Specifying GRS=STAR indicates that the system being initialized is to participate in a global resource serialization star complex.
GRS=NONE indicates that the system is not to participate in a global resource serialization complex. GRS=START, GRS=JOIN, and GRS=TRYJOIN indicate that the system is to coordinate global resource requests with other systems in a global resource serialization ring complex.
Specifying GRS=START indicates that the system is to start a global resource serialization ring complex and honor the requests of other systems (those systems that specify GRS=JOIN) to join the complex. Specifying GRS=JOIN indicates that the system is to join an existing ring complex of active global resource serialization systems and also honor the requests of other systems to join the complex.
Specifying GRS=TRYJOIN allows the system to act on whether a ring complex already exists. If the complex does exist, the system joins the existing complex. If the system does not find any active global resource serialization systems, the system will start the complex.
Value Range: Not applicable
Default Value: None
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