Signal defaults

This section contains information about the signals that are supported by z/OS UNIX. These signals are mapped by the BPXYSIGH mapping macro; see BPXYSIGH — Signal constants. The following table lists the signals and their default actions:

Constant Value Default action Description
SIGABND# 18 1 Abend
SIGABRT# 3 1 Abnormal termination
SIGALRM# 14 1 Timeout
SIGBUS# 10 1 Bus error
SIGCHLD# 20 2 Child process terminated or stopped
SIGCONT# 19 4 Continue if stopped
SIGDANGER 33 1 Termination
SIGDUMP# 39 2 The system takes a SYSMDUMP and writes it to an MVS™ data set or a z/OS UNIX file. The _BPXK_MDUMP environment variable must be set to the name of the data set or file. This signal cannot be caught.
SIGFPE# 8 1 Erroneous arithmetic operation, such as division by zero or an operation resulting in overflow
SIGHUP# 1 1 Hangup detected on controlling terminal
SIGILL# 4 1 Detection of an incorrect hardware instruction
SIGINT# 2 1 Interactive attention
SIGIO# 23 2 Completion of input or output
SIGIOER# 27 2 I/O error
SIGKILL# 9 1 Termination (cannot be caught or ignored). Can result if abend not caught or handled and terminating status not set; CPU time exceeded and SIGXCPU# caught or ignored; or sigkill shell command sent.
SIGNULL# 0 2 Null; no signal sent (cannot be caught or ignored)
SIGPIPE# 13 1 Write on a pipe with no readers
SIGPOLL# 5 1 Pollable event
SIGPROF# 32 1 Profiling timer expired
SIGQUIT# 24 1 Interactive termination
SIGSEGV# 11 1 Detection of an incorrect memory reference
SIGSTOP# 7 3 Stop (cannot be caught or ignored)
SIGSYS# 12 1 Bad system call
SIGTERM# 15 1 Termination
SIGTHCONT# 35 1 Thread continue (cannot be caught or blocked or ignored)
SIGTHSTOP# 34 1 Thread stop (cannot be caught or blocked or ignored)
Start of changeSIGTMOUT#End of change Start of change40End of change Start of change1End of change Start of changeTerminates a process waiting for terminal activity. Cannot be caught or ignored. Is reserved for z/OS® use. It cannot be sent by an application program.End of change
SIGTRACE# 37 2 Toggles the user syscall trace setting ON or OFF.
SIGTSTP# 25 3 Interactive stop
SIGTTIN# 21 3 Read from a control terminal attempted by a member of a background
SIGTTOU# 22 3 Write from a control terminal attempted by a member of a background process group
SIGTRAP# 26 1 Trap used by the ptrace call
SIGURG# 6 2 High bandwidth data is available at a socket
SIGUSR1# 16 1 Reserved as application-defined signal 1
SIGUSR2# 17 1 Reserved as application-defined signal 2 process group
SIGVTALRM# 31 1 Virtual timer expired
SIGXCPU# 29 1 CPU time limit exceeded
SIGXFSZ# 30 1 File size limit exceeded
SIGWINCH# 28 2 Change size of window
The default actions are:
  1. Abnormal termination.
  2. Ignore the signal.
  3. Stop the process.
  4. Continue if it is currently stopped; otherwise, ignore the signal.