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VTBUF z/OS Communications Server: SNA Diagnosis Vol 1, Techniques and Procedures GC27-3667-00 |
Use VTBUF to analyze buffer pool control blocks (BPCBs)
and obtain a status summary for all buffer pools or a specific buffer
pool. For each buffer pool, the following information is displayed:
If any expansions have occurred, the pool extension block (PXB) address, number of buffers available, totals buffers, beginning of the extent, and the first available extent are also presented. Operands
Equated symbol
Note: For information on the DISPLAY BFRUSE (buffer
use) command, which displays information about VTAM® buffer use, see z/OS Communications Server: SNA Operation.
Use the following syntax as an alternative to the panel interface. Syntax.- --BUFFER--(--ALL--)--. >>-VTBUF--+-----------------------+---------------------------->< '- --BUFFER--(--name--)-' Sample output
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