z/OS UNIX reason codes
Value | Description |
0000 | JROK The return code value describes the error. Action: Refer to the return code for information on the error. |
0011 | JRNotKey8 The task is not in PSW key 8. Action: This function requires that the caller be in PSW key 8. The TCBPKF field must also have a value of 8. The request cannot be processed, because these conditions have not been met. Correct the problem and rerun the job. |
0012 | JRMaxChild The maximum number of processes for this user ID has been exceeded. Action: Ask the system programmer or system administrator to increase the MAXPROCUSER parameter of the BPXPRMxx parmlib member. |
0013 | JRMaxUIDs The maximum number of OpenMVS user IDs is exceeded. Action: Ask the system programmer or system administrator to increase the MAXUIDS parameter of the BPXPRMxx parmlib member. |
0014 | JRAppcErrAlloc An APPC/MVS Allocate Conversation error occurred. Action: An error occurred in fork during the APPC Allocate Conversation call. The conversation
was not allocated. The error may be caused by one or more of the following reasons:
Ask the operator to:
If the problem cannot be resolved by the operator, contact the system programmer. |
0015 | JRAppcErrSend An APPC/MVS Send_Data error occurred. Action: An error occurred in fork during the APPC Send_Data call. The data was not sent. The
error may be caused by one or more of the following reasons:
Ask the operator to:
If the problem cannot be resolved by the operator, contact the system programmer. |
0016 | JRAppcErrRecv An APPC/MVS Receive_and_Wait error occurred. Action: An error occurred in fork during the APPC Receive_and_Wait call. The data was not
received. The error may be caused by one or more of the following reasons:
Ask the operator to:
If the problem cannot be resolved by the operator, contact the system programmer. |
0017 | JRAppcErrAccept An APPC/MVS Accept_Conversation error occurred. Action: An error occurred in fork during the APPC Accept_Conversation call. The conversation was
not created. The error may be caused by one or more of the following reasons:
Ask the operator to:
If the problem cannot be resolved by the operator, contact the system programmer. |
0019 | JRAleservErr The ALESERV macro failed. Action: See your IBM® service representative. |
001A | JRStgInUse The requested storage area has already been allocated (explicit STORAGE request). Action: See your IBM service representative. |
001B | JRInitPgmErr The initialization (INIT) program failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
001C | JRSyseventErr A SYSEVENT DONTSWAP/OKSWAP failure occurred. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
001D | JREstaeErr The ESTAE macro failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
001E | JRForkExitRcParentNoRoom Not enough work space exists for a parent fork exit. Action: There is insufficient internal work space in the parent process for the fork service. The
fork service is not performed. Fork uses internal work space to hold fork parent data, which
includes the following:
Reduce the storage requirement of the program before rerunning the job. Consider the
following possibilities:
If the problem persists, contact the system programmer to increase the work space limit by presenting the requirement to IBM. |
001F | JRForkExitRcChildNoStorage The system cannot obtain the storage needed for the child process. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0020 | JRForkExitRcParentBadEnv An error was returned by a fork exit while processing a fork() syscall. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0021 | JRForkExitRcMiscProblem A fork exit failure occurred due to miscellaneous problems. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0022 | JRForkVsmListError The VSMLIST macro failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0023 | JRForkVsmListTooLarge The storage is insufficient to hold VSMLIST output. Action: There is insufficient internal work space in the parent process for the fork service. The fork service is not performed. .sp Fork uses internal work storage to hold the VSMLIST output of all the tasks in the fork parent address space. There is insufficient work space for this fork request. .sp Reduce the storage requirement of the program before rerunning the job. For example, reduce the number of tasks in the same address space as the fork parent. If the problem persists, contact the system programmer to raise the work space limit by presenting the requirement to IBM. |
0024 | JRForkRsmCopyError The fork real storage manager (RSM) copy service failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0025 | JRUnexpectedErr An unexpected error occurred. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0026 | JRKernelReady The system is not in a ready state. Action: Retry after OMVS has been allowed to complete initialization. |
0028 | JRMaxProc The maximum number of processes was exceeded. Action: Retry after some processes have ended, or change the maximum number of processes allowed. |
0029 | JRPidBad The process ID (PID) indicates an internal error. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
002A | JRPidNotFound A find, delete, or move did not happen. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
002B | JRNoSecurityProduct A security product is not installed. Action: A security product (for example, RACF®) is required. |
002C | JRBldlErr The BLDL macro failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
002D | JRCsvQueryErr The CSVQUERY macro failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
002E | JRFilesysNotThere The file system named does not exist. Action: The file system specified on the service could not be found. |
002F | JRFilesysWasReset The file system named was reset by another user. Action: The unmount request that specified drain was reset by another user. Try the unmount request again. |
0030 | JRNegativeValueInvalid A negative value cannot be supplied for one of the parameters. Action: Enter the call again after changing the invalid parameter to a valid value. |
0032 | JrUnlMountRO The unlink call was on a read-only file system. Action: For the file to be unlinked, the file system must be mounted in read/write mode. |
0033 | JRRFileWrOnly A call tried to read a file opened as write-only. Action: Reopen the file for read or read/write access. |
0034 | JRWFileRdOnly A call tried to write to a file opened as read-only. Action: Reopen the file for write or read/write access. |
0036 | JRNegFileDes A negative file descriptor was requested. Action: Reissue the request with a nonnegative file descriptor. |
0037 | JRFileDesNotInUse The requested file descriptor is not in use. Action: Reissue the request with an open file descriptor. |
0038 | JRMkDirExist The requested file directory already exists. Action: A directory by this name exists. The MKDIR request cannot be processed. Correct the name and retry the operation. |
0039 | JRPathTooLong The pathname is too long. Action: The pathname was found to be larger than PATH_MAX (1023). Either the name specified was too long, or the name generated as a result of using symbolic links was too long. Correct the name and retry the operation. |
003A | JRNullInPath The pathname or file name contains a null. Action: Check the pathname specified to find and remove the embedded null. If the request was for a symbolic link, there must be no nulls within the contents of the symbolic link. |
003B | JRNotSysRoot A relative pathname is allowed only for processes. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
003C | JRCompNotDir A node in the pathname is not a directory. Action: One of the components of the pathname was found to not be a directory. All but the final component of the name must be directories. Correct the pathname and retry the operation. |
003D | JRDirNotFound A directory in the pathname was not found. Action: One of the directories specified was not found. Verify that the name specified is spelled correctly. |
003E | JRCompNameTooLong A component in the pathname was too long. Action: One of the components of the pathname was found to be larger than NAME_MAX (255). Correct the pathname and retry the operation. |
003F | JRInvOpenFlags The open call detected incorrect open flags. Action: The OPEN request cannot be processed. Correct the open flags and retry the operation. |
0041 | JRTrNotRegFile Truncate is valid only on a regular file. Action: In order to truncate a file, you must specify the File_descriptor or pathname for a file, not for a directory, a FIFO, or a socket. |
0042 | JRClNeedClose The closedir call was for a file that was opened with the open call. Action: Retry the request, using CLOSE. |
0043 | JRPfsDead The file system owning the file is no longer active. Action: Retry the request with a file from another file system. If that is not possible, then re-ipl or use SETOMVS RESET= to reactivate the file system. |
0044 | JRMkDir The mkdir service is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0045 | JRClose The vnode operation CLOSE is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0046 | JRRdwr Vnode operation RDWR is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0047 | JRLookup Lookup is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0048 | JRForkChildErr The fork child process returned an error code. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0049 | JRVnodGet A cell pool get for a vnode failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
004A | JRAppcCheckState An APPC/MVS receive error occurred while the APPC/MVS status was being checked. Action: An error occurred in fork during the APPC Receive_and_Wait call, which was issued after
all the data had been received but before permission to send had been granted by APPC. The error may
be caused by one or more of the following reasons:
Ask the operator to:
If the problem cannot be resolved by the operator, contact the system programmer. |
004B | JROpen The open service is not supported because the file system is not locally mounted. Action: Correct the owning system of the file system. |
004C | JRCreate The create service is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
004D | JRNoPath The path length is not greater than 0. Action: There must be a positive length passed for the pathname length. |
004E | JRNotActive The OpenMVS kernel is not active. Action: Correct the problem that caused OpenMVS to not start and re-ipl the system to get it started. |
004F | JRChdNotDir The chdir, fchdir, or chroot service is valid only for directory files. Action: Reissue the service specifying a directory file. |
0050 | JRChdNoEnt The chdir or chroot service was invoked with the name of a nonexisting file. Action: Reissue the service, specifying the name of an existing directory file. |
0051 | JRInvalidName File system name characters must be greater than 40 (hex) and less than FF (hex). Action: Reissue the request specifying a file system name that is made up of printable characters. |
0055 | JRMkDirROnly The directory cannot be created in a read-only file system. Action: The file system was mounted read-only. The mkdir service request cannot be processed. |
0056 | JRLnkDir Hard links cannot be made to directory files. Action: Use the symlink service to create a symbolic link to the desired directory. |
0057 | JRLskOnPipe The lseek service cannot be performed on a pipe or socket. Action: The lseek service must be performed on either a regular file or a directory. |
0058 | JRLskOffsetIsInvalid The offset given for lseek service is incorrect. Action: The final cursor value on an lseek call cannot be a negative number. The offset must
be nonnegative if the Reference_point specified |
0059 | JRLskWhenceIsInvalid The whence given for the lseek service is incorrect. Action: The lseek operation can specify a Reference_point of either |
005A | JRFSNotStart The file system specified was not started. Action: The File_system_type specified must match one of the FILESYSTYPE statements in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member. |
005B | JRIsMounted The file system is already mounted. Action: Issue D OMVS,F to review the locally mounted file system. If the file system is not found and this is a shared file system configuration, issue F BPXOINIT,FILESYS=DISPLAY,ALL to determine if the file system is mounted in the shared hierarchy. If the file system must be mounted on the specified mountpoint, first unmount it, and then reissue the request. |
005C | JRMountPt A problem was found with the mount point specified. Action: The problem found depends on the return code received with this reason code.
005D | JRUnlNoEnt The file to be unlinked does not exist. Action: The file has either already been unlinked, or it never existed. Verify that the pathname was correct. |
005E | JRUnlDir The unlink service was requested on a directory file. Action: To remove a directory use the rmdir service. |
005F | JROutOfOfteCells The system was unable to obtain a cell from the OFTE cell pool. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0060 | JRReadOnlyFileSetWriteReq An open request for write was entered for a file system that was mounted read-only. Action: The open service request cannot be processed. Mount the file system for read/write access and reissue the open request. |
0061 | JRReadOnlyFileSetCreatReq A file cannot be created in a read-only file system. Action: The file system was mounted read-only. The open create service request cannot be processed. |
0062 | JRNoFileNoCreatFlag A service tried to open a nonexistent file without O_CREAT. Action: The open service request cannot be processed. Correct the name or the open flags and retry the operation. |
0063 | JRFileExistsExclFlagSet The file exists, but O_EXCL is specified on the open call. Action: The open service request cannot be processed. Correct the name or the open flags and retry the operation. |
0064 | JRDirWriteRequest The service tried to open a directory for write access. Action: The open service request cannot be processed. Correct the name or the open flags and retry the operation. |
0065 | JROpenFlagConflict The call tried to open a file with O_RDONLY and O_TRUNC specified. Action: The open service request cannot be processed. Correct the open flags and retry the operation. |
0067 | JRParmTooLong On the mount, a parameter field longer than 1024 was specified. Action: Specify a parameter length less than 500 bytes. |
0068 | JRRemove Vn_Remove is not supported by the physical file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0069 | JRBothMode On the mount service, both read and read/write were specified. Action: The Mount_mode on a mount service cannot specify both read/write and read-only. |
006A | JRNeitherMode On the mount service, neither read nor read/write were specified. Action: The Mount_mode on a mount service must specify either read/write or read-only. |
006B | JRBuffTooSmall The buffer for return information is too small. Action: The length of the buffer specified on the service was not large enough to contain the data to be returned. |
006C | JRFileNotThere The requested file does not exist. Action: The service cannot be performed unless the named file exists. |
006D | JRReadDir The readdir service vnode operation is not supported. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
006E | JRGetAttr GetAttr is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
006F | JROutOfVFSCells The system is unable to obtain a cell from the VFS cell pool. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0070 | JRRddFileNotDir The readdir service request was on a file that was not opened as a directory. Action: Use the opendir service to open the directory. |
0071 | JRTargetNotDir The opendir service did not specify a directory. Action: The opendir service request cannot be processed. Correct the name and retry the operation. |
0072 | JROpenDirNotFound The directory specified on the opendir service did not exist. Action: The opendir service request cannot be processed. Correct the name and retry the operation. |
0073 | JRNotPRB The current request block is not a program request block. Action: Issue the service from a program request block (PRB). |
0075 | JRSpFileExists The file specified on the mknod service already existed. Action: A file by this name exists. The mknod service request cannot be processed. Correct the name and retry the operation. |
0076 | JRReadOnlyFileSetMknodReq A special file cannot be created on a read-only file system. Action: Specify another file system or unmount and then remount the current file system. |
0077 | JRRmDir The rmdir service vnode operation is not supported. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0078 | JRPathNotDir The pathname does not specify a directory. Action: The service requested requires a directory, but the pathname passed is not for a directory. |
0079 | JRReadOnlyFS This operation does not work on a read-only file system. Action: The service was requested for a file system that was mounted read-only. The service requires that the file system be mounted read/write. |
007A | JRDirInUse The requested directory is in use. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
007B | JRDiffFileSets The rename service is not supported across file systems. Action: The rename service cannot be performed across file systems. Rename the file, specifying a new name within the same file system. |
007C | JRNewNotDir The new name specified on the rename service is not a directory. Action: If a directory is to be renamed to an existing filename, that filename must refer to a directory file. |
007D | JRNewIsDir The new name specified on the rename service is a directory. Action: If a nondirectory is to be renamed to an existing filename, that filename must not refer to a directory file. |
007E | JROldNoExist The old name specified on the rename service does not exist. Action: The file to be renamed does not exist. Reissue the request with an existing filename. |
007F | JRIsFSRoot The name specified is in use as a file system root. Action: The function cannot be performed on the root of the file system. Unmount drain is not permitted for root. |
0080 | JRRename The rename service vnode operation is not supported. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0081 | JRTermReq The termination request does not point to PPRP or PPRT. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0082 | JRDotOrDotDot The requested function cannot be performed against dot (.) or dot-dot (..). Action: Neither dot (.) nor dot-dot (..) can be specified for this operation. |
0083 | JRKernelDown The kernel has ended during this service. Action: OpenMVS ended during this service. Ask the operator to enter the command to start OpenMVS. Then reissue the failing service. |
0084 | JRInternalError An internal error was detected. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0086 | JRBadEntryCode An incorrect entry code was specified on this request. Action: A command code or entry code specified on the request is not correct. Reissue the command using a valid command code. |
0088 | JRFdAllocErr An error occurred while trying to allocate a file descriptor page. Action: Close any file descriptors that are no longer needed. |
008A | JRBytes2RWZero The number of bytes requested to read or write is negative. Action: Specify a positive number for the number of bytes to be read or written. |
008B | JRRwdFileNotDir The rewinddir service was on a file that is not a directory. Action: The rewinddir service requires that the file descriptor passed on input refer to a directory. |
008C | JRRootNode The requested operation cannot be done on a root. Action: The function was requested for a file system root, but it cannot be done on a root. |
008D | JRInvalidSignal A signal number specified is incorrect. Action: Reissue the request with a valid signal number. |
008E | JRInvalidSigAct The action is incorrect for the specified signal. Action: Reissue the request with a valid signal action. |
008F | JRInvalidSigHow The how operand specified is incorrect. Action: Reissue the request with a valid how operand. |
0090 | JRNotForDir The system cannot perform the requested function on a directory. Action: The problem could be:
0091 | JROldPartOfNew The old name specified on the rename service is part of the new name. Action: Reissue the rename request, specifying a new name that does not contain the old name. |
0092 | JRParmBadSyntax A parmlib parameter has a syntax error. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0093 | JRParmLibIOError An I/O error occurred in reading parmlib. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0094 | JRParmLibOpenFailure A parmlib data set cannot be opened. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0095 | JRParmLibNotFound A parmlib member could not be found. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0096 | JRParmLibBadData A parmlib member contains incorrect data. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0097 | JRParmLibNoAccess A parmlib data set cannot be accessed at this time. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0098 | JRParmBufNoStorage Storage could not be obtained for the parameter buffer. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
009A | JRPgserError The page service (PGSER) failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
009C | JRTrOpenedRO The ftruncate service was for a file opened in read-only mode. Action: In order to be able to truncate a file, open it for write. |
009D | JRTrMountedRO The ftruncate service was for a file on a file system mounted in read-only mode. Action: In order to truncate a file, it must not be on a file system that has been mounted in read-only mode. |
009F | JRTrNegOffset A negative offset was given to a file truncate service. Action: To truncate a file, specify a nonnegative File_length. |
00A0 | JROutOfLocks The file system has run out of locks. Action: When a file system lock was requested, there were no more left in the system. Try again later. |
00A1 | JRMount The mount service VFS operation is not supported. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
00A2 | JRUMount The unmount service VFS operation is not supported. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
00A3 | JRSync The Sync VFS operation is not supported. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
00A4 | JRRoot The Root VFS operation is not supported. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
00A5 | JRStatFS The StatFS VFS operation is not supported. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
00A6 | JRFID The Get Fid VFS operation is not supported. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
00A7 | JRVget The VGet VFS operation is not supported. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
00A8 | JRInvalidVnode The vnode returned is not valid. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
00A9 | JRInvalidParms An incorrect combination of parameters was specified. Action: The actual problem depends on the service.
00AA | JRFsParentFs The file system has file systems mounted on it. Action: An unmount request can be honored only if there are no file systems mounted anywhere on the requested file system. Use the F BPXOINIT,FILESYS=DISPLAY,ALL command for a shared file system configuration or the D OMVS,FILE command for a non-shared file system configuration to determine which file systems are mounted on the requested file system. Unmount them before retrying this request. Also check the system log for message BPXF271I, which will identify the first mounted file system found. |
00AB | JRFsUnmountInProgress An unmount service is already in progress. Action: The file system named is being unmounted. |
00AC | JRFsMustReset An unmount service must specify reset when already unmounting. Action: In order to unmount immediately, the previous unmount with drain must be reset. |
00AD | JRFsForceUmount Reset fails when the file system is forced to unmount. Action: A reset unmount request will reset only a file system that was unmounting with the drain option. |
00AE | JRAudit The audit vnode operation is not supported. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
00AF | JRLockErr The file system had a lock error. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
00B0 | JRUserNotPrivileged The requester of the service is not privileged. Action: The service requested required a privileged user. Check the documentation for the service to understand what privilege is required. |
00B1 | JRUnexpectedError An unexpected return value was received. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
00B2 | JRMustUmountImmed An immediate unmount must precede a forced unmount. Action: Try an immediate unmount before forcing an unmount. A forced unmount can cause data to be lost. |
00B3 | JRNotQuiesced A quiesce service must precede an unquiesce. Action: An unquiesce request was received for a file system that was not previously quiesced. |
00B4 | JRQuiesced There was a previous quiesce request. Action: The file system required for the current function has been quiesced. After the file system has been unquiesced, retry this service. |
00B5 | JRInvalidRequester The requester of the function cannot make the request. Action: The same process that issued the quiesce must also issue the unquiesce, unless force is specified in the Unquiesce_Parms. |
00B6 | JRPfsSuspend The PFS is waiting to restart. Action: If there is a WTOR prompt on the operator console the PFS will be restarted when the reply is issued. Otherwise, the PFS will be restarted by its own procedures. Close and reopen the socket or file descriptor and retry the request again after the PFS is active. This value may also be returned if there is a configuration problem and the address space is not connected to the proper PFS. |
00B7 | JRPfsAbend The physical file system abended. Action: The file system owning the file abended on the last request. Report this to support personnel. Try the request again, or try it with a file on another system. |
00B8 | JRNoStorage Insufficient storage to copy user parameters. Action: Storage cannot be obtained to make a copy of the passed user parameters. This can be
caused by one of the following conditions:
Check for incorrect input parameters passed to the service. If the parameters are correct, consider increasing the user REGION size. |
00B9 | JRActiveProcess Multiple processes in the address space prevent the termination of the job step process. Action: The BPX1MPC service was called from the job step thread while other processes were active in the address space. The request could not be satisified. The caller should end or clean up all other processes in this address space prior to calling BPX1MPC from the job step thread. |
00BA | JRPfsctl The Pfsctl operation is not supported. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
00BB | JRPfsInitFailed The file system did not initialize. Action: Determine why the PFS was unable to initialize and then restart it. |
00BC | JRSpawnNoCommonStg Spawn cannot be completed because not enough common storage is available to complete the request. Action: The system is probably experiencing a common storage shortage and the request cannot be satisfied until the shortage is corrected. |
00BD | JRSpawnArgsTooBig Spawn cannot be completed because the total length of arguments specified by the caller exceeds the system imposed limit of 1&finespace;000&finespace;000 bytes. Action: The spawn service detected that the length of the argument lists specified by the caller is larger than the system-imposed maximum of 1&finespace;000&finespace;000 bytes. Correct the argument length and resubmit the job. |
00BE | JRFuncUndefined The oe_env_np (BPX1ENV) service cannot be completed because the Function_code specified is undefined. Action: Reissue the service with a defined Function_code. |
00BF | JRBadArgCount The oe_env_np (BPX1ENV) service cannot be completed because the number of input or output arguments are incorrect for the Function_code specified. Action: Reissue the service with the correct number of input and output arguments appropriate for the Function_code. |
00C0 | JRBadInputValue The oe_env_np (BPX1ENV) service cannot be completed because an input argument contained an undefined value. Action: Reissue the service with input value(s) defined for the specified Function_code. |
00C1 | JRNoUserExit A pthread_quiesce (BPX1PTQ) service FREEZE_EXIT request cannot complete because no user exit has been registered with the oe_env_np (BPX1ENV) service. Action: Use the oe_env_np (BPX1ENV) service, function code of Freeze_Exit to register a user exit, before using the pthread_quiesce service with a quiesce type of FREEZE_EXIT. |
00C2 | JRProcessNotFrozen A pthread_quiesce (BPX1PTQ) service FREEZE_EXIT request cannot complete because the process is not frozen. Action: Use the pthread_quiesce service with a quiesce type of Freeze before using the pthread_quiesce service with a quiesce type of FREEZE_EXIT. |
00C3 | JRFreezeExitTooSlow A pthread_quiesce (BPX1PTQ) service FREEZE_EXIT request cannot complete because user exits did not return in the expected time. Action: Examine the user exits to determine why they might hang. The user exits should not be issuing any syscalls or waits. |
00C4 | JRResrPortSpecified During a Socket Bind request, a Reserved Port was incorrectly specified. Action: Change the port requested in the Socket Bind request to a non-reserved port. The reserved ports are found in the NETWORK parmlib statement in the BPXPRMxx member. |
00C5 | JRResrPortNotAvail All port zero, INADDR_ANY, reserved ports are in use. Action: The system programmer must increase the number of ports that are available by specifying a larger number on the INADDRANYCOUNT parameter of the NETWORK parmlib statement in the BPXPRMxx member, and the appropriate parameter for each Transport Provider. An ipl will be required. |
00C6 | JRResrPortUsed A sockets port assignment conflict exists between OMVS and a Transport Provider. Action: The system programmer must make sure the same port numbers specified with the INADDRANYPORT and INADDRANYCOUNT parameters on the NETWORK parmlib statement in the BPXPRMxx member match the port numbers specified on the Transport Providers connected to OMVS. An IPL is required if any changes are made. |
00C7 | JRTLSRequestInvalid An invalid request has been passed for task level security. Action: The value passed must be either TLS_CREATE_THREAD_SEC# or TLS_DELETE_THREAD_SEC# as defined in BPXYCONS. |
00C8 | JRNoReservedPorts A bind() syscall that specified port number zero and IP address INADDR_ANY, failed because no ports were reserved. Action: Use the INADDRANYPORT and INADDRANYCOUNT parameters on the NETWORK parmlib statement to reserve these ports. An ipl is required if any changes were made. |
00C9 | JRTLSIDTypeInvalid An invalid ID type has been passed for task level security. Action: The value passed must indicate a valid ID type as defined in BPXYCONS. |
00CA | JRTLSIDLengthInvalid An invalid ID length has been passed for task level security. Action: The value passed must be in a range appropriate for the field type. |
00CB | JRTLSAddressLengthInvalid An invalid address length has been passed for task level security. Action: The value passed must be in a range appropriate for the field type. |
00CC | JRTLSCallerIsIPT The calling task is IPT. Action: The task level security request is ignored. |
00CD | JRTLSNotDoneByOE Task level security already exists, but it was not created by a previous call to pthread_security_np. Action: The task level security request is ignored. |
00CE | JRNoPtraceTaskSec Ptrace is active in the caller’s address space, task level security not allowed concurrently with Ptrace. Action: The caller requested to create or delete task level security. |
00CF | JRSAFResourceUndefined The resource specified by the caller is not defined to RACF. Action: Define the specified resource to RACF or correct the resource name and retry. |
00D0 | JRSAFParmListErr A SAF service was unsuccessful because an error was detected by SAF in the parameter list. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
00D1 | JRSAFNoUUIDtoUser No mapping to a RACF userid exists for the DCE UUID specified. Action: Define the DCE UUID to RACF and retry the service. |
00D2 | JRSAFNoUsertoUUID No mapping to a DCE UUID exists for the RACF Userid specified. Action: Define a DCE UUID for the RACF Userid and retry the service. |
00D3 | JRSAFNoDCEClass The RACF DCEUUIDS class is not active. Action: Activate the DCEUUIDS class via the RACF SETROPTS command. |
00D4 | JRSAFNoCellUUID The local cell UUID could not be determined for this RACF userid to DCE UUID conversion request. Action: Define a local cell UUID for the specified RACF userid. |
00D5 | JRClassLenErr The length of the RACF class name is outside of the allowable range of 1 to 8. Action: Correct the class name length and retry. |
00D6 | JREntityLenErr The length of the RACF entity name is outside of the allowable range of 1 to 246. Action: Correct the entity name length and retry. |
00D7 | JRAccessUndefined The access type specified is undefined. Action: Correct the access type and retry. |
00D8 | JRNotServerAuthorized The calling address space is not permitted to the BPX.SERVER Facility class or the BPX.SERVER Facility class is undefined and caller not a superuser (UID=0). Action: Permit the caller's process to the BPX.SERVER Facility class or make the caller a superuser (UID=0). |
00D9 | JRNoResourceAccess The user specified by the caller does not have the access specified to the resource. Action: If the user requires access to the resource, have an authorized user grant the user access permission. |
00DA | JRSurrogateUndefined The RACF SURROGAT class has not been activated or no SURROGAT class profile has been defined for the client. Action: Activate the RACF SURROGAT class and perform the necessary RACF definitions for non-password clients. See |
00DB | JRNoSurrogatePerm The server is not permitted to the SURROGAT class profile defined for the client. Action: Permit the server to the SURROGAT class profile defined for the client. See z/OS UNIX System Services Planning for details. |
00DC | JRSAFNotAuthorized The calling address space is not authorized to use this service. Action: Read the documentation for this service and note its authorization requirements. The
action depends on which of the following services was invoked:
00DD | JRNoBufStorage Storage could not be obtained for I/O buffers. Action: Allocate more storage to the operation |
00F6 | JRNoVsmList Fork cannot be completed because the parent process ended prematurely. Action: Correct the condition that caused the parent process to terminate and retry the fork. |
00F7 | JRForkNoResource Fork cannot be processed for lack of resource. Action: The fork service was unable to create the child process due to a lack of system resources. The most likely cause is the lack of auxiliary, pageable, or virtual storage. The syslog can be searched for messages reflecting these specific conditions, including messages IRA100E IRA200E IRA400E or IEA602I. |
00F8 | JRSWAREQ The SWAREQ macro failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
00F9 | JRSAFNoUser The user ID is not defined to the security product. Action: Define the user ID to the security product. |
00FA | JRSAFGroupNoOMVS The current group does not have a GID defined in the OMVS segment. Action: Create an OMVS segment with a GID. |
00FB | JRSAFUserNoOMVS The user ID is not authorized to use OMVS. Action: Create an OMVS segment with a UID. |
00FC | JRSAFNoUID The user ID has no UID. Action: Create an OMVS segment with a UID. |
00FD | JRSAFNoGID The user ID is in a group that has no GID. Action: Create an OMVS segment and assign a GID to the group. |
00FE | JRSAFInternal An internal error occurred in the security product. Action: Follow local procedures for reporting internal errors in the security product. |
00FF | JRStatusPosted A request was received to dub a thread for a process that is stopped or has ended. Action: Return to the operating system and allow the process to be cleaned up. |
0100 | JRTrunc Vnode operation trunc is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0101 | JRFsync Vnode operation fsync is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0102 | JRSetAttr Vnode operation setattr is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0103 | JRSymFileAlreadyExists The file requested for creation as a symbolic link already exists. Action: The link name specified on a symlink service request is an existing filename. Reissue the request specifying a link name that does not already exist. |
0104 | JRSymlink The symbolic link vnode operation is not supported. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0105 | JRFileNotSymLink The file requested for readlink service is not a symbolic link. Action: Reissue the readlink service request specifying a symbolic link. |
0106 | JRReadlink The readlink vnode operation is not supported. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0107 | JRMknodInvalidType The mknod service invoked with incorrect file type parameter. Action: The type specified in the mknod service is not supported. The service cannot be processed. The mknod service accepts only FT_CHARSPEC and FT_FIFO. See BPXYFTYP. Correct the type parameter and retry the operation. |
0108 | JREndingSlashMknod The pathname ended with a slash on the mknod service. Action: The pathname specified for a mknod service request ended with a slash. The service request cannot be processed. Correct the name and retry the operation. |
0109 | JREndingSlashOCreat The pathname in the open service, with the O_CREAT option, ended with slash. Action: The open service request cannot be processed. Correct the name and retry the operation. |
010A | JRLnkNoEnt The service tried to link to nonexistent file. Action: Use the open service to create the file, or reissue the request specifying an existing filename. |
010B | JRLnkNewPathExists The service tried to add a link whose name already exists. Action: Reissue the request, specifying a new pathname that does not already exist. |
010C | JRLnkAcrossFilesets The service tried to link across file systems. Action: Reissue the request, specifying a new pathname that is within the same file system as the existing pathname. |
010D | JRLnkROFileset The service tried to add a directory entry on a read-only file system. Action: To create a link to the existing pathname, the file system must be mounted in read/write mode. |
010E | JRLink Vn_Link is not supported by this physical file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
010F | JRExecNmLenZero The length of the executable name passed was zero. Action: The parameter specifying the length of the program name to be run contained zero. Correct the program name length and resubmit the job. |
0111 | JRParmlibSuffixTooLong The parmlib member name suffix is more than two characters. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0112 | JRFsFailStorage Dub or fork failed due to unavailable file system storage. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0113 | JRFsFailQuiesce Dub or fork cannot complete, because the working directory is unmounted. Action: The initial working directory exists in a file system that is being quiesced in preparation for being unmounted. Select another initial working directory, or reissue the request after the file system has been mounted again. |
0114 | JRNotPermitted You are not permitted to signal to the specified process ID (PID). Action: Reissue the request specifying a PID that you are authorized to send a signal to, or reissue the request from a superuser ID. |
0115 | JRBuffLenInvalid The length of the buffer is less than or equal to zero or less than a minimum length. Action: The buffer length specified for this request was a negative number, zero, or less than a minimum length. Retry the request specifying a valid buffer length parameter. |
0117 | JRNotRegistered The call is not registered for signals. Action: Reissue the request after registering the task for signals with the BPX1MSS service. |
0119 | JRNotSupportedForFileType The requested service is not supported for this file type. Action: Reissue the request, specifying a file of the correct type for the request. |
011A | JRInvalidSymLinkLen The contents specified for the symbolic link has an incorrect length. Action: Reissue the symlink request specifying a path length greater than zero, but less than or equal to 1023. |
011B | JRInvalidSymLinkComp The contents specified for symbolic link has an incorrect component. Action: The contents of a symbolic link must consist of components whose length cannot exceed 255 characters. |
011C | JRFileNotOpen The file is not opened. Action: Reissue the request specifying an open file descriptor. |
011D | JRTooManySymlinks Too many symbolic links were encountered in the pathname. Action: While attempting to resolve the input pathname, more than 100 symbolic links were found. |
011E | JRMVSArgTooBig The execMVS argument string was too long. Action: The execMVS service detected that the length of the argument list specified by the caller is larger than the system-imposed maximum of 4096 bytes. Correct the argument length and resubmit the job. |
011F | JRExecNotRegFile The filename specified on the exec is not a regular file. Action: The exec service detected that the filename specified by the pathname argument is not a regular type file. Correct the pathname argument and resubmit the job. |
0120 | JRAppcErrRecvIncomp An APPC/MVS Receive_and_Wait error occurred. The data is incomplete. Action: An error occurred in fork during the APPC Receive_and_Wait call. Incomplete data was received. If the problem recurs, contact the system programmer. |
0121 | JRForkNoAccess The call tried an unauthorized access to a fork child transaction program. Action: The fork child process determined that the fork child transaction program has been invoked improperly, perhaps due to unauthorized access to the program. The transaction program name for fork child is 30F0F7F8 . |
0122 | JRInactive The vnode operation inactive is not supported by the file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0123 | JRInvalidMajorNumber Character special file system detected an incorrect device major number. Action: This character special file is not supported by any device drivers installed on this system. The request cannot be processed. Correct the pathname and retry the request. |
0124 | JROutofPnodeCells No pnode/pnwt cells are available. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0125 | JRRdandWRTforPipe The open call on a pipe was for read/write. Action: The request cannot be processed. Correct the open flags and retry the request. |
0126 | JRQueueManPutFailed The queue manager returned an incorrect return code. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0127 | JRQueueManGetFailed The queue manager returned an incorrect return code. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0128 | JROpenforWriteNoReaders Open for write was done before any open for read. Action: Open for write was requested while file flags indicated O_NONBLOCK and before any open for read. The request cannot be processed. An open for read request must precede an open for write request. |
