No session was started with the z/OS shell, because OMVS could not invoke the shell program.
For more information on the errno and reason code values displayed in this message, see z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference and z/OS XL C/C++ Runtime Library Reference.
Check that the shell program specified in the RACF® user profile for this TSO/E user ID is correct. Make sure that the shell program exists, and that the file system containing it is mounted. Make sure that the permissions for the shell program allow this user ID to run it. Make sure all the directories leading to the specified shell program can be searched by the user. For information about setting up user IDs for z/OS UNIX, see z/OS UNIX System Services Planning.
Check that the shell program named in the error message exists in the file system before you enter the OMVS command. Make sure the file system containing the shell program is mounted. If you do not have the authority to put the shell program in the file system or mount the file system containing it, contact the operator or system programmer. If you need to run a different shell program, ask the system programmer to change the shell program for your user ID.