ARRANGE parameters
 ARRANGE from-column A|B to-column              
 ARR     from-column FIRST|LAST|width           
Consider the following examples:
  • ARRANGE SIO A DP - Moves the SIO column after the DP column on the current panel.
  • ARR DEST 8 - Makes the DEST column 8 characters wide.
Table 1. ARRANGE Parameters
Parameter Description
from-column to-column from-column and to-column each name a column on an SDSF panel. The column can be abbreviated to the shortest name that is unique for that panel.
A Moves from-column after to-column.
B Moves from-column before to-column.
FIRST | F Makes from-column the first column after the fixed field (the first column). The fixed field cannot be moved.
LAST | L Makes from-column the last column (farthest to the right).
width Sets the width of from-column; it is 4-20 for NP, 1-127 for other columns. You may need to press F11 (RIGHT) several times to view the width.
DEFAULT Resets the column arrangement to the default.
? Under ISPF, displays the ARRANGE pop-up.

Additional ARRANGE commands

The ARRANGE DEFAULT command resets the column arrangement to the default.

Under ISPF, ARRANGE ? displays the pop-up. You may find this to be the most convenient method of arranging and resizing columns.

This pop-up example moves Real to be after StepName.

                            Arrange            Row 1 to 9 of 55
 To move a column, select with / (// for a block), then type A 
 (after) or B (before). Special function keys:                 
 F5/17=Refresh list  F11/23=Clear input  F6/18=Default order   
      NP width              _  Current width: 4               
      Column             Width   Description                   
   A   StepName               8                                 
    _  ProcStep               8                                 
    _  JobID                  8                                 
    _  Owner                  8                                 
    _  C                      1                                 
    _  Pos                    3                                 
    _  DP                     2                                 
    _  PGN                    3   Not shown in goal mode        
    / Real                    4