0129 | JRNoReaders The service tried to write before any open for reads. Action: An open for read must be performed. |
012A | JRInvParmLength The parameter length is incorrect or negative. Action: Check for incorrect input parameters passed to the service. One of the following
conditions may have occurred:
012B | JRForkAbend The program abended in the fork module. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
012C | JRForkExitAbend An abend occurred in a fork exit. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
012D | JRSyscallAbend An abend occurred in a system call. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
012E | JRBadAddress An incorrect address was encountered when the system tried to access data. Action: An error occurred while the system was accessing the user data. Check for incorrect input parameters passed to the system call. |
012F | JRL16Jump An unexpected error occurred in load 16 and jump. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0130 | JRSigDuringWait A signal occurred during a wait. Action: While the service was waiting, a signal was received to interrupt it. |
0131 | JRQueueManOpenFailed The queue manager was unable to create a queue. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0132 | JRQueueManCloseFailed The queue manager returned a nonzero return code on a close service. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0133 | JRRdnorWRTforPipe The open service on a pipe was for neither read nor write. Action: The request cannot be processed. Correct the open flags and retry the service. |
0134 | JROutofVnodeCells No vnode cells are available. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0135 | JRNoData There is no data in this pipe. Action: Try this service again later. |
0136 | JRUserNotAuthorized The user is not authorized for the requested file descriptor. Action: When the specified file descriptor was opened, the user was executing in an authorized state. However, the user is now no longer authorized to use this file descriptor. Reissue the request, specifying a file descriptor to which the user has authority. |
0138 | JRFileIsBlocked The file is blocked. Action: The request cannot be processed. Try again later. |
0139 | JRIoctl The ioctl service is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
013A | JRInvalidPid The process ID (PID) was not found, so the signal was not sent. Action: The target PID was either ended, or it never existed. Retry the function with an existing PID. |
013B | JRVfsIoctl The Vfsioctl service is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
013C | JRInvRbState Callable services cannot be nested. Action: The system detected a nested callable service. That is, a request block (RB) issued a callable service and was interrupted by an interrupt request block (IRB) in an STIMER exit. Any additional callable services that the RB tries to issue are detected and flagged as errors. Correct the problem and resubmit the job. This error might also be caused by repeated abends from recovery processing. If z/OS UNIX cannot successfully clean up resources, no further syscalls will be allowed on the task. |
013D | JRWrongInstance The process is not known to current kernel instance. Action: The kernel was refreshed. That is, OpenMVS has been stopped and restarted. Either issue a call to BPX1MPC (the MVS™ process cleanup) to clean up the process before issuing another service request, or end the job. |
013E | JRVfsInact The InAct VFS operation is not supported. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
013F | JRInvTermStat An incorrect process termination status was passed to BPX1MPC. Action: Structure BPXYWAST describes the valid terminating status. |
0140 | JRActiveThreads The process could not be terminated because there are multiple threads still running in the process. Action: The BPX1MPC service was called from the initial thread while other threads were active in the process. The request could not be satisfied. The caller should end or clean up all other threads before calling BPX1MPC from the initial thread. |
0141 | JRBadExitStatusAddr An incorrect exit status address was passed to the wait call. Action: Reissue the call to the wait service (BPX1WAT) with an exit status return area address that is accessible to the caller. |
0142 | JRWaitError An unexpected error occurred in the wait service. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0143 | JRProcessEnding The current process is ending. Action: New services cannot be issued until this termination is complete. |
0144 | JRSignalsNotBlocked The service did not complete because signals are not blocked. Action: This service can be run only if all signals are blocked. |
0145 | JRFdTooBig The requested file descriptor exceeds the Open_max limit. Action: Reissue the request, specifying a file descriptor that does not exceed the Open_max limit. |
0146 | JROpenMax The maximum number of open files for this process was reached. Action: Close any file descriptors that are no longer needed. |
0147 | JRBadUidtSlot The slot passed to BPXPRCHK is not a valid index for the UIDT table. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0148 | JRResMgr The RESMGR macro returned a negative status. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0149 | JRIOBufLengthInvalid The input argument buffer length was incorrect. Action: The argument length specified for this request was either a negative number, or was greater than 51200. Reissue the request and specify a valid argument length parameter. |
014A | JRInvalidAmode An incorrect access mode was specified on the access service. Action: The access mode specified on the access service has unsupported bits turned on. Reissue the request and specify a valid access mode. |
014B | JRAccess The access vnode operation is not supported. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
014C | JRUIDchanged The slot passed to BPXPRCHK is not valid for the UID specified. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
014D | JRFsFailChdir The dub failed, due to an error with the initial home directory. Action: There is a problem with the initial home directory. Verify that the initial home directory exists and that the user has authorization to it. |
014E | JRFsFailLock The dub failed, due to an error getting necessary file system locks. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
014F | JRUpdateUidtFailure The update to UIDT in BPXPRCHK failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0150 | JRBadAuditOption An incorrect option code was specified for the chaudit service. Action: Reissue the request and specify a valid audit option code. |
0151 | JRExecFileTooBig The size of the specified file exceeds the private region of the caller. Action: The exec service detected that the size of the executable to be run exceeds the size of the caller's private region. |
0152 | JRInvalidCursor The cursor value passed to the w_getmntent call is incorrect. Action: Before the first call to w_getmntent, the header area of the buffer must be zero, and the contents of the header area should not be modified by the caller between calls to this callable service. |
0153 | JRPtySlaveOpened The open of the master pseudo-TTY failed, because the associated slave pseudo-TTY is still open. Action: This may be a common system condition. One or more processes from a previous pseudo-TTY connection are processing and using the slave pseudo-TTY file. When all the processes close, the master-slave pseudo-TTY pair is again available for use. Choose another pair of pseudo-TTY files. Alternatively, kill all the processes that are using the slave pseudo-TTY file and reattempt the open service. |
0154 | JRPtyMinorInvalid The device minor number is larger than the MAXPTYS parameter in the BPXPRMxx member. Action: Contact the system programmer or system administrator to either redefine the master and slave pseudo-TTY file pair to have a device minor number less than or equal to the MAXPTYS parameter of the BPXPRMxx parmlib member, or increase the value for MAXPTYS. |
0155 | JRPtyAlreadyActive The device minor number is already active. Action: This may be a common system condition. This error generally indicates that the master pseudo-TTY file specified is in use by another process. Choose another master pseudo-TTY file. |
0156 | JRSignalReceived The call was interrupted by a signal. Action: A signal was received while this callable service was blocked. Retry the service if appropriate. |
0157 | JRPtyDifferentUID The process UID is different from the UID of the process that opened the master pseudo-TTY. Action: The UID of the first process that opens the slave pseudo-TTY file must be the same as the effective UID of the process that opened the corresponding master pseudo-TTY file. Recode the application so the open of the slave pseudo-TTY file occurs from a process having the same effective UID as the process that opens the corresponding master pseudo-TTY file. |
0158 | JRPtyMasterClosed There is no corresponding master pseudo-TTY file open. Action: The application should be coded so the master pseudo-TTY is opened prior to the corresponding slave pseudo-TTY file. .sp This may also be a result of a temporary system condition: A pseudo-TTY connection was established, and a slave pseudo-TTY open occurred after the pseudo-TTY connection was severed (due to the master pseudo-TTY file being closed). In this case, all file descriptors associated with the slave pseudo-TTY must be closed before the master-slave pseudo-TTY files for this device minor number can be reused. |
0159 | JRPtyDifferentFile A slave pseudo-TTY file for this minor number with a different filename is already open. Action: Only one slave pseudo-TTY file should be defined for this device minor number. Contact the system administrator or system programmer to correct the definition of this file. |
015B | JRPtySlaveNotInit The slave pseudo-TTY support did not complete successfully. Action: Contact the system administrator or system programmer to determine why the slave pseudo-TTY support did not initialize correctly. |
015C | JRPtyInputStopped The nonblocked write failed, because input is stopped. Action: Input has been stopped by a tcflow service. Issue a tcflow to start input back up and reissue the read. |
015E | JREOFAlreadySent The write to the master pseudo-TTY failed, because all slaves are closed and HUPCL was set. Action: An attempt was made to send some data on the master after all slave file descriptors were closed and HUPCL set. |
0160 | JRPtyOrphanedWrite The write service is processing in a background, orphaned process group. Action: This condition most likely occurs when a process that is forked from the session leader (generally the shell) attempts to write to the pseudo-TTY device after the session leader process has ended. The process cannot read from or write to the terminal once the session leader process ends. This pseudo-TTY session is no longer usable. Restart the application from another session. |
0161 | JRPtyOutputStopped Write cannot be processed, because output has stopped. Action: Output was stopped by a tcflow service or entry of the STOP character. Issue a tcflow or enter a START character to start output back up and reenter the read. |
0163 | JRPtyNoData Data or room is not available on the queue. Action: For input, no data is available on the queue. For output, no room is available on the queue. For writes to a master pseudo-TTY, this includes the case of a full output queue when echoing is active. Reissue the request again later. |
0164 | JRPtyOrphanedRead The read service is processing in a background, orphaned process group. Action: This condition most likely occurs when a process that is forked from the session leader (generally the shell) attempts to read from the pseudo-TTY device after the session leader process has ended. The process cannot read from or write to the terminal once the session leader process ends. Reissue this command or restart the application from another session. |
0165 | JRPtySIGTTINBlocked The process is in a background process group and SIGTTIN is blocked or ignored. Action: If the SIGTTIN signal is either blocked or ignored, the read service can be issued only from a process that is running in a foreground process group. |
0166 | JRPtyNoBufStorage Storage is not available for pseudo-TTY buffers. Action: Retry the open request. If this condition persists, contact the system programmer. |
0167 | JRFuncNotSupported The function is not supported by device driver. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0168 | JRConv2TicksFailed The time value is too large to convert to ticks. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0169 | JRPtAttemptedCRStore Ptrace attempted to store into a control register. Action: A debugger program tried to store into a control register using ptrace. The debugger program can read but not write to the control registers. |
016A | JRPtAttemptedPSW0Store Ptrace attempted to store into the left half of PSW. Action: A debugger program tried to store into word 0 (left half) of the PSW using ptrace. Only word 1 (right half) of the PSW can be changed by debugger programs. |
016B | JRPtCellNotAvail There is not enough storage for ptrace. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
016C | JRPtDbdEqualsDbr The ptrace debugger process ID (PID) is the same as the debugged PID. Action: A debugger program tried to start a debugging session with its own process ID (PID) as the target. Debugger programs cannot debug themselves. |
016D | JRPtDbdParentTerm The ptrace debugged parent (debugger) ended. Action: An attempt was made to start a debugging session using ptrace in a process to be
debugged. There are two distinct cases:
In either case, the parent of the process trying to start the debugging session has ended. This means either the debugger program has ended, or the parent of the newly forked child process has ended. Restart the debugger program and reestablish the debugging session. |
016E | JRPtDbdPidNotFound The ptrace target debugged process ID (PID) is incorrect. Action: A debugger program issued a ptrace request, but the target process ID (PID) is not valid. If the ptrace request was to start a debugging session, ensure that the target PID is valid. If the debugging session was already established, the target process may have ended unexpectedly. Reestablish a debugging session with the target process. |
016F | JRPtDbrPidNotFound The ptrace debugger ended. Action: An attempt was made to use ptrace to start a debugging session, but the debugger program has ended and its process ID (PID) is no longer valid. Restart the debugger program and reestablish the debugging session. |
0170 | JRPtDbrZombie Ptrace debugger is ending. Action: An attempt was made to use ptrace to start a debugging session, but the debugger program is ending. Restart the debugger program and reestablish the debugging session. |
0171 | JRPtInvCallingMode The ptrace caller mode is incorrect. Action: A ptrace request has been issued by a caller running with a PSW key other than 8, but ptrace supports only key 8 callers. |
0172 | JRPtInvDbdAddress An incorrect address was supplied for the debugged process. Action: A debugger program has tried to read or write storage in a debugged process, but the supplied storage address is not valid. Ensure that a valid storage address or address range is supplied on the ptrace request. |
0173 | JRPtInvDbrAddress An incorrect address was supplied for the debugger process. Action: A debugger program has supplied a buffer in which debugged process information should be read into, or which is the source for information to be written to the debugged process. The buffer address is not valid. Ensure that a valid buffer address or address range is supplied on the ptrace request. |
0174 | JRPtInvFPRNumber The ptrace call has an incorrect floating point register number. Action: A debugger program has tried to read or write a floating point register, but supplied an invalid floating point register number. Ensure that a valid floating point register number is supplied on the ptrace request. The register numbers are defined in the BPXYPTRC macro. |
0175 | JRPtInvGPRNumber The ptrace call has an incorrect general register number. Action: A debugger program tried to read or write a general or machine control register, but supplied an incorrect register number. Ensure that a valid register number is supplied on the ptrace request. The register numbers are defined in the BPXYPTRC macro. |
0176 | JRPtInvLength The ptrace length is incorrect. Action: A debugger program supplied a buffer in which debugged process information should be read into, or which is the source for information to be written to the debugged process. The length associated with the buffer is too large. The maximum allowable length is defined in the BPXYPTRC macro. |
0177 | JRPtInvNumberThreads The ptrace target process has no threads. Action: A debugger program tried to start a debugging session with a process that contains no threads. Only dubbed processes can be debugged. |
0178 | JRPtInvPtraceState The ptrace mode of target process is incorrect. Action: An attempt was made to use ptrace to start a debugging session with a target process. The
ptrace mode (active or inactive) of the target process is inconsistent with the type of ptrace
initiation request. The following are possible causes:
If you were trying to attach or reattach to a process for debugging purposes, verify that you specified the correct process ID (PID). Otherwise, contact the system programmer to determine the problem with the target process. |
0179 | JRPtInvRequest The ptrace request was not valid. Action: A ptrace request was issued with a request type that is not valid. Reissue the ptrace request with a valid request type. |
017A | JRPtInvSignalNumber The ptrace service does not have a valid signal number. Action: A debugger program tried to continue or detach from a debugged process but has supplied an incorrect signal number. Ensure that a valid signal number is supplied on the ptrace request. The signal numbers are defined in the BPXYSIGH macro. |
017B | JRPtInvUareaOffset The ptrace service does not have a valid offset into the user area. Action: A debugger program tried to read the user area of a debugged process, but has supplied an incorrect user area offset. Ensure that a valid user area offset is supplied on the ptrace request. The user area offsets are defined in the BPXYPTRC macro. |
017C | JRPtOldDbrPidNotFound The ptrace original debugger ended. Action: A debugger program has tried to reattach to a debugged process to reestablish a debugging session. The previous (original) debugger program associated with the debugged process has ended. This could indicate that the new debugger program was attempting to reattach at the same time the original debugger program was ending. Restart the debugger programs to reestablish the desired debugging sessions. |
017D | JRPtStateError The ptrace service has detected an internal state error. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
017E | JRPtProcessNotPtraced The ptrace target process is not in ptrace mode. Action: A debugger program issued a ptrace request, but the target process is not being debugged. Reissue the ptrace request with the correct process ID (PID). |
017F | JRPtProcessNotStopped The ptrace target process was not stopped for ptrace. Action: A debugger program issued a ptrace request, but the target process is not currently in a stopped state. The ptrace service request can be issued only when the target process is in a stopped state. |
0180 | JRPtProcessTerm The ptrace target process ended. Action: A debugger program issued a ptrace request, but the target process has ended unexpectedly. Restart the debugger program and reestablish the debugging session. |
0181 | JRPtRecoveryEntered Ptrace error recovery was entered. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0182 | JRPtRestrictedProcess The ptrace target process is restricted from debugging. Action: A debugger program tried to initiate a debugging session with a process that is
restricted from being debugged. The following types of processes are restricted:
0183 | JRPtSigInterrupt The ptrace request was interrupted by a signal for the debugger. Action: A debugger program issued a ptrace request, but a signal that either is being caught by or would end the debugger program has interrupted the ptrace request. |
0184 | JRTIMUnexpectedErr An error occurred in the times call. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0185 | JRExecUnexpectedErr An error occurred in exec and execmvs services. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0186 | JRExecParmErr An error occurred when copying parameters passed to the exec service. Action: An error occurred while copying parameters specified by the caller of the exec service.
The probable causes are:
Correct any error conditions in the parameter data specified by the caller, and resubmit the job. |
0187 | JRChowntoPipe The fchown service was issued against a pipe. Action: This request cannot be performed against a pipe. Select a file descriptor that refers to a nonpipe file and reissue the request. |
0188 | JRChaudtoPipe The fchaudit service was issued against a pipe. Action: This request cannot be performed against a pipe. Select a file descriptor that refers to a nonpipe file and reissue the request. |
0189 | JRExecKernErr An error occurred in the exec call. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
018A | JRBadRBState The caller's request block state was incorrect. Action: A function was requested that requires the user to be running under the same request block that its thread was created under or from which it issued the signal setup service (BPX1MSS). The condition is probably the result of issuing a request block-sensitive service after a link was done. |
018B | JRSignalError A signal error occurred. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
018C | JRInvalidSigProc The mask address was incorrect. Action: The address of the signal mask passed to this function was not valid. Retry the function with a valid address pointing to the signal mask. |
018D | JRBadAlet An incorrect ALET was given as input. Action: Do not specify an ALET of 1. Do not specify an ALET of 0 unless the secondary and home address spaces are the same. |
018E | JRRMGUnexpectedErr An error occurred in the resource call. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
018F | JRQuiescing The call did not complete. The file system is not in an active state. This may be a temporary condition. One of the following conditions apply: (1) The file system is in the process of being unmounted or is unmounted. (2) An attempt to unmount the file system occurred, but failed. The file system is in the IMMEDIATE UNMOUNT ATTEMPTED state. (3) The file system is in the process of remounting. (4) The file system ownership is in the process of moving to another system. (5) The file system is NOT ACTIVE or UNOWNED. Action: Use the D OMVS,FILE,NAME= system command to determine the status of the file system.
Perform the following actions, depending on the file system state:
0190 | JRPtyInvalidAction The action code is incorrect. Action: An incorrect action code was specified. Correct the program and rerun. |
0191 | JRPtyInvalidCcflag The c_cflag bits are incorrect. Action: An undefined bit was set in the c_cflag field of the termios. The termios structure used in a tcsetattr request should be derived from an earlier tcgetattr request, and only defined bits in the c_cflag field should be altered. Correct the program and rerun. |
0192 | JRPtyInvalidClflag The c_lflag bits are incorrect. Action: An undefined bit was set in the c_lflag field of the termios. The termios structure used in a tcsetattr request should be derived from an earlier tcgetattr request, and only defined bits in the c_lflag field should be altered. Correct the program and rerun. |
0193 | JRPtyInvalidCiflag The c_iflag bits are incorrect. Action: An undefined bit was set in the c_iflag field of the termios. The termios structure used in a tcsetattr request should be derived from an earlier tcgetattr request, and only defined bits in the c_iflag field should be altered. Correct the program and rerun. |
0194 | JRPtyInvalidCoflag The c_oflag bits are incorrect. Action: An undefined bit was set in the c_oflag field of the termios. The termios structure used in a tcsetattr request should be derived from an earlier tcgetattr request, and only defined bits in the c_oflag field should be altered. Correct the program and rerun. |
0195 | JRPtyInvalidOutBaud The output baud rate is incorrect. Action: An incorrect output baud rate was set. The termios structure used in a tcsetattr request should be derived from an earlier tcgetattr request, and the output baud rate should only be set using the cfsetospeed function. Correct the program and rerun. |
0196 | JRPtyInvalidInBaud The input baud rate is incorrect. Action: An incorrect input baud rate was set. The termios structure used in a tcsetattr service request should be derived from an earlier tcgetattr service request, and the input baud rate should be set using only the cfsetispeed service. Correct the program and rerun. |
0197 | JRPtyBgCall This is a background process. Action: The service requested is not allowed from the background. Rerun the program in the foreground. |
0198 | JRInvIoctlCmd The input command value is incorrect. Action: The command is not supported. Correct the program and rerun. |
0199 | JRPtyNoCntlTerm The caller has no controlling terminal. Action: The caller has no controlling terminal. Correct the program or rerun it in an environment where the terminal is the controlling terminal. |
019A | JRPtyDiffSession This is not the caller's controlling terminal. Action: The specified file descriptor is not for the caller's controlling terminal. Correct the program or rerun it in an environment where the file is for the controlling terminal. |
019B | JRecoveryInvoked Recovery code was invoked. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
019C | JRPtKillFailed The ptrace kill signal failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
019E | JRPtPtrbNotAvail The ptrace service cannot complete the request due to synchronization error. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
019F | JRPtBadEnvironment The ptrace request handler environment is not valid. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
01A0 | JRPtEdIsAuthorized The ptrace debugged process is running in supervisor state. Action: A debugger program issued a ptrace request, but the target process is currently running in supervisor PSW state. Do not issue ptrace requests while a debugged process is running in supervisor state. |
01A1 | JRPtCsvinfoFailed Ptrace received an error from CSVINFO. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
01A2 | JRPtLDBufferTooSmall The ptrace loader information request buffer is too small. Action: A debugger program tried to read loader information from a debugged process into a supplied buffer, but the buffer was too small to hold all the loader information. Reissue the ptrace request with a larger buffer. The maximum length of the buffer is defined in the BPXYPTRC macro. |
01A4 | JRPtDbrParentEqualsDbd The ptrace debugger parent PID is the same as debugged PID. Action: A debugger program tried to start a debugging session with its parent process as the target. Debugger programs cannot debug their parent. |
01A5 | JRPtyNotPGLeader The process is not a process group leader. Action: The process group ID specified does not represent a process group leader. Correct the program or rerun it in an environment where the process is a process group leader. |
01A6 | JRPtyNotSlave Unsupported function against master TTY. Action: The requested function is not allowed against a master pseudo-TTY. Correct the program and rerun. |
01A7 | JRPtyBadQueSel The queue selector is not valid. Action: The queue selector is not valid. Correct the program and rerun. |
01A8 | JRPtyNoSessLeader The system is unable to locate the session leader. Action: In order to perform the requested function, the session leader needed to be located, but the system could not find the session leader. If this problem recurs, contact your system programmer. |
01A9 | JRNoCTTY There is no controlling terminal for this process. Action: The open request cannot be processed. |
01AA | JRPtyHupclClose The slave pseudo-TTY file was previously closed with the termios HUPCL flag set. Action: The slave pseudo-TTY file for this device minor number had been previously opened and closed. During the final close of the slave pseudo-TTY file, the termios HUPCL flag was on. This causes any subsequent slave pseudo-TTY file open for this device minor number to be rejected until the pseudo-TTY connection is completely ended (that is, the master pseudo-TTY file is also closed). If you want to open the slave pseudo-TTY file at this point, the application should clear the HUPCL flag using the tcsetattr service before the last slave pseudo-TTY file close. |
01AB | JRFsInUse The requested file system is still in use. Action: A normal unmount was requested for the file system. There is at least one process still using the file system, so the request to unmount cannot be honored. |
01AC | JRPtyInvalidPgid The requested process group ID is not valid. Action: The process group ID specified is not a valid OpenMVS process group ID. Correct the program and rerun. |
01AD | JRPtyNotInSession The process group ID (PGID) does not exist in the caller's session. Action: The caller's session does not have a process group with the specified process group ID. The process group may have completed without the caller's knowledge. Correct the program and rerun. |
01AE | JRBrlmNotActive The byte-range lock manager is not active. Action: The byte-range lock manager is trying to recycle. Reissue the request after the recycle has completed. |
01AF | JRBrlmFileLockRecycling File lock is being recycled. Do not use until the file is closed by all users. Action: The requested file can no longer be used for byte-range locking. The file cannot be locked until it has been recycled. To recycle the file, close all file descriptors open for this file. After all users have closed this file, it will be recycled. It may be some time before all open file descriptors for this file have been closed. |
01B0 | JRBrlmBadFileType Byte-range locking can be performed only on regular files. Action: Reissue the request and specify the file descriptor for a regular file. |
01B1 | JRBrlmNoReadAccess Shared byte-range locks are only for files open for read. Action: To set a read lock on a file, it must be opened with read access. Reissue the request and specify a file descriptor that has read access to the file. |
01B2 | JRBrlmNoWriteAccess Exclusive byte-range locks are only for files open for write. Action: To set a write lock on a file, it must be opened with write access. Reissue the request and specify a file descriptor that has write access to the file. |
01B3 | JRBrlmBadL_Type A byte-range lock request specified an l_type that is not valid. Action: The value specified for l_type must be one of the following, found in BPXYBRLK:
01B4 | JRBrlmInvalidRange A byte-range lock extends to before the start of the file. Action: The range specified by the l_start, l_whence, and l_len must not extend beyond the beginning of the file. Reissue the request and specify a valid range. |
01B5 | JRBrlmBadL_Whence A byte-range lock request specified an l_whence that is not valid. Action: The value specified for l_whence must be one of the following, found in BPXYSEEK:
01B6 | JRSecurityInternalError Internal error in security product. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
01B7 | JRBrlmRangeNotAvailable All or part of requested range is held by another user. Action: Issue a set lock with wait request to obtain the requested lock when all current users and waiters have freed it. |
01B8 | JRBrlmDeadLockDetected Waiting on the specified range causes a deadlock. Action: To avoid deadlock, release the locks being held before requesting a new range. All users should obtain locks in the same order to maintain a lock hierarchy and to avoid deadlocks. |
01B9 | JRBrlmSignalPosted While the process was waiting for a byte-range lock, a signal was posted. Action: Try obtaining the lock again. To prevent signals from interrupting the process, you can set up a signal handler. |
01BB | JRPtSigactionFailed Ptrace sigaction failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
01BC | JRPtSigprocmaskFailed Ptrace sigprocmask failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
01BD | JRBrlmBadL_Len A byte-range lock request specified an incorrect l_len. Action: The l_len value cannot be less than zero. Reissue the request and specify an l_len that is greater than or equal to zero. |
01BF | JRReadUserStorageFailed A read error occurred on the user data area passed to the service. Action: The user data area passed was not addressable. Verify that the address passed was valid and reissue the request. |
01C0 | JRWriteUserStorageFailed A write error occurred on the user data area passed to the service. Action: The user data area passed was not addressable. Verify that the address passed was valid and reissue the request. |
01C2 | JRBrlmAlreadyWaiting Request includes a range already being waited on. Action: The process is already waiting for a byte-range lock that intersects with the requested range. Wait until the first request is honored before issuing another. |
01C3 | JRBrlmPromotePending Another user is waiting to promote the requested range. Action: Another user has already requested promotion of the requested range. That promotion will not be granted until all other users unlock their shared locks on that range. Unlock the range in conflict and issue a set-lock-wait request for the exclusive lock desired. |
01C4 | JRPtyNoPtyrStorage There is not enough storage in the kernel address space. Action: This should be a transient condition. Reissue the service. If the problem persists, contact the system programmer or system administrator to diagnose the storage usage in the kernel address space. |
01C5 | JRBrlmProcessBroken This process has been marked broken for byte locking. Action: The process cannot issue byte-range locking requests any more. |
01C6 | JRPtyConnectionInop The pseudo-TTY connection is inoperative. Action: An internal error occurred, causing this pseudo-TTY connection to be marked as inoperative. To clear this error condition, all file descriptors associated with this device minor number must be closed. |
01C8 | JRDtuErr An error occurred during process signal initialization. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
01C9 | JRBrlmUnlockWhileWait The unlock service is not valid while the process is waiting for an intersecting lock. Action: The process is presently waiting for a lock. No unlock requests will be accepted for a range that intersects with the range being waited for. |
01CA | JRBrlmObjAndProcBroken The object and process are marked broken for byte locking. Action: The process can no longer issue byte-range locking requests. |
01CB | JROutOfCells Out of nonexpandable cell pool cells. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
01CC | JRBadTree The session or group tree is broken. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
01CD | JRFd2TooSmall The second file descriptor cannot be smaller than the first. Action: The specified request requires that the second file descriptor be greater than or equal to the first file descriptor. |
01CE | JRPtCreateError An unexpected error occurred in the BPX1PTC service. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
01CF | JRNotAuthorized Unauthorized caller of BPX1PTC in an authorized environment. Action: The invoker of BPX1PTC is a problem state, key 8, non-job step authorized caller. The current environment requires the caller to be either supervisor state, key 0&ndash.7, or job-step authorized. Reissue the BPX1PTC callable service with the correct authorization. |
01D0 | JRPtExitError An unexpected error occurred in the BPXPTEXT service. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
01D1 | JRPtCancelError An unexpected error occurred in the BPX1PTB service. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
01D2 | JRPtDetachError An unexpected error occurred in the BPX1PTD service. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
01D3 | JRPtatEye The pthread attribute area contains an incorrect eyecatcher. Action: The eyecatcher value must be BPXYPTAT. Reissue the BPX1PTC callable service with the corrected eyecatcher value. |
01D4 | JRPtatAddrError The pthread attribute area address is incorrect. Action: Reissue the call to the BPX1PTC service with a pthread attribute area address that is accessible to the caller of BPX1PTC. |
01D5 | JRPTCNotSupp BPX1PTC is not supported from the calling task. Action: The BPX1PTC callable service can be issued only from the task that first invoked BPX1PTC within the process or from any of its daughter tasks. Reissue the BPX1PTC callable service from a task that can support the invocation. |
01D6 | JRAllFilesNotClosed All requested files were not closed. Action: Some of the file descriptors within the specified range remain open. Use closedir to close any directory file descriptors. Any other file descriptors that remain open may have been opened while the process was executing in an authorized state, and the process may no longer be authorized to use them. |
01D7 | JRExitRtnError An error occurred in the user exit called by the exec. Action: An error occurred after the BPX1EXC or BPX1EXM callable service passed control to the
exit routine location specified by the caller. There are two probable causes for this error:
Verify the location of the user exit routine and that the routine does not cause a program check to occur. |
01D8 | JRThreadTerm The service was rejected because the requesting thread is terminating. Action: The BPX1PTX callable service should be issued to complete the termination of the thread and to obtain a new thread to process. Other OpenMVS callable services are not supported while a thread is in this state. |
01DA | JRLightWeightThid The thread specified is a lightweight thread. Action: The thread specified by the caller is for a lightweight thread. Lightweight threads are not managed by OpenMVS. |
01DB | JRAlreadyDetached The thread specified is already detached. Action: The thread specified by the caller is already detached. The requested service cannot be performed on a detached thread. |
01DC | JRThreadNotFound The thread specified was not found. Action: The thread specified by the caller is not a thread in the current process. |
01DE | JRHeavyWeight The new thread was not started and the existing thread is a heavyweight thread. Action: The existing task is a heavyweight thread and cannot be reused via the PTGetNewThread option. |
01DF | JRGetFirst The first call did not specify PTGetNewThread. Action: The first call to this service from a newly created thread must specify the PTGetNewThread option. |
01E0 | JRAlreadyJoined The thread specified was already joined by another thread. Action: The thread specified by the caller of the pthread_join service is currently joined by another thread. The target thread of a pthread_join can be joined by only one thread at a time. |
01E1 | JRPTJoinError An error occurred in the BPX1PTJ service. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
01E2 | JRJoinExitStatPtr The address of the exit status parameter is not correct. Action: An error occurred while the thread exit status was being copied to the location specified by the caller of the pthread_join service. Check the exit status location specified by the caller of the pthread_join service for an incorrect location. |
01E3 | JRJoinToSelf The thread attempted to join to itself. Action: The thread specified by the caller and the thread calling the pthread_join service are the same. A thread is not allowed to join to itself. |
01E4 | JRJoinLoop The connection would result in thread waiting for itself. Action: The thread specified by the caller of the pthread_join service would create a loop of joined threads. A thread is not allowed to join any thread or chain of joined threads that would result in a loop back to itself. |
01E5 | JRJoinIPTExited The thread attempted to connect to IPT after IPT had already exited. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
01E6 | JRJoinAsyncNoFreeTasks The connection ended with an asynchronous thread and no tasks available. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
01E7 | JRAlreadyPtexited The calling thread has already been exited through a call to the BPX1PTX service. Action: The calling thread is now in a terminated state; the calling program should return to the operating system to allow the task to be terminated. |
01E8 | JRAlreadyTerminated The thread specified has already ended. Action: The thread specified by the caller of the pthread_cancel service has already been canceled or exited and is in the process of being ended. |
01E9 | JRCallRtmErr The CALLRTM macro returned a return code with an error. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
01EA | JRBrokenBrlmRecycling The byte-range-lock manager is broken and is currently recycling. Action: The byte-range-lock manager is trying to recycle. Reissue the request when the recycle has completed. |
01EB | JRPtatSysOff The system offset value in the pthread attribute area is incorrect. Action: The system offset value must be set to the value provided with the BPXYPTAT mapping, PTATSYSOFFVAL. Reissue the BPX1PTC callable service with the corrected system offset value. |
01EC | JRPtatSysLen The system length value in the pthread attribute area is incorrect. Action: The system length value must be set to the value provided with the BPXYPTAT mapping, PTATSYSLENVAL. Reissue the BPX1PTC callable service with the corrected system length value. |
01ED | JRPtatLen The total length value in the pthread attribute area is incorrect. Action: The total length value must be set to the sum of PTAT#LENGTH and PTATUSERLENGTH. Use the BPXYPTAT mapping to correct this error. Reissue the BPX1PTC callable service with the corrected total length value. |
01EE | JRRMGWrongDataLen Resource data area length is not correct for this release. Action: The Data_Area_Length field passed to the resource callable service does not match the length of the storage area to be returned. To avoid misinterpretation of returned data, the service fails. The Data_Area_Length field could be incorrect because of a coding error. Or, the length value required may have changed when your installation migrated to a new release. Correct the value and recompile your program. |
