Use the TAPEREADSTREAM statement
to specify whether to use a more efficient read path (read as stream)
to retrieve tape data sets from the server.
Results: The
TAPEREADSTREAM statement takes effect when all of the following conditions
are met:
- The file structure is File.
- The transfer mode is Stream.
- One of the following situations is true:
- The transfer type is E
- The transfer type is B
- The transfer type is A and the encoding is SBCS
- The file type is not SQL.
Restrictions: When TAPEREADSTREAM TRUE is configured
at the server:
- You cannot retrieve American Standards Association (ASA) tape
data sets. The server responds with an error reply if you attempt
to retrieve an ASA tape data set.
- You cannot retrieve fixed format tape data sets when TRAILINGBLANKS
TRUE is configured. The server responds with an error reply if you
attempt to retrieve a fixed format tape data set when TRAILINGBLANKS
TRUE is configured.
- If the tape data set contains <NL> characters
that require translation, the data set format will be incorrect.
- Use a common read path for tape data sets. This is the default
- Use a more efficient read path for tape data sets.
To use a more efficient read path
for tape data sets: