- nodename.userid
- Identifies a node and a TSO/E or VM userid at that node. The
nodename is a symbolic name defined by the installation during initialization;
nodename is 1 through 8 alphanumeric or national ($, #, @) characters.
The first character of nodename must be alphabetic or national ($,
#, @). The userid must be defined at the node. It is 1 through 8 alphanumeric
or national ($, #, @) characters; the first character must be alphabetic
or national ($, #, @).
- userid
- Identifies the user that the system is to notify. The userid
is 1 through 7 alphanumeric or national ($, #, @) characters. The
first character must be an alphabetic or national ($, #, @) character.
When you specify only a userid, JES2 assumes that the userid is at
the origin node.
The userid may also be a valid remote ID in the
form Rnnnn or a destid for a remote. If the userid is specified as
R1-R9999, JES2 will assume the notify message is intended for a remote
and not a userid. If the remote is defined to the system or is less
than the highest defined remote for your system, the notify message
is queued to the remote. If the remote value is greater than the highest
defined remote but less than the maximum allowed remote, the notify
message is discarded. If the Rxxxx value specified is greater than
R9999, JES2 will consider that as a TSO/E userid and not a remote