01EF | JRInvOption Incorrect option specified on call to BPX1PTX. Action: The option specified is either not a supported option or is a supported option that was
specified in an unsupported environment. Examples of the latter error are:
Reissue the BPX1PTX callable service with the corrected option value. |
01F0 | JRInitRtn The initialization routine is not valid for the current environment. Action: The initialization routine address specified on the BPX1PTC invocation does not match the initialization routine address supported in the current environment. The initial call to BPX1PTC within the current process image specified a different address. Only one initialization routine is supported for a given process image. Reissue the BPX1PTC callable service with the initialization routine address that is supported in the current process image. |
01F1 | JRPtatWeight The pthread attribute area contains an incorrect weight value. Action: The pthread weight attribute value must be set to PTATHEAVY or PTATMEDIUM. Use the BPXYPTAT mapping for the definition of this value. Reissue the BPX1PTC callable service with the corrected pthread weight attribute value. |
01F2 | JRPtatSyncType The pthread attribute area contains an incorrect Sync Type value. Action: The pthread sync type attribute value must be set to PTATSYNCHRONOUS. Use the BPXYPTAT mapping for the definition of this value. Reissue the BPX1PTC callable service with the corrected pthread sync type attribute value. |
01F3 | JRPtatDetachState The pthread attribute area contains an incorrect detach state value. Action: The pthread detach state attribute value must be set to PTATUNDETACHED or PTATDETACHED. Use the BPXYPTAT mapping for the definition of these values. Reissue the BPX1PTC callable service with the corrected pthread detach state attribute value. |
01F4 | JRNoSuchPid The process ID is incorrect. Action: Choose a process ID that is valid. |
01F5 | JRPidEQSessLeader The process ID is a session leader. Action: Choose a process ID that is not a session group leader. |
01F6 | JRTooMany The event list specified contained more than one event. Action: The event list specified for the BPX1CPO callable service contained more than one event. Reissue the BPX1CPO callable service with an event list that contains only one event. |
01F7 | JRPidDifferentSession The process ID is in a session different from the caller. Action: Choose a process ID that is in the same session as the caller. |
01F8 | JRExecAfterFork The process ID was called by the exec service after the fork service. Action: Choose a process ID that does not belong to a process that has been started with exec after a fork. |
01F9 | JRTimeOutNotAuth The caller to BPX1CPO service specified the CW_TIMEOUT event but is not authorized. Action: The caller of the BPX1CPO service specified the CW_TIMEOUT event but is not authorized. To specify the CW_TIMEOUT event, the caller must be authorized. Reissue the BPX1CPO service call with another valid event. |
01FA | JRNotDescendant The process ID is not an immediate descendant of the caller. Action: Choose a process ID that is an immediate descendant of the caller (that is, a child, but not the child of a child). |
01FB | JRPgidDifferentSession Process group ID is in a session different from the caller. Action: Choose a process ID that is in the same session as the caller. |
01FC | JRCallerIsPgLeader The caller is already a process group leader. Action: Choose a process ID that is not already a process group leader. |
01FD | JRNullMask The caller specified a null signal mask. Action: At least one valid signal must be specified in the signal mask. |
01FE | JRRdlBuffLenInvalid The length of the buffer is less than zero. Action: The readlink service requires that the specified buffer length be greater than or equal to zero. |
0200 | JRPswKeyNotValid The PSW key of the caller is not a valid key. Action: A service was requested that requires the invoker to be in the same key that the process was dubbed under. |
0201 | JRAlreadySigSetUp BPX1MSS found the process already set up for signals. Action: Only one task can be set up for signals at any one time. Issue the signal unset (BPX1MSD) service on the task that did the last setup and then reissue this service. |
0202 | JRNotSigSetUp The service found the current task was not set up for signals. Action: Issue the signal setup service BPX1MSS and then reissue this service. |
0203 | JREndingSlashSymlink The pathname ended with slash on the symlink service. Action: The linkname specified on a symlink request contained a trailing slash. Reissue the request and omit the trailing slash. |
0204 | JRUndefEvents The specified event list contains undefined events. Action: Only specify events defined in BPXYCW for the BPX1CSE, BPX1CWA, or BPX1CTW callable services. For the BPX1CPO service, the only event allowed is CW_CONDVAR. |
0205 | JRNoEvents The specified event list is zero. Action: Specify one or more events defined in BPXYCW for the BPX1CSE, BPX1CWA, or BPX1CTW callable services. For the BPX1CPO service, specify the CW_CONDVAR event. |
0206 | JRIPTCannotLeave The caller has daughter tasks. Termination is denied. Action: Terminate with BPX1EXI. Calls to BPX1MPC will be denied. |
0207 | JRNotSetup The thread is not set up for cond_wait or cond_timed_wait. Action: Specify one or more events defined in BPXYCW for the BPX1CWA or BPX1CTW callable services, or use the BPX1CSE callable service prior to BPX1CWA or BPX1CTW. |
0208 | JRAlreadySetup The thread is already set up for cond_setup, cond_wait, or cond_timed_wait. Action: Use the BPX1CCA callable service to cancel a condition wait before setting up for a new condition wait. |
0209 | JROutOfRange The value specified for a parameter is outside the allowable range. Action: Compare the argument values you specified to the documented limits to find which ones are unacceptable. |
0210 | JRNanoSecondsTooBig The value specified for nanoseconds is outside the allowable range. Action: Change the value specified for nanoseconds to be less than 1&finespace;000&finespace;000&finespace;000 (1000 million). |
0211 | JRTimeOut The time for the service to wait has expired. Action: While the process was waiting for signals or a condition to occur, the wait time specified expired. |
0212 | JRDup2Error A problem occurred with the requested file descriptor. Action: Try the request again. |
0213 | JRAccept Vnode operation accept is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0214 | JRBind Vnode operation bind is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0215 | JRConnect Vnode operation connect is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0216 | JRGetHost Vnode operation gethost is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0217 | JRGetName Vnode operation getname is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0218 | JRSockOpt Vnode operation sockopt is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0219 | JRListen Vnode operation listen is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
021A | JRReadWriteV Vnode operation readwritev is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
021B | JRSndRcv Vnode operation sndrcv is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
021C | JRSndToRcvFm Vnode operation sndtorcvfm is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
021D | JRSrMsg Vnode operation srmsg is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
021E | JRSelect Vnode operation select is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
021F | JRSetPeer Vnode operation setpeer is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0220 | JRShutdown Vnode operation shutdown is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0221 | JRSocket VFS operation socket is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0222 | JRNoSocket The requested operation cannot be performed on a socket file descriptor. Action: Specify a file descriptor that does not refer to a socket |
0223 | JRMustBeSocket The requested operation is only valid on a socket file descriptor. Action: Specify a file descriptor that refers to a socket. |
0224 | JRTargetEnding The target process is ending. Action: setpgid is not permitted because the target process is a zombie (terminating). |
0225 | JRQuiesceTypeInvalid The quiescetype specified by the caller is invalid. Action: Reissue the quiesce_threads service with the corrected quiescetype. |
0226 | JRQuiesceInProgress Another thread in the process has already requested quiescing of all threads. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0227 | JRLastThread The last pthread is exiting when the PTFAILIFLASTTHREAD option is specified. Action: Reissue the BPX1PTX call without this option to cause the thread to be exited. |
0228 | JRDomainNotSupported The requested domain is not supported. Action: The domain specified does not exist. Specify an existing domain. |
0229 | JRNetwork Vfs operation network is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
022A | JROutofVdeCells All Vde cells have been allocated. Action: Try again after releasing any unused vnode tokens. |
022B | JRTokenMax The maximum number of Vnode tokens have been allocated for this process. Action: Specify a larger maximum number of vnode tokens on the next server registration. |
022C | JRVTokenFreed The Vnode token has already been released. Action: Ensure that the correct Vnode token is supplied. |
022D | JRWrongPID The process does not own this Vde. Action: Ensure that the correct Vnode token is supplied. |
022E | JRStaleVnodeTok The Vnode token is stale. Action: Ensure that the correct Vnode token is supplied. |
022F | JRInvalidVnodeTok The Vnode token does not point to a Vde. Action: Ensure that the correct Vnode token is supplied. |
0230 | JRNotRegisteredServer The process is not a registered server. Action: Issue a v_reg request to register as a server and issue the request again. |
0231 | JRInvalidRegType The server type supplied in NRegSType is not valid. Action: Ensure that the value provided in NRegSType is correct. |
0232 | JRNameTooLong The name supplied is longer than the allowed maximum. Action: Correct the length value supplied and reissue the request. |
0233 | JRAlreadyRegistered The process is already registered as a server. Action: There is no need to issue the v_reg service. The Vnode interface services are already available to this process. |
0234 | JRInvalidNReg An incorrect NReg parameter list was passed. Action: Ensure that the values provided in NRegID and NRegLen are correct. |
0235 | JRNoLeadingSlash The pathname does not begin with /. Action: Ensure that the pathname parameter supplied on the request is an absolute pathname. |
0236 | JRStaleVfsTok The VFS token is stale. Action: Obtain a new VFS token via v_rpn. |
0237 | JRSmallAttr The Attr length parameter was too small. Action: Ensure that the Attr parameter points to a structure of length Attr#Len and the AttrLen parameter supplies this length. |
0238 | JRSmallMnte The Mnte length parameter was too small. Action: Ensure that the Mnte parameter points to a structure large enough to contain an MnteH and one Mnte. Also ensure that the MnteLength parameter supplies this length. |
0239 | JRRwNotRegFile The rdwr call is valid only on a regular file. Action: In order to be able to read or write a file, you must specify the Vnode Token for a file, not for a directory or a FIFO. |
0240 | JRDubSetting The dub setting value specified on the BPX1SDD service call is not correct. Action: The dub setting value must be set to DUBTHREAD or DUBPROCESS. Use the BPXYCONS macro for the definition of these values. Reissue the BPX1SDD callable service with the corrected dub setting value. |
0241 | JRInvalidAtt The Attribute structure passed to BPX1CHR or BPX1FCR was not valid. Action: The length passed must be equal to the current version, and the ATTID and ATTVERSION must be initialized to the constants defined in BPXYATT. |
0242 | JRInvalidOSS The OSS is not valid. Action: Correct the OSS and call the service again. |
0243 | JRSmallFSAttr The FSAttr length parameter was too small. Action: Ensure that the FSAttr parameter points to a structure of length SSTF#Len and the FSAttrLen parameter supplies this length. |
0244 | JRAPFAuthChange A local process exec or a local spawn, running in an authorized state attempted to load and execute an unauthorized program. Action: An Attach_exec or local spawn was attempted which would allow an unauthorized program to be executed from an APF authorized address space. This is not permitted since it would allow an unauthorized program to run in an authorized state. |
0245 | JRIDChange A local process exec tried to change the UID / GID. Action: An Attach_exec was attempted which would change the UID / GID authorization of the address space. This is not permitted. |
0246 | JROtherProcesses An exec was attempted that would terminate the other processes in the address space. Action: An exec is not permitted in an address space that contains multiple processes. |
0247 | JRPtRequestDenied The ptrace request is not allowed for the current debugged program environment. Action: A debugger program issued a ptrace request that is not allowed at the present time, due to the current environment in which the debugged program is running. |
0248 | JRInvalidFUio An incorrect FUio area was passed. Action: Ensure that the values provided in FUioID and FUioLen are correct and that valid options are specified. |
0249 | JRTokDir The VNODE token specifies a directory. Action: The service requested is not applicable to a directory; the VNODE token passed was for a directory. |
024A | JRTokNotDir The VNODE token does not specify a directory. Action: The service requested requires a directory, but the VNODE token passed is not for a directory. |
024B | JRInvalidAttr The supplied Attribute structure was not valid. Action: Ensure that the values provided in AttrID and AttrLen are correct. |
024C | JRMaxTasks
024D | JRMaxSockets The number of active sockets is equal to the value specified on the MAXSOCKETS parmlib statement. Action: Retry after some sockets have closed. For AF_INET or AF_INET6 domain sockets, you can change the MAXSOCKETS value dynamically using the SETOMVS RESET= or SET OMVS= system command. For AF_UNIX domain sockets change the MAXSOCKETS value in parmlib and re-ipl. |
024E | JROutofLatches All latches in the socket latch set pool are assigned to Snodes. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
024F | JROutofSocketCells The system was unable to obtain a cell from the sockets cell pool. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0250 | JRNotDir The name does not specify a directory. Action: The service requested requires a directory, but the name specified is not for a directory. |
0251 | JROutofSocketsNodeCells The system was unable to obtain a cell from the sockets node cell pool. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0252 | JRExternalLink An external symbolic link was found but is not supported. Action: Do not specify the name of an external symbolic link. |
0253 | JRSocketNotFound The requested socket was not found, or is not active. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0254 | JRSocketNamed A Bind request was received for a socket that was previously named. Action: Do not specify Bind for a named socket. |
0255 | JRInvalidCallingState The caller is not supervisor state and key 0. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0256 | JRPidIsCaller Pid specifies the PID for the calling process. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0257 | JRPidNoLatch Unable to obtain latch for PID. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0258 | JROutofSocketDataCells The system was unable to obtain a cell from the sockets data buffer cell pool. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0259 | JRSocaNwkBitOn Duplicate NETWORK parmlib statements exist. Action: Remove the duplicate NETWORK statements from the parmlib member and re-ipl. |
025A | JRISGLCRTFailed Latch set service ISGLCRT failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
025B | JRListenNotAccepted A listen syscall was issued for a socket that has not been bound, for a socket that is already a server, or for a socket that is already connected. Action: Verify that the application program issues the listen at the proper time. |
025C | JRSocketClosed An attempt was made to read, write or connect to a socket that is closed. Action: Try the request again to a UNIX domain socket that is not closed. |
025D | JRTooManyThds An attempt was made to create another thread but the process limit for pthreads has already been reached. Action: Try the request again after some threads have been exited and detached or increase the process thread limit. |
025E | JRSocketCallParmError A socket syscall contains incorrect parameters. Action: Check the parameters and ensure the request is valid for the specified socket. |
025F | JRRecovery The recovery VFS operation is not supported. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0260 | JRInvalidRoutine An incorrect routine address was passed. Action: Reissue the BPX1IPT service and specify a nonzero routine address. |
0261 | JRRoutineError An error occurred while the user-provided routine was in control. Action: Refer to provided diagnostic information (user SYSxDUMP) to resolve the problem. |
0262 | JRNoLists A Select request was issued without a read, write or exception list. Action: Reissue the request and specify at least one list of file descriptors to be checked. |
0263 | JRListTooLong The read, write or exception list is too long. Action: Reissue the request and specify a read, write, or exception list that is 8192 bytes or less. |
0264 | JRListTooShort The read, write or exception list is too short to contain the specified number of file descriptors and message queue identifiers. Action: Reissue the request and specify a read, write, or exception list that is large enough to contain the specified number of file descriptors and message queue identifiers. |
0265 | JRMSOutOfRange The value specified for microseconds is outside the allowable range. Action: Reissue the request and specify a value for microseconds in the range 0 to 1&finespace;000&finespace;000 (1 second) inclusive. |
0266 | JRSecOutOfRange The value specified for seconds is outside the allowable range. Action: Reissue the request specifying a value for seconds in the range 0 to 2&finespace;678&finespace;400 (31 days) inclusive. |
0267 | JRNoFds The read, write or exception list did not contain any file descriptors, or the Number_FDs parameter was not greater than 0. Action: Reissue the request specifying at least one file descriptor in the read, write or exception list, and make sure the Number_FDs parameter contains the highest specifed FD. |
0268 | JRPtQuiesceFailed Ptrace quiesce failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0269 | JRIncorrectSocketType The socket type is incorrect for the request. Action: Reissue the request and specify a socket descriptor that refers to a socket of the correct type. |
026A | JRWouldBlock The O_NONBLOCK flag is set and this request would block. Action: Reissue the request later. |
026B | JRExceedsBackLogCount This connect request exceeds the connect backlog count that was specified on the Listen request. Action: Reissue the request later. |
026C | JRLevelNotSupp The value specified for Level is not supported by the physical file system. Action: Reissue the request and specify a value for Level that corresponds to manipulation at the Socket Level. |
026D | JRSetNotSupp The UNIX Domain Socket File System does not support the setting of socket options. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
026E | JRInvOpOpt The Option name specified is not valid. Action: Reissue the request and specify a valid socket option. |
026F | JRBuff The buffer for return information is too small. Action: The length of the buffer specified on the service was not large enough to contain the data to be returned. |
0270 | JROptNotSupp The Option name specified is not supported. Action: Correct the error depending on the request:
0271 | JRPtAsyncThread The ptrace request is not allowed because the target thread is asynchronous. Action: A debugger program issued a ptrace request for a target thread that is in an asynchronous state. |
0272 | JRSocketNotCon The requested socket is not connected. Action: Reissue the request after a successful connect request has completed. This value is also returned if an asynchronous connect is in progress. |
0273 | JRPtyNoPtysStorage There is insufficient storage in the kernel address space. Action: This should be a transient condition. Reissue the service. If the problem persists, contact the system programmer or system administrator to diagnose the storage usage in the kernel address space. |
0274 | JRUnknownKPRC Kernpost returned an invalid return code. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0275 | JRSockRdwrSignal Signal interrupt during socket read or write processing. Action: Close the socket. The other end of the socket has been closed and is no longer being read or written. |
0276 | JRSockBufMax There is insufficient storage for the socket message. Action: Break the message into two or more smaller parts. |
0277 | JRInvalidMsgH The socket message header is not correct. Action: Correct the message header. |
0278 | JRSockNoName The request requires a socket name structure. Action: Specify a socket name. |
0279 | JRInvalidServerNameLen The server name length supplied in NRegSNameLen is too long or negative. Action: Correct the value supplied in NRegSNameLen and issue the request again. |
027A | JRNoOOBDataAvail The MSG_OOB flag is set but no OOB data is available or OOB data is inline. Action: Reissue the request with the MSG_OOB flag not set. |
027B | JRIncorrectTypeForFlag MSG_OOB flag is set but socket is not a stream socket. Action: Reissue the request with the MSG_OOB flag not set. |
027C | JRSockShutDown Socket has been shutdown. Action: Request cannot complete on this socket. |
027D | JRMSGHInvalid msg_controllen or a cmsg_len has an incorrect length. Action: Supply valid msg_controllen and cmsg_len values. |
027E | JRNoAddrSpace The caller's address space name cannot be determined. Action: The request cannot complete. |
0280 | JRNoName The name length is zero. Action: Supply a positive value for the name length. |
0281 | JRListLenBad The length of one or all of the input bit lists is not a multiple of four or is not more than 256 bytes. Action: Reissue the request specifying list lengths that are a multiple of four. If the request specified both file descriptors and message queues, make sure list lengths are also more than 256 bytes long. |
0282 | JrInvUserOp The value specifed for the User Option was not 0 or 1. Action: Reissue the request and specify 0 or 1. |
0283 | JRSocketProtocolInvalid The protocol argument on the socket or socketpair syscall was not 0. The physical file system only supports a value of 0 for the protocol. Action: Reissue the request and specify 0 for the protocol argument. |
0284 | JRSteplibAllocateBad Dynamic allocation failed for a data set while attempting to build the STEPLIB concatenation. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0285 | JRSteplibConcatBad Dynamic concatenation failed while attempting to build the STEPLIB concatenation. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0286 | JRSteplibOpenBad Open of the steplib dd failed while attempting to build the STEPLIB concatenation. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0287 | JRSteplibDcbObtainBad Storage could not be obtained for the STEPLIB dcb while attempting to build the STEPLIB concatenation. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0288 | JRNameExists The name specified in the request is already in use. Action: Check the name; if correct, then unlink the name and retry. |
0289 | JRListenNotDone The socket is not ready to accept connections. Action: Issue a listen request and then reissue the accept request. |
028A | JRSteplibDSORGBad A nonpartitioned data set was specified in the STEPLIB concatenation. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
028B | JRSteplibTooBig More than 255 data sets were specified in the STEPLIB concatenation. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
028C | JRListenNotStream A listen syscall was issued for a socket that is not a stream socket. Listen is only valid for stream sockets. Action: Correct the application program. |
028D | JRListenAlreadyDone A listen request has already been completed. Action: Issue an accept request to begin accepting connections. |
028E | JRSTLActionInvalid The value specified for the action parameter is not valid. Action: Specify a valid action and retry. |
028F | JRSTLTasksInvalid The value specified for the task limit is not valid. Action: Specify a task limit within the allowable ranges and retry the operation. |
0290 | JRSTLThreadsInvalid The value specified for the thread limit is not valid. Action: Specify a thread limit with the allowable ranges and retry the operation. |
0291 | JrTcpError Tcp returned an error identified by the return code. Action: Correct the error reported by the return code. |
0292 | JRNoSpace Pthread_create failed, due to unavailable user address space storage. Action: Reduce the amount of user address space storage consumed and retry the operation. |
0293 | JRMaxTcpPathIds The maximum number of Tcp/Ip path IDs has been exceeded. Action: Contact your IBM service representative. |
0294 | JRPtNotXtdEvent The ptrace request is not allowed because the target process is not stopped for an extended event. Action: A debugger program issued a ptrace request that requires the target process to be stopped for an extended event, but the process is not stopped. |
0295 | JRPtTooManyEvents The ptrace PT_EVENTS request attempted to add more events than the specified maximum. Action: A debugger program issued a ptrace PT_EVENTS request to add a new extended event ID. Adding the event would exceed the maximum number of events specified on the request. |
0296 | JrTcpNotActive No AF_INET socket provider is active. Action: Start the AF_INET socket provider you specified in parmlib and retry this socket request. |
0297 | JRMaxInetSockets The number of active INET sockets is equal to the value specified on the MAXSOCKETS parmlib statement. Action: Retry after some sockets have closed, or change the MAXSOCKETS value in parmlib, and re-ipl. |
0298 | JRECBerror The last ECB pointer in the list of ECB pointers does not have the high order bit ('80000000'x) set on to indicate that it is the last ECB pointer in the list. Action: Probable user programming error. Ensure that the service was called with the correct number of ECB pointers and that the last ECB pointer has the high order bit set on. |
0299 | JRECBListBad An error occurred accessing the list of pointers to ECBs on a call to the MVSpauseInit service. Action: Ensure that the ECB list is accessible in the caller's key and storage has been obtained for the ECB list. |
029A | JRECBstateBad An error occurred accessing one or more of the input ECBs on a call to the MVSpauseInit or MVSpause service. Action: Ensure that the ECBs are accessible in the caller's key and storage has been obtained for the ECBs. |
029B | JRECBListNotSetup The MVSpause service was called but the MVSpauseInit service was never called to prepare for an MVSpause. Action: Invoke the MVSpauseInit service to prepare for an MVSpause operation. Once MVSpauseInit completes successfully, the MVSpause service can be invoked. |
029C | JRSocketTypeNotSupported The requested socket type is not supported. Action: The error could be one of the following:
029D | JREcbWaitBitOn The wait bit (the high order bit) was on in the specified event control block (ECB). Action: Initialize the ECB to zero, then reissue the request. |
029E | JRInvalidVlok The supplied VLock structure was not valid. Action: Ensure that the values provided in the VLock structure are correct. One of the following problems was detected: (1) The Vlock structure is too short. (2) The Vlock length field does not equal its length parameter. (3) The Vlock Id field does not equal 'VLOK'. (4) For Purge with purge masks specified, the purge mask length field was too short. (5) For UnLoadLocks from an unauthorized caller, the subpool specified was not between 1 and 127. (6) An output blocking lock is requested but the corresponding blocking lock length field value is too small. (7) A Vnode token was passed but it does not match the object specified in the Vlok. |
029F | JRInvalidServerPID The supplied VLokServerPID value was not valid. Action: Ensure that the value provided in the VlokServerPID field is a valid process ID. |
02A0 | JRNoLockerToken No Locker token was specified in the Vlock structure. Action: Ensure that the value provided in the VlokLockerTok field is the value returned when the Locker was registered. |
02A1 | JRBrlmObjectMissing No Object was specified in the Vlock structure. Action: Ensure that a value is provided in the VlokObject field on v_lockctl requests. |
02A2 | JRBrlmWrongLevel The byte-range lock manager does not support the request. Action: Ensure that the installed byte-range lock manager supports v_lockctl requests. |
02A3 | JRBrlmLockerNotRegistered The Locker token specified in the Vlock structure is not registered. Action: Register the Locker ServerPID and ClientPID with v_lockctl RegLocker and use the returned LockerTok on subsequent v_lockctl requests. |
02A4 | JRMultiProc The specified function is not supported in an address space running multiple processes. Action: Do not call the specified function from address spaces running multiple processes. |
02A5 | JRTaskAcee The specified function is not supported when a task level ACEE is active for the calling task. Action: Do not call the specified function from a task that has a task level ACEE active. |
02A6 | JRUserNameLenError The user name length value was incorrect. Action: Ensure that the user name length is between 1 and 8. |
02A7 | JRPasswordLenError The pass length value was incorrect. Action: Ensure that the pass length is between 1 and 8 for passwords and passtickets and between 9 and 100 for password phrases. |
02A8 | JRNewPasswordLenError The new pass length value was incorrect. Action: Ensure that the new pass length is between 1 and 8 for passwords and between 9 and 100 for password phrases. |
02A9 | JRMixedSecurityEnv The specified function is not supported after a seteuid has changed the security environment of the caller. Action: Do not call the specified function from a process that has issued a seteuid to change the security environment. |
02AA | JRQuiesceTerm A pthread_quiesce(term) is already in progress on another thread in the caller's process. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
02AB | JRQuiesceForce A pthread_quiesce(force) is already in progress on another thread in the caller's process. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
02AC | JRQuiesceFreeze A pthread_quiesce(freeze) is already in progress on another thread in the caller's process. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
02AD | JRQuiesceFreezeForce A pthread_quiesce(freeze_force) is already in progress on another thread in the caller's process. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
02AE | JRTso The specified function is not supported in a TSO space running multiple processes. Action: Do not call the function in question from address spaces running multiple processes. |
02AF | JREnvDirty The specified function is not supported in an address space where a load was done that is not program controlled. Action: Make sure that programs being loaded into this address space are defined as program controlled. |
0302 | JRIpcBadID The ID is not valid or has been removed from the system. Action: A bad IPC member ID specified on the request is not correct. Reissue the command using an existing IPC member ID. |
0303 | JRIpcDenied Access was denied because the caller does not have the correct permission. Action: The caller lacked ownership, read or alter permission. |
0304 | JRIpcExists The caller issued CREATE, EXCL and the key was already defined to InterProcess Communications. Action: Ensure the key specified on shmget, semget, and msgget has not been assigned an IPC member ID or do not specify IPC_EXCL. |
0305 | JRIpcMaxIDs The number of IDs exceeds the system limit and the create fails. Action: Remove unused IDs from the system using the shell command ipcrm or change the system limit. This system limit is set by parameters IPCMSGNIDS, IPCSHMNIDS, and IPCSEMNIDS in a BPXPRMxx parmlib member. You can view these values using the ipcs -x shell command. |
0306 | JRIpcNoExist The caller tried to locate a member for the key specified but it does not exist. Action: Specify Ipc_CREAT on the IPC get. |
0307 | JRIpcRetry NOWAIT was specified but the operation could not be performed immediately. Action: Reissue the request later. |
0308 | JRIpcSignaled An IPC wait was interrupted by a signal. Action: Process the signal. |
0309 | JRIpcBadFlags Extraneous bits were set in the flags word parameter or in the mode flag bit field. Action: Correct the syscall invocation. |
030A | JRMsqBadType Message type must be greater than zero. Action: Correct the syscall invocation. |
030B | JRMsqBadSize The message length exceeds the system limit or is less than zero. Action: Correct the syscall invocation. |
030C | JRMsqNoMsg No message of the type requested was found. Action: Invoke the syscall when a message of the type requested is on the message queue, or do not specify IPC_NOWAIT. |
030D | JRMsq2Big The message to receive was too large for the buffer and MSG_NOERROR was not specified. Action: Increase the buffer size, or specify MSG_NOERROR. |
030E | JRSema4BadAdj The value specified would exceed the system limit for semadj. Action: Do not use the UNDO flag in the semaphore operations; use semctl to reset the UNDO values and to look for user errors in the method of use. |
030F | JRSema4BadNOps Number of semaphore operation exceeds the system limit. Action: Either specify a smaller number of semaphore operations or ask your system administrator to change this system limit. This system limit is set by the IPCSEMNOPS parameter in a BPXPRMxx parmlib member. You can view this value using the ipcs -x shell command. |
0310 | JRSema4BadNSems Semaphore ID already exists for the KEY, but the number of semaphores is less than requested. Action: Either change the number of semaphores requested, or specify a different ID on the request. |
0311 | JRTypeNotPID A msgrcv or msgsnd did not have its process ID as type. Action: Msgget flags require process ID with TYPE operands. |
0312 | JRSema4BadSemN The semaphore number is invalid. Action: Choose a semaphore number from 0 to the number of semaphores - 1. |
0313 | JRSema4BadValue The value specified would exceed the system limit. Action: Specify a value less than or equal to 32&finespace;767. |
0314 | JRSema4BigNSems The number of semaphores exceeds the system maximum. Action: Either specify a smaller number of semaphores or ask your system administrator to change this system limit. This system limit is set by the IPCSEMNSEMS parameter in a BPXPRMxx parmlib member. You can view this value using the ipcs -x shell command. |
0315 | JRSema4ZeroNSems The number of semaphores specified was zero and the semaphore does not exist. Action: If the number of semaphores is zero, Ipc_CREAT should not be specified. |
0316 | JRShmBadSize The shared memory segment size is incorrect or outside the system defined range of valid segment sizes. Action: Specify a segment size less than the system defined maximum. When a shared memory identifier already exists for this key, specify a segment size that is less than the segment size specified on the shmget that created this segment. When a shared memory identifier does not exist for this key, specify a shared memory size greater than zero. You can also have your system administrator change the parmlib values to increase the maximum shared memory segment size. This system limit is set by the IpcShmNSegs parameter in a BPXPRMxx parmlib member. You can view this value using the ipcs -x shell command. |
0317 | JRShmMaxAttach The number of shared memory attaches for the current process exceeds the system defined maximum. Action: Detach shared memory segments not being used by the process and retry the operation. If the problem persists, request that your system administrator change this system limit. This system limit is set by the IPCSHMNSEGS parameter in a BPXPRMxx parmlib member. You can view this value using the ipcs -x shell command. |
0318 | JRIpcRemoved During a wait, the IPC member ID was removed from the system. Action: Stop using the IPC memory ID, which has been removed. |
0319 | JRMsqQBytes Not permitted to increase message qbytes or attempt by superuser to set message qbytes exceeds system limit. Action: If you are not a superuser, do not try to increase the message queue bytes. If you are, do not try to increase message queue bytes past the system limit or to change the system-imposed maximum. This system maximum is set with the IPCMSGQBYTES parameter in a BPXPRMxx parmlib member. You can view this value using the ipcs -x shell command. |
031A | JRBadPerfGroup The specified priority or nice value represents a performance group that could not be used. Action: Contact your system administrator. |
031B | JRBadServClass The specified priority or nice value represents a service class that could not be used. Action: Contact your system administrator. |
031C | JRMsqQueueFullMessages IPC_NOWAIT was specified but the operation was not done because there was no room in the message queue due to the number of messages in the message queue. Action: Increase the system limit for the number of messages per message queue, retry the operation when there is room in the message queue, or do not specify IPC_NOWAIT. |
031D | JRMsqQueueFullBytes IPC_NOWAIT was specified and the operation was not done because there was no room in the message queue due to the number of bytes in the message queue. Action: Increase the system limit for the number of bytes per message queue, retry the operation when there is room in the message queue, or do not specify IPC_NOWAIT. |
031E | JRRFileNoRead A call tried to read a file opened without read access. Action: Reopen the file for read or read/write access. |
031F | JRSemStorageLimit The semget or semop failed because the semaphore storage limit was reached. Action: Too many semaphore sets and/or too many UNDO structures. |
0320 | JRInheEye The inheritance area contains an incorrect eyecatcher value. Action: The eyecatcher value must be INHE. Reissue the BPX1SPN callable service with the correct eyecatcher value. |
0321 | JRInheLength The length specified for the inheritance area contains an incorrect value. Action: The length value must equal the constant value Inhe#len. Reissue the BPX1SPN callable service with the correct length value. |
0322 | JRInheVersion The inheritance area contains an incorrect version number. Action: The version number value must be equal to the constant Inhe#Ver. Reissue the BPX1SPN callable service with the correct version number value. |
0323 | JRSpawnTooManyFds The count of file descriptors specified is greater than the maximum supported by the system. Action: The file descriptor count must be less than constant value OPENMAX. Reissue the BPX1SPN callable service with the correct file descriptor count. |
0324 | JRSmNoStorage There is no storage available to allocate. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0325 | JRSmDspservErr The DSPSERV macro failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0326 | JRSmInvalidDsID The data space group ID is not valid. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0327 | JRSmInvalidDsSToken The data space SToken is not valid. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0328 | JRSmOutOfMasterCells A Master Cell Pool is out of extent storage cells. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0329 | JRShmMaxSpages The operation was not done because the system wide limit for shared memory segment pages was exceeded. Action: Try again later. If the problem persists, ask your system administrator to change this system limit. This system limit is set by the IPCSHMSPAGES parameter in a BPXPRMxx parmlib member. You can view this value using the ipcs -x shell command. |
032A | JRNoAccess Caller does not have access to function. Action: This is an internal system call. You are not authorized to access this function. |
032B | JRSmInvalidLength The length the requested storage exceeds maximum. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
032C | JRFdListTooBig The size of the file descriptor list is larger than can be currently supported. Action: The file descriptor list must not exceed the available storage space in the caller's private area. Reissue the callable service with a smaller file descriptor list. |
032D | JRBadFdList The file descriptor list supplied on the call to BPX1SPN is not accessible by the caller. Action: The file descriptor list must be in storage accessible by the caller of BPX1SPN. Check the storage the specified file descriptor list resides in. |
032E | JRNotMapped One or more specified pages are not mapped. Action: An error was detected during the mprotect, msync, or munmap callable service. One or more storage pages in the specified address range are not part of an existing memory mapping. You can only operate on existing mappings. |
032F | JRClnyASCREFailed The ASCRE macro issued to start a colony address space returned a failing return code. Action: Ensure that the Address space name specified on the FILESYSTYPE parmlib statement in the BPXPRMxx member is correct or refer to the documentation of the ASCRE service. |
0330 | JRClnyStartFailed A colony address space failed to initialize. Action: Ensure that the ASName operand on the FILESYSTYPE parmlib statement in the BPXPRMxx member specifies a valid procedure name. |
0331 | JRClnyNotStopped The colony address space could not be stopped. Action: Ensure that there are no PFSes running in the colony address space and retry the request. |
0332 | JRClnyNoCommonStorage The system was unable to obtain storage in common for a control block to represent a colony address space. Action: The system is probably experiencing a common storage shortage and the request cannot be satisfied until the shortage is corrected. |
0333 | JRPfsNotDubbed The PFS task calling an OSI service is not dubbed. Action: The PFS address space must be dubbed before an independent task in that address space can make most OSI service requests. To be dubbed, the PFS can invoke getpid or almost any z/OS UNIX service. |
0334 | JRClnyNotStarted An attempt was made to start a PFS within a colony address space. The colony was either not completely initialized or it was being terminated. Action: Ensure that the colony is completely initialized and retry the request. |
