SMS reason code (S99ERSN)

A fullword field that contains the SMS reason code explaining the failure. The system returns a reason code in this field only when an error code beginning with X'97xx' is returned in the S99ERROR field of the request block.

IGD messages accompany the SMS reason code depending on the allocation message processing options in the S99EOPTS field of the request block. (See Processing options (S99EOPTS).) The SMS reason code also corresponds to an IGD system message that further describes the error. For example, if the reason code is X'4379' (decimal 17273), the IGD message that contains the decimal equivalent, IGD17273I, describes the error.

If the IGD messages are suppressed, the following procedure could be followed to get further details:
  • For error code X'970C', SMS creates entries in the logrec data set. Because there are no problem IDs associated with SMS reason codes, locate the logrec data set entry for the error that corresponds to the reason code.
  • For error codes other than X'970C', SMS will not always create entries in the logrec data set. Try to recreate the error by executing in batch mode instead of using dynamic allocation.

The system returns a reason code in S99ERSN when a failure occurs during SMS processing. For any reason code returned in S99ERSN that is not described in the following list and that does not convert to a recognizable IGD system message, search the decimal code under Storage Management Subsystem reason codes in z/OS DFSMSdfp Diagnosis. If you still cannot locate the reason code, have the system programmer locate the logrec data set entry associated with the error and report the failure to the IBM® support center.

Hexadecimal Code (Decimal)
Meaning and Action
12C (300)
Meaning: An abend occurred during storage management subsystem processing. Message IGD300I will be issued to the operator with a symptom dump.

System Programmer Action: Examine message IGD300I and the symptom dump to determine why the abend occurred.

12D (301)
Meaning: The data set is not eligible for allocation on an SMS volume.
Application Programmer Action: Determine whether the request is attempting to allocate to an SMS volume a data set that is not managed by SMS. Do not attempt to allocate the following types of data sets to an SMS volume:
  • ISAM data set
  • SYSOUT data set
  • Subsystem data sets
  • TSO/E data sets coming from or going to a terminal
  • In-stream data sets
  • Data sets having the same name as a previously-cataloged data set
  • Data sets that are not cataloged in the integrated catalog facility (ICF) catalog
12E (302)
Meaning: The selected storage class requires that explicitly specified volumes are to be honored. The requirement to honor explicit volumes cannot be met for one of the following reasons:
  • Not all of the volumes are SMS-managed
  • Not all of the volumes are defined to the same storage group
  • The storage group containing the volumes was not selected for this data set allocation.

Application Programmer Action: If specific volumes are not required, remove the explicit volume specification and reissue the request. If the explicitly specified volumes are required, contact the system programmer for assistance.

System Programmer Action: Make sure that all of the volumes are SMS-managed and are defined to the same storage group. Also, make sure the volumes have the properties that this storage group requires; or modify the storage class routine to select a non-guaranteed space storage class. Then have the application programmer reissue the request.

12F (303)
Meaning: A storage class was not derived for the data set. Therefore, the data set is not SMS-managed. The system ignores the specified management class.

Application Programmer Action: If the data set is supposed to be SMS-managed, get help from the system programmer to determine why a storage class was not derived for the data set.

132 (306)
Meaning: An unexpected error occurred during storage management subsystem processing.

System Programmer Action: Use the logrec data set to obtain information about the error that occurred. Refer to z/OS DFSMSdfp Diagnosis for an explanation of the reason code and return code.

133 (307)
Meaning: An installation exit either:
  • Ended abnormally with an abend code
  • Returned an unknown return code

System Programmer Action: Use the logrec data set and SYS1.DUMPnn to determine why the installation exit failed.

134 (308)
Meaning: The storage class or management class was derived for a data set, but the owner is not authorized to use the specified storage or management class.

Application Programmer Action: Either obtain authorization to use the storage class or the management class or use a storage or management class that you are already authorized to use. Reissue the request.

135 (309)
Meaning: An SMS data set is not allowed in the scope of a JOBCAT or STEPCAT.
Application Programmer Action: One of two actions can be taken:
  • If the storage class was explicitly specified, remove the JOBCAT, STEPCAT, or storage class specification to ensure that the data set is not SMS-managed. Then reissue the request.
  • If the JOBCAT or STEPCAT is required and the storage class was installation derived, use a data set specification that will not create an SMS-managed data set when reissuing the request.
136 (310)
Meaning: MGMTCLAS or STORCLAS cannot be specified for a data set that is not eligible to be SMS-managed.
Application Programmer Action: Do not attempt to specify MGMTCLAS or STORCLAS for the following types of data sets, which are not managed by SMS:
  • ISAM data set
  • SYSOUT data set
  • Subsystem data sets
  • TSO/E data sets coming from or going to a terminal
  • In-stream data sets
  • Data sets having the same name as a previously-cataloged data set
  • Data sets that are not cataloged in the integrated catalog facility (ICF) catalog
139 (313)
Meaning: DSNTYPE cannot be specified for a data set that is not eligible to be SMS-managed.
Application Programmer Action: Do not attempt to specify DSNTYPE for the following types of data sets, which are not managed by SMS:
  • ISAM data set
  • SYSOUT data set
  • Subsystem data sets
  • TSO/E data sets coming from or going to a terminal
  • In-stream data sets
  • Data sets having the same name as a previously-cataloged data set
  • Data sets that are not cataloged in the integrated catalog facility (ICF) catalog
13A (314)
Meaning: The data class that was derived for the data set contains a DSNTYPE attribute that is not supported with the current level of the operating system.

