Steps for installation and initialization
Refer to the z/OS Program Directory for installation instructions.
Several of the installation steps in the z/OS Program Directory refer
you to this publication for details. This publication explains these
installation steps.
Note: Because it is possible for ICSF control
blocks like the DACC and CCVT to persist in storage across an ICSF
restart, an IPL is required when installing a new release of ICSF.
- Customize SYS1.PARMLIB. Steps to customize SYS1.PARMLIB describes this task.
- Create the Cryptographic Key Data Set (CKDS). Steps to create the CKDS describes this. Create the Public Key Data Set (PKDS). Steps to create the PKDS describes this task.
- If PKCS #11 support is desired, create the TKDS. Steps to create the TKDS describes this task.
- Create the installation options data set. Steps to create the installation options data set describes this task.
- Create the startup procedure. Steps to create the ICSF startup procedure describes this task.
- Provide access to the ICSF panels. Steps to provide access to the ICSF panels describes
this task. Note: You only need to perform the first six steps once.
- Start ICSF for the first time. See Steps to start ICSF for the first time. Once ICSF has been
started, Master Keys can be entered.
For additional information on ICSF first time startup, refer to Checklist for first-time startup of ICSF. See z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator's Guide for directions on entering Master Keys.
- Enter Master Keys.
Other topics in this publication and z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator's Guide provide additional installation information.
For information on installing the CICS-ICSF Attachment Facility, refer to CICS-ICSF Attachment Facility.