0335 | JRPtyChgFromSlave An attempt was made to change a termios flag from the slave pty, which is only allowed from the master. Action: To make the change, issue the tcsetattr against the master pty. |
0336 | JRClnyPfsNotStarted An attempt was made to stop or clean up a colony PFS that was not previously started. Action: Issue the Stop request for a colony PFS that has previously been started. |
0337 | JRClnyPfsNotDone An attempt was made to clean up a colony PFS that was not completely terminated. Action: Ensure that the colony PFS is completely terminated and retry the request. |
0338 | JRCpbNotFound No Cpb was found on the Cpb chain representing this colony PFS. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0339 | JRDevConfigTypeError An attempt was made to configure a device driver that was not defined. Action: Ensure that the device type is spelled correctly and retry the request. |
033A | JRPtyNeedPKT3270 An attempt was made to set 3270 Passthru mode without 3270 Packet mode. Action: Use 3270 Passthru mode only on pty connections that operate in 3270 Packet mode. 3270 Packet mode can be set only from the master pty. |
033B | JRMmapOverEOF The extended file cannot be mapped over its EOF point. Action: The memory mapped file was extended and subsequently mapped beyond the original EOF point, while an existing memory map containing the original EOF point was outstanding. It is recommended that once a file is extended, perhaps via the write callable service, any memory map of the same file should be unmapped and remapped if the memory map contains the original EOF point. |
033C | JrRaiseHardLimit An attempt was made to raise a hard limit without superuser authority. Action: Do not attempt to raise a hard limit without superuser authority. |
033D | JrInvalidResource The input resource value is not valid. Action: Retry the request with a valid resource value. |
033E | JrSoftExceedsHard An attempt was made to raise a soft limit above its hard limit. Action: Do not attempt to raise a soft limit above its hard limit. |
033F | JrSoftBelowUsage An attempt was made to lower a soft limit below the current usage for the resource. Action: Do not attempt to lower a soft limit below the current usage for the resource. |
0340 | JrInvalidWho The input who value is not valid. Action: Retry the request with a valid who value. |
0341 | JrCPUTimeObtainFailed Failure obtaining CPU time usage. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0342 | JrVsmListError The VSMLIST macro failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0343 | JRPtyMutuallyExclusive An attempt was made to set mutually exclusive bits. Action: Select only one of the mutually exclusive bits in the termios. |
0344 | JRMmapStgExceeded The system-wide limit on the amount of memory consumed by memory mapped areas is exceeded. Action: Try again later. If the problem persists, either reduce the size of the memory mapping request, or request the system administrator to increase the MAXMMAPAREA parameter of the BPXPRMxx parmlib member. |
0345 | JRPathconf The Vnode operation pathconf is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0346 | JRNotPage A location specified or generated is not on a page boundary. Action: Specify the address and/or length in page multiples. |
0347 | JRMmapBadType The value of the map_type is not valid. Action: The map_type specified for mmap is not valid. |
0348 | JRHardware A request was made for a hardware that is not available. Action: A function was requested that required hardware that is not available on this processor. |
0349 | JRAddressNotAvailable A request was made for a storage address, but it could not be satisfied. Action: Either an address parameter was not valid or an address generated by one or more parameters is not valid. |
034A | JRProcMaxMmap The process has exceeded the maximum number of mmaps. Action: Reduce the number of mmaps used by the process. |
034B | JRMmapFileAddress File_offset + map_length exceeds file size. Action: Use fstat to determine the file size prior to mmap. |
034C | JRIarvServ An invocation of IARVSERV service failed. Action: Retry the operation at a later time. |
034D | JRPtyPendingControlInfo An attempt was made to write to a master pty in 3270 packet mode when control information was pending. Action: Issue a read to the master pty to obtain the control information. Then reissue the write. |
034E | JRZeroOrNegative An input parameter must be greater than zero. Action: Correct that parameter. |
034F | JRNoUserStorage The service could not obtain enough storage in user address space subpool 129. Action: Free storage in user address space subpool 129 and retry the service. |
0350 | JRAsynchMount The request to mount a file system will complete asynchronously. The system rejects all vnode (file) operations against the file system. Action: Use w_getmntent to determine when the mount completes. |
0351 | JRPfsOpNotSupported The pfsctl command is not supported by this PFS. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0352 | JRPfsOpNotPermitted Not authorized to perform this pfsctl operation. Action: The request must be made by an authorized user. |
0353 | JRPfsArgLenBad The argument length is not valid for this pfsctl operation. Action: Specify a valid length for this argument. |
0354 | JRDdBadConfigOpt The CONFIGURE operation is not supported by this device driver. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0355 | JRDdConfigInbuf2Big The CONFIGURE input buffer too large. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0356 | JRDdConfigOutbuf2Big The CONFIGURE output buffer too large. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0357 | JRDdBadDdType The device driver TYPE is not known to the system. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0358 | JRDdNoDdConfigure The device driver TYPE does not support a dd_configure routine. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0359 | JRDdwtTaskTerm The operation could not be completed because the device driver work thread terminated. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
035A | JRDdConfigAbend An abend occurred during dd_config processing. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
035B | JRCaptureFailure A memory capture (IARVSERV) failed. Action: A CTrace record was writen with the return codes. |
035C | JRHotCCreateFailure An attempt to create a Hot C environment for a physical file system failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
035D | JRVdacError The Vdac macro failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
035E | JRBadSiginfoAddr An incorrect siginfo_t address was passed to the waitid call. Action: Reissue the call to the wait service (BPX1WTE) with an siginfo_t return area address that is accessible to the caller. |
035F | JRBadRUsageAddr An incorrect rusage address was passed to the wait3 call. Action: Reissue the call to the wait service (BPX1WTE) with an rusage return area address that is accessible to the caller. |
0360 | JRPtyNoTRTStorage Storage is not available for pseudo-TTY scan tables. Action: Retry the request. If this condition persists, contact the system programmer. |
0361 | JRBadStDev The device number specified to osi_mountstatus does not refer to a mounted file system. Action: Use w_getmntent to determine the correct device number (MNTENTFSDEV). |
0362 | JRDdNoDdwt The device driver task is not active. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0363 | JRBadInputBufAddr Bad input buffer address. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0364 | JrOpenFileLimitMax The Open file limit cannot exceed 524287. Action: Select a hard limit that is smaller than the physical system maximum. |
0365 | JrFdOpenAboveLimit A file descriptor is open above requested limit. Action: Select a limit which is greater than the highest open file descriptor. |
0366 | JrWriteBeyondLimit Cannot write beyond the file size limit. Action: Increase the file size limit for the process, or write less data to the file. |
0367 | JrSyscallFailAll An attempt to process a syscall for a socket failed on all of the transport providers supporting the socket. Action: Close the socket. See the return code for more information about the failure. |
0368 | JrSyscallFailOne An attempt to process a syscall for a socket failed on one of the transport providers supporting the socket. Action: Close the socket. See the return code for more information about the failure. |
0369 | JrSyscallFailSome An attempt to process a syscall for a socket failed on some of the transport providers supporting the socket. Action: Close the socket. See the return code for more information about the failure. |
036A | JrSetSockOptFailAll An attempt to set socket options failed on all of the transport providers supporting the socket. Action: If the socket option is not supported, reissue the syscall with the correct option. See the return code for more information about the failure. |
036B | JrSetSockOptFailOne An attempt to set socket options failed on one of the transport providers supporting the socket. Action: Different socket options are now in effect for each of the transport providers. If a specific option is required, you have to bind to a specific IP address that supports the specified option. To synchronize all the transport providers with the same socket options, close the socket, then reopen it with the socket syscall. See the return code for more information about the failure. |
036C | JrSetSockOptFailSome An attempt to set socket options failed on some of the transport providers supporting the socket. Action: Different socket options are now in effect for each of the transport providers. If a specific option is required, you have to bind to a specific IP address that supports the specified option. To synchronize all the transport providers with the same socket options, close the socket, then reopen it with the socket syscall. See the return code for more information about the failure. |
036D | JrRlimitCantCreate You cannot create files when RLIMIT_FSIZE is 0. Action: Increase the process file size limit and issue the create again. |
036E | JRBadOutputBufAddr Bad output buffer address. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
036F | JRNotStdFile Only standard files can be mmap. Action: Use the file descriptor of a standard file. |
0370 | JRBadIDType An invalid ID type was passed. Action: Reissue the call with a valid ID type. |
0371 | JRBadOptions Incorrect options were passed on the options parameter. Action: Reissue the call with valid options. |
0372 | JRCdstAlreadyAdded Character special service routine detected an ADD request for a previously completed CDST entry. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0373 | JrDdConfigNoResource OBSOLETE - DO NOT USE. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0374 | JrDdNotConfigured OBSOLETE - DO NOT USE. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0375 | JrDdConfigBadOpt OBSOLETE - DO NOT USE. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0376 | JrTbmStorageFailure OBSOLETE - DO NOT USE. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0377 | JrTbmAttachFailure OBSOLETE - DO NOT USE. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0378 | JrTbmLatchSetFailure OBSOLETE - DO NOT USE. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0379 | JrOcsNotConfigured OBSOLETE - DO NOT USE. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
037A | JrOcsDevNotConfigured OBSOLETE - DO NOT USE. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
037B | JrDevUnfigPnd OBSOLETE - DO NOT USE. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
037C | JrRtyDevConfigChange OBSOLETE - DO NOT USE. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
037D | JRPtyNotCntlTerm The device is not associated with a controlling terminal. Action: The device specified is not associated with a controlling terminal. Correct the program or rerun it in an environment where the device is a controlling terminal. |
037E | JrOcsAdminBufferExceeded OBSOLETE - DO NOT USE. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
037F | JrRtyBadMultiByteCodePageName OBSOLETE - DO NOT USE. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0380 | JrOcsRtyOutBufferExceeded OBSOLETE - DO NOT USE. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0381 | JRPrevSockError A previous error caused this socket to become unusable. Action: Close the socket. |
0382 | JrOcsNotConnected OBSOLETE - DO NOT USE. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0383 | JrRtyDifferentFIle OBSOLETE - DO NOT USE. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0384 | JRBadOsi The Osi structure passed is not valid. Action: Ensure that the Osi structure passed to the OSI routine is the Osi structure received from the LFS on this operation. |
0385 | JRBadPfsId The value of the OsiPfsId field is not valid. Action: Ensure that the Osi structure passed to the OSI routine is the Osi structure received from the LFS on this operation. |
0386 | JRFRRActive An FRR is established. Action: Do not establish a functional recovery routine (FRR) before calling a service that may be interrupted by a signal. |
0387 | JRPtyQueueChange A termios option change requires all output be read or flushed before further writes. Action: Retry the slave pty write after all output has been read from the master pty. |
0388 | JRIntervalTypeInvalid The IntervalType is not valid. Action: See the ITIMER_.. constants in BPXYITIM or See z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference for details. |
0389 | JrRtyNoResource OBSOLETE - DO NOT USE. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
038A | JrRtyTermSyscall OBSOLETE - DO NOT USE. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
038B | JrRtyNoReply OBSOLETE - DO NOT USE. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
038C | JrOcsErrno OBSOLETE - DO NOT USE. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
038D | JRPtyOrphaned The syscall is processing in an orphaned process group. Action: This condition most likely occurs when a process that is forked from the session leader (generally the shell) issues a syscall to the pseudo-TTY device after the session leader process has ended. The process cannot access the terminal once the session leader process ends. This pseudo-TTY session is no longer usable. Restart the application from another session. |
038E | JRTransportDriverNotAccessible The transport driver specified is not being used by the socket specified. Action: Verify the address specified is proper for this socket. |
038F | JRInvSignalForProcess The specified signal number is incorrect. Action: The specified signal number is thread-scoped and is only supported under pthread_kill. It cannot be used in a process-scoped command like raise, kill, killpg, or sigqueue. Reissue the request with a correct signal number, or reissue the signal using pthread_kill. |
0390 | JRUserNameBad The user name is not a valid MVS user name. Action: Ensure that the user name contains all legal characters for a MVS user name. |
039E | JRTooManyFds Too many Fds were specified. Action: Reduce the number of Fds that were specified to a number that is supported by the syscall. |
039F | JRMicroSecondsTooBig The value specified for microseconds is outside the allowable range. Action: Change the value specified for microseconds to be less than 1&finespace;000&finespace;000 (1 million). |
03A0 | JrSockPrerouterErr The Common Inet Sockets Prerouter returned an error. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
03A1 | JROsiAbend An abend occurred in an Operating System Interface routine. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
03A2 | JRSTIMERMMax A 32E system abend has been intercepted by the syscall. See the appropriate MVS System Codes manual. Action: Reduce the number of STIMERMs that are active. |
03A3 | JRNoClnyThreadSppt Colony thread support has not been built. Action: Ensure that colony thread support was requested by the PFS at initialization time. |
03A4 | JRSHSPMASK The shared subpool mask is not valid for the current environment. Action: The shared subpool mask specified on the BPX1PTC invocation does not match the mask specified on the initial call to BPX1PTC within the current process image. Only one shared subpool mask is supported for a given process image. Reissue the BPX1PTC callable service with the shared subpool mask that was specifed on the first BPX1PTC call. |
03A5 | JrOWaitSetupErr An error occurred attempting OsiWait setup. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
03A6 | JrBadOptnFlags Extraneous bits were set in the option flags parameter. Action: Correct the input parameter. |
03A7 | JrNegFileSizeLimit One of the file size limits specified is negative. Action: Specify a file size limit that is greater than or equal to zero. |
03A8 | JrNoSAFsupport The installed Security product does not support this function. Action: Install a security product that does support this function. |
03A9 | JRPtNoStorage Not enough storage is available for ptrace. Action: A Pt_Capture request is unable to obtain enough buffer storage. |
03AA | JRPtBufNotFound A Pt_Uncapture ptrace request was issued for a specific buffer but the buffer was not previously captured with a Pt_Capture request. Action: Use the Pt_Capture request before using Pt_Uncapture for a specific buffer. |
03AB | JRPtTso The specified ptrace function is not supported in a TSO address space. Action: Do not try to use the ptrace request in question on a program in a TSO address space. |
03AC | JRAuthCaller The caller of this service is authorized. Authorized callers are not permitted to load or call unauthorized programs or programs residing in a file system mounted with the NOSETUID parameter. Action: System key, supervisor state, or APF authorized callers cannot load or call unauthorized programs. A program with the APF attribute is considered unauthorized if it resides in a file system mounted with the NOSETUID parameter. |
03AD | JrSingleTDReqd The Common Inet Sockets ioctl command requires that a single transport driver be connected to the socket. Action: Use the ioctl IocC#TcCN command or the bind service, to connect with a single transport driver before issuing the failing ioctl command. |
03AE | JRBatSel The batch-select VFS operation is not supported. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
03AF | JRRealPageNotSupported A Fuio area containing a real page address was passed. Action: Ensure that the Fuio provided contains only virtual page addresses and that the FuioRealPage flag indicator is off. |
03B0 | JRBadMVSPgmName A call to the exec or loadHFS service specified a file that resolves to an MVS program name that is not valid. Action: Ensure that the external link for the specified file is a valid MVS program name. |
03B1 | JRMVSLoadFailure A call to the loadHFS service resulted in a failure in the MVS Load service. Action: Ensure that the specified HFS file points to a MVS program that is loadable by the caller. |
03B2 | JRMVSPgmNotFound A call to the exec or loadHFS service specified a file that resolves to an MVS program that cannot be found. Action: Ensure that the specified HFS file points to a MVS program that exists in the caller's MVS program search order. |
03B3 | JRNoConsoleBuffers The write to /dev/console cannot complete. Action: Attempt the request at another time. |
03B4 | JRPtMaxCapture The ptrace capture request would exceed maximum allowed. Action: A Pt_Capture request would exceed the maximum amount of captured storage allowed. |
03B5 | JRCPCNnotEnabled Code Page Change Notification is not enabled. Action: A tcsetcp or tcsettables must be done to enable the CPCN (Code Page Change Notification) function. |
03B6 | JRExitAbend An abend occurred in a File Exporter Exit. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
03B7 | JRShrStgShortage Request for shared storage exceeds amount available. Action: A mmap or shmget call resulted in a request for shared system storage that exceeds the amount available as specified by the MAXSHAREPAGES statement in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member. |
03B8 | JRPtyNeedPKTXTND An attempt was made to set 3270 Passthru mode without 3270 Packet mode. Action: Use 3270 Packet mode only on pty connections which operate in Extended Packet mode. Extended Packet mode can be set only from the master pty. |
03B9 | JRWaitForever The timeout value specified wait forever, but there were no events to wait for. Action: Reissue the request specifying at least one event in the pollfd structures, or change the timeout value to something other than -1. |
03BA | JRInvalidNfds The NFDS parameter is larger than the OPEN_MAX (MAXFILEPROC) value. Action: Reissue the request specifying a value for the NFDS parameter that is less than OPEN_MAX or ask the system programmer or system administrator to increase the MAXFILEPROC value in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member. |
03BB | JRClnyPfsNotAllowed The requested operation is not allowed for a PFS that is running in a Colony Address Space. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
03BC | JRPtyNotMaster Unsupported function against slave TTY. Action: The requested function is not allowed against a slave pseudo-TTY. Correct the program and rerun. |
03BD | JrFsUnAuthClnt An unauthenticated client is denied access. Action: A server working on behalf of an unauthenticated client is not allowed to access files on a remote system. Log on to the server with a password to become authenticated and try again. |
03BE | JRBadBufLen The length of the buffer is not valid. Action: The total buffer length specified for this request must be less than or equal to 62&finespace;464. Retry the request specifying a valid buffer length parameter. |
03BF | JRBadStgKey The message data could not be fetched using the specified storage key. Action: The buffer was allocated in a storage key that did not match the specified key for the MSGSTGKEY parameter. Retry the request specifying a valid storage key. |
03C0 | JRIxcMsgo An unexpected error occurred in the IXCMSGO macro. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
03C1 | JrNoFdsTooManyQIds The number of Fds specified is negative or too many Msg Q Ids specified on select or poll service. Action: Specify a non-negative number of Fds or reduce the number of Msg Q Ids to be processed for select or poll below the maximum number of Msg Queues supported by the system. |
03C2 | JRInvHdr Invalid parameter list header. Action: The structure containing the service parameters contained an incorrect eye-catcher or length. Correct the program and rerun. |
03C3 | JRIxcMsgi An unexpected error occurred in the IXCMSGI macro. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
03C4 | JRIXCXCDSIfail An unexpected error occurred in the IXCXCDSI macro. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
03C5 | JRIXCXCDSIenv An environmental error occurred in the IXCXCDSI macro. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
03C6 | JRIXCXCDSInoCDS An environmental error occurred in the IXCXCDSI macro, OMVS CDS not available. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
03C7 | JRIXCXCDSIinvparm An invparm error occurred in the IXCXCDSI macro. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
03C8 | JRIXCXCDSIaccess An invparm error occurred in the IXCXCDSI macro, not able to access dataarea or token. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
03C9 | JRIXCXCDSIvalidate An invparm error occurred in the IXCXCDSI macro, validate failed for dataarea or token. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
03CA | JROutOfMountEntries The system is unable to obtain an entry in the file system mount table in the OMVS couple data set. Action: Either free an entry by unmounting a file system, or request your system programmer to create a new OMVS couple data set which supports a larger number of mounts. The system programmer will need to run the XCF couple data set format utility for TYPE(BPXMCDS) to increase the number of MOUNTS supported then issue the SETXCF COUPLE operator command to add the new OMVS couple data set as the alternate and then PSWITCH to make the alternate couple data set the primary couple data set for OMVS. |
03CB | JRPtyUnsupportedAttr Attempt to change attribute to unsupported value. Action: An attempt was made to change one or more attributes in the termios to unsupported values, and no supported attributes were changed. |
03CC | JRTgtMemberInactive The XCF member represented by the input member token is not active. For a Shared File System configuration, this can occur when a system is attempting to send a message to another system and that target system is no longer active in the configuration. Action: Ensure that the correct target member token was specified. If the target member is not active, any action taken depends on your application. For a Shared File system configuration, retry the operation as it is usually a recoverable error. |
03CD | JRnoSavedToken The saved IXCXCDSI token is zero for a request that expects a valid token. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
03CE | JRStaleVfs The Vfs passed to complete asynchronous mount does not represent an outstanding asynchronous mount. Action: Ensure that the correct Vfs is supplied. |
03CF | JRNoArea The State Area has not been established. Action: A Write must be the first operation. |
03D0 | JRBadSubField A subfield of the Argument is not valid. Action: Examine each arg subfield for correctness. |
03D1 | JRNoChangeIdentity The invoker is not authorized to change MVS userids. Action: Daemon authorization is required for this function. |
03D2 | JRBadId An incorrect ID value was passed to the BPX1WTE service. Action: Respecify a valid ID value on the BPX1WTE service call. |
03D3 | JRNoWorkUnit Attempt to transfer work via BPX1SPW call failed. Action: A get work call via BPX1SPW must be made to obtain a work unit before a transfer can be done. |
03D4 | JrNoWLMConn Attempt to refresh work via BPX1SPW call failed. Action: A succesful call to BPX1SIN must be made to connect to WLM before a refresh can be done. |
03D5 | JRMgcreErr MGCRE macro invocation failed on BPX1SPW call. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
03D6 | JrNoMulti Attempt to issue multiple BPX1CCS calls. Action: There can only be one Console Modify listening thread actively engaged at one time per address space. |
03D7 | JrMsgLengthErr Message length to the console was exceeded. Action: Check syscall documentation for maximum length. |
03D8 | JRInvalidClassify The classification area is not accessible to the current caller. Action: The address or length of the classification data passed was not valid. Retry the request with a valid address and length for the classification data area. |
03D9 | JrNoEnclave No enclave is associated with the calling thread or process. Action: A get work call to BPX1SPW must be done to obtain a work unit prior to performing a transfer work unit. |
03DA | JrSubSysNotFnd No process was found with the associated subsystem type and subsystem name. Action: A work manager must be established with BPX1SIN prior to transferring work. |
03DB | JRApplDataLenErr The application data area is too large to be processed. Action: Reduce the amount of application data being passed via BPX1SPW. |
03DC | JrBadOptCode Bad entry code to process work unit. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
03DD | JRInvalidApplData The application data area passed was not accessible. Action: The address or length of the application data passed to BPX1SPW was not valid. Retry the request with a valid address and length for the application data area. |
03DE | JRInvalidApplData2 The application data area is not accessible to the current caller. Action: The caller's key is different than the area previously obtained for the application data. Retry the BPX1SPW request with the same key as previously used. |
03DF | JRInvalidSFDL The file descriptor list passed was not accessible. Action: The address of the file descriptor list or the count field within the list was not valid. The area may be in an incorrect storage key. Retry the BPX1SPW request with a valid address and count. |
03E0 | JRNewLocationErr The new tag data area passed was not accessible. Action: The address or length of the new tag data passed was not valid. Retry the request with a valid address and length. |
03E1 | JROldLocationErr The old tag data area passed was not accessible. Action: The address or length of the old tag data area was not valid. Retry the request with a valid address that points to a 66 byte area. |
03E2 | JRNewLenBad The new tag data length was not valid. Action: The length of the new tag data area is outside of the allowable range. Retry the request with a valid new tag data length. |
03E3 | JrMsgAttrErr Message attribute error detected. Action: The length passed must be equal to the current version, and the CCAID and CCAVERSION must be initialized to the constants defined in BPXYCCA. |
03E4 | JRNoAck No acknowledgement signal from remote system. Action: The transmitted data may be lost. User should transmit the data again. |
03E5 | JRIPAddrNotAllowed The input IP address is not valid. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
03E6 | JRPrevBound The requested port number is in use. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
03E7 | JRInaccessible The user storage is inaccessible. Action: Make sure user storage is accessible and key 8. |
03E8 | JRIefddsrvFailed The macro IEFDDSRV failed. Action: Make sure the specified gateway address or IP address is correct. |
03E9 | JRSvc99Failed SVC 99 (Allocate) failed. Action: The specified device cannot be allocated. It may have already been allocated. Make sure that the gateway address is specified correctly. |
03EA | JRDevNotOnline Specified device is not online. Action: The specified device is not online. Verify that the gateway address is specified correctly. If correct, then verify that it is online. |
03EB | JRDevNotFound Specified device is not found. Action: The specified device cannot be found. Make sure that the gateway address is specified correctly. |
03EC | JRAlreadyInProgress Another config request is in progress. Action: Wait until the other config completes. |
03ED | JRInvalidVersion Config request has invalid version number. Action: Use correct version number. |
03EE | JRNotAuthWLM Server_init service call failed permission check for BPX.WLMSERVER facility class profile. Action: Caller must be given read permission to BPX.WLMSERVER facility class profile in order to use the server_init service successfully. |
03EF | JRTargetIPNotFound Target IP address cannot be found. Action: Caller must define target ip address using config. |
03F0 | JRESCONNotConfigured The ESCON connection is not configured. Action: Use the configstk command to configure the desired ESCON connection and then retry this operation. |
03F1 | JRPtySlaveLocked A grantpt() was issued against the master pty but an unlockpt() has not yet been issued. Action: Either issue an unlockpt() or do not use grantpt(). Without grantpt() slave permissions are set at the first slave open. |
03F2 | JRPtySlaveNotLocked The slave pty is not locked either because grantpt was not done or because grantpt has already been issued. Action: Either issue a grantpt() before the unlockpt() or do not use unlockpt(). Without grantpt/unlockpt, permissions are set at the first slave open. |
03F3 | JRPtyGrantptDone grantpt() has already been issued. This grantpt is redundant. Action: Remove one of the grantpt() calls. |
03F4 | JRSRBSNotAllowed Issuing syscalls from an SRB is not allowed. Action: The calling process is either in termination or has reached its limit on concurrent SRBs issuing z/OS UNIX callable services. If the process is not in termination, reissue the callable service. When returned with ENOSYS this means the program on an SRB has made a call for a Physical File System that does not support SRB mode callers. |
03F5 | JRNotSRBSyscall The syscall requested is not supported in SRB mode. Action: Either issue the callable service from task mode or use another callable service to perform the function required. |
03F6 | JRRTSSConnErr Fork child processing failed due to a RTSS connection error. Action: Contact the system programmer to determine if the RTSS subsystem is up and operational. |
03F7 | JRRTSSEnvErr Fork parent processing failed due to a RTSS environment error. Action: Contact the system programmer to determine if the RTSS subsystem is up and operational. |
03F8 | JRAsyncAuthErr User is not authorized for asynchronous i/o. Action: Issue the requested function synchronously. |
03F9 | JRAsyncRWLenZero Zero length asynchronous read or write not permitted. Action: Issue the requested function synchronously. |
03FA | JRAsyncBadMsgHdrLen AioBuffSize is not set to correct message header length. Action: Set AioBuffSize to the correct value and reissue the request. |
03FB | JRAsyncBadCmd AioCmd is not set to a supported value. Action: Set AioCmd to a supported value and reissue the request. |
03FC | JRAsyncBadNotifyType AioNotifyType is not set to a supported value. Action: Set AioNotifyType to a supported value and reissue the request. |
03FD | JRAsyncBadOffset AioOffset is a negative value. Action: Set AioOffset to a non-negative value and reissue the request. |
03FE | JRAsyncBadAiocbLen The input length for the AioCb is not a supported length. Action: Set the length parameter to the supported length for an AioCb. |
03FF | JRAsyncBadSockAddr The AioSockAddrPtr, AioSockAddrLen, AioLocSockAddrPtr or AioLocSockAddrLen contains a bad value. Action: Set AioSockAddrLen (or AioLocSockAddrLen) to a zero value or set AioSockAddrPtr (or AioLocSockAddrPtr) to the address of an area to receive a sockaddr structure and set AioSockAddrLen (or AioLocSockAddrLen) to the length of that area. |
0400 | JRSchedSrbErr The Srb was not scheduled. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0401 | JRBadArq An invalid Arq was encountered. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0402 | JRCancel Vnode operation CANCEL is not supported by this file system. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
0403 | JRDuplicateCancel A cancel operation is already in progress for the target asyncio request. Action: Wait for the previous cancel request to complete. |
0404 | JRAsyncNotSingleTd The AsyncIO operation can not be performed because this socket does not have a chosen transport stack. Action: Issue pfsctl(BPX1PCT) with the SetAsyncIO or SetIbmOpt option to choose an asynchonous I/O capable transport. |
0405 | JRSMFNotAuthorized The __smf_record function can not be performed because the caller is not permitted to the BPX.SMF facility class and is not APF authorized. The caller must either be permitted to the facility class or APF authorized. Action: If the user is to be permitted to use the __smf_record function, the user must be permitted to the BPX.SMF facility class or be APF authorized. |
0406 | JRSMFNotAccepting SMF is not recording SMF records of the type and subtype requested. Action: Do not build SMF records for this type and subtype, they are not being recorded. |
0407 | JRSMFNotActive SMF is not active. Action: Do not build SMF records for this type and subtype, they are not being recorded. |
0408 | JRSMFError An error occurred in the SMFEWTM SMF macro. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0409 | JRSMFBadRecordLength The length of the SMF record passed to __smf_record is either too large or too small. Action: Correct the SMF record size passed to the __smf_record function. |
040A | JREnclavesExist The calling work manager has enclaves that it created that have yet to be serviced. Action: Reissue the SRV_DISCONNECT_COND function on server_pwu later to allow all created enclaves to be serviced. |
040B | JRBindNotDone Bind() must be issued before issuing read/write. Action: Issue Bind() and try request again |
040C | JRQhitRecovery BPXXQHIT macro reportedly entered recovery. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
040D | JRPingSelf Ping to self is not supported. Action: Do not ping to self |
040E | JRDuplicateReq Requested connection already exists. Action: The oeifconfig request to add a connection failed because the connection already exists. You must issue the oeifconfig command to delete the existing connection before you can add it again. |
040F | JRTrleNotFound Target TRLE name cannot be found. Action: Requested TRLE name cannot be found. Caller must define target MPC TRLE resource before using oeifconfig to retrieve it. |
0410 | JRBpxxuiwrErr The BPXXUIWR macro failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0411 | JRFastPathRange A new socket descriptor is too large for Fastpath. Action: The call to setrlimit() for RLIMIT_NOFILE must be moved to before the first call to socket() when a program is using the _BPXK_INET_FASTPATH environment variable. |
0412 | JrRosAlreadyReg An error occurred during process signal initialization. Action: Kernel handling of async I/O can not be done if another Signal Interrupt Routine has aready been registered. |
0413 | JRAsyncSigKey0Err A caller in key 0 cannot request signals for async i/o. Action: Request another method of notification for async i/o completion. |
0414 | JRAsyncExitModeTcb A request for ExitMode of TCB was requested for a user who is either not running on a TCB or running in key 0. Action: Request ExitMode of SRB or change the user key. |
0415 | JRAsyncOpNotSupp The AsyncIO operation can not be performed because the socket transport does not support asynchronous I/O or asynchronous select included a physical file system that could not support this operation. Action: Issue pfsctl(BPX1PCT) with the SetAsyncIO or SetIbmOpt option to choose an asynchonous I/O capable transport. In the case of asynchronous select, part of the operation runs on a system SRB so descriptors for PFSes that don't support SRB mode callers can not be included. |
0416 | JRAsyncBadSigNo The AsyncIO operation specified a signal number that does not fall within the valid range of values. Action: Specify a signal number which falls within the valid range of values. |
0417 | JRPriviligedFile The operation is not allowed on a priviliged file. Action: Reset priviliged attributes on file and retry the operation. |
0418 | JRRouteExists The oeifconfig contained a duplicate destination IP address. Action: Verify the address being added. Delete and re-add. |
0419 | JRHomeExists The oeifconfig contained a duplicate home IP address. Action: Verify the address being added. Delete and re-add. |
041A | JRAPFNotAuthorized The chattr function can not be performed to change the APF attribute because the caller is not permitted to the BPX.FILEATTR.APF facility class. Action: If the user is allowed to use chattr to change the APF attribute, the user must be permitted to the BPX.FILEATTR.APF facility class. |
041B | JRPGMNotAuthorized The chattr function can not be performed to change the program control attribute because the caller is not permitted to the BPX.FILEATTR.PROGCTL facility class. Action: If the user is allowed to use chattr to change the program control attribute, the user must be permitted to the BPX.FILEATTR.PROGCTL facility class. |
041C | JRProgCntl A request to load an HFS executable that is not program controlled was made into an environment that must be kept clean. Action: If the program is to be loaded into this environment it must have the program controlled attribute. |
041D | JRFileSzExcdLimit A request to load a file into the LFS Cache was made for a file that exceeds the size limit of the cache. Action: If a file is to be loaded into the LFS Cache, it must obey file size limitations. |
041E | JRFileIsEmpty A request to load a file into the LFS Cache was made for a file that is empty. Action: If a file is to be loaded into the LFS Cache, it must have contents. |
041F | JRCacheNotRegFile Requests to load a file into the LFS Cache are valid for only regular files. Action: If a file is to be loaded into the LFS Cache, it must be a regular file. |
0420 | JRNotMVSLocalFile Requests to load a file into the LFS Cache are valid for only local files. Action: If a file is to be loaded into the LFS Cache, it must be a local file. |
0421 | JRFileInUse The file cannot be loaded into the LFS Cache because the file is currently in use or the cleanup daemon has not completed. Action: After the file is no longer in use, wait 10 minutes and then reissue the command. |
0422 | JRNoFreeEntry No free entries in the interface control array. Action: All entries in the interface control array are currently in use. The oeifconfig request cannot be processed. Please try again later. |
0423 | JRInheUserId User Id specified in Inheritance structure is not valid. Action: Re-issue Spawn with a valid User Id in the Inheritance Structure. |
0424 | JRInheRegion Region size specified in Inheritance structure is not valid. Action: Re-issue Spawn with a valid Region Size in the Inheritance Structure. |
0425 | JRInheCPUTime CPU Time specified in Inheritance structure is not valid. Action: Re-issue Spawn with a valid CPU Time in the Inheritance Structure. |
0426 | JRInheAcctDataPtr The account data pointer in the Inheritance structure points to a location not addressable by the caller. Action: Re-issue Spawn with InheAcctDataPtr containing the address of a location the caller has access to. |
0427 | JRInheCWD CWD specified in Inheritance structure is not valid. Action: Re-issue Spawn with a valid CWD in the Inheritance Structure. |
0428 | JRTooManyIntf Too many configured interfaces already exist. Action: The maximum number of interfaces (VTAM® resources) have been configured. New interfaces cannot be configured unless some existing interfaces are unconfigured (detached). Retry the oeifconfig after removing some unneeded interfaces. |
0429 | JRBadIpAddr An IP address in the configured interface is incorrect. Action: An error was detected during the VTAM channel
initialization process. One of the following occur:
042A | JRDataNotAvail No data exists to return to the caller. Action: Try again later. |
042B | JRReqDenied The oeifconfig request is not accepted. Action: The loop back interface (interface name of LO0) cannot be detached. It can only be deactivated. |
042C | JRBadMtuSize The specified MTU size for the interface is incorrect. Action: An error was detected during the VTAM channel
initialization process. One of the following errors occur:
042D | JRNotOsa Current® interface is not an OSA adapter. Action: An error was detected during the VTAM channel initialization process. the oeifconfig command specified the (remote partner) interface as an OSA adapter. However, the user data from the remote partner says otherwise. Correct the error and reissue the oeifconfig command. |
042E | JRBadOsaPort Incorrect OSA port number specified. Action: The oeifconfig command specified an invalid OSA port number. Only port number 0 is currently supported. Correct the error and reissue the oeifconfig command. |