System Programmer Action: Make sure the ACS routines will derive a data class with a DSNTYPE attribute that is supported with the current level of operating system.

13B (315)
Meaning: An attempt was made to read from an SMS-managed scratch tape volume. This is not allowed.

Application Programmer Action: If a scratch volume is derived from an SMS tape library, specify a volume of SCRTCH. If the tape volume is private, either eject the volume from the SMS tape library and access it outside the library, or contact the system programmer so that the status of the volume can be changed from scratch to private using IDCAMS or ISMF, and access it within the library.

13D (317)
Meaning: A DSNTYPE of PIPE was specified when the PATH keyword was not specified. This is not allowed.

Application Programmer Action: Add the PATH keyword, or remove the DSNTYPE of PIPE.

140 (320)
Meaning: An OPEN/MVS request cannot be processed because OPEN/MVS is not installed.

Application Programmer Action: Process OPEN/MVS requests only on systems that have OPEN/MVS installed.

FA0 (4000)
Meaning: The data set is processed as a non-SMS-managed data set because the volumes are not SMS-managed.

Application Programmer Action: No action is required.

FA1 (4001)
Meaning: An unexpected error occurred in catalog processing while attempting to locate a data set.

System Programmer Action: Locate the logrec data set entry for this error and determine the return code and the reason code for the catalog locate error under message IDC3009I.

FA2 (4002)
Meaning: The data set is an SMS-managed data set that is referenced in one of the following:
  • A job containing a JOBCAT
  • A step containing a STEPCAT
  • Both a job containing a JOBCAT and a step containing a STEPCAT.
Application Programmer Action: Do one of the following:
  • If there is no need for the JOBCAT or STEPCAT DD statements, remove them and resubmit the job.
  • If a JOBCAT DD statement is specified, remove it and insert STEPCAT DD statements only on the required steps. Then resubmit the job.
  • If a STEPCAT DD statement is necessary, then divide the step into several steps so the steps that do reference SMS-managed data sets do not contain a STEPCAT DD statement. Then resubmit the job.
  • If none of the above apply, contact the system programmer.

System Programmer Action: Make sure all referenced ICF catalogs are connected to the system master catalog.

FA4 (4004)
Meaning: The catalog entry indicates that a data set is not SMS-managed, but an SMS-managed volume serial was specified.
Application Programmer Action: Do one of the following:
  • Remove the VOL=SER, and reissue the request
  • Specify the correct VOL=SER, and reissue the request
FA6 (4006)
Meaning: The system attempted to allocate a data set on two tape volumes which are in different system-managed tape libraries. Both volumes must be in the same library for the job to run. If more than two volumes are involved, an error is returned for the first mismatch encountered.

Application Programmer Action: If the volume serial numbers are specified incorrectly, then correct the specification. If the numbers are correct, then contact the tape librarian to ensure that all the tape volumes reside in the same library. When one of the two actions has been taken, reissue the request.

FA7 (4007)
Meaning: The system attempted to allocate a data set on a DASD volume and on a tape volume that resides in a system-managed tape library. Mixed media types are not allowed for a single data set. If more than two volumes are involved, an error is returned for the first incorrect allocation.

Application Programmer Action: If the volume serial numbers are specified incorrectly, then correct the specification. If the numbers are correct, then contact the tape librarian to eject the tape volumes from the system-managed tape library and access them on non-system managed tape drives.

FD3 (4051)
Meaning: The data set is processed as a non-SMS-managed data set because it was determined that the data set was an uncataloged special system data set.

Application Programmer Action: No action is required.

FD6 (4054)
Meaning: The specified data set was not found.

Application Programmer Action: Ensure that the data set name was specified correctly, and that the data set is cataloged in the appropriate catalog. Contact the system programmer to check if the alias entries point to the catalog. Reissue the request.

1324 (4900)
Meaning: An attempt to get the file status for a file in a z/OS® UNIX file system failed.

Application Programmer Action: Submit a batch job to locate the z/OS UNIX file to determine the return and reason codes returned in the corresponding IGD04900I message.

1325 (4901)
Meaning: A path name was not specified for an allocation of a file in a z/OS UNIX file system during an SMS catalog services request.

Application Programmer Action: Add a path name to the requested allocation.

138C (5004)
Meaning: All volumes for a guaranteed space request are defined to SMS, but do not belong to the same storage group.

Application Programmer Action: Specify volumes that are within a single storage group, or remove volume specification and allow SMS to select volumes. Reissue the request.

1392 (5010)
Meaning: None of the volumes for a guaranteed space request are defined to SMS.

Application Programmer Action: Specify volumes that are defined to SMS and are within a single storage group, or remove volume specification and allow SMS to select volumes. Reissue the request.

