ACS routines can be used to determine the SMS classes and storage groups for data sets and objects in an SMS complex. For storage administrators, ACS routines automate and centralize the process of determining SMS classes and storage groups. ACS routines also help convert data sets to an SMS environment.
An object is assigned to a storage group when it is stored and remains in that storage group throughout its lifetime. The initial storage class and management class might be determined by defaults defined by an ACS routine or by explicit request. Storage class and management class assignments might be changed by the OSREQ CHANGE function or by automatic class transition. The OSREQ CHANGE request causes invocation of ACS routines that might override the requested assignments. During the automatic class transition, ACS routines are invoked to determine the new storage class and management class assignments.
When a data set is allocated, it is assigned an initial management class, storage class, and storage group by defaults defined by an ACS routine or by explicit request. These assignments can be changed through the DFSMShsm class transition processing that occurs during the automatic space management functions. During the automatic class transition, ACS routines are invoked with the ACS environment of SPMGCLTR to determine the new management class, storage class, and storage group assignments.
Writing ACS routines lists the rules for programming in the ACS language.
As a storage administrator, you write ACS routines using the ACS programming language, a high-level programming language. The language follows a logical, procedural flow of implementation that consists mainly of filtering criteria, IF/THEN statements, and SELECT/WHEN statements. Using these relational statements, ACS routines determine SMS classes and storage groups according to allocation parameters, data set sizes, object or data set names, and other variables.
All allocations directed to units that are neither tape nor DASD should be excluded from SMS management. Do this by testing for UNIT in the storage class routine and ensuring that the storage class is set to NULL in these cases.
Ensuring that no storage class is assigned for such allocations avoids potential errors with allocations that require specific types of units. For example, assigning a storage class to a VTAM® channel-to-channel (CTC) adaptor allocation results in sense errors when VTAM attempts to use the CTC.