042F | JRJsrCIErr A request to convert JCL to SWA control blocks failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0430 | JRJsrRsErr A request to create a JSAB for a Forked space failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0431 | JRJsrRacXtr A call to RACROUTE failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0432 | JRJsrUavXit The IEFUAV exit rejected account data. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0433 | JRJsrItjt The IEFITJT routine had an internal error. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0434 | JRJsrInt Internal error from BPXPRJSR. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0435 | JRJsrSetUp Error setting up running environment. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0436 | JRWlmWonErr An IWMUWON request to create a child address space failed. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0437 | JRForkExitRcOverlayPgmNotValid Contents Supervisor Fork Exit cannot fork overlay programs. Action: The contents supervision fork exit detected that a overlay program is present in the caller's environment. Overlay programs cannot be propagated on fork. Either use an alternative to fork, such as spawn, or eliminate the usage of overlay programs when using the fork function. |
0438 | JrMsgMaxLines Maximum number of lines was exceeded. Action: Check syscall documentation for maximum number of lines that can be written to console at one time. |
0439 | JRRddPlusNoCursorSupp FuioRddPlus is only supported with the index protocol, not the cursor protocol. Action: Specify FuioRdIndex to be greater than 0. |
043A | JRBadMaxSendRcvSize Incorrect Maximum send/receive size value specified. Action: An error was detected during the VTAM channel
initialization process. One of the following errors occur:
043B | JRPtLDTooManyExtents The ptrace loader information request failed because a load module had more than 16 extents. Action: A debugger program tried to read loader information for a load module with more than 16 extents. |
043C | JRBadHandle The lock handle on the lock parameter is not 0. Action: Set the lock handle to 0 and reissue the lock request. |
043D | JRNoDefault Common Inet is running, but there are no transport providers active to run as a Default. Action: Local Inet cannot run as part of Common Inet without at least one other AF_INET provider also active. Initialize the provider already defined in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member. |
043E | JRBlocksInFlux Unable to access internal blocks without lock. Action: Determine the status of the process in question and retry the __getthent request for this process or request a different process. |
043F | JRLinetFail Local inet not correctly set up. Action: Either the local INET was started without bringing up the Converged Sockets file system, or the Converged Sockets file system was started with only local INET. Converged Sockets must be brought up with at least one other file system in order for local INET to be started. |
0440 | JRNoEphemeralPorts The supply of ephemeral port numbers is exhausted. Action: Verify that socket applications using this stack really need the port numbers. The ephermeral port range can only be increased by reducing the CINET INADDR_ANY range. |
0441 | JRSocketSynReceived A SYN was received on the socket connection. Action: The socket connection was dropped. Re-establish the socket connection. |
0442 | JRSocketRstReceived A RST was received on the socket connection. Action: The socket connection was dropped. Verify the status of the remote partner. Then re-attempt the socket connection. |
0443 | JRSelfConnect Connect to self is not allowed. Action: Use a different ip address. |
0444 | JRAlreadyConn The socket is already connected. Action: The socket is already connected to the partner socket. If the connection is not usable then close() the socket and establish a new socket connection. |
0445 | JRNotStream The socket operation is only valid for a stream socket. Action: The syscall did not complete successfully. Only use the socket service for a socket of type stream. |
0446 | JRSocketConDropped The socket connection was severed. Action: The socket connection was dropped. Re-establish the socket connection. |
0447 | JRMpMuProcess Operation not permitted in a Multiproc/Multiuser process. Action: The caller's process is in a multiprocess address space and has its own process level security environment. The operation is not permitted in this environment. Retry the operation again from a non-multiproc/multiuser environment. |
0448 | JRTLSCertIDLenInvalid The certificate structure has an incorrect length associated with it. Action: Verify the parameter containing the length of the certificate structure. |
0449 | JRTLSCertTypeInvalid The type of certificate used is not valid. Action: Verify the parameter containing the type of certificate and ensure it is a known type. |
044A | JRTLSCertLengthInvalid The length of the certificate is not valid. Action: Check the parameter associated with the length of the actual certificate and ensure it is correct. |
044B | JRNoINITACEE There is no SAF service available to manage a certificate authorization. Action: Install a security product that supports authorization via certificate. |
044C | JRNoCertforUser There is no userid defined for this certificate. Action: Ensure the userid is known to the SAF service. |
044D | JRCertInvalid The certificate is not valid to the security service. Action: Ensure this is a valid and correct certificate. |
044E | JRKeepaliveTO The socket connection was severed. Action: The KEEPALIVE timer expired and the connection was dropped. Reestablish the socket connection. |
044F | JRInetRecycled One of the Transport Providers was activated after the socket was opened. Action: This socket should be closed and restarted. |
0450 | JRSwapMismatch An attempt was made to make the address space swappable when no previous attempt to make the address space non-swappable was made. Action: Call service to make address space non-swappable before making it swappable. |
0451 | JRNoBacklogQ An accept() request was issued for a server socket that does not have a backlog queue. Action: A listen() was issued with a backlog queue size of less than or equal to zero. Issue a listen() with a backlog queue size greater than zero for the server socket in order to accept() connections. |
0452 | JRFunctionCode The function code for syscall is not valid. Action: Specify a supported function code |
0453 | JRIdentityType The identity type for the syscall is not valid. Action: Specify a supported identity type |
0454 | JRCertificate The security certificate was either not specified or the length was not valid. Action: Specify a valid certificate for __login |
0455 | JRCwdPLusFileName The combined length of the CWD specified in the INHE and the filename parameter exceeded 1023 bytes. Action: Verify the length of the CWD specified in the INHE and length of the filename parameter when combined does not exceed 1023 characters. |
0456 | JRFileChangedDuringLoad The file or its attributes changed while the file was in the process of being loaded. Action: Retry the operation after any changes have been made to the file and its attributes. |
0457 | JRSecurityEnv The syscall is prohibited with the caller’s current security environment. Action: The current task level security environment for the caller was not created via __login. So, __login can not be used to change the current security environment. |
0458 | JRStorNotAvail An address was specified which is not available. Action: The system tried to obtain storage on behalf of the request but the storage was not available. All or part of the storage was already allocated or the system would not permit it to be allocated. |
0459 | JRNotSegment A location specified or generated is not on a segment boundary. Action: Specify the address, length or offset in segment multiples. |
045A | JRMmapTypeMismatch A request specified the MAP_MEGA option but was already mapped without the option or did not specify the MAP_MEGA option but was already mapped with that option. Action: Ensure all requests to map the same file specify compatible map_type options. |
045B | JRWFileMapRDonly A request tried to write to a file that is mapped as read-only. Action: Remap the file for write or read/write access. |
045C | JRPtTypeNotTried The entry in a ptrace PT_BlockReq request containing this value in the status field was not processed because of an unexpected error. Action: Retry the operation after ensuring that the request is valid. For example, ensure that a Write_Block request is not trying to write into protected storage. |
045D | JRPtBadBlkReqStruc The PtBRInfo block or related structure passed as input for a ptrace Pt_BlockReq request is not valid. Action: Fix the PtBRInfo control block or related structure and retry the operation. |
045E | JRPtSomeBlkedFailed One or more entries in a Pt_BlockReq request was not processed. Action: Check the status field of each entry in the PtBRInfo block to obtain the status of each request. At least one did not complete |
045F | JRPtTypeNotBlockable The entry in a ptrace PT_BlockReq request containing this value in the status field was not processed because the type specified is not allowed in a blocked request. Action: Change the PtBRInfo block to not include unsupported request types. |
0460 | JRTargetPid A target pid specified is incorrect. Action: Reissue the request with a valid target pid. |
0461 | JRSignalPid A signal pid specified is incorrect. Action: Reissue the request with a valid signal pid. |
0462 | JRNoCallerPid The Signal_Pid or Target_Pid did not contain the pid of the caller. Action: Reissue the request with the Signal_Pid or Target_Pid equal to the caller's pid |
0463 | JRAnr Vnode operation ACCEPT_AND_RECEIVE is not supported by this file system. Action: Issue separate accept and receive operations with this socket. |
0464 | JRSrx Vnode operation SR_CSM is not supported by this file system. Action: Use regular send/receive type operations with this socket. |
0465 | JrWrongKey An error occurred during process signal initialization. Action: Kernel handling of async I/O can not be done if all callers do not run under the same key. |
0466 | JRPtBadBlkOffset A PtBRInfo entry has an offset that either points to within the PtBRInfo block or past the end of the area provided by the user. Action: Fix the PtBRInfo control block or related structure and retry the operation. |
0467 | JRSsetTooSmall The OldCount value supplied was too small to accomodate the number of built entries. Action: OldCount now contains the number of array elements needed. Reissue the call with the new OldCount value |
0468 | JRInvalidRange The NewCount or OldCount was greater than the maximum number of signals allowed. Action: Check NewCount and OldCount values making sure they are less than the maximum number of signals allowed and reissue the call. |
0469 | JRInvalidOption The option specified is not supported. Action: Reissue the request with a supported option. |
046A | JRInvalidBinSemUndo The requested operation violates binary semaphore rules by specifying UNDO option. Action: Reissue the semaphore request without UNDO parameter for a binary semaphore. |
046B | JRInvalidBinSemNumSemOps The requested operation violates binary semaphore rules by specifying more than one operation per semop. Action: Reissue the semaphore request with one operation per semop call. |
046C | JRInvalidBinSemNotBinOp The requested operation violates binary semaphore rules by specifying too large a semop or semctl value for the semval. Action: Reissue the semaphore request with a valid semop or semctl SETVAL or SETALL value for a binary semaphore. |
046D | JRInvalidBinSemFlag A semgt request matched an existing key or ID but the __IPC_BINSEM flag operand does not match. Action: Reissue the semaphore request either with or without the __IPC_BINSEM flag to match the existing semaphore set. |
046E | JRInvalidBinSemSetAll A requested semctl SETALL is being done after a semop for a __IPC_BINSEM semaphore set. Action: Do the semctl SETALL for a __IPC_BINSEM semaphore set before doing any semop requests to the semaphore set. |
046F | JRNegativeLength A negative length was specified for either the header length or trailer length on the SEND_FILE Syscall. Action: Correct the length and reissue the syscall. |
0470 | JRInValidOffset The offset parameter specified on the SEND_FILE syscall is not correct. It is either a negative number or it specifies an offset past the end of the file. Action: Correct the offset and reissue the syscall. |
0471 | JRTooManyBytes The FILE_BYTES parameter specified on the SEND_FILE syscall is larger than the file size. Action: Correct FILE_BYTES and reissue the syscall. |
0472 | JRSocketNonBlock The socket descriptor specified on the SEND_FILE syscall is a non-blocking socket. SEND_FILE requires a blocking socket. Action: Change the state of the socket from non-blocking to blocking, then reissue the SEND_FILE syscall. |
0473 | JRLocalSpawnNotAllowed A request to spawn a local child process could not be completed because of conflicting inheritance attributes. A local spawn request with options that affect the attributes of the address space is not allowed because this would affect the attributes of the current address space where the new process would be created. The spawn request specified an inheritance structure or environment variable settings that would have changed one or more of the following attributes of the address space: the region size, the memory limit, the time limit, accounting information, the user ID. Action: A local child process is required to be created when either the InheMustBeLocal flag in the inheritance structure is set on or when the value of the _BPX_SHAREAS environment variable is MUST. For spawns that must be local be sure the request does not specify any of the following attributes in the inheritance structure: InheSetRegionSz, InheSetMemLimit, InheSetTimeLimit, InheSetAcctData, InheSetJobname. In addition, be sure that the list of environment variables passed on the spawn request does not include a _BPX_USERID specification. |
0474 | JRInValidSFPLLen The SFPL_LENGTH parameter specified on the SEND_FILE syscall is not correct. Action: Correct SFPL_LENGTH and reissue the syscall. |
0475 | JRPtInvFPCWrite The value specified for writing into the Floating Point Control Register is not valid. Action: Reissue the PT_WRITE_FPR request with a valid value for the Floating Point Control Register. |
0476 | JRMaxAiocbEcb The maximum number of AIOCBs with user defined ECBs was exceeded on the requested function. Action: Reduce the number of AIOCBs with user defined ECBs. |
0477 | JRCertAlreadyDefined The certificate being registered/deregistered is already defined for another user. Action: See initACEE documentation. |
0478 | JrCertDoesNotMeetReq The certificate being registered/deregistered does not meet RACF requirements. Action: See initACEE documentation. |
0479 | JRLockFcnCode The value specified for the LockFcnCode parameter for the BPX1SLK service is not valid. Action: Reissue the BPX1SLK service call with a valid value for the LockFcnCode parameter. |
047A | JRLockReqType The value specified for the LockReqType parameter for the BPX1SLK service is not valid. Action: Reissue the BPX1SLK service call with a valid value for the LockReqType parameter. |
047B | JRLockType The value specified for the LockType parameter for the BPX1SLK service is not valid. Action: Reissue the BPX1SLK service call with a valid value for the LockType parameter. |
047C | JRLockAddr The address specified for the LockAddr parameter for the BPX1SLK service is not a valid shared memory address. Action: Reissue the BPX1SLK service call with a valid shared memory address for the LockAddr parameter. |
047D | JRLockToken The value specified for the LockToken parameter for the BPX1SLK service is not valid. Action: Reissue the BPX1SLK service call with a valid value for the LockToken parameter. |
047E | JRLockedAlready The lock represented by the specified lock token is already in a held state. Action: Reissue the BPX1SLK service call at a later instance when the lock is no longer held. |
047F | JRLockInUse The lock represented by the specified lock token is in use for a condition wait. Action: Reissue the BPX1SLK service call at a later instance when the lock is no longer in use. |
0480 | JRLockShmAcc The caller does not have read/write access to the shared memory in which the specified lock resides. Action: Change the access on the shared memory segment in which the lock resides to read/write access. |
0481 | JRLockNotOwner The calling thread does not own the lock represented by the specified lock token. Action: Change the application such that only the lock owning thread attempts to release the lock. |
0482 | JRLockMaxCntSys The maximum number of shared memory locks for the system have been initialized. Action: Reissue the BPX1SLK service call at a later instance when the number of shared memory locks is no longer at the system maximum. |
0483 | JRLockMaxCntThd The maximum number of shared memory locks for the calling thread have been obtained. Action: Reissue the BPX1SLK service call at a later instance when the number of obtained shared memory locks is no longer at the per thread maximum. |
0484 | JRLockMaxCntRecurse The maximum number of recursive lock obtains for a given lock has been reached. Action: Reissue the BPX1SLK service call at a later instance when the number of recursive shared memory lock obtains is not at the maximum. |
0485 | JRLockShmRemoved The specified lock cannot be obtained because it is in shared memory that has been removed. Action: A shared memory remove was done for the shared memory segment in which the lock resides. Further obtain requests cannot be honored. |
0486 | JRBadAioEcb An Ecb represented by AioEcbPtr in one of the input Aiocbs was found to be bad. Action: Find the offending Aiocb and correct the AioEcbPtr field to either contain zero or point to a valid ecb. |
0487 | JRNoPtSecEnv Only a thread level identity created with pthread_security_np (BPX1TLS) can be propagated over a socket. Action: Insure calling thread has a task level identity created with pthread_security_np() (BPX1TLS) and retry the connect() operation. |
0488 | JRMultiThreaded The requested service cannot be performed in an address space with multiple user threads. Action: The thread calling the service was not the JST (Job Step Task) or the JST has subtasks. Reissue the request from an address space with only a JST task. |
0489 | JrActAcceptUserid The active identity for the caller /process was propagated over a socket via accept(). The propagated identity must be cleaned up before another identity can be propagted. Action: Clean up the propagated identity by closing (BPX1CLO) the socket descirptor that was return by the accept() that caused the identity to be propagated. See setsockopt() (BPX1OPT) for details. |
048A | JRLockTokenAddr The address specified in the LockTokenAddr parameter for the BPX1SLK service is not accessible. Action: Reissue the BPX1SLK service call with an address of a lock token area that is accessible to the calling program. |
048B | JREnclaveErr While changing to an identity propagated by a socket an error occurred while attempting to join/leave the propagated enclave. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
048C | JRNotInWLMEnclave The unit of work is not in a WLM enclave. BPX1WLM did not return an enclave token . Action: The parameter area is unchanged as the current unit of work is not in a WLM enclave. |
048D | JRCSMfailure The get_buffer request to get a CSM buffer failed. Action: Contact your IBM service representative. |
048E | JrMaxQueuedSigs Maximum number of queued signal exceeded by the invoking process. Action: Ask the system programmer or system administrator to increase the MAXQUEUEDSIGS parameter of the BPXPRMxx parmlib member. |
048F | JrSigInfoLen The value specified for the SigInfo_Len parameter on a BPX1STW (sigtimedwait) syscall was not valid. Action: Reissue the BPX1STW (sigtimedwait) syscall with the correct length specified for the siginfo_t (BPXYSINF) area. |
0490 | JRLevelTooHigh The load module format of the target executable file is at a level higher than the current system supports. Action: Rebuild the target executable file so that it is compatible for the running system level. |
0491 | JRBpxoinitStarted The OMVS initial process must be started by the system. Do not use the START operator command to start the OMVS initial process. Action: Do not use the START operator command to start the OMVS initial process. It is started by the system. |
0492 | JRBpxoinitNotUid0 The userid associated with system procedure, BPXOINIT, must have uid=0 in the OMVS segment in the security database. Action: Change the userid or the uid of the userid associated with system proc BPXOINIT to have uid=0 and then have the operator re-IPL to recover OMVS services. |
0493 | JRStickyBit A program with the sticky bit was found but it is not supported on this call. Action: When issued for a BPX1LOD, either do not specifiy a sticky program, or reset the option on the BPX1LOD call to allow sticky programs. |
0494 | JrMaxAsyncIO The maximum number of outstanding async I/O requests has been exceeded by the invoking process. Action: Ask the system programmer to increase the MAXQUEUEDSIGS or MAXFILEPROC parameters for the process. The Async I/O maximum is two times the sum of MAXQUEUEDSIGS, from the BPXPRMxx parmlib member, and the process's file limit, which comes from: the BPXPRMxx MAXFILEPROC value, or the user's RACF profile's OMVS segment FILEPROCMAX value, or a program specified RLIMIT_NOFILE value. |
0495 | JRNotPtCreated Invoking task is not pthread created. Action: The function must be run as a pthread-created thread. Reissue the function after correcting the error. |
0496 | JRNotPtSecurity The current task security environment is not set up via pthread_security_np. Action: The current task security environment must be set up via pthread_security_np. Reissue the function after correcting the error. |
0497 | JRAlreadyActive Requested function is already active. Action: The osenv_get/osenv_set request cannot be processed. A previous osenv_get/osenv_set is active. An osenv_unset must be issued before a new osenv_get/osenv_set can be issued again. |
0498 | JRSecActive Task level security environment already active. Action: One of the following error conditions occur:
0499 | JRInvOsenvTok Input osenv token is incorrect. Action: The input osenv token is invalid. Specify the same osenv token as returned on a osenv_get call. You may need to issue osenv_persist to ensure the osenv token stays valid. |
049A | JRNoPersist Unpersist requested but persist count is 0. Action: The osenv_unpersist request cannot be processed. Either no osenv_persist was issued or all prior osenv_persist requests have been matched by a corresponding osenv_unpersist. |
049B | JROsenvWlmMismatch osenv WLM Enclave membership does not match the current pthread WLM Enclave membership. Action: The Osenv_set function cannot be processed. One of the following conditions occur:
049C | JROsenvWrongEnclave Current task is not associated with the osenv WLM enclave. Action: The Osenv_unset function cannot be processed. The task has changed WLM Enclave membership since the time osenv_set joined the WLM Enclave associated with the osenv. |
049D | JROsenvBeginEnvOutstanding Current task is operating under an outstanding WLM Begin environment. Enclave leave is not allowed. Action: The Osenv_unset function cannot be processed. The current task is operating under an outstanding Begin environment. Osenv_unset must be issued before issuing IWMSTBGN. |
049E | JROsenvNotEjoinedTcb Current task did not issue WLM Enclave Join, but only inherited Enclave attribute from mother task. Action: The Osenv_unset function cannot be processed. The current task cannot isue osenv_set/osenv_unset in this environemnt. |
049F | JROsenvEnclaveSubTaskExists Current task has residual subtasks propagated to the enclave which are still associated with the Enclave. Action: The Osenv_unset function cannot be processed. Ensure the subtasks are ended before issuing the osenv_unset function. |
04A0 | JROsenvSecurityMismatch Current security environment does not match the value specified in the osenv token. Action: The Osenv_unset function cannot be processed. The security environment cannot be changed between osenv_set and osenv_unset. Ensure that the osenv token used was the one returned on the osenv_get. |
04A1 | JROsenvNotActive Osenv environment is not active. Action: The osenv_unset, osenv_persist, or osenv_unpersist functions cannot be processed. Osenv_get or osenv_set must be issued before the osenv_unset, osenv_persist or osenv_unpersist functions. Osenv_unpersist can be issued together with osenv_set. If issued alone, it must be issued before osenv_unset. |
04A2 | JROsenvPersistCntBad There are no outstanding persist requests. Action: The Osenv_unpersist function cannot be processed. The current persist count is 0. Osenv_persist must be issued before the osenv_unpersist function. |
04A3 | JRWlmJoinError Bad return code from IWMEJOIN macro. Action: The IWMEJOIN macro failed. Check for WLM reported errors. Retry the osenv system call. |
04A4 | JRIwmeleavError Bad return code from IWMELEAV macro. Action: The IWMELEAV macro failed. Check for WLM reported errors. Retry the osenv system call. |
04A5 | JrNotSupInSysplex In sysplex, for remount to be supported, all systems must be at a release that provides remount support. In sysplex, unmount drain is tried as unmount normal, but if it cannot complete, an error is returned. Action: Remount can be replaced with unmount followed by mount. Unmount drain can be replaced by looping on unmount normal until it successfully completes. |
04A6 | JrSysplexRecoveryInProg An unmount or some file system command was attempted while sysplex system recovery was in progress. Action: Try again later. |
04A7 | JrMustBeImmed An unmount was attempted in a sysplex for a filesystem that is unowned, and Immed was not specified. Action: Do an unmount immed. |
04A8 | JrResetAlreadyInProg Unmount reset is already in progress. Action: None |
04A9 | JrInvalidSize Buffer received by mount was too small. Action: Reissue the command with a correct size buffer. |
04AA | JrUnknownBlock Control block received is unrecognized. Action: The data structure in the buffer did not have an eye catcher identifier. Place this into the structure and try the command again. |
04AB | JrBadCombo Conflicting values have been received. Action: Values for the chmount request conflict. Adjust the data structure to remove the conflicts. Reissue the request. |
04AC | JrNoWildFromSys Conflicting values have been received. Action: The FROMSYS specification in the MNTE cannot be an asterisk. Reissue the request for a specific FROMSYS. |
04AD | JrNoValues No values for the chmount request have been given. Action: Insufficient data was available in the MNTE to construct a chmount request. |
04AE | JrMustBeSysplex This request only possible in a sysplex enivornment. Action: This request can only be accepted in a sysplex environment. The issueing environment was not sysplex. There is no further action. |
04AF | JrAttemptsExhausted Every attempt to move the filesystem has failed. Action: Every attempt to move this file system has ended in failure. All possible locations to move the file system has been tried. It cannot be moved. |
04B0 | JrLostState The filesystem can no longer be moved by this process. Action: The filesystem can no longer be moved because the CDS no longer indicates that this process can move it. |
04B1 | JrNoFROMSYS The system specified as the FROMSYS can not be found. Action: Reissue the command with a new FROMSYS specified. |
04B2 | JrNoFSFound The filesystem requested to be moved can not be found. Action: Reissue the command with a filesystem that can be found. |
04B3 | JrInRecovery A required file system is being recovered. Action: Retry the operation later. |
04B4 | JrNoMountPointFound The mountpoint requested to be moved can not be found. Action: Reissue the command with a mountpoint that can be found. |
04B5 | JrBlackHole Filesystem is unowned. Action: A filesystem that is unowned can not be moved. |
04B6 | JrNoPlace This filesystem can not be placed. Action: A filesystem was requested to be moved to and it is not possible to do so. The reason can be that the filesystem was requested to be moved to the system it was already on. This is considered an error. Alternatively, the reason can be that the filesystem was requested to be moved to any other system in the sysplex and no eligible system was found to accept this filesystem. |
04B7 | JrNoSystemFound There is no system with that name. Action: Reissue the command with a system name that can be found. |
04B8 | JrSysplexDataSyncLost The I/O request is rejected because the file integrity was lost due to the failure of the file system server. Action: Close the file and re-open it. |
04B9 | JrTdGone The socket Transport Driver has terminated and restarted. Action: Close the socket and re-open it, or restart the application program. |
04BA | JrNoDeviceFound There is no longer any device with that device number. Action: Reissue the command. |
04BC | JrNotMoveable This filesystem can not be moved. Action: Some filesystems can not be moved from one system to another. Check that the filesystem you intended to move is the one that was requested. |
04BD | JrNoLongerServer The server detected it is no longer the server. Action: The server has determined that it is no longer the server for the filesystem to be moved. Reissue the command. |
04BE | JRLockCtl The lockctl service vnode operation is not supported. Action: Verify that the operation was performed on a physical file system that supports the operation. |
04BF | JRCPLNotAuth __cpl service call failed permission check for BPX.CF facility class profile. Action: Caller must be given read permission to BPX.CF facility class profile in order to use the __cpl service successfully. |
04C0 | JRCPLInvFcnCode __cpl service call failed because the supplied function code is not valid. Action: Reissue the __cpl service call with a valid value for the Function Code parameter. |
04C1 | JRCPLInvBuffLen __cpl service call failed because the supplied buffer length is not valid. Action: Reissue the __cpl service call with a valid value for the buffer length parameter. |
04C2 | JRCPLBuffTooSmall __cpl service call failed because the supplied buffer was too small for the data to be returned. Action: Reissue the __cpl service call with a buffer large enough to hold the data returned from IXCQUERY or IXLCSP. |
04C3 | JrSysplexBlackHoleIO The I/O request is rejected because access to the owning file system was lost. This is a temporary condition. Action: Close the file and re-open it. |
04C4 | JrSysplexRecoveryTO Filesystem recovery timeout. One or multiple file systems may not have been recovered, and are thus black holes. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
04C5 | JRCPLInvStrucType __cpl service call failed because one of the supplied structure entries is defined with an incorrect type. Action: Reissue the __cpl service call with a valid type for all supplied structure entries. |
04C6 | JRCPLCFNotFound __cpl service call failed because a Coupling Facility at the appropriate level (level 8 or greater) could not be found in the sysplex where this __cpl callable service routine is running. Action: Reissue the __cpl service call in a sysplex that has a Coupling Facility at the appropriate level. |
04C7 | JRShrLibNotAuthorized The chattr function can not be performed to change the shared library attribute because the caller is not permitted to the BPX.FILEATTR.SHARELIB facility class. Action: If the user is allowed to use chattr to change the shared library attribute, the user must be permitted to the BPX.FILEATTR.SHARELIB facility class. |
04C8 | JROutOfAutomountEntries The system is unable to obtain an entry in the file system automount table in the OMVS couple data set. Action: Either reduce the number of automount rules, or create a new OMVS couple data set which supports a larger number of rules. The system programmer will need to run the XCF couple data set format utility for TYPE(BPXMCDS) to increase the number of AMTRULES supported then issue the SETXCF COUPLE operator command to add the new OMVS couple data set as the alternate and then PSWITCH to make the alternate couple data set the primary couple data set for OMVS. |
04C9 | JRNeedAbsPath An absolute path name must be used when performing a mount command from a userid that has changed roots. Action: Reissue the command from an environment where the user has not changed root or specify a full path name on the invocation of the syscall. |
04CA | JrMapBadFunction The __Map function or sub-function code was not valid. Action: Specify a valid function code. |
04CB | JRNotAuthMAP __map_init call failed permission check for BPX.MAP facility class profile. Action: Caller must be given read permission to BPX.MAP facility class profile in order to use the __map service successfully. |
04CC | JRBadBlkAddr __map service was passed a bad block address. The block address specified was not within the map area, or was not on a block boundary. Action: Ensure that block address are valid. |
04CD | JRMapAlreadyActive __map_init requested for a process that already had an __map environment active. Action: Determine why the application attempted to initialize an __map environment when one was already active and correct it. |
04CE | JRMapOutOfBlocks __map service, processing for a new block or connect request, was asked to select a map block that was not currently in use, but none was available as all blocks were currently in use. Action: Increase the number of blocks in the map area or disconnect from at least one map block. |
04CF | JRMapNotActive __map service was requested but either no map environment is active or the current map environment is being shut down. Action: You must either start a map environment or wait for the current map environment to complete shut down and then start a new map environment prior to issing more requests. |
04D0 | JRMapTokenNotFound __map service data block token not defined. Action: That token is not defined because either it is not valid or it was valid at one time but has been previously freed. |
04D1 | JRMapBlockNotInUse __map service disconnect is issued for a map block that is not currently in use. Action: This may be caused by an application disconnecting from a block that is not currently connected, or disconnecting from the same block more than once. |
04D2 | JRMapBlockInUse __map service new block or connect specified a map block that is currently in use. Action: Ensure a map block is disconnected before the map block is re-used. |
04D3 | JRMapBlockFreePending __map service connect request specified a data block that is currently being freed. Action: Do not free a block before all users have finished with it. |
04D4 | JRMapBadStorage The parameter list either could not be accessed or was in read only storage and could not be updated. Action: The application provided a parameter list that is not useable do to storage key problems. The application should ensure that a valid storage address and valid storage are provided to the __map service. |
04D5 | JRMapUnexpectedErr An error occurred in an __map service. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
04D6 | JRReservedValueInvalid A reserved field contained a value other than zero. Action: Clear the parameter list prior to filling it in to call the service or insure you are not setting fields incorrectly. |
04D7 | JRMapArrayCountErr The array count was outside the valid values. Action: Reduce the number of array entries in the parameter list to the __map_service function. |
04D8 | JrNotClient This system is not a client of the requested filesystem. Action: This osi_xmsg request must come from a client. |
04D9 | JrJointMsgSent The joint LFS/PFS message requested for osi_xmsg to send has already been sent. Action: A joint message can only be sent once. |
04DA | JRNoWildAutoMove The automove setting can not be changed while moving a collection of filesystems. Action: Reissue the move of the collection of filesystems without the automove specification. |
04DB | JRInvalidFSP The file does not have a valid FSP. Action: Until a valid FSP is reestablished, actions requiring authorization cannot be performed on this system. |
04DC | JrNoRoot The user home directory did not exist or there is no system root mounted. Action: If there is no system root the DISPLAY OMVS,MF console command can be used to show mount failures that have occurred. Correct any problems and mount a file system on /. Otherwise, insure that the HOME() directory specified in the OMVS segment of the user profile exists. Note: z/OS UNIX can be used without a HOME directory but all file system references must be made with absolute path names until a successful change directory, cd command or chdir() function, is performed. |
04DD | JRMoveInProgress The filesystem is in the process of being moved to a different server. Action: Try again later. |
04DE | JRBadBodyLength The MNTE2 does not have a correct body length coded into the body length field in the MNTE header. Action: Recode the BodyLength field to have the length of the MNTE body control block structure that is being used. |
04DF | JRXcfNoStorage I/O buffer shortage for writing data through XCF. Action: The maximum number of I/O buffers for writing message data through XCF has been exceeded. Ask the system programmer or system administrator to sufficiently increase the MAXMSG parameter of the COUPLExx parmlib member. If the error persists, contact your IBM service representative. |
04E0 | JrPFSFailed A PFS returned a RetVal of -1 with an errno and errnojr of zero. Action: The operation has failed. If this was an unmount, do an unmount force. |
04E1 | JRPtInvGPRHNumber The ptrace call has an incorrect general register number. Action: A debugger program tried to read or write a general purpose high register, but supplied an incorrect register number. Ensure that a valid register number is supplied on the ptrace request. The register numbers are defined in the BPXYPTRC macro. |
04E2 | JRFiletooLarge File size exceeded the value that can be held in object of type off_t. Action: Rework the program to use a larger data type. |
04E3 | JRCantExpClient V_export of a sysplex client file system is not allowed. Action: Export the file system from the sysplex system that owns it. |
04E4 | JRIsExported Moving a file system that is exported is not allowed. Remounting an exported filesystem to a mode where it would then be exported on a served client is not allowed. Action: Unexport the file system first and then move or remount it. |
04E5 | JrFsQuiescedMt A file system operation was rejected because the owning file system is quiesced and the operation cannot be delayed. Action: Retry the operation after the file system is unquiesced. |
04E6 | JrMptFsQuiesced A mount request was rejected because a file system in the mount path is quiesced. Action: Retry the mount operation after all file systems in the mount path are unquiesced. |
04E7 | JrMmapSuspended A memory map request was rejected because the memory map function is suspended. Action: An unrecoverable error caused the memory map function to be suspended until the next IPL. Retry the memory map request after the IPL. |
04E8 | JrSfsDiagAct A Shared-FS diagnostic operation is already in progress. Action: Retry the operation after the current Shared-FS diagnostic function completes. |
04E9 | JRInvalidFileTag The file tag supplied is invalid. Action: When the file text flag is on, the Coded Character Set Id should not be 0 or hex FFFF. |
04EA | JrDOMParms The CCADOMToken and CCAMsgIdList are mutually exclusive, both were specified. Action: Retry the operation with either CCADOMToken or CCAMsgIdList, not both. |
04EB | JrTooManyMsgIDs The maximum number of messages that can be deleted in one operation is 60, more then 60 were specified. Action: Retry the operation with with 60 or less messages specified in the list pointed to by CCAMsgIdList. |
04EC | JrAuthRoutingCode An unauthorized caller (not UID=0) specified a message routing code reserved for authorized caller. Action: Retry the operation with routing codes 1-28. |
04ED | JrRoutCode An invalid message routing code was specified. Action: Correct the problem and retry the operation. Valid message routing codes are 1-28 for unauthorizeded and 1-128 for authorized caller's. |
04EE | JrDescCode An invalid message descriptor code was specified. Action: Correct the problem and retry the operation. Valid message descriptor codes are 1-13. |
04EF | JrRoutingList All or part of the list of routing codes pointed to by CCARoutCdeList is not addressable by the caller. Action: Correct the addressability problem with the list of message routing codes and retry the operation. |
04F0 | JrDescList All or part of the list of descriptor codes pointed to by CCADescList is not addressable by the caller. Action: Correct the addressability problem with the list of message descriptor codes and retry the operation. |
04F1 | JrMsgIdList All or part of the list of message ids to be deleted pointed to by CCAMsgIdList is not addressable by the caller. Action: Correct the addressability problem with the list of message ids and retry the operation. |
04F2 | JrTooManyRoutCodes The maximum number of routing codes that can be specified is 128 but was exceeded. Action: Retry the operation with 128 or less routing codes specified in the list pointed to by CCARoutCdeList. |
04F3 | JrTooManyDescCodes The maximum number of descriptor codes that can be specified is 6 but was exceeded. Action: Retry the operation with 6 or less descriptor codes specified in the list pointed to by CCADescList. |
04F4 | JrMsgId All or part of the location specified by the caller for the returned message id (CCAMsgIDPtr) is not addressable by the caller. Action: Correct the addressability problem with the location for the message id and retry the operation. |
04F5 | JrSysplexEnq The ENQ for file system sysplex serialization is already held by another local task or by another system in the sysplex. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
04F6 | JrLfsProtocolLev The function could not be performed because the minimum required LFS protocol level was not met by all systems in the sysplex group. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
04F7 | JrMemberListBad An inconsistency between the XCF representation of the BPXGRP member group and the local representation exists. Action: This system should be restarted. Contact your IBM service representative. |
04F8 | JRRcvBufTooSmall A message will not fit in the receive buffer. The size of the receive buffer for the receiving socket, which was set by the setsockopt syscall with the so_rcvbuf option, is too small to contain the data being sent to it. Truncation would occur. Action: The sending application must reduce the size of the message being sent to the receiving socket or the receiving application must use the setsockopt syscall with the so_rcvbuf option to increase the size of the receive buffer for the receiving socket. |