1393 (5011)
Meaning: Some of the volumes for a guaranteed space request are not defined to SMS.

Application Programmer Action: Specify volumes that are defined to SMS and within a single storage group, or remove volume specification and allow SMS to select volumes. Reissue the request.

1B59 (7001)
Meaning: An unexpected error occurred in the catalog while attempting to roll a generation data set (GDS) into a generation data group (GDG).

System Programmer Action: Submit a batch job to roll the generation data set into the generation data group, and use the return and reason codes from any corresponding IGD messages when contacting the IBM support center to determine the cause of the catalog failure.

1B5A (7002)
Meaning: The storage management subsystem was invoked to delete a data set. The volume associated with that data set was either not defined to the configuration or was not currently mounted. The volume may have been deleted from the active configuration.

Application Programmer Action: Contact the system programmer to make the necessary modifications. Then delete the data set after the modifications have been completed.

System Programmer Action: Either modify the configuration to include the volume, or make sure the volume is online.

1EDC (7900)
Meaning: A path name is required for the allocation of a file in a z/OS UNIX file system during an SMS disposition processing request.

Application Programmer Action: Add a path name for the requested allocation.

1EDD (7901)
Meaning: An attempt to delete a z/OS UNIX file failed.

Application Programmer Action: Submit a batch job to delete the z/OS UNIX file to determine the return and reason codes returned in the corresponding IGD07901I message.

1EDE (7902)
Meaning: An invalid disposition was specified for a z/OS UNIX file.

Application Programmer Action: Correct the disposition for the z/OS UNIX file.

2B5C (11100)
Meaning: A dynamic allocation request specified the RECFM keyword with the KS, ES, RR, or LS value on the RECORG keyword. This combination is not allowed because the RECFM keyword only applies to non-VSAM data sets, while the KS, ES, RR, and LS values of the RECORG keyword only apply to VSAM data sets.

Application Programmer Action: Change or remove the RECORG value or RECFM keyword on the dynamic allocation request; then reissue the request.

2B5D (11101)
Meaning: A dynamic allocation request specified the DSNTYPE keyword with the ES, RR, or LS value on the RECORG keyword. This combination is not allowed because the DSNTYPE keyword only applies to non-VSAM and KSDS VSAM data sets, while the ES, RR, and LS values of the RECORG keyword only apply to VSAM data sets.

Application Programmer Action: Correct the RECORG or DSNTYPE value on the dynamic allocation request; then reissue the request.

3E82 (16002)
Meaning: The disposition field of the referencing data set was not OLD, MOD or NEW.

Application Programmer Action: Change the disposition of the referencing data set to OLD, MOD, or NEW. If the disposition was set correctly, contact the system programmer.

System Programmer Action: Locate the correct logrec data set entry for the error and report the failure to the IBM support center.

3E83 (16003)
Meaning: The disposition field of the referenced data set was not OLD, MOD or NEW.

Application Programmer Action: Change the disposition of the referenced data set to OLD, MOD, or NEW. If the disposition was set correctly, contact the system programmer.

System Programmer Action: Locate the correct logrec data set entry for the error and report the failure to the IBM support center.

3E91 (16017)
Meaning: A non-SMS-managed data set referenced an SMS-managed data set.

Application Programmer Action: Do not attempt to reference an SMS-managed data set from a non-SMS-managed data set.

3E96 (16022)
Meaning: The referenced data set is not cataloged.

Application Programmer Action: Correct the specified data set name. If data set name is valid, catalog the data set before attempting to reference it. Reissue the request.

3E97 (16023)
Meaning: The referencing data set is not cataloged.

Application Programmer Action: Correct the specified data set name. If data set name is valid, catalog the data set before using it to reference an SMS-managed data set. Reissue the request.

3EB5 (16053)
Meaning: The ACS storage class routine rejected the storage class that was derived from the referenced data set.

Application Programmer Action: Reference a data set that is in a valid storage class, and reissue the request, or contact the system programmer to have the same storage class assigned to the referencing data set as the referenced data set.

3EB6 (16054)
Meaning: The request failed because an ACS routine created by the installation failed.

System Programmer Action: Contact your storage administrator, and supply the reason code.

3EB9 (16057)
Meaning: A VOL=REF was done to a data set which is a generation data set (GDS) base. A VOL=REF to a GDS base is not valid as there are no volumes associated with a GDS base.

Application Programmer Action: Correct the VOL=REF so that the data set referenced is not a GDS base, or remove the VOL=REF.

4269 (17001)
Meaning: A duplicate data set name appears on the volume.

Application Programmer Action: Use a different data set name, and reissue the request. Contact the system programmer to resolve the duplicate data set names on the volume.

426A (17002)
Meaning: While trying to create a data set, DADSM indicated to SMS VTOC data set services that the VTOC or VTOC index on the volume is full. Therefore, SMS attempted to select another volume.

System Programmer Action: Reorganize the VTOC or VTOC index on the indicated volume.

426B (17003)
Meaning: An I/O error occurred on a volume while the data set was being deleted or renamed.

