- return_code
- Return code from IGWARLS. The return code is also returned in
register 15. Return codes are explained in Return Codes. This is an output argument. Define return_code as
an integer.
- reason_code
- Reason code from IGWARLS. The reason code is also returned in
register 0. Reason codes are explained in Return Codes.
This is an output argument. Define reason_code as
an integer.
- prob_det
- Problem determination data. See Return Codes for
more information about problem determination data. This is an output
argument. Define prob_det as a two element
array of integers.
- dsname_length
- Length, in bytes, of the data set name provided by the caller
in dsname. The value can be a number from
1 to 44. This is a required input argument. Define dsname_length as
an integer.
- dsname
- Name of the base cluster that the IGWARLS service will operate
on. This is a required input argument. Define dsname as EBCDIC character
data of length dsname_length.
- recovery_status
- Returns an indication as to whether the sphere is marked as requiring
forward recovery.
- 0 - RLS recovery required is not pending for the VSAM sphere.
- 1 - RLS recovery required is pending.
recovery_status is an output argument
that is defined as an integer.
- log_type
- The specification of the LOG= parameter on DEFINE CLUSTER is returned.
- 1 - LOG parameter undefined
- 2 - LOG=NONE
- 3 - LOG=UNDO
- 4 - LOG=ALL
log_type is an output argument that
is defined as an integer.
- logstreamid_length
- Length, in bytes, of the LOGSTREAMID field. This is a required
input parameter. Define logstreamid_length as an integer. The value
of logstreamid_length should be at least 26 bytes.
- logstreamid
- The specification of the LOGSTREAMID on DEFINE CLUSTER is returned.
If the parameter is undefined, blanks are returned. The caller can
determine the size of the returned LOGSTREAMID field by scanning from
right to left looking for a non blank character or until the entire
field has been scanned. logstreamid is
an output argument that is defined as an EBCDIC character data field
of length logstreamid_length.
- rls_recovery_timestamp_utc
- An output argument which represents the UTC time (formally known
as GMT) of the dump/copy in STCK format. The field is defined as an
eight-byte unsigned integer. Your program might regard this field
as either an integer or a character string.
- rls_recovery_timestamp_local
- An output argument which represents the local time of the dump/copy
in STCK format. The field is defined as an eight-byte unsigned integer.
Your program might regard this field as either an integer or a character
- vsam_quiesced
- An output argument which indicates whether the sphere is marked
- 0 - The sphere is not marked VSAM_QUIESCED.
- 1 - The sphere is marked VSAM_QUIESCED.
vsam_quiesced is an output argument,
defined as an integer.
- bwo
- An output argument which indicates whether the value of the BWO
parameter on define cluster.
- 1 - BWO parameter is undefined.
- 2 - BWO = TYPECICS processing allowed.
- 3 - BWO = NO. BWO processing is not allowed.
- 4 - BWO = TYPEIMS processing allowed.
- 5 - BWO = TYPEOTHER processing allowed.