04F9 | JRMutualExclInProgress Mutually-exclusive operations are currently in progress in the sysplex. The request cannot proceed. Action: MODIFY BPXOINIT,FILESYS=DISPLAY can be used to display status of systems in the sysplex. |
04FA | JRUnmountAllInProg MODIFY FILESYS=UNMOUNTALL is in progress. MOUNT cannot proceed. Action: Retry the MOUNT later. |
04FB | JrQuiesceInProg A pthread quiesce operation is already in progress. Action: The pthread_quiesce_and_get_np function cannot be performed at this time due to conflicts with other quiesce operations currently in progress. Retry the operation after the current operation completes. |
04FC | JrRequestTypeErr The request type contains an incorrect value. Action: The request type contains an unsupported value. Correct the error and retry the operation |
04FD | JrNoFreezeExit The pthread_quiesce_and_get_np service (BPX1PQG) cannot be performed because the Quick_freeze_exit has not been registered. Action: Use the oe_env_np (BPX1ENV) service, function code of QUICK_FREEZE_EXIT_REG to register a user exit, before issuing the pthread_quiesce_and_get_np service. |
04FE | JrNotExitKey The PSW key of the caller is not same as key registered under Quick_freeze_exit. Action: The caller must run in same PSW key as registered under the QUICK_FREEZE_EXIT_REG function of the BPX1ENV service. Verify that the Quick_Freeze_Exit was registered with the proper PSW key. |
04FF | JRInvThdq Incorrect quick pthread quiesce data structure. Action: The input data structure (mapped by BPXYTHDQ) specified on the pthread_quiesce_and_get_np
service contained one or more errors:
0500 | JRNotFrozen A pthread_quiesce_and_get_np (BPX1PQG) unfreeze_all request cannot complete because the process is not frozen. Action: Use the pthread_quiesce_and_get_np service to freeze the threads before using the pthread_quiesce_and_get_np service with a request type of THDQ_UNFREEZE_ALL. |
0501 | JRQFrzExitError A pthread_quiesce_and_get_np (BPX1PQG) service call failed because the language environment quick freeze exit abnormally ended. Action: Contact your IBM service representative. |
0502 | JRExitAlreadyReg The quick freeze exit has already been registered. Action: The QUICK_FREEZE_EXIT_REG function of the oe_env_np (BPX1ENV) service cannot be performed because an exit different than the requested has already been registered. |
0503 | JRCannotDeregister The quick freeze exit cannot be deregistered. Action: The request to deregister the quick freeze exit for pthread_quiesce_and_get_np using the oe_env_np (BPX1ENV) service cannot be performed. The exit cannot be deregistered (by specifying a zero exit address). |
0504 | JRRequestorThread The requestor thread cannot be frozen. Action: A pthread_quiesce_and_get_np (BPX1PQG) service call failed because the requesting thread is on the list of threads to be frozen. The requesting thread cannot be frozen. |
0505 | JRThdsNotSafe Specified threads cannot be frozen in a safe state. Action: A pthread_quiesce_and_get_np (BPX1PQG) service call failed because one or more of the listed threads cannot be frozen in a safe state. Try the request again. |
0506 | JRDupThreads Duplicate threads specified in data structure. Action: A pthread_quiesce_and_get_np (BPX1PQG) service call failed because one or more of the listed threads have duplicate entries in the input data structure. Correct the program and rerun. |
0507 | JrSysEntryBad An inconsistency between the XCF representation and the file system representation of a member in the BPXGRP group exists. Action: The analysis and repair of the file system hierarchy ends prematurely. Partition cleanup is initiated for the named system. Issue the MODIFY BPXOINIT,FILESYS=DISPLAY,GLOBAL system command to determine if partition cleanup processing is complete. Partition cleanup is complete when there are no systems performing LOCAL FILE SYSTEM RECOVERY or FILE SYSTEM TAKEOVER RECOVERY. When partition cleanup has completed, re-issue the MODIFY BPXOINIT,FILESYS=FIX command to resume and complete file system diagnostic and repair processing. If the inconsistency persists for the named system, a sysplex restart may be required. |
0508 | JRFileNotEmpty The file is not empty. Action: The file must be empty for this particular combination of syscall parmaters. For example, opening an existing file and specifying deferred file tagging is not allowed. |
0509 | JRNoDelRequested The directory does not allow unlinks. Action: The directory on which the file resides has had a chattr request specifying that files within the directory are not to be deleted issued against it. |
050A | JrConversionErr Unicode/390 conversion error. Action: The read or write operation failed when converting between different CCSIDs. |
050B | JrUnconvertibleChar Character is not convertible. Action: A read or write operation failed while converting between CCSIDs. Either an invalid character was encountered, or the character was incomplete for the given CCSID. |
050C | JrInvalidCcsid CCSID not supported. Action: A CCSID specified is not supported. If a read or write operation was active, then the Unicode/390 environment was not set up to allow conversion between the program's CCSID and the file's CCSID. |
050D | JrConversionEnv Unicode/390 environmental error. Action: Unicode/390 services were required for the operation, and either the service failed or was not set up. Determine if Unicode/390 initialized properly, and check for a Unicode/390 error message or dump. |
050E | JrUnknownConversion Unicode/390 environmental error. Action: Unicode/390 services were required for the operation, and a previous lseek operation changed the position from which to read a multi-byte character file. This read operation is invalid because the character state is now unknown. |
050F | JrNoTaskACEE Invoker must have task level ACEE. Action: Invoke pthread_security_np(TLS_TASK_ACEE#) only when invoker has a task level ACEE |
0510 | JrNotWLMACEE ACEE must be WLM created. Action: Invoke pthread_security_np(TLS_TASK_ACEE#) only when the ACEE is WLM created |
0511 | JrTLSDONEONIPT IPT already invoked TLS_TASK_ACEE#. Action: Invoke pthread_security_np(TLS_TASK_ACEE#) only when IPT has not invoked TLS_TASK_ACEE# |
0512 | JRInvEcbPtr The ECB pointer is not a 31-bit address. Action: The ECB must reside below the 2G bar. If a 64-bit pointer is passed, the upper word must be zeroes. Retry the request specifying a valid ECB pointer. |
0513 | JRAmode64 Invalid addressing mode. Action: This release does not support AMODE(64). |
0514 | JRExecExitAboveBar Exec user exit is above the bar. Action: The EXEC user exits can not reside above the BAR. Retry the request with the user exit loaded below the BAR. |
0515 | JRInvalidMedWtAmode Medium weight process can not change AMODE. Action: Since LE can not handle dynamic AMODE changes, requests for an AMODE change on a medium weight process will not be allowed. |
0516 | JrNeedMountLatch BPXXCDSS service invoker must hold mount latch. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0517 | JrBadLfsVersion LFS Version incompatibility exists. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0518 | JRAlreadyInShutDown The block or permanent process cannot be registered. Action: The request to register a blocking process or job, or a request to register a permanent process or job, using the oe_env_np (BPX1ENV) service cannot be performed. A shutdown is currently in progress. |
0519 | JRBlockPermAlreadyRegistered The process or job is already registered. Action: The request to register a blocking process or job, or a request to register a permanent process or job, using the oe_env_np (BPX1ENV) service cannot be performed. The job or the current process is already registered. |
051A | JRBlockPermNotRegistered The process or job is not registered. Action: The request to deregister a blocking process or job, or a request to deregister a permanent process or job, using the oe_env_np (BPX1ENV) service cannot be performed. The job or the current process is not registered. |
051B | JRJobNameNotValid The Job Name was not found. Action: This reason code is returned for one of the following reasons:
051C | JRJSTMustBeRegistered The Job Step Process must be registered. Action: The callable service is rejected, because the job step process must be registered prior to registering a lower process or the job step process can not be re-registered while a lower process is still registered. |
051D | JRNotAuthShutdown SHUTDOWN_REG call failed permission check for BPX.SHUTDOWN facility class profile. Action: Caller must be given read permission to BPX.SHUTDOWN facility class profile in order to use the new registration function service successfully. |
051E | JRUnsupportedEnv Caller attempted to call a USS Service in an unsupported environment. Action: Caller cannot call USS services in this environment. An example of an unsupported environment is a PFS Task running inside the OMVS address space. The function must be performed from an environment that is supported. |
051F | JrPidInvalid Pid specified for _BPXK_PIDXFER is invalid. Action: The PID specified with the _BPXK_PIDXFER environment variable was determined to be invalid. A PID is considered invalid if it contains a non-decimal EBCDIC character (0-9) or is longer then the maximum allowable PID (>10 characters). |
0520 | JrPidOutOfRange Pid specified for _BPXK_PIDXFER is out of range. Action: The PID specified with the _BPXK_PIDXFER environment variable is out of the allowable range. A PID for a PIDXFER type exec must be between 2 and 4294967294 (inclusive). |
0521 | JRXferPidNotFound Pid specified for _BPXK_PIDXFER could not be found. Action: The PID specified with the _BPXK_PIDXFER environment could not be found. Ensure the target PID for a PIDXFER type exec is still active. |
0522 | JRNoPidXfer The caller is not authorized to debug the target process specified by the _BPXK_PIDXFER environment variable. Action: Determine the authorization required to debug a process and retry the request. For details on the authorization required refer to the IRRSPT00 SAF callable service. |
0523 | JRPidXferNoExtLink External Links are not allowed with PidXfer. Action: The program specified in the _BPXK_PIDXFER environment is not supported because it is an external link. |
0524 | JRPidXferSameAS Pid specified for _BPXK_PIDXFER is available. Action: The PID specified with the _BPXK_PIDXFER environment is active in the current address space. |
0525 | JRPidXferAsyncFail An asynchronous request for this Pid failed. Action: The PID specified with the _BPXK_PIDXFER environment is terminating. |
0526 | JRNoPidXferDefUids Cannot PIDXFER when both PIDs have default userid. Action: The PID calling BPX1EXC and the target PID specified by _BPXK_PIDXFER are using the default user identity, PIDXFER is not permitted in that environment |
0527 | JrRestartedFd The file descriptor is left over after OMVS Restart. Action: The callable service is rejected because the descriptor was opened in a prior instance of OMVS. Close the descriptor and reopen the file or socket. |
0529 | JRInvBuffSize The length of the buffer is not valid. Action: The total buffer length specified for this request is too big. Retry the request specifying a valid buffer length. If this is a socket receive request, and MSG_PEEK and MSG_WAITALL are specified, the buffer size cannot exceed 65&finespace;535. |
052A | JRInvSendBuffSize The send buffer size is not valid. Action: The total buffer length specified for the send request exceeds the limit for a datagram socket. Retry the request specifying a valid buffer length. |
0528 | JRPXNoMpMu Cannot PIDXFER to multi-process/multi-user address space. Action: The target PID for a PIDXFER resides in an address space that has multiple processes and multiple user identities, PIDXFER is not permitted in that environment |
052B | JROnePXOnly Only one PIDXFER process allowed per address space. Action: The target PID for a PIDXFER resides in an address space that was already the target of a PIDXFER, only one PIDXFER process is permitted in an address space. |
052C | JRPXExecFileTooBig The size of the specified file exceeds the private region of the PidXfer target address space. Action: The exec service detected that the size of the executable to be run exceeds the size of the PIDXFER target's address space private region. |
052D | JRPXNoSpace Not enough virtual storage available in the target PIDXFER address space. Action: During exec PIDXFER processing it was determined that the target address space did not contain enough private virtual storage to support another processs. PIDXFER requires at least 512K of private storage available below the line and 64M of private storage available above the line. |
052E | JRInheMemLimit MemLimit size specified in Inheritance structure is not valid. Action: Re-issue Spawn with a valid MemLimit Size in the Inheritance Structure. |
052F | JR64BitNotSupp Transport does not support 64-bit addresses. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0531 | JRCinetNotAttached The Cinet is configured and this name does match a stack but that stack is not attached to this socket. Action: Check the permitted values specified for the stack. Display OMVS,PFS in the console to list all the stacks currently configured. |
0532 | JRNoCinet Name does not match, but Common Inet is not configured, or this is not a socket, so this error may not matter to the application. Action: The Ioctl could be sent directly to the only stack. |
0533 | JRCinetBadName The Cinet is configured and this name does not match any stack. Action: Check the permitted values specified for the stack. Display OMVS,PFS in the console to list all the stacks currently configured. |
0534 | JRFilesLocked Command not allowed because one or more applications have byte range locks on files in the filesystem. Action: The filesystem command (such as SETOMVS FILESYS) will be prevented until all locking applications have closed those files in the filesystem for which they issued byte range lock commands. |
0535 | JRNoIPv6Stacks There are no TCPIP stacks currently supporting IPv6. Action: For the socket() function there must be at least one IPv6 Stack active on the system. For other functions there must be at least one IPv6 stack attached to the socket. Check the permitted values specified for the stack. Display OMVS,PFS in the console to list all the stacks currently configured. If IPv6 has recently been configured via SETOMVS you may need to recycle the TCPIP stack(s). |
0536 | JRMedProcTerm Call to BPX1MPC for this medium weight process failed because the process is already in termination. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0537 | JrNoListAuthPgmPath There is no authorized program path list entry. Action: The authorized program path used in this call was not listed in the sanction list referred to by AUTHPGMLIST. Update the sanction list. |
0538 | JrNoListPgmCntlPath There is no program control path list entry. Action: The program control path used in this call was not listed in the sanction list referred to by AUTHPGMLIST. Update the sanction list. |
0539 | JrNoAPFPgmName There is no APF Program name entry. Action: The APF program name used in this call was not listed in the sanction list referred to by AUTHPGMLIST. Update the sanction list. |
053A | JrAfNotRightForSocket The address family specified in the sockaddr does not match the address family of the socket. Action: Correct the program to build a sockaddr structure that is appropriate for the address family of the socket being used. |
053B | JrTdOptGone The stack chosen by the IPv6 option or by the IPv4 option is not active on this socket. Action: The function choose a stack with the IPV6_PKTINFO ancillary data item, IP_PKTINFO ancillary data item, sockaddr scope id, or socket options of IPV6_PKTINFO or IPV6_MULTICAST_IF and that stack is not attached to this socket. The stack may have been recycled since setsockopt() was called or the interface index used may be wrong. |
053C | JrV6OnlyOnOnly The IPV6_V6ONLY socket option may only be turned ON. Action: Once setsockopt(IPV6_V6ONLY) is turned on it may not be reversed in this implementation. |
053D | JrBadArgValue The argument value passed to the function is not within the range allowed. Action: Check the allowed values and correct the call. |
053E | JrPreProcInitExitReject A Pre-Process Initiation exit rejected the process initiation. Action: Check all Pre-Process Initiation exits why this process was rejected. |
053F | JrPreProcInitExitAbend A Pre-Process Initiation exit Abended. Action: Check all Pre-Process Initiation exits to find out why the exit Abended. |
0540 | JrPosProcInitExitAbend A Pos-Process Initiation exit Abended. was in error. Action: Check all Pos-Process Initiation exits to find out why the exit Abended. |
0541 | JrPreProcInitExitERROR A Pre-Process Initiation exit CSVDYNEX call was in error. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0542 | JrPosProcInitExitERROR A Pos-Process Initiation exit CSVDYNEX call was in error. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0543 | JrInvalidSyslist The system list is not valid. Action: Verify that the number of items in the syslist is correct according to the length provided. The minimum number of entries is 1 and the maximum is 32 system names. If a wildcard was entered, it must be the last item in an include system list. |
0544 | JrMountRedirected The mount request has been redirected to another system. Action: The file system is not accessible from this system at this time, however the mount was redirected to another system and should be mounted on this system shortly. Wait for a short duration and then check to determine if the file system is locally mounted. |
0545 | JRInvIoctlArg The argument value used in the ioctl is not valid for the command. Action: Check the permitted values for the ioctl command. |
0546 | JRInvIoctlArgLen The length of the argument used with the ioctl command is not valid for the command. Action: Check the permitted values for the ioctl command. |
0547 | JrDefUidNotAllowed The function is failed because it is not allowed from a user using the default OMVS segment. Action: Do not use the service. |
0548 | JrZeroScopeTdx The Scope_Id has a zero Cinet Transport Driver Index. Action: With IPv6 sockets in a Common Inet configuration whenever a non-zero Scope_Id is specified in a sockaddr the Cinet Td Index, in the Scope_Id's upper half word, must also be specified. Correct the program. |
0549 | JrZeroIfTdx An Interface Index has a zero Cinet Transport Index. Action: With IPv6 sockets or IPv4 sockets in a Common Inet configuration whenever a non-zero Interface Index is specified on a socket option or sendmsg ancillary data item the Cinet Td Index, in the Interface's upper half word, must also be specified. Correct the program. |
054A | JrTdxMisMatch Scope_Id and Interface Index do not agree. Action: On an IPv6 socket in a Common Inet configuration sendmsg() was issued with both a Scope_Id and an Interface Index specified but they each specify a different Cinet Transport Driver in their upper half words. Correct the program to use one or the other. |
054B | JrShutDownInProgress Kernel Shutdown is in progress on this system. Action: File systems can not be moved to a system that is being shutdown. Select a different system in the sysplex where the file system can be moved to and re-issue the move command. |
054C | JrCDSFailure A failure was encountered while trying to access the CDS. Action: Contact your IBM service representative. |
054D | JrCanNotBeOwner This system can not be a file system owner thru a move, newroot or recovery operation. Action: Unix System Services must be recycled to enable this system as a filesystem move target except if this message was issued from a newroot request. Reissue the newroot command after the move filesystem request has completed. |
054E | JrInCompleteMove A file system was in the process of changing file owner when the target system (new owner) exited the sysplex during the move operation. The file system is being recovered. Action: Wait for partition cleanup to complete, then review the status of this file system ('F BPXOINIT,FILESYS=DISPLAY,FILESYSTEM=file system name'). If file owner needs to be changed, use the SETOMVS command to move ownership of the file system. |
054F | JROutOfGvskCells The system is unable to obtain a cell from the GVSK cell pool. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0567 | JrSymbFailed A symlink failed symbol resolution. Action: Internal service to resolve symbols failed. |
0568 | JROperUndefined The operation argument specified with the WRITE_DOWN function for BPX1ENV is undefined. Action: Specify a defined operation value for the WRITE_DOWN function of BPX1ENV and retry. See BPXYCONS for defined operation values. |
0569 | JRScopeUndefined The scope argument specified with the WRITE_DOWN function for BPX1ENV is undefined. Action: Specify a defined scope value for the WRITE_DOWN function of BPX1ENV and retry. See BPXYCONS for defined scope values. |
056A | JRNeedTaskAcee WD_SCOPE_THD scope was specified with the WRITE_DOWN function for BPX1ENV but the calling task does not have a task level ACEE. Action: Specify WD_SCOPE_AS for the scope argument or create a task level ACEE and retry. |
056B | JRPoeLenErr The length specified for the POE mapping is invalid. Action: Correct the POE length (see BPXYPOE mapping for defined length) and retry. |
056C | JRPoeScopeErr The scope option specified in the POE mapping is incorrect either none or both scope options were specified. Action: Correct the POE scope option (see BPXYPOE mapping for defined scopes) so that one, and only one, is specified and retry. |
056D | JRPoeEntryTypeErr The entry type specified in the POE mapping is invalid. Action: Correct the POE entry type (see BPXYPOE mapping for defined entry types) and retry. |
056E | JRPoeEntryLenErr The entry type length specified in the POE mapping is invalid. Action: Correct the POE entry type length (see BPXYPOE mapping for defined entry type lengths) and retry. |
056F | JRNotPoeAuthorized The __poe function can not be perfomed because the caller is not permitted to the BPX.POE FACILITY class profile or is not a superuser. Action: Permit the caller process to the BPX.POE FACILITY class profile or make the caller a superuser (UID=0). |
0570 | JrSecurityConflict A mount request was rejected because the NOSECURITY option was specified when (1) the SECLABEL class was active, or (2) when a nonprivileged user requested the mount operation. The operation is not allowed. Action: Retry the mount operation without specifying the NOSECURITY option. |
0571 | JrNoSecLabel The operation was rejected because the object does not have a security label in an enviroment for which security labels are required. Action: Assign a security label to the object and retry the operation. |
0572 | JrTooManyHomeIfs A stack did not initialize because the Common Inet Sockets PreRouter could not obtain a buffer large enough to hold all of the home interface addresses. Action: Contact your IBM service representative. |
0573 | JrTooManyRoutes A stack did not initialize because the Common Inet Sockets PreRouter could not obtain a buffer large enough to hold all of the network routes. Action: Contact your IBM service representative. |
0574 | JrUmountFail A vfs_umount immediate failed on one or more clients in the sysplex during a remount attempt. The remount cannot proceed. Action: This may be due to an I/O error while attempting to save data. |
0575 | JrFIFOInFileSys Remount is not allowed when there are FIFOs in the filesystem. FIFOs must be closed prior to remount. Action: Close FIFOs and retry the remount. |
0576 | JrAggregateErr Remount is not allowed for a filesystem in an HFS-compatible aggregate if the clone is also mounted. Action: Unmount the clone and retry the remount. |
0577 | JrFileDesJustClosed A descriptor passed on this operation has just been closed by another thread. Action: This may be a serialization problem within the application. If this was a multi-descriptor operation it should be retried without that descriptor. |
0578 | JrSeclabelClassInactive A seclabel can only be set on a file when the SECLABEL class is active. Action: Activate the SECLABEL class according to the RACF specifications, and try the fuction again. |
0579 | JRNotSupportedForRemoteFile The requested service is not supported for a remote file such as a NFS mounted file. Action: Reissue the request, specifying a non-remote file for the request. |
05C0 | JRIarv64Serv An invocation of IARV64 service failed. Action: Retry the operation at a later time. |
05C1 | JRIarv64FCErr An invocation of IARV64FC service failed. Action: Retry the operation at a later time. |
05C2 | JRIsMountedRealName A mounted file system has a real or alias name that conflicts with this mount request. Action: This duplicate name situation ocurs when either an HFS file system was previously mounted using an alias data set name and the corresponding real data set name conflicts with the file system name specified by this mount request, or the file system name specified on this HFS mount request is an alias data set name that has a real data set name that conflicts with the name of a previously mounted file system. Resolve the duplicate file system names and reissue the mount request. |
05C3 | JrSMCFcnCode The specified function code is not valid. Action: Reissue the BPX1SMC service with a correct function code value. |
05C4 | JrSMCFcnFlags The specified function flags are not valid. Action: Reissue the BPX1SMC service with a correct function flags value. |
05C5 | JrSMCWrongMutex The specified mutex is not associated with the specified condition variable. Action: Reissue the BPX1SMC service with a mutex that is properly associated with the specified condition variable. |
05C6 | JrSMCNotMutex The specified shared memory object is not a mutex object (SMMX). Action: Reissue the BPX1SMC service with a shared memory object that represents a mutex object (SMMX). |
05C7 | JrSMCNotCondvar The specified shared memory object is not a condition variable object (SMCV). Action: Reissue the BPX1SMC service with a shared memory object that represents a condition variable (SMCV). |
05C8 | JRSMCMutexLocked A destroy of a shared memory mutex cannot be done because the mutex is currently locked by another thread. Action: Destroy the mutex after insuring that the mutex is no longer in use. |
05C9 | JRSMCWaiters A destroy of a shared memory mutex or condition variable cannot be done because at least one other thread is waiting for the object. Action: Destroy the mutex or condition variable after insuring that it has no waiters. |
05CA | JRSMCShrObjAddr The specified shared object area is not accessible to the caller. Action: Reissue the BPX1SMC service with a shared memory object that is accessible to the caller. |
05CB | JRSMCEcbAddr The specified ecb is not accessible to the caller. Action: Reissue the BPX1SMC service with a ECB that is accessible to the caller. |
05CC | JRSMCOutsideWait A wait function was attempted with the SMC_OutsideWait flag specified which is not an allowed combination. Action: Reissue the BPX1SMC service for the wait function without the SMC_OutsideWait flag specified. |
05CD | JRSmcAlreadySetup A setup to wait function call was attempted from a thread that is already setup to wait. Action: Reissue the BPX1SMC service for the wait function after canceling the setup to wait from the prior BPX1SMC operation. |
05CE | JRSmcShmAcc The caller does not have read/write access to the shared memory segment where the specified shared memory object resides. Action: Reissue the BPX1SMC service with a shared memory object that resides in a shared memory segment that the caller has read/write access to. |
05CF | JRSmcNotShared The specified shared memory object is not in memory shareable by multiple address spaces. Action: Reissue the BPX1SMC service with a shared memory object that resides in a shared memory segment that the caller has read/write access to. |
05D0 | JRSMCNotOwner The calling thread does not own the mutex represented by the specified SMMX data area. Action: Change the application such that only the mutex owning thread attempts to unlock the mutex. |
05D1 | JRSMCMaxCntSys The maximum number of shared memory mutexes and/or condition variables are in use on the system. Action: Reissue the BPX1SMC service after insuring that another shared mutex or condition variable has been destroyed. |
05D2 | JRSMCUnusable The object is no longer usable do to an unexpected failure during an operation against the object. Action: Change the application such that only the mutex owning thread attempts to unlock the mutex. |
05D3 | JRSMCMutexSetup A setup to wait was done for a mutex with incorrect flag options specified. Action: A setup to wait for a mutex must only specify that an outside wait is requested. Any other request is not valid. |
05D4 | JRSMCNotSetup A cancel setup to wait was done but the caller is not currently setup to wait. Action: Change the application such that cancel setup to wait is done only after a setup to wait function. |
05D5 | JRSMCMemoryMap The specified Shared memory object is in memory mapped storage which is not supported. Action: Reissue the BPX1SMC service with a shared memory object that resides in a shared memory segment that the caller has read/write access to. |
05D6 | JRSMCMaxCntSeg The maximum number of shared memory mutexes and/or condition variables are in use for a single shared memory segment. Action: Reissue the BPX1SMC service after insuring that another shared mutex or condition variable has been destroyed from within the same shared memory segment. |
05D7 | JRSMCCondWaiters A destroy of a shared memory mutex cannot be done because at least one other thread is waiting for the associated condition variable. Action: Destroy the mutex after insuring there are no longer any waiters for the associated condition variable. |
05D8 | JRSigkillNotSent A SIGKILL signal must first be sent at least 3 seconds prior to the target process before attempting a superkill. Action: Send a SIGKILL to the target process. |
05D9 | JrNoGroups Can not target a group with a superkill. Action: Send the superkill to a specific PID. |
05DA | JrUntargetable Can not target the address space with a superkill. Action: The process is no longer associated with a viable address space, no action is required. |
05DB | JrNoDDorFileSystem Neither DDNAME nor FILESYSTEM was specified on a MOUNT statement in the processed parmlib member. Action: Edit the processed parmlib member in SYS1.PARMLIB and specify either a DDNAME or FILESYSTEM for each MOUNT statement. |
05DC | JrNoOMVSseg User profile has no OMVS segment. Action: Provide an OMVS segment for the user's profile. |
05DD | JrNoUserID No userid found. Action: No userID defined. |
05DE | JrUserIDUnDeftoRACF UserID is not defined to RACF. Action: Define a userid for the user to RACF. |
05DF | JrUserIDUnDeftoRACFIA User ID is not defined to RACF. Action: Define a userid for the user to RACF. |
05E0 | JrMoveBrlmFailure Active byte range locks failed to move during a file system move. Action: USS was unable move BRLM locks due to an internal error. It might be possible to move the file system to another system. A system dump may have been created. |
05E1 | JrAutoMoveable A filesystem mounted in a mode for which it is capable of being directly mounted to the PFS on all systems is considered automoveable. Action: An attempt to set the AUTOMOVE setting to NO or INCLUDE or EXCLUDE is rejected. |
05E2 | JrInvPFS The requested operation is not allowed for this PFS. Action: If this is a quiesce request and the PFS is ZFS, use ZFSADM QUIESCE. |
05E3 | JrTargetPidZombie The target pid specified is a zombie, AMODE information is not available for this process. Action: Specify a target pid that has not already exited. |
05E4 | JRSMCDisabled Use of a shared memory mutex has been disabled due to a cleanup problem with the application. Action: Change the application such that usage of all mutexes is complete prior to the cleanup of the shared memory they reside in or the ending of the application |
05E5 | JRSMCAlreadyInit Initialization of a shared condition variable or Mutex failed because storage already contains a shared condition variable or mutex. Action: Change the application such that it does not attempt to reinitialize the same storage with another shared condition variable or mutex. |
05E6 | JRShrConflict This open or remove type operation conflicts with a share reservation that has denied the access intended. Action: Wait awhile and try again or end the program that has the file open with a reservation. |
05E7 | JRAccessConflict The file is already open in a way that this open is trying to deny. Action: Wait awhile and try again or end the program that has the file open. |
05E8 | JRBlockingDeny A file may not be opened with Deny flags if O_NONBLOCK is off. Action: Change the program to set O_NONBLOCK on and to handle the open being rejected with EBUSY. |
05E9 | JROpenTokMax The maximum number of v_open tokens have been allocated for this process. Action: Close some of the open tokens with v_close. |
05EA | JrNoShrsAtOwner Share reservations were requested on the open of a file but the file is owned by another sysplex member that is at a level which does not support share reservations so they cannot be enforced. Action: Move the file system to a sysplex member that is at a release level that is at least z/OS V1R7. |
05EB | JrCantMoveShares A file system may not be moved to a sysplex member that does not support share reservations while there are active reservations on any file within that file system. Action: Move the file system to a sysplex member that is at a release level that is at least z/OS V1R7. Alternatively, stop the applications at the NFS clients who have put reservations on the files, or wait for them to be finished. |
05EC | JrShrsLost The sysplex member that owned a file terminated and file system ownership has been taken over by a system that does not support the share reservations that had been established on this file so they can no longer be enforced. Action: Move the file system to a sysplex member that is at a release level that is at least z/OS V1R7 and then the file can be reopened as it was before. Note: The AUTOMOVE parameter of the MOUNT command can be used to restrict these takeovers to the systems that do support Share Reservations. |
05ED | JrFileClosed The file has been closed. Action: Reopen the file or restart the program involved. |
05EE | JRInvOpenTok The Open Token is not valid. Action: Ensure that the correct Open Token is supplied. |
05EF | JRStaleOpenTok The Open Token has been closed. Action: Ensure that the correct Open Token is supplied. |
05F0 | JRInvAccess Access specified on a v_open must be read or write or both. Action: Specify a combination of ACC_READ and ACC_WRITE. |
05F1 | JRBadOpenType The VopnOpenType field on a v_open request has a value that is not supported. Action: Refer to BPXYVOPN for valid Open type values and reissue the request with a supported value. |
05F2 | JRCreateParmLen The length specified on a v_open request for a create parameter is not valid for the type of request. Action: Verify that a create parameter should be specified for the type of request being issued. If so, ensure it is of appropriate length for the parameter to be passed. |
05F3 | JRTokNotReg The VNODE token does not specify a regular file. Action: The service requested requires a regular file, but the VNODE token passed is not for a regular file. Correct the token and reissue the request. |
05F4 | JRUpgradeSet A v_open request for upgrading share options was specified with an access mode or deny mode which is less restrictive than the current setting. Action: A request to upgrade an existing open must specify an access mode or deny mode which has a greater value than the current settings. Correct the values in the VopnShrAccess and the VopnShrDeny fields and reissue the request. |
05F5 | JRDowngradeSet A v_open request for downgrading share options was specified with an access mode or deny mode which is more restrictive than the current setting. Action: A request to downgade an existing open must specify an access mode or deny mode which has a lesser value than the current settings. Correct the values in the VopnShrAccess and the VopnShrDeny fields and reissue the request. |
05F6 | JRInvDeny A share deny specified on a v_open has a value that is not supported. Action: Refer to BPXYVOPN for valid Deny values and reissue the request with a supported value. |
05F7 | JRNotRegFile The operation requested can only be performed on a regular file. Action: Correct the pathname of the operation to that of a regular file and reissue the request. |
05F8 | JRWrtOverride An attempt was made to write to a file with the override of share reservations requested. Action: Overriding share reservations may only be done for reading from a file, not for writing. |
05F9 | JRBadTruncSize An attempt was made to open an exising file with v_open and truncate the file to a non-zero offset. Action: An existing file can only be truncated to zero when opening with v_open. |
05FA | JRAttrNotSettable An attempt was made to open create a file with v_open but the requested attributes for the new file could not be set. Action: Ensure the appropriate privileges for the attributes specified. |
05FB | JRICSFModNotFound ICSF random number generate module not found It is needed to open /dev/random and /dev/urandom. Action: Contact your system administrator to add the ICSF callable services library to the LINKLSTxx parmlib member and to check for availability of ICSF. Review the system log for message BPXF269I.' |
05FC | JRICSFnotActive ICSF must be running to open/read from /dev/random or /dev/urandom. Action: Check the availability of ICSF with your system administrator. |
05FD | JRICSFRACFfail RACF failed your request to use the CSNBRNG service of ICSF Permission is needed to open/read from /dev/random and /dev/urandom. Action: Contact your system administrator to get RACF permission to the CSFRNG profile in the CSFSERV security class. |
05FE | JRICSFCardFail While attempting to open/read from /dev/random or /dev/urandom the PCI Cryptographic Coprocessor or PCI X Cryptographic Coprocessor failed. Action: Contact your system administrator. |
05FF | JRICSFCardUnavailable Could not open/read from /dev/random or /dev/urandom because the specific PCI Cryptographic Coprocessor or PCI X Cryptographic Coprocessor requested for service is temporarily unavailable. Action: Contact your system administrator. |
0600 | JRICSFCardnotActive Could not open/read from /dev/random or /dev/urandom because the required PCI Cryptographic Coprocessor or PCI X Cryptographic Coprocessor was not active. Action: Contact your system administrator. |
0601 | JRICSFUnknownErr An unknown ICSF error occurred while trying to open/read from /dev/random or /dev/urandom. Action: Contact your system administrator. An OMVS CTrace has been taken with the return codes. |
0602 | JrLockPurged A Byte Range Lock request has been canceled while it was waiting. Action: A waiting synchronous or a pending asynchrouous lock request has been purged or canceled by a thread in the process, or the file has been closed. The lock request may be reissued if the file is still open. |
0603 | JrBRLMAbend An abend occurred in the Byte Range Lock Manager. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
0604 | JrTokMismatch The OpenToken passed does not belong to the VnodToken that was passed. Action: An OpenToken may only be used with the same VnodToken that was specified on the call to v_open that originally created the OpenToken. Insure that this rule is followed. |
0605 | JrNoVnTok An OpenToken was passed but not a VnodToken. Action: On v_lockctl both the OpenToken and the VnodToken are optional, but if an OpenToken is passed then the cooresponding VnodToken must also be passed. |
0606 | JrAsyncBadAioToken The async I/O token passed on a cancel request is not valid. Action: When an asynchronous byte range lock request is scheduled a token is returned in the aiocb that must be used on any subsequent call to cancel the lock request. The original aiocb should not be modified until the asynchronous request completes or is canceled. |
0607 | JrOwnerMoved The filesystem is now owned by a different system. Action: The owner of the filesystem changed while this operation was in progress. |
0608 | JrOwnerNoSup No support for this operation by filesys owner. Action: The owner of the filesystem is not at the release level that supports this operation. |
0609 | JrClientNoSup The client is not at the release level that supports blocking when share reservations are enforced within the sysplex. Action: The file is opened by another program with share reservations. Wait until the program closes the file and retry the failed operation. |
060A | JrBrlmOutOfStorage The Byte Range Lock Manager component has reported an out of storage condition. Action: There should be console messages or other indications of the storage shortage problems and when these are resolved the operation can be retried. |
060B | JrNoMatchingFStype This error condition only applies to sysplex configurations This system could not mount a file system that was mounted by another system in the sysplex because there is no active Physical File System that matches the Physical File System TYPE that was specified on the original MOUNT request There are inconsistent FILESYSTYPE statements in the BPXPRMxx parmlib members All systems in the sysplex must specify the same FILESYSTYPE statements. Action: Verify that each system in the sysplex is configured with the Physical File Systems required by the mount hierarchy. The D OMVS,P system command can be issued on each system in the sysplex to identify the active Physical File Systems on each system. The D OMVS,F system command can also be issued on each system in the sysplex to identify the file systems mounted on each system. The output from these commands can then be compared across all systems in the sysplex to determine if any differences exist. |
060C | JrShutdownFileOwner Automounted filesystems are not permitted after shutdown=fileowner has been issued on a system. Action: This filesystem can be mounted on a system that isn't in the shutdown=fileowner state. |
060D | JrShrsInFileSys Remount is not allowed when there are NFS V4 share reservations on any file in the File System. Move is not allowed when a client system has NFS V4 share reservations on any file. Action: After the files are closed from the NFS clients the remount or move can be tried again. |
060E | JRUnSupportedKey The caller of the service is running with a PSW Key that is not supported by the service. Action: Check the documentation for the service that is returning this error reason code to determine the supported Caller PSW Keys for the service. |
