NETMONITOR statement

Use the NETMONITOR PROFILE.TCPIP statement to activate or deactivate selected real-time TCP/IP network management interfaces (NMI). See Real-time TCP/IP network monitoring NMI in z/OS Communications Server: IP Programmer's Guide and Reference for more information about these services.

The NETMONITOR parameters, TCPCONNSERVICE and SMFSERVICE, provide two functions:

  • They control the availability of the real time SMF services that are associated with each parameter.
  • They control the creation of the SMF 119 records that are supported by each service.

If you want your application to process only SMF 119 records by using these real time SMF services, you need to configure only the NETMONITOR profile statement. You do not need to request support for these SMF 119 records on the SMFCONFIG profile statement.


Tip: Specify the parameters for this statement in any order.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram

   | .-------------------------------------------------. |   
   | V                                                 | |   
       | .-NONTATRCService-.                         |       
       | '-NTATRCService---'                         |       
       | .-NOPKTTRCService-.                         |       
       | '-PKTTRCService---'                         |       
       | .-NOTCPCONNService------------------------. |       
       | |                 .-MINLIFETime 3-------. | |       
       | '-TCPCONNService--+---------------------+-' |       
       |                   '-MINLIFETime seconds-'   |       
       | .-NOSMFService-------------------------.    |       
         |             .----------------------. |            
         |             V                      | |            
                         | .-NOCSMAIL-.     |                
                         | '-CSMAIL---'     |                
                         | .-CSSMTP---.     |                
                         | '-NOCSSMTP-'     |                
                         | .-DVIPA---.      |                
                         | '-NODVIPA-'      |                
                         | .-IPSECURITY---. |                
                         | '-NOIPSECURITY-' |                
                         | .-PROFILE---.    |                


If specified in PROFILE.TCPIP at initialization, indicates that no supported network monitoring services should be started. This is the default value.

If specified using the VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command and any network monitoring services are currently enabled, then those services are disabled, causing all current client connections to those services to be terminated.

If specified in PROFILE.TCPIP at initialization, indicates that all supported network monitoring services should be started, and any options specific to those services (such as MINLIFETIME) set to their default values. If specified using the VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command, then all network monitoring services that are not currently enabled are started, with any options specific to those services (such as MINLIFETIME) set to their default values. All services that are currently running at the time of a VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command remain running, and any options specific to those services (such as MINLIFETIME) are unchanged. No other monitoring services are allowed on the NETMONITOR statement when the ON parameter is set.
Specifies the behavior of the real time TCP/IP OSAENTA trace service (SYSTCPOT).
If this parameter is specified in PROFILE.TCPIP at initialization, it indicates that the OSAENTA trace service should not be activated on the stack. This is the default value. If specified using the VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command and the OSAENTA service is currently enabled, the connections of the client applications are terminated and new connections are not accepted.
Enables the OSAENTA trace service function to run on this TCP/IP stack. This service enables network management applications to access trace data that is collected for all OSAENTA traces. Access control should be provided for this service; see the z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide security topic for more information.
Tip: To ensure that a network management application that uses the real-time TCP/IP network management interface (NMI) receives OSAENTA data, verify the following requirements:
  • The CTRACE SYSTCPOT component must be active. The component is activated by default. The TRACE CT,ON,COMP=SYSTCPOT,SUB=(tcpprocname) command activates the trace and the TRACE CT,OFF,COMP=SYSTCPOT,SUB=(tcpprocname) command deactivates the trace.
  • The VARY TCPIP,,OSAENTA,ON command must be issued, or the OSAENTA statement in the TCP/IP profile is used to specify the parameters to collect data from an OSA-Express® adapter. For trace data collection from an OSA-Express adapter, verify the following requirements:
    • An extra DATAPATH device must be defined for the TRLE for the OSA-Express adapter.
    • The hardware definitions for the OSA-Express adapter must be defined to allow OSAENTA trace data to be collected.
For more information, see Real-time TCP/IP network monitoring NMI in z/OS Communications Server: IP Programmer's Guide and Reference.
Specifies the behavior of the real time TCP/IP packet trace service (SYSTCPDA).
If specified in PROFILE.TCPIP at initialization, this parameter indicates that the packet trace service should not be allowed on the stack. This is the default value. If specified using the VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command and packet trace service is currently enabled, the client applications connections are terminated and new connections are not accepted.
Enables the packet trace service function to run on this TCP/IP stack. This service enables network management applications to access trace data collected for any active packet traces or data traces. Access control should be provided for this service; see the z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide security topic for more information.
Tip: To ensure that a network management application that uses the real-time TCP/IP NMI receives packet trace (PKTTRACE) or data trace (DATTRACE) data, verify the following requirements:
  • The CTRACE SYSTCPDA component must be active. The component is activated by default when TCP/IP starts. The TRACE CT,ON,COMP=SYSTCPDA,SUB=(tcpprocname) command activates the trace and the TRACE CT,OFF,COMP=SYSTCPDA,SUB=(tcpprocname) command deactivates the trace.
  • If the network management application collects packet trace data, the VARY TCPIP,,PKTTRACE,ON command must be issued to specify the parameters to collect trace data from TCP/IP interfaces.
  • If the network management application collects data trace data, the VARY TCPIP,,DATTRACE,ON command must be issued to specify the parameters to collect application data.
For more information, see Real-time TCP/IP network monitoring NMI in z/OS Communications Server: IP Programmer's Guide and Reference.
Controls the behavior of the real time TCP connection SMF NMI service (SYSTCPCN), and the generation of SMF 119 records that are supported on this service.
If the parameter is specified in PROFILE.TCPIP at initialization, this parameter indicates that the TCP connection SMF NMI service should not be started on the stack. This is the default value. If the parameter is specified by the VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command, this parameter indicates that the service should be stopped.
Enables the real time TCP connection SMF NMI service to run on this TCP/IP stack. The service runs as a subtask in the TCP/IP stack address space. This service provides an interface for network management applications to obtain information about TCP connections on this stack. For more information about this service and a list of the SMF 119 records supported on this service, see Real-time TCP/IP network monitoring NMI in z/OS Communications Server: IP Programmer's Guide and Reference.