System Programmer Action: Use the record in the logrec data set, the return code, and the diagnostic information to determine the error. Use z/OS DFSMSdfp Diagnosis to determine the meaning of the DADSM historic return code and the diagnostic information.

426E (17006)
Meaning: The average block length is greater than 65535, the maximum allowable length.

Application Programmer Action: Reduce the average block length specified, and reissue the request.

4274 (17012)
Meaning: DADSM determined one of the following:
  • The user is not authorized to create the data set specified
  • The data set requires a discrete RACF® profile, but RACF is not active.

Application Programmer Action: If the data set name was incorrectly specified, correct the name and reissue the request. Otherwise, contact the system programmer.

System Programmer Action: Use z/OS DFSMSdfp Diagnosis to determine the meaning of the DADSM historic return code and the DADSM diagnostic information from the corresponding logrec data set entry. If the return code and the diagnostic information indicate that the user is unauthorized to create the data set, then alter the user's RACF profile to grant authorization. Otherwise, remove the automatic data set protection characteristic from the user's profile.

4276 (17014)
Meaning: A track or cylinder space quantity was zero.

Application Programmer Action: Specify a non-zero value in tracks or cylinders for space, or specify a valid data class with space, and reissue the request.

428C (17036)
Meaning: During the allocation of a data set, the system found that the space requested exceeded the primary space available on all eligible volumes.

Application Programmer Action: Either reduce the directory space or increase the primary space, and reissue the request. If there is little or no space available to allocate the data set, contact the system programmer.

System Programmer Action: If volumes are fragmented, run DEFRAG or run DFSMShsm space management to create space for new data sets. If space is not available to be freed, add volumes to the storage group, or add an overflow storage group to the list of storage groups selected.

428D (17037)
Meaning: The DADSM installation exit rejected the request with a return code of 8.

System Programmer Action: Determine the reason for the rejection. Modification of the installation exit may be required.

428E (17038)
Meaning: The DADSM installation exit rejected the request with a return code of 4.

System Programmer Action: Determine the reason for the rejection. Modification of the installation exit may be required.

4295 (17045)
Meaning: Space was not specified for the creation of a data set.

Application Programmer Action: Specify a value for space, or specify a data class with non-zero space information, and reissue the request.

429B (17051)
Meaning: The primary space for the data set exceeds 65535 tracks.

Application Programmer Action: Decrease the primary space to less than 65535 tracks and reissue the request.

429E (17054)
Meaning: DADSM was unable to locate the data set on the volume.

Application Programmer Action: If the data set is not SMS managed, correct the volume specification and reissue the request. If it is a cataloged data set, and the catalog indicates that the data set resides on the volume, contact the system programmer.

System Programmer Action: Locate the logrec data set entry associated with the error to verify that the volume list passed to DADSM is correct.

42A0 (17056)
Meaning: The volume that was specified for the rename request already has a data set with the new name on it.

Application Programmer Action: Either delete the existing data set, or change the new name to a name other than the indicated data set.

42A1 (17057)
Meaning: The data set could not be deleted because it has not expired. Disposition processing cannot delete an unexpired data set.

Application Programmer Action: You can delete the data set by specifying the PURGE option on IEHPROGM SCRATCH or IDCAMS DELETE.

42A3 (17059)
Meaning: While trying to delete or rename the data set, the volume could not be mounted.

System Programmer Action: Locate the logrec data set entry associated with the error to determine the DADSM historic return code and the DADSM diagnostic information. If the error cannot be corrected, contact the IBM support center.

42A4 (17060)
Meaning: The data set cannot be deleted or renamed because it is currently in use.

Application Programmer Action: Retry the request later.

42A5 (17061)
Meaning: While trying to delete or rename the data set, the user lacks security authorization.

Application Programmer Action: If the user has access to the data set, contact the system programmer for assistance.

System Programmer Action: Locate the logrec data set entry associated with the error and contact the IBM support center.

42AE (17070)
Meaning: The data set specified was allocated as an extended format data set.

Application Programmer Action: No action required.

42AF (17071)
Meaning: The data set specified was not allocated as an extended format data set.

System Programmer Action: If the data set was intended to be an extended format data set, the volumes in the storage group may not support extended format allocations.

42B0 (17072)
Meaning: The extended sequential format requirement could not be met.

System Programmer Action: Determine why the extended sequential format requirement could not be met and ensure the storage groups and their volumes have the correct requirements for allocating an extended sequential format data set. Locate the logrec data set entry to determine if there are any other messages associated with this error.

42B1 (17073)
Meaning: The extended sequential format request will be allocated as a non-extended sequential format data set.

System Programmer Action: If this is acceptable, ignore the reason code. If not, determine why the extended sequential format requirement could not be met and ensure the storage groups and their volumes have the correct requirements for allocating an extended sequential format data set.

42B2 (17074)
Meaning: The list of volumes for the guaranteed space storage class is not valid.

Application Programmer Action: Correct the volume list for the data set or remove the volume list and let the system select the volumes. Reissue the request.

42B3 (17075)
Meaning: An attempt was made to allocate a data set that was not a physical sequential data set as an extended format data set on a system that only supports extended format data sets for physical sequential data sets.