060F | JRKeyMismatch The caller of the service is running with a PSW Key that does not match the key of the TCB that it is running on OR the PSW Key of the caller does not match the storage key of a storage area that it is trying to operate against. Action: For a BPX1MGT service call insure that both the PSW Key and TCB Key are the same. For a BPX1MAT service call insure that the PSW Key and the storage key of the specified shared memory segment are the same. |
0610 | JRProcessIsReSpawn The request to register as a permanent or blocking process cannot be performed because the current process is respawnable. Action: Determine if the process should be respawnable or permanent or blocking. If perm or blocking is desired, use the _BPXK_INITTAB_RESPAWN variable to set off the respawn attribute and issue the request again. |
0612 | JrShrsNotSupported The physical file system does not support share reservations. Action: Do not use share reservations (deny read or deny write) when accessing this file system. |
0613 | JRRecallFailure An attempt to retrieve an archived filesystem has failed. Action: Ensure that the DFHSM Facility is active. |
0614 | JRAutomountTerm The automount facility is terminating. Action: Restart the automount facility. |
0615 | JRNoOperlogActive The write to /dev/operlog cannot complete because Operlog is inactive. Action: Activate Operlog so that subsequent messages can be logged |
0616 | JROperlogRtFailed The write to /dev/operlog cannot complete because Operlog Routine has failed to queue messages to operlog. Action: Attempt the request at another time. |
0617 | JRNoDaemon The function could not complete. BPX.DAEMON facility class profile not defined. Action: To use define the BPX.DAEMON facilty class for your system. |
0618 | JRIpcRemovedAsy Between the start of an asynchronous I/O and the I/O completion the IPC message queue was removed and recreated. Action: Cancel all asynchronous I/O before removing the message queue that is being used. |
0619 | JrSecEnvrNotSet The SIOCSECENVR IOCTL with the SET argument was not issued by this server. Action: To use the SIOCSECENVR IOCTL with the GET argument, the server must first issue the SIOCSECENVR IOCTL with the SET argument. |
061A | JrDuplicateGet The SIOCSECENVR IOCTL with the GET argument was already issued by this server. Action: There is no security object associated with this client. It was already retrieved by a previous SIOCSECENVR IOCTL with the GET argument. |
061B | JrSECEnvrDeletedByRd The security object associated with this client has been deleted by a read syscall because the SIOCSECENVR IOCTL with the GET argument was not issued in a timely fashion. Action: There is no security object associated with this client. It was deleted by the system because a read syscall was issued before the SIOCSECENVR IOCTL with the GET argument. To avoid this from happening, the SIOCSECENVR GET should be issued immediately after the accept() syscall. |
061C | JrSECENVRerror An error occurred while processing the security environment for this client so the security environment was deleted. Action: If the client's security environment is needed, close the client's socket and have the client reconnect to the server. |
061D | JrNoSECENVRbuffer An error occured while trying to obtain a buffer to hold the security environment. Action: There was insufficient storage available for the buffer in the user's address space. Report this problem to the system programmer so the cause of the problem can be determined and corrected |
061E | JRFormatValueInvalid First Character of the input message must contain 0x80 for local messages or 0x00 for remote messages. Action: Enter the call again after changing the invalid parameter to a valid value. |
061F | JRAutomountLkUp An error was encountered during pathname lookup because an automount managed file system could not be mounted. Action: Issue the MVS System Command, 'D OMVS,MF' on the system where the mount failure occurred. From the resulting display, locate the mount failure record for this mount request. Use the return code and reason code from this failure record to determine the exact cause for the mount failure. |
0620 | JRMountPtInProg Another file system is in the process of being mounted on the mount point specified. Action: Choose another moint point for the file system or unount the mount in progress after it has finished |
0621 | JrOptionFlagsErr Caller specified a value in the option flags parameter of extended loadhfs that is not a supported value. Action: Undefined option flags must be zero, make sure to set unused option flags to zero |
0622 | JrLodDirectedSubpoolError Caller specified a subpool that is not supported on extended loadhfs call with Lod_Directed option flag. Action: Request a supported subpool on an extended loadhfs call with Lod_Directed option flag |
0623 | JrLodDirectedAuthErr Caller specified the Lod_Directed flag but is not authorized to do so. Action: Caller must be PSW Key 0-7 or supervisor state or APF authorized |
0624 | JrLodDirectedNoStorage Storage obtain request for the directed load failed. Action: There is insufficient storage available to load requested module into the requested subpool. If the problem persists, contact the system programmer to determine why there is a shortage of storage. |
0625 | JRPFSIsRecycling The Physical File System is recycling either on this system, or on the system that is the file system owner. Action: D OMVS,PFS command done from each system will display if the PFS is recycling. Wait for the recycle to complete and retry. |
0626 | JrActivityFound Activity found on the sysplex root file system. Action: During dynamic sysplex root file system migration, activities were found on the sysplex root file system. Look for message BPXF245I on each system. |
0627 | JrSecLabelMismatch During F OMVS,NEWROOT processing, the Seclabel of the current and old roots do not match. Action: F OMVS,NEWROOT processing stops. The Seclabels should match before the command is issued again. |
0628 | JrNewRoot The sysplex root file system has been changed. Action: Re-drive your suspended operations and new operations again. |
0629 | JrAlreadyDubbed The task is already dubbed. Action: No action is required |
062A | JrAlreadyUnDubbed The task is already undubbed. Action: No action is required |
062B | JrRemntMode The file system is already in the mode specified by remount. Action: Change the remount mode if needed. |
062C | JrBadSameMode The file system is not in the mode specified by remount samemode. Action: Change the mode as necessary. |
062D | JrAsyncANR The socket state is not valid to process an accept_and_recv operation. Action: Asyncio Accept_And_Recv operations cannot be processed on a socket that has processed an accept() operation. |
062E | JrMountedUnowned The file system is mounted but unowned. Action: The file system has been mounted but not available because it is currently unowned. Issue D OMVS,F,N=filesys_name and and F BPXOINIT,FILESYS=DISPLAY,FILESYSTEM= system commands to display the file system status. An unowned file system should be recovered automatically by the last owner system (specified by the RECOVERY OWNER in the F BPXOINIT,FILESYS=DISPLAY output) or possibly by other systems. Use the D OMVS,MF command on the RECOVERY OWNER system and other systems to determine why the file system could not be recovered automatically. Correct the failure if possible. To unmount the file system, use the F BPXOINIT,FILESYS=UNMOUNT,FILESYSTEM=filesys_name system command from any system. |
062F | JrNoRemote The path specified requires crossing into a remote file system and that is not allowed. Action: Only specify files and directories that reside in file systems that are local to the server. |
0631 | JrRemoteRFI The file specified with Iocc#RegFileInt is in a file system that can be changed without notice. Action: Files that reside in a R/W sysplex aware zFS file system or that reside in an NFS Client file system can be changed on a remote system without this system knowing. For the zFS case, the file could be moved into an HFS file system or into a Read-Only zFS file system. |
0632 | JrFSTypeChanged The File System Type was changed due to generic type support for HFS and ZFS. Action: This mount could not be completed. The file system type was changed due to one of the
following reasons:
When using 'D OMVS,MF' to view mount failures, entries of JRFsNotStart and JRFsTypeChanged for the same file system may be displayed when the file system is automount managed. |
0633 | JrPOEActionErr The __poe() action options were specified incorrectly. POE#ReadPOE, POE#WritePOE and POE#SetGetPOE are mutually exclusive, more than one was specified. Action: Correct the __poe() action options and retry the operation. |
0634 | JrPOESocketScopeErr The __poe() options were specified incorrectly. When POE#ScopeSocket is specifed only POE#ReadPOE is allowed, POE#WritePOE, POE#SetGetPOE or no action option was specified. Action: Correct the __poe() action options and retry the operation. |
0635 | JrPOENotAvailable The __poe() POE#ReadPOE action option was specfied with scope options POE#ScopeProcess or POE#ScopeThread but the specified POE data was not initialized. Action: Correct the __poe() options or initialize the specified POE data an retry the operation. |
0636 | JrCannotDecrease The value specified is less than the current value. Action: SET OMVS or SETOMVS RESET cannot be used to decrease the current value of INADDRANYCOUNT for CINET. Specify a value greater than the current value. |
0637 | JrNoINETNwk A NETWORK statement for AF_INET6 cannot be processed unless there is also an AF_INET NETWORK statement with the same TYPE specified or already active. Action: Add an AF_INET NETWORK statement to parmlib or to the member specified on the SET OMVS or SETOMVS RESET command. AF_INET6 uses the INADDRANYPORT and INADDRANYCOUNT from the AF_INET NETWORK statement. |
0638 | JrInAddrAnyNotAllowed It is not permitted to pass an IP address of all zeros, InAddr_Any or In6Addr_Any, to this service. Action: Correct the sockaddr to pass a non-zero IP address. |
0639 | JrAmtNoFsName The automount file system name was blank because the directory did not match an existing specific entry and the generic entry did not specify a file system name. Action: Create a specific entry for the directory or add a file system name to the generic entry |
063A | JrDubDuringExec An attempt was made to dub a subtask while an exec or spawn for the new job step was in progress. Action: Do not attempt to invoke z/OS UNIX System Services from another task while an exec or spawn is in progress for the job step task. |
063B | JrNoSetUID NOSETUID was not specified on the nonprivileged user mount interface. Action: Specify the NOSETUID option instead or obtain authority to use SETUID. |
063C | JrNonEmptyMntPtDir The mount point directory is not empty. Action: Retry the mount on an empty mount point directory. |
063D | JrExceedMaxUsrMntSys The maximum number of nonprivileged user mounts for the system or sysplex has been exceeded. Action: Ask the system administrator to use the SET OMVS or SETOMVS command to dynamically increase the maximum number of nonprivileged user mounts. Then retry the nonprivileged user mount. |
063E | JrExceedMaxUsrMntUsr The maximum number of nonprivileged user mounts for the user has been exceeded. Action: Retry the nonprivileged user mount after unmounting one of your mounted file systems. |
063F | JrNotMntPtOwner The user does not own the mount point directory when the sticky bit is set. Action: Ask the system adminstrator to change the ownership of the mount point directory to you. |
0640 | JrNotRootOwner The user does not own the file system root when the sticky bit is set. Action: Ask the system adminstrator to change the ownership of the file system root to you. |
0641 | JrFileSystemMigrated The file system name specified on the nonprivileged user mount is HSM-migrated and automount facility is not running. Action: Recall the HSM-migrated file system or start automount facility then reissue the mount request. |
0642 | JrSysNameNotAllowed The system name specification is not supported on the nonprivileged user mount operation. Action: Retry the nonprivileged user mount without the sysname option. |
0643 | JrRemountNotAllowed Remount operation is not allowed for nonprivileged users. Action: Unmount the file system and then issue a mount request. |
0644 | JrUserUnMountNotAllowed The Nonprivileged user is not allowed to unmount a file system that was mounted by another user. Action: To unmount this file system, reissue the unmount request from a superuser or from the user who mounted this file system. |
0645 | JrPFSNotSupported The specified mount point is not in a supported file system for this mount request. Action: Reissue the request, specifying a mount point that is in a supported file system. |
0646 | JrNoRootAccess The nonprivileged user does not have read, write, and search permission to the specified file system root directory. Action: Ask the system administrator to give you read, write and search permissions for the file system root and reissue the mount or unmount request. |
0647 | JrNoMntPtAccess The nonprivileged user does not have read, write and search permission to the specified mount point directory. Action: Ask the system administrator to give you read, write and search permissions for the mount point directory.Then reissue the mount request. |
0648 | JrTooManyInProgress Too many nonprivileged user mounts are in progress at a given time. Action: Retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact the system administrator. |
0649 | JrMaxPipesUser The maximum number of pipes has been exceeded for this user. Action: The maximum number of pipes and FIFOs that the user can use is specified by the MAXPIPEUSER BPXPRMXX statement. Review the pipe and FIFO usage using the zlsof command. |
064A | JrMaxPipes The system limit of 15,360 pipes and FIFOs has been reached. Action: Contact the system administrator to use the D OMVS,LIMITS system command to review the pipe and FIFO usage for the system, and D OMVS,PIPES to view the pipe and FIFO usage on a user basis. |
064B | JrBadPET PET specified in ThliPET was invalid at the time BPX1STE/BPX4STE was invoked. Value must either be zero or a valid unautherized PET. Action: Retry the operation with a valid value in ThliPET owned by the invoking thread. |
064C | JrReleasedPET PET specified in ThliPET has already been released. No timer interrupt has been set for the invoking thread. Action: The invoking thread should either PAUSE on the PET specified in ThliPET or query the PET for release code. |
064D | JrUniLseek This read/write operations fails because an lseek was issued on this file with a prior read or write that caused conversion via Unicode Services with a CCSID that is not a single byte character set. Action: Once conversion has started, an lseek that changes the file's cursor will cause a subsequent read or write to fail. An exception to this is an lseek that sets the cursor to the beginning of the file (for all reads and for writes that do not cause partial characters to be saved). Any saved partial character is lost. When writing a partial character, a subsequent write must be issued to complete the character so that it can be converted and written to disk. |
064E | JrUniPartialWrt A file being converted using Unicode Services on a write request, caused the file system to become full or reached the file size limit without writing all converted characters to the file. Writes of partial characters is not supported. Action: Free up space or increase the size of the file system |
064F | JrUniOutOfStorage Unable to obtain storage for internal buffers used for converting files via Unicode Services. Action: Close files that are opened and being translated via Unicode Service to free up space. |
0650 | JrUniPartialChars A prior write operation on a file being converted using Unicode Services resulted in a partial character being saved but the following operation was a read. Action: The partial character is lost and never written to disk. When writing a partial character, a subsequent write must be issued to complete the character so that it can be converted and written to disk. |
0651 | JrUniCharSpec Character special files are not supported when files are being converted with Unicode Services. Action: Untag the file or do not open it when the program's CCSID is set. |
0652 | JrUniOpTooBig The read or write request trying to convert using Unicode Services specified a length that is too large. Action: Reissue the operation with a smaller length. |
0653 | JrUniPartialCharsShr The read or write request that was converting using Unicode Services, produced a partial character on a shared open at the same time that another thread was doing a read or write. Action: Threads that share opens and require Unicode Services conversion must coordinate their reads and writes to guarantee data integrity. |
0654 | JrUniMaxLenTooLong The maximum character length for one of the CCSIDs being used for conversion is too long. Action: Contact IBM support. |
0655 | JrUniMaxIoBufUser The Unicode I/O buffer storage allowed for this UID has exceeded the system specified amount. Action: Retry after some threads have ended, or change the maximum allowable limit via the MAXIOBUFUSER system parameter. |
0656 | JRCanceled The operation has been canceled. Action: BPX1AIO(Aio#Cancel) has been called to cancel an operation. |
0657 | JrUniCCSIDNotSupported The read or write request trying to convert using Unicode Services failed due to an unsupported CCSID. Action: Look in the z/OS Unicode Services User's Guide and Reference for a list of supported CCSIDs. |
0658 | JrCPLFcnReq The __cpl function code is inconsistent with the request type. Action: Correct the __cpl function code to one that supports the specified request. |
0659 | JrCPLParmVer The input or output parameter version in the structure buffer passed to __cpl is inconsistent with the request type. Action: Correct the input or output version and ensure that the necessary input parameters associated with the required input version are present. |
065F | JrMaxThreads The system has reached the maximum number of threads allowed. Action: Try the request again after some threads have been exited and detached. |
0660 | JrSMFTypeSubtypeMismatch The SMF type or subtype parameters do not match the type or subtype specified in the SMF record to be written. Action: Change the SMF type and subtype parameters or the SMF type and subtype in the SMF record so that they match. |
0661 | JrSMFRecordLenMismatch The SMF record length parameters is smaller than the record length specified in the SMF record to be written. Action: Change the SMF record length parameter or the SMF record length in the SMF record so that they match. |
0662 | JROWTTerminated The service requested was offloaded to an Offload Worker Task that was already terminated. Action: Restart OMVS and try again. |
0663 | JrFailedBySyscallExit The callable service was disallowed by a pre-syscall exit routine. See the THLI control block for information regarding which exit routine rejected the syscall and the return and reason codes returned by the exit routine. Action: Examine the information in the THLI supplied by the failing exit routine. If possible, resolve the issue identified by the exit and retry the syscall if appropriate. |
0664 | JrSyscallExit The callable service attempted is not allowed to be called from a dynamic syscall exit routine. Action: See z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference for a list of callable services that cannot be called from a dynamic syscall exit routine. |
0665 | JJRMigNFSFile The file system specified for the migration contains open NFS files and that is not allowed. Action: Wait until all NFS files are closed and try the migration again. |
0666 | JRMigTargetMounted The target file system specified on the migration command is already mounted. Action: If the target file system name is correct, unmount the file system. Otherwise, specify the correct file system. |
0667 | JRMigTgtNotEmpty The target file system is not empty and this is not allowed. Action: Delete all files in the file system before starting the migration. |
0668 | JRMigNotLocal The source file system is not mounted locally. Action: Move the file system so that it is mounted locally or initiate the migration request from the owning system. |
0669 | JRMigNotStarted The specified source file system has not been designated for migration. Action: Initiate the migration before trying to change the migration settings. |
0670 | JRMigIsSwapping The specified source file system is in the process of being swapped. Action: Migration settings can no longer be changed for this file system. |
0671 | JrMigAlreadyInProgress Migration is being canceled for the specified source file system. Action: Restart the migration before trying to make changes to the migration settings. |
0672 | JRMigIsCanceled Only one migration is allowed to be in progress. Action: Retry after the current migration is complete. |
0673 | JRMigSrcNotHFS The specified source file system must be of type HFS. Action: Retry the migration command with an HFS file system. |
0674 | JRInvMigCmd The specified migration subcommand is not valid. Action: Respecify the migration subcommand. |
0675 | JrSwapMissingTgtVnodPtr One or more source vodes do not have pointers to corresponding target vnodes during a migration swap attempt. Action: Determine the reason for the missing target vnode pointers. |
0676 | JrSwapDirInUse One or more directories are actively being read during a migration swap attempt. Action: Delay and retry the swap. |
0677 | JRMigFsOptionsLen The FsOptions length specified for the modify migration is too long. Action: Verify why the FsOptions are too long and correct the error. |
0678 | JRMigBadRename The trename option was specified on a modify migration but the result would leave the source and the target file systems with the same name. Action: Change either the target name or source name and then retry the modify migration request. |
0679 | JRMigRenameTgtErrInt An internal error occurred. File system migration failed to rename the target file system Action: Examine the LOGREC for the reason of the failure. |
067A | JRMigCancelNotAllowed The specified file system migration is not allowed to be canceled at this time. Action: Retry the cancel command later. |
067B | JrMigWriteAmt During a migration, a mirroring write failed to write enough bytes. The migration has been canceled. Action: Allocate a larger target zFS file system and retry the migration. |
067C | JRMigNotActive The specified file system migration is not active. Action: Check the source file system name. |
067D | JRMigSwapInProgress A migration cancel is not allowed when the swap is in progress. Action: If the swap isn't successful, try canceling the migration again. |
067E | JRMigNoStorage There is not enough storage in the kernel address space. Action: This should be a transient condition. Reissue the service. If the problem persists, contact the system programmer or system administrator to diagnose the storage usage in the kernel address space. |
067F | JRMigNotMirrored The source file system for migration must be mirrored before you can compare the contents. Action: Use the migration query function of BPXWMIGF to obtain the state of the migration. |
0680 | JRMigIsExported The file system specified for the migration is exported and that is not allowed. Action: Unexport the file system first and then try the migration command again. |
0681 | JRMigInProgressFs The specified file system has already been designated for
migration. Action: If the file system name specified is correct, wait for the migration to finish. Otherwise, specify the correct file system name. |
0682 | JRMigDownLevel A system in the sysplex is at a lower release level that does not support file system migration. Action: Retry the migration when the down-level system is not a member of the SYSBPX sysplex group. |
0683 | JRSwapOWInProg One or more operations are actively in an osi wait during a migration swap attempt. Action: Wait for the operations to end and then retry the swap. |
0684 | JRRM64AM31 The invoking task attempted to load an rmode64 program while running amode31. Action: To access the returned 64-bit address, the invoking task must run amode64 and use the BPX4LOD interface. |
0685 | JRRMODE64NOTSUPPORTED Service does not support rmode 64. Action: A parameter was passed for an executable address that was greater then a 31 bit address. Address must reside below the 2-gigabyte address range. |
0686 | JRMigRenameTgtErr File system migration failed to rename the target file system. Action: Examine the IDCAMS messages in the LOGREC for the reason of the failure. |
0687 | JRMigRenameTgtErr File system migration failed to rename the target file system. Action: Examine the IDCAMS messages in the LOGREC for the reason of the failure. |
0688 | JRMigNotAllowed Migration file system is not allowed to start. Action: An operation such as file system remount, unmount or move occurred recently that prevents file system migration for about 20 minutes. Try again later. |
0695 | JrNoUserCat
zFS file system data set is not allowed to be cataloged in the Master Catalog. Action: Define an alias to the user catalog for the new zFS. |
0696 | JRIOCTLBackupClient
The backup command for the ioctl cannot be issued from a file system client. Action: Issue the ioctl for more backup from a system that is not a file system client. |
7101 | JrSipcOPEN SNAckets IPC Open error occurred. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
7102 | JrSipcCONNECT SNAckets IPC Connect error occurred. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
7103 | JrSipcCLOSE SNAckets IPC Close error occurred. Action: See your IBM service representative. |
7200 | JRAckLenFailure The size of the TPI data is not large enough to support the Prim_type field. Action: Unrecoverable error. Contact the systems programmer. |
7201 | JRUnExpectedAck The Prim_type received from the TPI request does not match the request. Action: Unrecoverable error. Contact the systems programmer. |
7202 | JRAlreadyBound The Socket has already been bound by a previous request. Action: This protocol does not support multiple binds to the same socket. |
7203 | JRNotBound Read not allowed on unbound socket unless it is RAW. Action: Bind the socket and retry the request. |
7204 | JRWrongBand Message received on wrong band. Action: Unrecoverable error. Contact the systems programmer. |
7205 | JRTLIerror ERRNO returned by the transport layer interface. Action: See ERRNO. |
7206 | JRConnFail Previous connection request on this socket failed. Action: Check previous connection request to determine why it failed. |
7207 | JRCFGMREQLenErr The size of the returned buffer is not large enough to support a CFGMREQ structure. Action: Unrecoverable error. Contact the systems programmer. |
7208 | JRBulkModeErr The type of socket request specified is not valid for a Bulkmode socket. Action: Specify a valid socket request for the bulkmode socket. |
7209 | JrIOCTLAccessAuthorization The user does not have access authority for the requested ioctl. Action: APF, OE Superuser or RACF authorization is required for SET ioctl's. |
720A | JRIOCTLSizeIncorrect The size of the structure used in the ioctl is not correct. Action: Verify that the structure passed to the ioctl is correct. |
720B | JRIOCTLAFNotSupported The address family is not supported for the specified ioctl. Action: Verify the socket address passed on the ioctl is correct. |
720C | JRIOCTLRTTableSize The TCP/IP Route table does not fit in the buffer pro vided. Action: Iocn_RtMsgHdrType.Iocn_RtMsgHdrNumEnt specifies the number of entries in the route table. |
720D | JRIOCTLTPrimNotSet No primary interface is defined to TCP/IP. Action: Use the Home statement to define an interface to TCP/IP. |
720E | JRIOCTLLinkName The ifr_name specified was not found to be a valid, defined link name. Action: Verify the ifr_name specified. Ensure that a LINK statement defined this name to TCP/IP. |
720F | JRDevNumInvalid The device number specified is not valid for the operation. Action: Verify that the device number specified is correct. |
7210 | JRIPAddrInvalid The IP address specified is not valid for the operation. Action: Verify that the IP address specified is correct. |
7211 | JRLinkNameInvalid The link name specified is not valid for the operation. Action: Verify that the link name specified is correct. |
7212 | JRInterfaceInvalid The interface specified is not valid for the operation. Action: Verify that the interface specified is correct. |
7213 | JRDeviceCTCInvalid The device conflicts with a CTC device. Action: Verify that the device number specified is correct. |
7214 | JRDeviceCLAWInvalid The device conflicts with a CLAW device. Action: Verify that the device number specified is correct. |
7215 | JRDeviceLCSInvalid The device conflicts with a LCS device. Action: Verify that the device number specified is correct. |
7216 | JRLinksMaxExceeded The number of link names has been exceeded. Action: Verify that the link is correct. |
7217 | JRInterfaceAlreadyStopped The Interface is already stopped. Action: Verify that the device number specified is correct. |
7218 | JRInterfaceAlreadyStarted The interface is already started. Action: Verify that the device number specified is correct. |
7219 | JRDeviceNotDefined The device number specified is not defined. Action: Verify that the device number specified is correct. |
721A | JRDeviceAlreadyDefined The device is already defined. Action: An attempt was made to create duplicate devices. |
721B | JRDeviceUnsupported The device type is unsupported. Action: An attempt was made to create an unsupported device type. |
721C | JRDeviceActive The device type is active. Action: An attempt was made to delete an active device. |
721D | JRConfigErr Config statement is in error. Action: One of the following errors was encountered when processing a config statement:
Correct the config statement and restart the function. |
721E | JRAFNotSupported Address Family is not supported. Action: Verify that the address family was properly specified in the SockAddr structure. |
721F | JRTCPNotUp TCP/IP is not initialized. Action: Start TCP/IP Initialization. |
7220 | JRUDPNotUp TCP/IP is not initialized. Action: Start TCP/IP Initialization. |
7221 | JRGetConnErr The connection was not in the proper state for retrieving. Action: Try the request later. |
7222 | JRPATFNDErr Search for a restricted port failed. Action: Verify the restricted port table. |
7223 | JRPATFNXErr Search for restricted ports failed. Action: Verify the restricted port table. |
7224 | JRPATADDErr Add new restricted port failed. Action: Verify the restricted port table. |
7225 | JRPATDELErr Delete a restricted port failed. Action: Verify the restricted port table. |
7226 | JRPATExistErr Restricted port entry already existed. Action: Verify the key of the added entry. |
7227 | JRPATNotFound Restricted port entry is not found. Action: Verify the key of the deleted entry. |
7228 | JRInvaliddAddr Specified address is not valid. Action: Verify the destination address in the SockAddr structure. |
7229 | JRPortRErr The input specified in the port range statement is not valid. Action: Verify that the port range was properly specified in the Add Port Range statement. |
722A | JRInterfaceDefinedByHome The interface has been used within a Home statement. Action: Remove the Interface from the Home list. |
722B | JRDeviceDefinedByLink The device is defined by a Link statement. Action: Remove the Link statement that uses the device. |
722C | JRDeviceTypeInvalid The device type is not valid for the operation requested. Action: Verify that the device type of the device is correct. |
722D | JRBSDRoutingParmsNeverUsed BSDRoutingParms were never configured for TCP/IP. Action: Add BsdRoutingParms to TCP/IP Configuration. |
722E | JRBINDOutState The current TPL state is not unbound when doing a bind request. Action: Validate the specified port number and IP address in the bind request. |
722F | JRBINDBadSockAddr Bad Socket Address data present in the source IP address. Action: Validate the IP address in the bind request. |
7230 | JRBINDAddrNActive Local address was not active when processing the bind request. Action: Validate the specified IP address in the bind request. |
7231 | JRBINDNoPort No port is available. Port entries have reached the maximum number. Action: TCP/IP is running out of connection IDs. Wait and retry the bind request later. |
7232 | JRBINDAddrInUsed The INADDR_ANY is being used by other users. The bind request fails. Action: Try the bind request later. |
7233 | JRUNBINDNotIDLE The requested connection was not in the proper state for the request. Action: Try the unbind request later. |
7234 | JROPTLERR The value specified for option_length is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
7235 | JRSendLimit The send buffer size is not valid. It is too big. Action: Validate the option management send buffer request. |
7236 | JRRcvdLimit The received buffer size is not valid. It is too big. Action: Validate the option management receive buffer request. |
7237 | JRBSTOpt The value specified for option_value is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
7238 | JRBRTOpt The value specified for option_value is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
7239 | JRIPOpt The value specified for option_value is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
723A | JRTOSOpt The value specified for type of service is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
723B | JRTTLOpt The value specifed for time to live is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
723C | JRIPOPTLERR The value specified for option_length is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
723D | JRTOSOPTLERR The value specified for option_length is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
723E | JRTTLOPTLERR The value specified for option_length is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
723F | JRConnNotIdle Connect request not in idle state. Action: Connect should only be issued after bind request. |
7240 | JRBroadcastDest Cannot connect to a broadcast address. Action: Specify a valid address. |
7241 | JRConnectToSelf Connect address is the same as the source address. Action: Specify a valid address. |
7242 | JRConnTCBNotFound A TCB was not found for the specified socket. Action: Use a valid socket descriptor. |
7243 | JRBadTCBEye The TCB has been freed or overlaid. Action: Refer to provided diagnostic information to resolve the problem. Contact service for assistance. |
7244 | JRNoAcceptTCB There is no valid TCB on the accept queue. Action: Refer to provided diagnostic information to resolve the problem. Contact service for assistance. |
7245 | JRDisconTCBNotFound The TCB could not be found for disconnect. Action: Refer to provided diagnostic information to resolve the problem. Contact service for assistance. |
7246 | JRPortAccessAuth User does not have authority to access this port. Action: Specify a valid port. |
7247 | JRPortBusy Specified port is in use. Action: Specify a port not in use or try again later. |
7248 | JRSENDOPTLERR The value specified for option_length is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
7249 | JRRECVOPTLERR The value specified for option_length is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
724A | JRBSTOPTLERR The value specified for option_length is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
724B | JRBRTOPTLERR The value specified for option_length is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
724C | JRRtInvalidTOS Specified route type of service is not valid. Action: Specify a valid route type of service. |
724D | JRRtInvalidGateWayAddr Specified route gateway address is not valid. Action: Specify a valid route gateway address. |
724E | JRRtInvalidProtocol Specified route protocol is not valid. Action: Specify a valid route protocol address. |
724F | JRRtInvalidType Specified route type is not valid. Action: Specify a valid route type address. |
7250 | JRRtInvalidDest Specified route destination is not valid. Action: Specify a valid route type address. |
7251 | JRRtInvalidMask Specified route subnet mask is not valid. Action: Specify a valid subnet mask. |
7252 | JRRtInvalidHostAddr Specified route host ip address is not valid. Action: Specify a valid host ip address. |
7253 | JRHardwareTypeNotSupported Specified hardware type is not supported. Action: Specify a supported hardware type. |
7254 | JRLinkTypeInvalid The link type is not valid for the operation requested. Action: Verify that the link type of the device is correct. |
7255 | JRNoHomeStatement The link name does not have an associated home statement. Action: Verify that the link name specified has a home statement. |
7256 | JRIOCTLNotSupported The specified ioctl is not supported in this version of TCP/IP. Action: Unrecoverable error. The ioctl type does not exist. |
7257 | JRLVLSOCNOSUP The option_name that was specified is not supported. Action: Reissue the request with a valid option_name. |
7258 | JRLVLTCPNOSUP The level that was specified is not supported. Action: Reissue the request with a valid level. |
7259 | JRLVLIPNOSUP The option_name that was specified is not supported. Action: Reissue the request with a valid option_name. |
725A | JRInvOptLen The option length is not valid. Action: Validate the option length. |
725B | JRInvOptVal The option value is not valid. Action: Validate the option value. |
725C | JRConnAlreadyExists The address is already in use. Action: Specify an address that is not in use. |
725D | JRStartNonDeviceInvalid An attempt was made to start an interface which is not a device. Action: Specify a device on the START command. |
725E | JRBadIOCTLToIF An internal error occurred between the ioctl and Interface layer. Action: Contact your IBM service representative. |
725F | JRLinkNotDefined The link name specified is not defined. Action: Verify that the link name specified is correct. |
7260 | JRMaxStartsExceeded An internal limit of START DEVICEs has been exceeded. Action: Contact your IBM service representative. |
7261 | JRDeviceHasLinks An attempt was made to DELETE a device, but the device has at least one LINK defined to it. Action: Delete the link(s) and then delete the device. |
7262 | JRDeviceHasNOLinks An attempt was made to START a device, but the device has no LINKs defined to it. Action: Define a link to the device. |
7263 | JRInterfaceNotDefined The interface specified is not defined. Action: Define the interface. |
7264 | JRRtAlreadyExists The route already exists. Action: Delete the route and retry. |
7265 | JRRtNotDefined The route is not defined. Action: Route to be deleted is not defined. |
7266 | JRRtRemoveDirectError The route to be removed is a direct route. Action: Correct the route type information. |
7267 | JRGateWayUnreachable The gateway is unreachable by any routes. Action: Add a route to the gateway and retry. |
7268 | JRRtRemoveIndirectError The route to be removed is an indirect route. Action: Correct the route type information. |
7269 | JRArpsvMult Multiple ATMARP servers are defined for the same link. Action: Correct the ATMARPSV statement to specify only one ATMARP server for the link. |
726A | JRDeviceMPCPTPInvalid A MPCPTP link was defined for an incorrect device type. Action: Correct the link statement to point to a MPCPTP device. |
726B | JRDeviceHCHInvalid An HCH link was defined for an incorrect device type. Action: Correct the link statement to point to an HCH device. |
726C | JRDeviceCDLCInvalid A CDLC link was defined for an incorrect device type. Action: Correct the link statement to point to a CDLC device. |
726D | JRDeviceX25Invalid An X.25 link was defined for an incorrect device type. Action: Correct the link statement to point to an X.25 device. |
726E | JRDeviceATMInvalid An ATM link was defined for an incorrect device type. Action: Correct the link statement to point to an ATM device. |
726F | JRLinkAlreadyDefined The link is already defined. Action: Correct the profile to remove the duplicate link definition. |
7270 | JRPvcAlreadyDefined The PVC is already defined. Action: Correct the profile to remove the duplicate PVC definition. |
7271 | JRPvcNotDefined The PVC name specified is not defined. Action: Verify that the PVC name specified is correct. |
7272 | JRLisNotDefined The LIS name specified is not defined. Action: Verify that the LIS name specified is correct. |
7273 | JRArpsvNotDefined The ATMARPSV name specified is not defined. Action: Verify that the ATMARPSV name specified is correct. |
7274 | JRLisInUseForDevice Another LINK for this device already specifies this LIS. Action: Correct the LIS name on the LINK statement. |
7275 | JRPvcLinkNotATM An ATMPVC was defined for an incorrect link type. Action: Correct the ATMPVC statement to point to an ATM link. |
7276 | JRLisInconsistent The LIS name is already defined with a different subnet value/mask. Action: Correct the ATMLIS statement to define the same subnet value and subnet mask. |
7277 | JRLisOptionsUpdated An ATMLIS redefiniton caused the LIS options to be updated. Action: None required if this was the intended result. |
7278 | JRPvcInUseAsArpsv An attempt was made to delete an ATMPVC which is in use as an ATMARP server. Action: Stop the ATM device which is using this PVC as an ATMARP server. |
7279 | JRLinkHasPvcs An attempt was made to DELETE a LINK, but the LINK has at least one ATMPVC defined to it. Action: Delete the link(s) and then delete the ATMLIS. |
727A | JRLisHasLinks An attempt was made to DELETE an ATMLIS, but the ATMLIS has at least one LINK defined to it. Action: Delete the link(s) and then delete the ATMLIS. |
727B | JRLisHasArpsvs An attempt was made to DELETE an ATMLIS, but the ATMLIS has at least one ATMARPSV defined to it. Action: Delete the ATMARPSV(s) and then delete the ATMLIS. |
727C | JRArpsvInUse An attempt was made to DELETE an ATMARPSV, but at at least one ATM device is using the ATMARPSV. Action: Stop the device(s) currently using the ATMARP server and then delete the ATMARPSV. |
727D | JRNotInLis The IP address of a defined ATMARPSV is not in the specified LIS. Action: Correct the ATMARPSV statement to specify a consistent LIS name and IP address. |
727E | JRTELSTATERR Attempt to update the telnet attributes when the connection is not yet established. Action: Verify the socket address of the telnet entry or try it later. |
727F | JRTELNFNDERR Telnet session is not found. Action: Verify the socket address of the requested telnet entry. |
7280 | JRArpsvAlreadyDefined The ATMARPSV is already defined. Action: Correct the profile to remove the duplicate ATMARPSV definition. |
7281 | JRLisMismatch The LIS name on the ATMARPSV PVC statement does not match the LIS defined on the link to which the specified PVC is defined. Action: Correct the profile to specify the correct LIS name. |
7282 | JRDeviceSNAInvalid A SNA link was defined for an incorrect device type. Action: Correct the link statement to point to a SNA device. |
