Translation tables

This topic contains the following information:

TCP/IP Services uses translation tables to convert transmitted data from EBCDIC to ASCII. Because these tables do not always include all the desired characters, TCP/IP allows you to create and customize tables without having to recompile source code. Translation tables are stored in binary form on disk. TCP/IP provides standard tables that are used as the default if you do not customize your own.

TCP/IP Services used the following types of translation tables:
The FTP program provides an FTP.DATA statement, DUMP 81, that is available for tracing the translate tables. When set on, 256 bytes of each translate table can be traced as follows:

The FTP program also provides a multi-byte character set (MBCS) to support the Chinese standard GB18030. This support is provided by iconv with code page IBM-5488; it does not allow for customized tables. See File Transfer Protocol for a description of the ENCODING and MBDATACONN statements that define this support for FTP. Also, see z/OS Communications Server: IP User's Guide and Commands for information about how to use the LOCSITE and SITE subcommands to specify ENCODING and MBDATACONN values.

The following topics describe how to create and customize both SBCS and DBCS translation tables and explain how they are used by the programs in TCP/IP Services.