z/OS UNIX System Services
This section describes documents for z/OS UNIX System Services.
z/OS UNIX System Services Command Reference
- Provides information that you need to use a z/OS system with the shell and utilities feature. Included are shell commands, TSO/E commands, and REXX system commands.
z/OS UNIX System Services File System Interface Reference
- Provides details for coding to the UNIX System Services file system interface.
z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes
- Explains the messages, return, and reason codes that occur in the UNIX shells or debugger.
z/OS UNIX System Services Planning
- Contains information that is needed to plan for the use of z/OS UNIX System Services.
z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference
- Describes UNIX callable services.
z/OS UNIX System Services Programming Tools
- Describes advanced application programming tools, such as make and dbx.
z/OS UNIX System Services User's Guide
- Describes how to use the UNIX shells and file system.
z/OS Using REXX and z/OS UNIX System Services
- Describes how to use the REXX programming language to access z/OS UNIX System Services.