7283 | JRLinkHasNoPvcOrLis An ATM link was defined but did not specify a LIS and has no PVCs defined to it. Action: Correct the link statement to specify a LIS or define an ATMPVC for the link. |
7284 | JRRtInvalidMaskHost A host route with a non-zero mask was received. Action: Update the subnet mask to be zero or the route flag to be non-zero and rerun the command. |
7285 | JRRtInvalidMaskDefault A non-default route was received with a destination of 0. Action: Update the destination address or the default route flag and rerun the command. |
7286 | JRRtNoBsdRoutingParmsSet A route was added for a link without BSDRoutingParms. Action: Use VARY TCPIP,OBEYFILE to set BSDRoutingParms for the link used by the route. |
7287 | JrRtInvalidMaskCidr The mask does not conform to CIDR requirement. Action: The mask field must have contiguous one bits until the first zero bit. No ones are allowed after the first zero. |
7288 | JrMsgInvalidFlag The socket does not support the function that was specified with the flags parameter. Action: Reissue the request with a valid function. |
7289 | JrVariableSubnettingNotAllowed IPCONFIG did not specify RIPV2 or length of rtentry is wrong. Action: Correct IPCONFIG statement with VARSubnetting or the length of the rtentry. There is a new length for Variable Subnetting (RIPV2). |
728A | JRsysplexAddrNotFound The sysplex loopback address could not be resolved to the sysplex domain name by the gethostbyaddr() syscall. Action: Verify the DNS configuration. Ensure that the TCP/IP stack points to an active DNS in the same sysplex and that the DNS has the PTR record for the 128 host defined in the 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa. zone. |
728B | JRresNotFoundInDNS The specified group or server+group name could not be found within the sysplex domain. Action: Determine whether the requested resource exists within the cluster domain in the sysplex DNS. If the resource does not exist within the DNS data base, then start or re-register the specified resource. |
728C | JRgroupNameRequired A server name was specified in the sysplexFqDnData structure without a group name. Action: Specify a group name in the sysplexFQDnData structure. |
728D | JRinvalidBufTokn An incorrect CSM buffer token was provided. Action: The communication storage manager detected that the CSM buffer token being used on the socket call has previously been freed. The application could optionally take a FFST dump to record key application-specific data areas. The application can reissue the socket call using a different CSM buffer. |
728E | JRMCTTLOpt The value specified for multicast time to live is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
728F | JRMCTTLOptLErr The value specified for option length is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
7290 | JRMCLoopOpt The value specified for multicast loopback is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
7291 | JRMCLoopOptLErr The value specified for option length is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
7292 | JRMCIFOpt The value specified for multicast interface is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
7293 | JRMCIFOptLErr The value specified for option length is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
7294 | JRMCAddMemOpt The value specified for multicast add membership is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
7295 | JRMCAddMemOptLErr The value specified for option length is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
7296 | JRMCDropMemOpt The value specified for multicast drop membership is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
7297 | JRMCDropMemOptLErr The value specified for option length is not valid. Action: Reissue the request with a valid value. |
7298 | JRMCMaxMem The maximum number of groups per socket has been exceeded. Action: Change the program to not join more than 20 groups. |
7299 | JRIESizeMismatchAdd Request area was not large enough on add/remove. Action: See your IBM service representative |
729A | JRIESizeMismatchGet Request area was not large enough on get. Action: See your IBM service representative |
729B | JRIESizeMismatchGetTable Request area was not large enough on Get Table. Action: See your IBM service representative |
729C | JRIESizeMismatchSetTable Request area was not large enough on Set Table. Action: See your IBM service representative |
729D | JRIEOutCntInvalid cOutCnt is zero or less than the cInCnt. Action: See your IBM service representative |
729E | JRIEInCntInvalid cInCnt is zero. Action: See your IBM service representative |
729F | JRIEGetTableFlags Flags set on a GetTable. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72A0 | JRIEGetFlags Flags set on a Get. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72A1 | JRIESetTableFlags Flags set on a SetTable. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72A2 | JRIESetFlags Flags set on a Set. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72A3 | JRIEGetTableUnexpected Unexpected error on GetTable. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72A4 | JRIEGetUnexpected Unexpected error on Get. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72A5 | JRIESetTableUnexpected Unexpected error on SetTable. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72A6 | JRIESetUnexpected Unexpected error on Set. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72A7 | JRIERecoveryError Unexpected error on Recovery. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72A8 | JRIEProfileError Unexpected error during profile processing. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72A9 | JRIEAddifcioctltype Attempt to add an ifcioctl with ifhtype not iflifc. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72AA | JRIEUnknownifcioctlType Unknown ifcioctl Type attempted. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72AB | JRTcpTcpipError Refer to TSRB return and reason codes. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72AC | JRTcpInvalidTcpipName Invalid Tsrb_Tcpip_Name. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72AD | JRTcpInvalidRequestCode Invalid Tsrb_Request_Code. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72AE | JRTcpNotInstalledOrUp TCPIP not installed or active. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72AF | JRTcpInvDelete The delete requestor did not create the connection. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72B0 | JRTcpInvUserData Request contained invalid user data. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72B1 | JRSKCIBInvalidMessage Invalid IOCTL message type. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72B2 | JRSKCIBAlreadySleeping1 Recursive context sleep. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72B3 | JRSKDKINotReadQueue Invalid queue for find open/close. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72B4 | JRSKDKINotWriteQueue Invalid queue for find poll/iocport. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72B5 | JRSKDKIBadFindType Invalid type for find. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72B6 | JRSKDKINotFound No such device/module for find. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72B7 | JRSKDKIBadQGetType Invalid type for queue get info. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72B8 | JRSKDKIBadQSetType Invalid type for queue set info. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72B9 | JRSKHEDBadOpen Open of stream head driver not allowed. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72BA | JRSKMNTBadMessage Invalid message type. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72BB | JRSKMNTSnooperAlreadyActive Snooper module previously pushed. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72BC | JRSKMNTSnooperNotActive Snooper module not previously pushed. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72BD | JRSKSTOBadIndex Invalid starting index for STREAMOP. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72BE | JRSKSTOBadStream Invalid stream address for STREAMOP. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72BF | JRSKSTOBadMessageType Invalid message type for read. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72C0 | JRSKSTONoEmptyMessages Zero message length invalid for write. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72C1 | JRSKSTOMessageTooShort Message length too short for write. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72C2 | JRSKSTONoControlPart1 No control part for putpmsg. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72C3 | JRSKSTOBadMessageLength1 Invalid message length for putpmsg. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72C4 | JRSKSTOBadMessageLength2 Invalid message length for lputpmsg. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72C5 | JRSKSTOBadControlInformation Invalid control information for fdinsert. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72C6 | JRSKSTONoMessages No queued messages for getband. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72C7 | JRSKSTOResourceShortage2 Unable to get triple for M_READ message. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72C8 | JRSKSTOResourceShortage3 Unable to get triple for M_IOCTL message. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72C9 | JRSKVRBBadOption1 Invalid option for open. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72CA | JRSKVRBNotUp System not initialized. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72CB | JRSKVRBBadName Invalid name for push. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72CC | JRSKVRBNoResources1 Unable to allocate queues for push. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72CD | JRSKVRBNothingPushed1 No pushed module exists for pop. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72CE | JRSKVRBNotMultiplexed Driver not multiplexed for link. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72CF | JRSKVRBNotLinked No linked driver/module for unlink. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72D0 | JRSKVRBBadType Invalid type for flush. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72D1 | JRSKVRBNoResources2 Unable to get triple for M_FLUSH message. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72D2 | JRSKVRBBadMask Invalid signal mask for setsig. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72D3 | JRSKVRBBadAction Invalid action for setsig. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72D4 | JRSKVRBBadID Invalid identifier for spgrp. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72D5 | JRSKVRBBadFlag Invalid flag for spgrp. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72D6 | JRSKVRBNoErrno No error number for spgrp. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72D7 | JRSKVRBBadOption2 Invalid behavior option for srdopt. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72D8 | JRSKVRBBadOption3 Invalid message option for srdopt. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72D9 | JRSKVRBBadOption4 Invalid length option for swropt. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72DA | JRSKVRBBadClass1 Invalid IOCTL class for str. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72DB | JRSKVRBBadClass2 Invalid IOCTL class for transprnt. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72DC | JRSKVRBNoResources3 Unable to get triple for M_IOCTL message. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72DD | JRSKVRBNothingPushed2 No module pushed for look. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72DE | JRSKASMBadType Invalid type for ?SKASM(*RANGE). Action: See your IBM service representative |
72DF | JRSKSACNoStream Invalid stream @ for ?SKSAC(*ACCESS). Action: See your IBM service representative |
72E0 | JRSKSACLinkedStream Invalid stream for ?SKSAC(*ACCESS). Action: See your IBM service representative |
72E1 | JRMultipleRead A request to receive data is already outstanding.). Action: Reissue the socket call after the outstanding call has completed. |
72E2 | JRDeviceMPCHLCSInvalid A MPC HPDT/LCS link was defined for an incorrect device type. Action: Correct the link statement to point to a MPC HPDT/LCS device. |
72E3 | JRCmConfigured Cache Manager has been configured for this server socket. Action: Verify the specified socket descriptor and reissue the socket call |
72E4 | JRCmNoLog Cache Manager Configuration parameter does not include the size of the log file. Action: Verify the log size value in the Cache Manager Configured request |
72E5 | JRCmNoCache Cache Manager Configuration parameter does not include the size of the cache file. Action: Verify the cache size value in the Cache Manager Configured request |
72E6 | JRCmServerNotFound Cache Manager has not been configured for this server socket. Action: Run Cache Manager configuration IOCTL and reissue this IOCTL. |
72E7 | JRCmCantLoad Invalid Dynamic Exit load module name specified in the Config IOCTL parameters. Action: Verify the load module name and reissue the socket call. |
72E8 | JRCmNoStorage Cache Manager encountered storage shortage. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72E9 | JRCmNoCSm Cache Manager encountered a CSM storage shortage. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72EA | JRCmNotConfigured Cache Manager has not been configured for this server socket. Action: Verify the specified socket descriptor and reissue the socket call |
72EB | JRNotCmAuthorized User is not allowed to use Cache Manager function. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72EC | JRCmParmNotValid Invalid parameters used in Cache Manager IOCTL call. Action: Verify the specified parameters and reissue the socket call |
72ED | JRCmLoadModBad Invalid Dynamic Exit load module name specified in the Config IOCTL parameters. Action: Verify the load module name and reissue the socket call. |
72EE | JRUWCONotFound Cache Manager has not been configured for this server socket. Action: Verify the specified socket descriptor and reissue the socket call |
72EF | JRUWCOStorageFailed Cache Manager encountered storage shortage. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72F0 | JRUWCTStorageFailed Cache Manager encountered storage shortage. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72F1 | JRUWHTStorageFailed Cache Manager encountered storage shortage. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72F2 | JRUWCTFull Cache Manager table has been filled. Action: Reconfigure the Cache Manager for this server socket or reissue the socket call later |
72F3 | JRCmNoObjects Maximum number of objects has been reached. Action: Reconfigure the Cache Manager for this server socket or reissue the socket call later |
72F4 | JRCmDisable Cache Manager is not allowed for this TCP/IP stack. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72F5 | JRCmLSocKBadState Cache Manager Server is not in the LISTEN state. Action: Try the request later. |
72F6 | JRCmDestroyFailure Cache Manager Storage cannot be removed. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72F7 | JRCmBadConfigData Cache Manager cannot call the DGW exits. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72F8 | JRCmCacheObjLimit Cache Manager maximum number of objects has been reached. Action: Delete unused objects and retry the request later |
72F9 | JRCmCacheSpaceLimit Cache Manager Buffer is filled. Action: Delete unused objects and retry the request later |
72FA | JRCmCacheObjNotFound Cache Manager Object is not found. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72FB | JRDynAddCxFailure Cannot add new connection to Dynnamic exits. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72FC | JRDynDelCxFailure Cannot delete a connection from Dynnamic exits. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72FD | JRDynTimerFailure Cannot start the timer from Dynnamic exits. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72FE | JRDynRecoveryFailure Cannot start the recovery from Dynnamic exits. Action: See your IBM service representative |
72FF | JrCmIOVPNotValid Invalid IOV buffer passed in the load request. Action: Validate the IOV buffer and retry the request |
7300 | JrCmLogFull LogBuffer is Full. Action: Increase Maximum Log Buffer Size and retry the request |
7301 | JRCmsgDataInvalid cmsghdr data has an incorrect value. Action: Supply valid cmsghdr data. |
7302 | JrDVIPAAlreadyActive The Dynamic VIPA activated via IOCTL was already active. Action: Ensure the correct IP address was selected. No action is required if the IP address was correct. |
7303 | JrDVIPANotInVIPARange The Dynamic VIPA was not in any defined VIPARange. Action: Ensure the correct IP address was selected, or configure the receiving TCP/IP with an appropriate VIPARange containing the desired Dynamic VIPA |
7304 | JrDVIPAConflictDVIPA The Dynamic VIPA selected is already defined via VIPADEFine or VIPABackup. Action: Select another IP address and try again. |
7305 | JrDVIPAConflictIPAddr The Dynamic VIPA selected is already active as a standard IP address. Action: Select another IP address and try again. |
7306 | JrTooManyDVIPAs The maximum allowed number of DVIPAs is already defined. Action: Delete one or more DVIPAs from the stack and try again. |
7307 | JrDVIPANotDefined The Dynamic VIPA selected for deletion was not defined here. Action: Ensure the correct IP address was selected. No action is required if the IP address was correct. |
7308 | JrNoDuAvailable TCP/IP cannot create a dispatchable unit to process the request. Either TCP/IP is not active or there is insufficient common storage available. Action: Check if TCP/IP is active. If it is inactive, start the TCP/IP procedure. If TCP/IP is already active, the system is probably experiencing a common storage shortage. Retry the request. If the failure persists, contact the system programmer to diagnosis a common storage shortage. |
7309 | JRPortUnavailable The requested port is marked reserved and is not available to any application. Action: The requested port has been marked RESERVED with the PORT or PORTRANGE TCP/IP Configuration statement. If access is required, the configuration must be changed to remove RESERVED. |
730A | JRAFOpNotSupported The operation is not supported for a socket in this address family. Action: Change the application to not perform this operation on a socket in this address family |
730B | JRCannotMapSockAddr The socket address provided by the application on this call cannot be mapped to an IPv4 socket address. Action: Provide different user input or change the application so that the socket address specified by the application can be mapped to an IPv4 socket address. |
730C | JRNetAccessDenied The user is not permitted to communicate with the specified network. Action: If access to the specified network is required, the user must be permitted to the appropriate SAF resource |
730D | JRNotAuthStack Userid is not authorized to access the TCP/IP Stack. Action: Userid must be given read permission to resource EZB.STACKACCESS.sysname.tcpipname to access the stack successfully. sysname is the MVS system image name and tcpname is the TCP/IP jobname |
730E | JRNotAuthPort Userid is not authorized to access the reserved TCP/IP Port. Action: Userid must be given read permission to resource EZB.STACKACCESS.sysname.tcpipname.safname. safname is defined on the TCP/IP PORT or PORTRANGE statement. sysname is the MVS system image name and tcpname is the TCP/IP jobname. |
730F | JRFRCAReset FRCA connection timer expired. Connection is being dropped. Action: If the persistent timeout value is being set too low. The System Administrator can change the setting in the HTTPD.CONF file. |
7310 | JrNoCsaStorage TCP/IP cannot process the request because there is insufficient common storage available. Action: The system is probably experiencing a common storage shortage. Retry the request. If the failure persists, contact the system programmer to diagnosis a common storage shortage. |
7311 | JRZeroPortDVIPA A port of zero was specified on a bind when the IP address was a distributed DVIPA and the local stack is a target stack. Action: Specify a non-zero port on the bind(). |
7312 | JRTCPIPAlreadyInitialized TCPIP has already initialized. Action: The vfs_network call for AF_INET6 was rejected because TCPIP has already initialized. TCPIP will have to be recycled to process the AF_INET6 network statement. |
7313 | JrIPv6NotEnabled TCP/IP cannot process the IPv6 request because the TCP/IP stack is not currently IPv6 enabled. Action: If IPv6 support is desired then the TCP/IP stack must be defined to UNIX System Services as being enabled for IPv6 support before the stack is started. See the IP Configuration Guide for information on how to define the stack as IPv6 enabled. |
7314 | JRInvalidValue The value specified is not a valid value. Action: An invalid value was detected by one of the following functions:
The option value specified on setsockopt() or the value specified in the cmsg_data field of the ancillary data on sendmsg() is not valid. Ensure the value is within the allowable range of values. Re-issue the socket call with a valid value. An input value is incorrect. Correct the value and invoke the request again. |
7315 | JRInvalidOptLength The option length specified is not valid. Action: The value specified for the option length is not valid. Re-issue the socket call with a valid option length. |
7316 | JRDefaultExceeded The value specified exceeds the system default. Action: One of the following has occurred for a setsockopt() or sendmsg() issued by a non-authorized application : - The IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS socket option was specified with an option value that exceeds the system defined default for hop limit. - The value specified on the IPv6_HOPLIMIT ancillary data object, for a unicast packet, exceeds the system defined default for hop limit. The application should issue a getsockopt() to determine the system default. The application can then re-issue the socket call with a value that is less than the system defined default. |
7317 | JROptNotSupported The option specified is not supported on this type of socket. Action: Check the type of socket that was created and ensure that the option specified is valid for the socket. |
7318 | JROPTNAllow The option name specified is not allowed on getsockopt(). Action: Check the option name provided. Re-issue the socket call with a option name that is valid for getsockopt(). |
7319 | JRSockIPv6CommOnly The user is attempting to either bind or send to an IPv4 mapped IPv6 address on an AF_INET6 socket that only supports IPv6 communications. Action: If communication using IPv4 mapped IPv6 addresses is desired, the user should not set the IPV6_V6ONLY socket option. |
731A | JRSockIPv6IPv4CommError The user is attempting to either send to an IPv4 mapped address when using an IPv6 native source address on an AF_INET6 socket or send to an IPv6 native address when using an IPv4 mapped source address on an AF_INET6 socket. Action: The user needs to decide on using either IPv4 mapped addresses or IPv6 native addresses for both source and destination. |
731B | JRCmsgNotAllowed The ancillary data object provided on sendmsg() is not allowed on this type of socket. Action: Remove the ancillary data object and re-issue the sendmsg(). |
731C | JRCmsgHdrInvalid The information in the ancillary data object header, CMSGHDR, is not valid. Action: Correct the information in the header and re-issue sendmsg(). |
731D | JRPktInfo An error was found with the information in the in6_pktinfo structure or in the in_pktinfo structure provided on setsockopt() or sendmsg(). Action: One of the following errors occurred: - The interface specified by ipi6_ifindex or ipi_ifindex does not exist. - ipi6_ifindex or ipi_ifindex specifies an interface but the address specified in field ipi6_addr or in field ipi_addr is not available for use on that interface. - No route to the destination exists over the interface specified by ipi6_ifindex or ipi_ifindex. Correct the information and re-issue the socket call. |
731E | JRInvalidAddr The address specified is not a valid IPv6 Multicast address. Action: Re-issue the socket call with a valid IPv6 Multicast address. |
731F | JRConnectBadSockAddr An invalid socket address structure was specified on connect(). Action: Verify that all fields of the socket address structure are properly initialized. |
7320 | JRSockIPv6InvalidScopeId A non-zero scope value was determined to be incorrect. Action: A non-zero scope value was determined to be incorrect for one of the following reasons: - It was specified with an IP address which was not an IPv6 link-local address. - The IPv6 link-local address is not active on the interface identified by the scope. - An IPv6 interface was not found for the specified scope value. - The scope value specified with a source IP address does not match the scope of the destination IP address for a connected socket. - The Cinet Transport Index portion of the Scope_Id, the upper half word, does not match the target stack chosen by Stack Affinity or by the Transport Name supplied on BPX1PCT(PC#IsSrcAddr). Verify that the scope value has been specified with the correct IPv6 link-local address, and that the IPv6 interface associated with the scope value is still active. |
7321 | JRSockAddrLenInvalid The length provided for the AF_INET6 socket address structure is not valid. Action: Re-issue the socket call with a valid length for the AF_INET6 socket address structure. |
7322 | JRNOSYSPLEXPORT A sysplex wide port is not available for this source DRVIPA. Action: Wait a period of time and attempt the function call again |
7323 | JRINUSESYSPLEXPORT The port specified is already in use. Action: Either select another port or wait a period of time and attempt the function call again. |
7324 | JRNotAuthFRCA Userid is not authorized to access the TCP/IP FRCA service. Action: Userid must be given read permission to resource EZB.FRCAACCESS.sysname.tcpipname to access the stack successfully. sysname is the MVS system image name and tcpname is the TCP/IP jobname |
7325 | JrSocketNoPeer Socket is not connected and a datagram has not been successfully received (UDP/RAW). Action: Either establish a connection with the peer or if socket call was issued on a UDP or RAW socket, issue a a recvfrom() or recvmsg() to receive a datagram /* |
7326 | JRV6CKSUMOFFSET The user is attempting set the socket option IPPROTO_IPV6 IPV6_CHECKSUM with an odd value for the checksum offset. Action: Checksum values must be stored on an even boundary. The RAW user application must be changed specify an even offset when issuing this socket option. The protocol header must be changed to have the checksum field at an even offset from the start of the header. |
7327 | JRIPV6HOPLIMEXCEEDED TCP/IP has been configured with a maximum IPv6 Hop Limit of zero, which disallows any IPv6 packets from leaving the node. Action: The system administrator has set the IPv6 Hop Limit to zero (on the TCP/IP IPCONFIG6 statement). This disallows IPv6 communication with remote nodes, allowing IPv6 communication only among IPv6 applications running locally, on the same Z/OS node. Authorized applications can use one of the Hop Limit-related SetSockOpts to override the configured Hop Limit value. |
7328 | JRSOCKADDRPROVIDED The sockaddr provided for a send operation on a connectionless socket is different from the sockaddr provided on the connect. Action: Re-issue the socket call without a sockaddr. |
7329 | JRSPCFError Unable to associate the sysplexports distributed DVIPA with the EZBEPORT structure. Action: Display the contents of the EZBEPORT structure to determine if there are any available lists. |
732A | JRIPV6ProtocolNotAllowed An IPV6 next header ID for an extension header cannot be specified as a socket protocol for an AF_INET6 socket. Action: Re-issue the socket call with a valid protocol. |
732B | JRProtocolInvalid The protocol provided for a Raw socket is outside the allowable range. Action: Re-issue the socket call with a valid protocol. |
732C | JRIOFailure Error status reported by the device driver as a result of an attempt to perform I/O. Action: Retry may be possible unless the device has been inactivated or taken offline, in which case re-establish connectivity with the device. |
732D | JRSDQuiesce An attempt was made to bind to a distributed SYSPLEXPORTS DVIPA in Quiescing state. Action: Bind to a different address or configure the local stack to be a target again. |
732E | JRIPSecNotAvail IP Security is not enabled on this stack. Action: Restart TCPIP specifying IPSECURITY on the IPCONFIG statement. |
732F | JRNotAuthIPsec Userid is not authorized to issue the ipsec command. Action: Userid must be given read permission to resource EZB.IPSECCMD.sysname.tcpipname.DISPLAY or EZB.IPSECCMD.sysname.tcpipname.CONTROL. sysname is the MVS system image name and tcpname is the TCP/IP jobname. |
7330 | JRSockOptAccessDenied Userid is not authorized to the socket option. Action: Userid must be given read permission to resource EZB.SOCKOPT.sysname.tcpipname.optionname to use it successfully. sysname is the MVS system image name, tcpipname is the TCP/IP jobname and optionname is the option passed (eg: SO_BROADCAST) |
7331 | JrDVIPAInterfaceAlreadyDefined The Dynamic VIPA interface has already been defined via VIPADEFine or VIPABackup. Action: Correct the VIPARANGE statement. |
7332 | JRNotSpDrVipa An attempt was made to listen on a socket that is bound to a sysplex distributed DVIPA that is not using SYSPLEXPORTS, and a non-sysplex distributed port that was not user-specified. Action: Bind the socket to this DVIPA and a sysplex distributed or user-specified port, or reconfigure the distributed DVIPA to use SYSPLEXPORTS |
7333 | JRRtDestOnLocalHost Specified route destination is a local address of a non-DVIPA interface. Action: Specify a valid route destination. |
7334 | JRInvalidSRCIPAddr The source IP address that was defined by SRCIP is invalid. Action: Correct the SRCIP configuration statement. |
7335 | JrSRCIPIntNotDefined The interface name specified on a SRCIP configuration statement does not match any interface name defined on the local system. Action: Correct the SRCIP configuration statement to specify a valid interface name. |
7336 | JrSRCIPIntNoRoute The interface specified on a SRCIP configuration statement cannot be used as no route to the destination address exists. Action: Correct the SRCIP configuration statement to specify an interface that has a route to the destination address. |
7337 | JrConnDeniedPolicy A TCP connection request was denied due to policy. Action: Compare the connection request information against the policy to determine why the request was denied. |
7338 | JrNextHop The IPV6_NEXTHOP address is not valid. Action: Check the next hop address to see if it is valid. A direct route must exist to the address and it cannot be a multicast address. |
7339 | JrRoutingHeader An error occurred while processing the routing header on an IPV6_RTHDR socket option. Action: Ensure that none of the addresses are multicast addresses. |
733A | JrRtHdrTooLong More than eight routing headers were specified. Action: Limit the number of routing headers on the socket option to eight or less. |
733B | JrTtlsDecryptionFailed AT-TLS was unable to decrypt data received on a TCP connection. Action: Review message EZD1286I for more information about the error. |
733C | JrTtlsEncryptionFailed AT-TLS was unable to encrypt data to be sent on a TCP connection. Action: Review message EZD1286I for more information about the error. |
733D | JrTtlsHandshakeFailed AT-TLS was unable to successfully negotiate a secure TCP connection with the remote end. Action: Review message EZD1286I for more information about the error. |
733E | JrTtlsControlDataFailed AT-TLS was unable to process secure control data received over a TCP connection from the remote partner. Action: Review message EZD1286I for more information about the error. |
733F | JrTtlsResetSessionFailed AT-TLS received an error resetting the session ID for the secure connection. Action: Review message EZD1286I for more information about the error. |
7340 | JrTtlsResetCipherFailed AT-TLS received an error attempting to generate new session keys for a secure connection. Action: Review message EZD1286I for more information about the error. |
7341 | JrTtlsAbendRecovery An abend occurred in AT-TLS causing the secure connection to be reset. Action: Review the system log for more information about the abend. |
7342 | JrTtlsGroupDeleted AT-TLS reset a TCP connection because the group the connection was mapped to has been deleted. Action: A connection was received while the TTLSGroupAction was being deleted. Retry the connection. |
7343 | JrTtlsClearTxtReceived AT-TLS received clear text data when secure data was expected. Action: Enable the remote application for secure connections. Retry the connection. |
7344 | JrPortNonZero The port value is required to be zero. Action: Check the value specifed for port. The port value is required to be zero for this operation. |
7345 | JrPortZero The port value is required to be nonzero. Action: Check the value specified for port. The port value cannot be zero for this operation. |
7346 | JRSockIPv6OnlyOption The user is attempting to use an IPv4 mapped IPv6 address with an IPv6 only socket option. Action: If communication using IPv4 mapped IPv6 addresses is desired, the user should not set the IPV6_V6ONLY socket option. If an IPv6 socket option that does not support IPv4 mapped IPv6 addresses is being used, a IPv4 mapped IPv6 address cannot be used. |
7347 | JRSRCIPDistDVIPA The source IP address defined by a DESTINATION entry in a SRCIP configuration statement cannot be a distributed DVIPA. Action: Correct the SRCIP configuration statement. |
7348 | JRDuplicateSmoAttach The shared memory object is already attached. Action: Correct the application to issue SIOCSMOCTL Attach requests on only one socket and only from one process thread. |
7349 | JRSmoNotAttached The shared memory object is not attached. Action: Correct the application to issue SIOCSMOCTL Detach requests only for share memory objects that have been successully attached. |
734A | JRIARV64Error IARV64 encountered an error. Action: Use the return and reason code values returned by the following functions to determine
the cause of the error:
734B | JrNoRouteTable Specified route table does not exist on the TCP/IP stack. Action: Specify a valid route table. |
734C | JrExpBndPortRangeConflict An explict bind to a port within the active EXPLICITBINDPORTRANGE is not allowed. Action: Specify a port that is not within the active EXPLICITBINDPORTRANGE or ask the system programmer or system administrator to change the range specified by GLOBALCONFIG EXPLICITBINDPORTRANGE. |
734D | JRMCPairNotFound The specified multicast group and interface pair ARE NOT FOUND. Action: Specify correct multicast group or interface. |
734E | JRMCMixedOpt The specified multicast option is mixed of any-source, source-specific or full-state APIs. Action: Sockets do not allow mix IPv4 protocol with protocol independent group membership APIs and within each API type may not mix delta based with full state options. Correct the usage of API type. |
734F | JRMCMaxSrcFlt The maximum number of source addresses per group and interface pair has been exceeded. Action: Remove source addresses that are no longer needed. |
7350 | JRMCDupSrcFlt The same source address is already in the group and interface. Action: Verify the address being used. Correct it and re-issue API command. |
7351 | JRMCEmptySrcIncMode The empty source list can not be specified for mode INCLUDE when the multicast group is not yet defined. Action: VERIFY THAT THE FILTER MODE IS CORRECT OR add source addresses with this API command. |
7352 | JRMCModeInvalid The filter mode specified for multicast source fuction when the multicast group is not yet defined. Action: Correct the filter mode. Only MCAST_INCLUDE and MCAST_EXCLUDE ARE ALLOWED. |
7353 | JRMCGetSrcInvalid THE MULTICAST GROUP AND INTERFACE ARE NOT YET DEFINED for get source filter function. Action: Specify correct multicast group or interface. |
7354 | JRMCSrcAddrInvalid The specified source address is not valid. Action: Specify correct source address. |
7355 | JRCmMultipleCaches Cache Manager cannot be configured for both a shared and an exclusive cache. Action: Reconfigure the Cache Manager for this server socket or reissue the socket call later |
7356 | JRCmChangeCacheType Cache Manager cannot be reconfigured for a different type of cache. Action: Reconfigure the Cache Manager for this server socket or reissue the socket call later |
7357 | JRUWSXStorageFailed Cache Manager encountered storage shortage. Action: See your IBM service representative |
7358 | JRCmBadCacheType Cache type specified on request does not match the configured cache type. Action: Reconfigure the Cache Manager for this server socket or reissue the socket call later |
7359 | JRDVQuiesce An attempt was made to bind to a distributed DVIPA in Quiescing state. Action: Bind to a different ip address or configure the local stack to be a target again. |
735A | JrUnRsvdPortDenied Application does not have PORT statement UNRSV authority to access a port that is not reserved by a PORT or PORTRANGE profile statement. Action: Job must be given permission by a PORT statement in the TCP/IP profile. Either create a port reservation allowing the application access to the requested port, or create a PORT UNRSV definition allowing the job to access unreserved ports. |
735B | JrNotAuthUnRsvdPort Userid was refused SAF authorization to access a port that is not reserved by a PORT or PORTRANGE profile statement. Action: Either define a PORT reservation statement allowing the application to access the specified port, or the userid must be given read permission to resource EZB.PORTACCESS.sysname.tcpipname.safname. safname is defined on the TCP/IP PORT UNRSV statement. sysname is the MVS system image name and tcpname is the TCP/IP jobname. |
735C | JrUnRsvdTCPPortConflict WHENBIND and WHENLISTEN cannot be specified concurrently by PORT UNRSV TCP profile statements. Action: Verify the access control (WHENBIND or WHENLISTEN) to be used for TCP. To change the access control, delete and reconfigure all existing PORT UNRSV TCP profile statements. |
735D | JrNoCritSocks No critical sockets are available to satisfy the request. Action: Application is trying to use an unsupported function, please contact IBM Service. |
735E | JrNoPartnerInfo No partner information is returned for the request. Action: Verify if the correct socket descriptor has been used for the request, or that both end points of the connection does not reside in the same image or in the same sysplex. |
735F | JrInValidTCPIPStack The application tried to use a function which is not supported by this TCPIP stack. Action: Make sure that the correct level of TCPIP stack is used. |
7360 | JrNotSameSecDomain Both end points of the connection does not reside in the same security domain. Action: Make sure that both end points of the connection reside in the same security domain. May need to invoke the SERVAUTH to define the security domain. |
7361 | JrNoSecDomain The socket call fails because the security domain name for the profile in the SERVAUTH class is not defined. Action: Make sure to define the security domain name for the profile in the SERVAUTH class. |
7362 | JrNoSuspend The socket call fails because the socket call is issued in no-suspend mode and there is no information available to be returned. Action: The application may want to issue the socket call with a timeout value to suspend the socket call to retrieve the information. |
7363 | JRSockIPv6InvalidScopeIdZero A zero scope id is not valid for use with the scope of this address. Action: The socket function requires a non-zero scope id in the sockaddr structure. The if_nameindex function can be used to obtain interface indices for use as scope ids for link-local IPv6 addresses. |
7364 | JROSMAccessDenied The user is not permitted to communicate over OSM interfaces. Action: If access to the intranode management network over OSM interfaces is required, the user must be permitted to the appropriate SAF resource. |
7365 | JRDisabled The function is currently disabled. Action: Determine why the function is disabled and then retry the request. |
7366 | JRCallerMismatch The authorization of the current caller of the request does not match that of the caller that initialized the function. Action: Retry the request from a caller with the correct authorization. This error may be
returned for the following reasons:
7367 | JRTooManyInstances The maximum number of function instances is already open. Action: Retry the request later. This error may be returned for the following reasons:
7368 | JROutOfSequence The current request does not follow the correct request sequence for the function. Action: Retry the requests in the correct sequence. This error may be returned for the following
7369 | JRTcpGlobalStall The TCP connection has been reset due to a global stall. Action: Determine why the global stall occurred and then restart the connection. |
736A | JRTcpQueueSize The TCP connection has been reset due to a queue size problem. Action: Determine why the queue size problem occurred and then restart the connection. |
736B | JRSrcIPInvalidForExternalDest The TCP connect source IP address is not valid because the non-z/OS external target for the GRE or ENCAP Distributed VIPA does not have a route back to this address. It will not be able to return the syn ack to the client. Action: The client application should use a source IP address that is routable by the non-z/OS external target of the GRE or ENCAP Distributed DVIPA. If the client application bind is to inaddr_any or it uses an implicit bind, you can use the SRCIP statement to select an appropriate source IP address for the application. |
736C | JRTTLSStopReadDataPending The AT-TLS SIOCTTLSCTL TTLSi_Stop_Connection ioctl request can not complete because all of the decrypted data was not read from the socket. All application data received over the secure connection must be read prior to the security stopping on the connection. Action: The application should read any outstanding data on the connection. Then the SIOCTTLSCTL TTLSi_Stop_Connection ioctl can be used to stop the security on the connection. |
736D | JRTTLSStopWriteDataPending The AT-TLS SIOCTTLSCTL TTLSi_Stop_Connection ioctl request can not complete because application write data is pending to be encrypted on the connection. All application write requests must be completed prior to the security stopping on the connection. Action: The application should wait for any outstanding write requests to complete on the connection. Then the SIOCTTLSCTL TTLSi_Stop_Connection ioctl can be used to stop the security on the connection. |
736E | JRInvalidFilter The filter identifier is wrong or the filter specified is not valid for obtaining FTP daemon configuration. The filter only supports the address space id (ASID) item. Action: Retry the GetFTPDaemonConfig request, providing one filter that specifies only the ASID that identifies the specific FTP daemon. |