z/OS HCD User's Guide
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Problems with help information provided by HCD

z/OS HCD User's Guide

Problems with help information provided by HCD

Messages that relate to problems with the HCD help facility have the identifiers CBDA400I to CBDA420I. Use the commands:

  • HELPID to display the name of the help panel at the end of the command line. The name is displayed in the command line just before the scroll field. It can be used as search argument.
  • HELPTEST to display the help panel while in help mode. It allows you to review or test any help panel while in help mode. That is, it eliminates the need to create the appropriate situation if a review or test of a help panel is required.

    This command can also be used to get the help information for a message. The help member for a message consists of the message ID minus the trailing severity indicator (such as "I"). For example, the help member for message CBDA200I has the name CBDA200. Thus you may get an explanation for messages that are not yet listed in the messages documentation.

Problem with content, wording, mismatch

If problems with content, wording, or mismatches are encountered, obtain the help panel name by using the HELPID command. The help panel name is displayed at the end of the command line.

Table 20 shows what the search argument could look like.

Table 20. Search Argument
Search ArgumentDescriptionExample
RIDS/CBDccccHelp panel nameRIDS/CBDF403
RIDS/CBDcccccPanel identifierRIDS/CBDPDVF0

Problem shown by help messages CBDA400I or CBDA405I

If message CBDA400I or CBDA405I is issued, check:

  1. The library concatenation for your HCD invocation.
  2. That the help members are installed in the proper libraries (in SYS1.SCBDHENU).
  3. That the help library is allocated either in LINKLST member or to ISPLLIB.

Problem shown by help messages other than CBDA400I and CBDA405I

If a message in the range CBDA400I to CBDA420I but other than CBDA400I and CBDA405I occurs, you have probably encountered a logic error in the dialog.

Table 21 and Table 22 show what the search argument and the problem data could look like.

Table 21. Search Argument
Search ArgumentDescriptionExample
MS/cccnnnsMessage identifierMS/CBDA404
RIDS/CBDccccHelp panel nameRIDS/CBDF401
Table 22. Problem Data
Problem DataExample
Message identifier of the message that was issued. All additional information shown in the message, such as the name of the help panel or the reference phrase.CBDA404
Panel identifierCBDPDVF0
Help panel nameCBDF401
Description of the related field (in case of field help).Action entry field
Name of the action choice (in case of action bar help).
Name of the command (in case of command help).

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