Application Programmer Action: Ensure the data set to be allocated is physical sequential, and reissue the request.

42B4 (17076)
Meaning: An attempt was made to allocate a data set that was not SMS-managed as an extended format data set.

Application Programmer Action: Ensure the data set to be allocated will be an SMS-managed data set, and reissue the request.

42B8 (17080)
Meaning: The data set is not eligible to be allocated as a VSAM extended format data set, and will be allocated as a non-extended format data set.

Application Programmer Action: Determine why the data set was not allocated as a VSAM extended format data set, and make the changes necessary to reissue the request. If necessary, contact the system programmer for assistance.

42CC (17100)
Meaning: A catalog error or exceptional condition has caused the allocation attempt to fail.

Application Programmer Action: Examine the return code and reason code in the accompanying message IGD17100I, as described in SMS reason code (S99ERSN).

42CD (17101)
Meaning: A duplicate data set name exists in the catalog.

Application Programmer Action: Allocate the data set using a different name and reissue the request.

42CE (17102)
Meaning:While trying to define a non-VSAM data set, a catalog error or exceptional condition caused the allocation attempt to fail.

Application Programmer Action: Examine the return code and reason code in accompanying message IGD17102I in z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 8 (IEF-IGD).

42D6 (17110)
Meaning: The referenced data set does not exist.

Application Programmer Action: Correct the data set name in the VOL=REF reference, and reissue the request.

42D8 (17112)
Meaning: The system programmer has overridden the expiration date or retention period specified for the data set using the ACS routines. The expiration date now meets the criteria specified in the management class for the data set.

Application Programmer Action: If the new expiration date is unacceptable, contact the system programmer to take a corrective action, if any.

42DE (17118)
Meaning: The data set referred to on the LIKE parameter is neither a non-VSAM data set nor a VSAM cluster name.

Application Programmer Action: Specify a valid data set name of a non-VSAM data set or a VSAM cluster name on the LIKE parameter, and reissue the request.

4308 (17160)
Meaning: The requested data set allocation is eligible for compression.

Application Programmer Action: If the data set should not be compressed, contact the system programmer for assistance.

4309 (17161)
Meaning: The requested data set allocation will not be compressed because compression services failed with a return code of 8.

System Programmer Action: Determine if compression services are available. If they are, locate the logrec data set entry associated with the error and contact the IBM support center. Otherwise, bring up compression services.

430A (17162)
Meaning: The requested data set allocation will not be compressed because compression services failed with a return code other than 8.

System Programmer Action: Determine if the data set characteristics met the criteria for compression. If so, locate the logrec data set entry associated with the error and contact the IBM support center. Otherwise, have the application programmer change the characteristics for the data set to ensure it will be eligible for compression.

430B (17163)
Meaning: The requested data set allocation will not be compressed because the data set characteristics do not meet the criteria for compression.

Application Programmer Action: If possible, change the characteristics for the data set to ensure it will be eligible for compression, and reissue the request.

430D (17165)
Meaning: A multi-volume temporary data set cannot be allocated as an extended format data set.

Application Programmer Action: The multi-volume temporary data set will be allocated as a non-extended format data set. The reason code can be ignored.

4331 (17201)
Meaning: SMS construct access services indicated that the data class, management class, storage class, or storage group construct for the data set does not exist in the active configuration.

Application Programmer Action: If the construct is explicitly specified, make sure the specification is correct and reissue the request. Otherwise, contact the system programmer.

System Programmer Action: If the construct was supplied by the ACS routines, the ACS routines may have to be modified.

4333 (17203)
Meaning: While trying to allocate the SMS-managed data set, SMS VTOC data set services could not retrieve a volume definition. In the volume list passed to SMS VTOC data set services, one or more of the volumes might be non-SMS-managed volumes.

System Programmer Action: If a volume list was explicitly specified, then correct the volume list and reissue the request. If you did not explicitly specify the volume list, then locate the logrec data set entry associated with the error and contact the IBM support center.

4335 (17205)
Meaning: The volumes specified are not in the same storage group for a guaranteed space request.

Application Programmer Action: Specify volumes within the same storage group, or remove the volumes, and reissue the request. If necessary, contact the system programmer for assistance.

4336 (17206)
Meaning: A space request for a data set failed because:
  • No accessible volumes had sufficient space to satisfy the single-volume request
  • Not enough accessible volumes had sufficient space to satisfy the multi-volume request
  • In the guaranteed space request for the data set, the specified volume does not belong to any of the storage groups that the storage class mapped.
A volume is accessible if all of the following are true:
  • The storage group that contains the volume is enabled to the system
  • The volume itself is enabled to SMS
  • The volume itself is online to MVS™.

Application Programmer Action: Reissue the request, specifying less space than before. If this error message still occurs, contact the system programmer.

System Programmer Action: Determine which storage class and storage group were used for the request, and check the amount of available space on all volumes in the storage group. Then either force the selection of another storage class, or make more space available on the volumes within the selected storage group. If necessary, add more volumes to the selected storage group, add an overflow storage group to the selected storage group list, or move data off volumes using DFSMShsm.

4337 (17207)
Meaning: There are no volumes for which all of the following are true:
  • The storage group that contains the volume is enabled to the system
  • The volume itself is enabled to SMS
  • The volume itself is online to MVS.

System Programmer Action: Determine which storage class and storage group were used for the request, and check the amount of available space on all volumes in the storage group. Then either force the selection of another storage class, or make more space available on the volumes within the selected storage group. If necessary, add more volumes to the selected storage group, add an overflow storage group to the selected storage group list, or move data off volumes using DFSMShsm.

433F (17215)
Meaning: Space was not specified or not derived from a data class for the creation of a VSAM data set.

Application Programmer Action: Specify a valid space value or contact the system programmer to have the ACS routines assign a data class that has the space specified, and then reissue the request.

4340 (17216)
Meaning: Unable to allocate space on a specified volume for a guaranteed space request.

Application Programmer Action: Have the system programmer free more space on the specified volume, specify another volume, or remove the volume, and reissue the request.

4341 (17217)
Meaning: During creation of a VSAM data set, SMS VTOC data set services volume selection was unable to select a volume for a guaranteed space request due to one of the following reasons:
  • The volume is offline to MVS
  • The volume is not enabled to SMS
  • The volume does not contain adequate space
  • The status of the storage group containing the volume was not enabled, quiesced nor quiesced new.

Application Programmer Action: Specify another volume, remove the volume, or get a non-guaranteed space storage class derived for the data set, then reissue the request. If the problem persists, contact the system programmer.

System Programmer Action: Make sure the volume is online, enabled, and has adequate space for the data set; and make sure the status of the storage group containing the volume is either enabled, quiesced, or quiesced new. Then have the application programmer reissue the request.

4344 (17220)
Meaning: More than 59 volumes were specified. The maximum number of volumes allowed is 59.

Application Programmer Action: Reduce the number of volumes specified, and reissue the request.

4345 (17221)
Meaning: A request was submitted for more than one volume for a temporary VSAM data set. Only one volume may be requested.

Application Programmer Action: Ensure that no more than one volume is specified for a temporary VSAM data set when you reissue the request.

4348 (17224)
Meaning: During creation of an SMS-managed VSAM data set, storage groups were not assigned by the automatic class selection.

System Programmer Action: Correct the storage group ACS routines.

4349 (17225)
Meaning: In the guaranteed space request for the data set, the specified volume does not belong to any of the storage groups that the storage class mapped.

Application Programmer Action: Specify another volume or remove the volume and let the system select the volume when the request is resubmitted. If not successful, contact the system programmer for assistance.

System Programmer Action: Determine which storage group contains the volume, and which storage classes map to that storage group. Ensure that the volume is online to MVS and enabled to SMS. Then force the selection of one of those storage classes when the request is resubmitted.

434A (17226)
Meaning: SMS volume selection for VSAM data sets has determined that no storage group contains enough volumes to satisfy the current request.
System Programmer Action: Do one of the following:
  • Determine whether there is another storage group available that will contain the required number of volumes
  • Try to match the number of required volumes to the number available in one of the eligible storage groups.
436C (17260)
Meaning: An attempt to allocate an SMS-managed data set failed because:
  • The volume that the data set resides on is not enabled to the storage management subsystem on the system from which the request was made.
  • The storage group that contains the data set's volume is not enabled to SMS.

System Programmer Action: Determine whether the volume or the storage group needs to be enabled; you can enable either by using the VARY SMS command. Then try to allocate the data set again.

436D (17261)
Meaning: SMS VTOC data set services was not able to allocate the data set because the first volume serial number in the data set's volume serial list is either blanks or null. The volume list was built incorrectly, possibly because of one of the following:
  • The allocation request was for a VTOC index, VVDS, or VTOC data set, and the request did not specify a volume serial number.
  • The allocation request was for a temporary data set and specified an incorrect volume reference.

Application Programmer Action: Make sure the allocation request specifies a volume serial number or a valid volume reference; then reissue the request.

4377 (17271)
Meaning: A request was made to allocate a SMS-managed, non-VSAM, non-guaranteed-space data set. The volume count specified (or derived from the data class) is greater than the number of available online volumes in any of the storage groups that were selected.

Application Programmer Action: Reduce the volume count and reissue the request, or contact the system programmer for assistance.

System Programmer Action: Add volume to the storage group, or ensure the storage group selected has a sufficient number of available online volumes.

4379 (17273)
Meaning: In an SMS VTOC data set services request involving the data set, one or more volumes were specified, but could not be selected. Then volume selection was reentered until all eligible volumes were tried. SMS may have been unable to select any volumes because:
  • DADSM may not have found enough space
  • The volume might not have been initialized as an SMS volume
  • The dataset you are trying to allocate may already exist and may not be currently cataloged.
System Programmer Action: Do the following:
  • If DADSM could not find enough space, put additional volumes online to MVS and enabled to SMS in one of the eligible storage groups and have the application programmer reissue the request.
  • Check to see if the dataset you are trying to allocate already exists. Don't assume the dataset is currently cataloged.
  • Verify that the volumes have been initialized as SMS volumes.