Enabling or disabling this service has no effect on SMF 119 records written to the MVS™ SMF data sets due to the SMFCONFIG profile statement. You should provide access control for this service. For more information, see z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide.

The minimum connection lifetime, specified in seconds, for connections reported by the TCP connection information server. The server waits for this period before recording information about new connections; if the connection has closed in the meantime, then the connection is not reported by the TCP connection information server. This parameter can have a value from 0 to 60 seconds; the default, if not specified, is 3 seconds.

If 0 is coded for this option, then all connections are reported.

This option is used to suppress short-lived connections from being reported over the TCP connection information service. In order to ensure that all connections are reported, a 0 should be coded for this option.

Controls the behavior of the real time SMF NMI service (SYSTCPSM), and the generation of SMF 119 records that are supported on this service.
If the parameter is specified in PROFILE.TCPIP at initialization, this parameter indicates that the real time SMF NMI service should not be started on the stack. This is the default value. If the parameter is specified using the VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command, this parameter indicates that the service should be terminated.
Enables the real time SMF NMI service to run on this TCP/IP stack. The service runs as a subtask in the TCP/IP stack address space. This service provides an interface for network management applications to obtain stack information in the form of SMF 119 records. This parameter can also be used, with or without subparameters, to request the creation of specific SMF 119 records which are then provided to applications that are connected to this service. For more information about this service and a list of all the SMF 119 records supported on this service, see Real-time TCP/IP network monitoring NMI in z/OS Communications Server: IP Programmer's Guide and Reference.

Certain FTP and Telnet SMF records are created by default. You must specify NOSMFSERVICE to stop the creation of these records. The creation of other SMF records is controlled by specifying the subparameter associated with the specific SMF record.

  • If you have specified the SMFSERVICE parameter (with or without subparameters), certain FTP and Telnet SMF records are created. There are no subparameters to control the creation of these SMF records.
  • Start of changeYou can specify only the SMFSERVICE parameter, without any subparameters, to enable the creation of all SMF 119 records that this parameter controls, except for the CSSMTP SMF MAIL records (SMF 119 subtype 50). To enable the CSSMTP SMF MAIL records, you must explicitly specify the CSMAIL subparameter.End of change
  • For the SMF records whose creation is controlled by subparameters, specify the SMFSERVICE parameter with one or more subparameters to enable or disable the creation of the SMF records for the specified subparameter only.

