uudecode — Decode a transmitted binary file


uudecode [-o outfile] [infile...]


uudecode decodes data that was encoded by uuencode. If an infile is specified on the command line, uudecode decodes that file; if no infile is specified on the command line, input is read from the standard input. Output is written to the file name that was specified when the file was encoded. When the -o option is specified, the file name that was specified when the file was encoded is overridden by the outfile operand. See uuencode for more information.

uudecode automatically strips off any leading and trailing lines added by mailers.

For a summary of the UNIX03 changes to this command, see Shell commands changed for UNIX03.


-o outfile
A path name of a file is used instead of any path name contained in the input data. Specifying an outfile option-argument of /dev/stdout indicates standard output is used.


uudecode uses the following localization environment variables:
  • LANG
  • LC_ALL

See Localization for more information.

Usage notes

If the path name of the file to be produced exists and is writable, the file is overwritten. If it exists, but is not writable by the user, uudecode will end with an error.

Exit values

Successful completion
Failure due to any of the following:
  • Inability to open the input file
  • Missing begin line in the input file
  • Inability to create the output file
  • Missing end line in the input file
  • A file that is too short
Failure because of an incorrect command-line option


POSIX.2 User Portability Extension, X/Open Portability Guide. Generally found on most UNIX systems.

Related information