Otherwise, refer to the logrec data set entry associated with this error to determine if there are any messages that could describe this error further.

437A (17274)
Meaning: Volumes specified for a guaranteed space request do not belong to an eligible storage group allocation for the data set.

Application Programmer Action: Specify volumes that belong to an eligible storage group, and reissue the request.

437C (17276)
Meaning: A DISP=MOD request would exceed the maximum volume count of 59.

Application Programmer Action: Make sure no more than 59 volumes are allocated to the data set when the request is resubmitted.

437D (17277)
Meaning: A non-VSAM volume selection failed.

System Programmer Action: Locate the logrec data set entry associated with this error and determine if there are any other SMS messages that were logged with this failure.

4395 (17301)
Meaning: The volume (or volumes) on which the data set resides is either not online, or not enabled to the storage management subsystem at the time of a delete or rename request.

System Programmer Action: If the volume is offline, then have the operator vary it online. If the volume is disabled, then either enable it, or deny the delete or rename request.

4398 (17304)
Meaning: SMS VTOC data set services delete or rename processing was not able to delete the catalog entry for the data set; the data set is non-SMS-managed, and resides on one or more SMS-managed volumes that are not in initial status.

System Programmer Action: Use AMS ALTER to assign a storage class for the data set and attempt to delete it again.

4399 (17305)
Meaning: The volume definitions for the data set indicate that the data set resides on both SMS and non-SMS volumes. If any piece of a multi-volume data set resides on an SMS-managed volume, then all volumes on which the data set resides must be defined to the same storage group, and therefore be defined to SMS.

Application Programmer Action: Define all volumes on which the data set resides to the same storage group, and reissue the delete or rename request. If the catalog entry is bad, execute IDCAMS ALTER to remove volumes for the non-SMS-managed volumes, and delete the data set.

439F (17311)
Meaning: SMS VTOC data set services was called to delete or rename a data set and received a list of SMS-managed volumes. However, the data set is a non-SMS-managed data set, and does not reside on the SMS-managed volumes listed.

Application Programmer Action: If the volume list is incorrect, correct the volume list for the data set and reissue the delete or rename request. Otherwise, contact the system programmer for the corrective action.

43C7 (17351)
Meaning: The track or cylinder request was too large.

Application Programmer Action: Specify a smaller track or cylinder space quantity.

43C9 (17353)
Meaning: SMS-managed volumes were specified for a non-SMS request.

Application Programmer Action: Specify non-SMS-managed volumes and reissue the request.

43CD (17357)
Meaning: An attempt to reclaim a deferred roll-in generation data set (GDS) failed.

System Programmer Action: Locate the logrec data set entry associated with this error and determine the cause of the error using the logged messages, and then take the appropriate actions to correct the error.

43CF (17359)
Meaning: The request involving the data set specified a password. Passwords for the request are ignored for SMS-managed data sets.

Application Programmer Action: This reason code is returned for informational purposes; therefore, no action is required.

43D0 (17360)
Meaning: The retention period or expiration date specified for a temporary data set is ignored.

Application Programmer Action: A retention period or expiration date need not be specified for temporary data sets.

43D1 (17361)
Meaning: SMS VTOC data set services VSAM extend processing received non-SMS-managed volumes for an SMS-managed data set.

System Programmer Action: If the volumes in the catalog are in error, correct them by changing the volumes to '*'.

43D2 (17362)
Meaning: SMS VTOC data set services VSAM EOV processing issued a locate request for the data set to the catalog. The locate failed because the catalog entry for the data set was deleted from the catalog; all SMS-managed data sets must be cataloged.

System Programmer Action: Locate the logrec data set entry associated with the error to determine why the locate request failed. Then catalog the data set, and reissue the request.

43D4 (17364)
Meaning: On the request for a data set, the expiration date or retention period specified is greater than the maximum allowed for the management class that is effective for that data set. Therefore, the maximum value for the expiration date or retention period, is computed from the management class and assigned to the data set.
Application Programmer Action: If the expiration date is acceptable, no response is required. Otherwise, do one of the following:
  • Ask the storage administrator to change the expiration date in the current management class before resubmitting the request.
  • Assign a different management class to the data set before resubmitting the request.
43DB (17371)
Meaning: During allocation of the referenced data set, the UNIT for the selected VIO storage group is not defined to the system.

System Programmer Action: Disable the VIO storage group to the selected system, or change the unit name in the VIO storage group to match a unit defined to the system.

43F8 (17400)
Meaning: SMS VTOC data set services processing could not find the data set in the catalog. The data set was specified in a LIKE reference, but either was not cataloged, or included a PDS member name or a generation data group (GDG) relative generation number.

Application Programmer Action: Specify another data set in the LIKE reference, and reissue the request.

43FB (17403)
Meaning: SMS VTOC data set services like processing was unable to enqueue on a data set that was specified in a LIKE reference. SMS VTOC data set services was trying to enqueue on the data set to count the number of directory blocks.

Application Programmer Action: Remove the LIKE reference and specify a data class that meets the required criteria. Then reissue the request.