Enabling or disabling this service has no effect on SMF 119 records written to the MVS SMF data sets due to the SMFCONFIG profile statement, or the FTP.DATA or CSSMTP SMF119 configuration statements. For more information, see z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide.

Controls the creation of the real time CSSMTP SMF MAIL records. (SMF 119 Subtype 50 (MAIL))
Specifies that the real time CSSMTP SMF MAIL records should be created and provided on the real time SMF NMI service.

Special considerations for CSSMTP application and NETMONITOR in a CINET environment:

  • The CSSMTP application can be started with the -p parameter to set stack name. All the SMF records are written to the real time SMF NMI associated with the stack whose name was specified on the -p parameter. This forces connection-oriented SMF records (CONNECT) and non-connection oriented SMF records (CONFIG, SPOOL, MAIL and STATS) to go to the same stack. The CSSMTP and CSMAIL NETMONITOR parameters should be specified in the profile data sets of the stack name whose name is specified on the -p parameter.
  • If the CSSMTP application is started without the -p parameter and multiple stacks are active, then a network management application cannot determine the stack that records will be written to. So, the CSSMTP and CSMAIL NETMONITOR parameters should be specified in the profile data sets of all stacks, so that network management applications can obtain all the records. The network management application will not get redundant records.
Specifies that the real time CSSMTP SMF MAIL records should not be created. This is the default.
Controls the creation of the real time CSSMTP SMF records. (SMF 119, Subtype 48 (CONFIG), 49 (CONNECT), 51 (SPOOL), and 52 (STATS)).
Specifies that the real time CSSMTP SMF records should be created and provided on the real time SMF NMI service. This is the default.

Special considerations for CSSMTP application and NETMONITOR in a CINET environment:

  • The CSSMTP application can be started with the -p parameter to set stack affinity. All the SMF records are written to the real time SMF NMI associated with the stack whose name was specified on the -p parameter. This forces connection-oriented SMF records (CONNECT) and non-connection oriented SMF records (CONFIG, SPOOL, MAIL and STATS) to go to the same stack. The CSSMTP and CSMAIL NETMONITOR parameters should be specified in the profile data sets of the stack name whose name is specified on the -p parameter.
  • If the CSSMTP application is started without the -p parameter and multiple stacks are active, then a network management application cannot determine the stack that records will be written to. So, the CSSMTP and CSMAIL NETMONITOR parameters should be specified in the profile data sets of all stacks, so that network management applications can obtain all the records. The network management application will not get redundant records.
Specifies that the real time CSSMTP SMF records should not be created.
Controls the creation of the real time sysplex (dynamic virtual IP address) SMF records.
Specifies that the real time sysplex SMF records should be created and provided on the real time SMF NMI service.
Specifies that the real time sysplex SMF records should not be created.
Controls the creation of the real-time IPSec SMF records.
Specifies that the real time IPSec SMF records should be created and provided on the real time SMF NMI service.
Specifies that the real time IPSec SMF records should not be created.
Controls the creation of the real-time TCP/IP stack profile SMF records and TN3270 Telnet server (Telnet) profile SMF records.
Specifies that the real-time TCP/IP stack profile SMF records (subtype 4) and TN3270 Telnet profile SMF records (subtype 24) should be created and provided on the real-time SMF NMI service.
Specifies that the real-time TCP/IP stack profile SMF records and TN3270 Telnet profile SMF records should not be created.

Steps for modifying

If NETMONITOR appears in a VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command data set without any options, then no change occurs. NETMONITOR OFF must be explicitly coded in a VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command data set in order to turn off all active services.

If a NETMONITOR statement in a VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command data set contains service-specific keywords, then those services which are not specified on the statement remain unaffected by the command processing.

If any service is disabled by a VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command, then clients connected to that service have their connections terminated.

If the MINLIFETIME setting is changed by a VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command, then existing TCP connections are not affected by the new minimum lifetime value. Only new TCP connections are affected by the updated minimum lifetime value.

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