The structure of a TFS reason code is
xxyynn, where:
- xx
- Is E3
- yy
- Indicates the error source and nnnn is
the qualifier.
- 00
- E2
- SAF. nnnn is the second halfword of
the IARV64 reason code. IARV64 reason codes are documented in z/OS MVS System Codes in
the ABEND code DC2 section.
The TFS reason code qualifiers are listed as follows:
- 1
- Mount by DD name is not allowed.
- 2
- The PFSCTL buffer is too large.
- 3
- No information available.
- 4
- No information available.
- 5
- No information available.
- 6
- No information available.
- 7
- No information available.
- 8
- The PFSCTL command is not valid.
- 9
- FID not found on vget.
- A
- TFS does not support remount.
- B
- Invalid object for access call.
- C
- Create only allowed in directories.
- D
- Create not allowed in removed directories.
- E
- Invalid file type for create.
- F
- Create failed: no more space.
- 10
- Create failed: file already exists.
- 11
- Trunc only allowed on regular files
- 12
- Trunc will cause the file size to exceed maximum supported size.
- 13
- ioctl failed because the file node was not found.
- 14
- setfacl failed: ACLs are not enabled on this system.
- 15
- The ACL entry was not found.
- 16
- getfacl failed: ACLs are not enabled on this system.
- 17
- The ACL is too large.
- 18
- The ACL entry was not found.
- 19
- The ACL was not valid.
- 1A
- link failed: name already exists.
- 1B
- link failed: out of space creating new name.
- 1C
- The file was not found.
- 1D
- mkdir failed: parent directory was removed.
- 1E
- mkdir failed: the file already exists.
- 1F
- mkdir failed: out of space creating directory.
- 20
- mkdir failed: out of space adding new name.
- 21
- open failed: invalid file identifier.
- 22
- open failed: invalid file identifier.
- 23
- open failed: invalid open mode.
- 24
- open is not allowed on TFS directories - use opendir instead.
- 25
- readdir failed.
- 26
- write failed: only allowed on regular files.
- 27
- write failed: no file extends when new files not be created.
- 28
- write failed: no more space.
- 29
- write failed: file too large.
- 2A
- write failed: the file size exceeded process limits.
- 2B
- read failed: read past file size limit.
- 2C
- readlink failed: the read length was invalid.
- 2D
- remove failed: the errno describes the failure.
- 2E
- rename failed: the errno describes the delete failure on the old
- 2F
- rename failed: the file does not exist.
- 30
- rename failed: directory not empty.
- 31
- rename failed: no more space.
- 32
- rmdir failed: the errno describes the failure.
- 33
- setattr failed: trunc is only allowed on regular files.
- 34
- setattr failed: the file exceeded maximum file size
- 35
- symlink failed: the directory has been removed.
- 36
- symlink failed: the name already exists.
- 37
- symlink failed: no more space.
- 38
- symlink failed: length error.
- 39
- Insufficient authorization for the pfsctl function.