4402 (17410)
Meaning: The data set pointed to by the LIKE parameter does not reside on a direct access volume.

Application Programmer Action: Specify a data set that resides on a direct access volume and reissue the request.

4416 (17430)
Meaning: The data set referenced by the LIKE parameter is a VSAM data set. The data set referenced by LIKE must be a non-VSAM data set for creating a tape data set.

Application Programmer Action: Correct the reference or remove the LIKE parameter. Then reissue the request.

4417 (17431)
Meaning: An attempt was made to create a partitioned data set (PDS) by specifying DSNTYPE=PDS. The system could not determine the directory blocks quantity from any of the following:
  • The directory blocks from the request
  • The data class
  • A model data set referenced by the LIKE keyword
Note: The directory block quantity cannot be picked up from a model data set that is a PDSE.

Application Programmer Action: Specify the directory blocks quantity by one of the specified means, and reissue the request.

4418 (17432)
Meaning: An inconsistent data set structure was found for the data set because of the following conditions:
  • AMP=AMORG is specified in the request
  • A new SMS-managed data set is being created
  • No RECORG is available, either from the request or from the DATACLAS or from a data set referenced by the LIKE parameter.

Application Programmer Action: Specify a RECORG or have one assigned through the data class ACS routines. If this is not successful, contact the system programmer.

System Programmer Action: If the AMP=AMORG parameter is required but a RECORG cannot be provided at allocation, force this data set to be non-SMS-managed. This may require modification of ACS routines. Otherwise, provide the RECORG value by assigning a data class.

4419 (17433)
Meaning: The allocation of the tape data set failed because the LIKE parameter references a data set that has been migrated to tape.

Application Programmer Action: Change the LIKE reference to a data set that has not been migrated or remove the LIKE reference and specify a data class that meets the required criteria. Reissue the request.

4466 (17510)
Meaning: A DSNTYPE of PIPE was specified when the PATH keyword was not specified. This is not allowed.

Application Programmer Action: Add the PATH keyword, or remove the DSNTYPE of PIPE. Then reissue the request.

4467 (17511)
Meaning: A PATH keyword was expected, but was not specified.

Application Programmer Action: Add the PATH keyword. Then reissue the request.

4468 (17512)
Meaning: An invalid DSNTYPE was specified for the request. A DSNTYPE of PIPE is the only valid value when a PATH keyword is specified.

Application Programmer Action: Set the DSNTYPE to PIPE, or remove the PATH keyword.

4588 (17800)
Meaning: SMS construct access services indicated that the data class, management class, storage class, or storage group for the data set does not exist in the active configuration.

Application Programmer Action: If you explicitly specified the construct, make sure your specification is correct and reissue the request. Otherwise, if the construct was supplied by the ACS routines, contact the system programmer.

System Programmer Action: Change the ACS routines so that a valid construct is assigned.

458A (17802)
Meaning: In a guaranteed space request for a data set, the caller selected specific volumes, and selected a storage class with the guaranteed space attribute; therefore, the specific volumes must be honored. However, not all of the specified volumes are in the same storage group.

Application Programmer Action: Change the request so that all volumes specified are in the same storage group or remove all the specified volumes and have the system select the volumes; then reissue the request.

458B (17803)
Meaning: A space request for a data set failed because:
  • No accessible volumes had sufficient space to satisfy the single-volume request.
  • Not enough accessible volumes had sufficient space to satisfy the multi-volume request.
  • In the guaranteed space request for data set dsn, the specified volume does not belong to any of the storage groups that the storage class mapped.
A volume is accessible if all of the following are true:
  • The storage group that contains the volume is enabled to the system
  • The volume itself is enabled to SMS
  • The volume itself is online to MVS.

Application Programmer Action: Reissue the request, specifying less space than before. If you still get this error message, contact the system programmer.

System Programmer Action: Determine which storage class and storage group were used for the request, and check the amount of available space on all volumes in the storage group. Then either force the selection of another storage class, or make more space available on the volumes within the selected storage group.

458C (17804)
Meaning: There are no volumes for which all of the following are true:
  • The storage group that contains the volume is enabled to the system
  • The volume itself is enabled to SMS
  • The volume itself is online to MVS.

System Programmer Action: Determine the status of all storage groups and volumes used for this request. You may need to enable some storage groups or bring some volumes online to MVS and enabled to SMS.

458E (17806)
Meaning: In an SMS VTOC data set services request involving the data set, one or more volumes were specified, but could not be selected. Then volume selection was reentered until all eligible volumes were tried. DADSM may not have found enough space or the volume might not have been initialized as an SMS volume.

System Programmer Action: If DADSM could not find enough space, put additional volumes online in one of the eligible storage groups, or run DFSMShsm space management cycle to provide more space on the volumes, and have the application programmer reissue the request. Otherwise, refer to the logrec data set entry associated with this error to determine if there are any messages that could describe this error further.

4590 (17808)
Meaning: The guaranteed space rules for allocating the data set have been relaxed, and the allocation will occur without enforcing the guaranteed space rules.

Application Programmer Action: No action is required.