- CONNECT= (YES|NO,interval)
- Specifies
whether NJE connections for APPL, LINE, or SOCKET statements that
specify or defer to CONNECT=YES should automatically be initiated
or restarted. The interval is the time (in minutes) between
attempted connections. The valid range for interval is 1-1440;
the default value is 10. The default CONNECT value is YES.
- DELAY=nnn|120
- Specifies the maximum length of time, in approximate seconds (10-999),
that a message or command will be delayed in any stage of transmission
between MAS members in a node before the member is to assume that
possible lockout situations have occurred. The member will discard
messages or restart communication lines in attempts to clear the congestion
and remove the lockout situation.
Modification: $T NJEDEF
operator command.
- HDRBUF=(LIMIT=nnnn,WARN=nnn)
- Specifies the amount of storage (cell buffers) used by NJE headers
and trailers at a particular installation.
- LIMIT=nnnn
- Specifies the number of NJE header and trailer cell buffers (10-9999)
allocated by this installation for both jobs and SYSOUT transmitted
from another node.
If you do not specify a value for the LIMIT=
parameter, JES2 processing provides a default based upon the following
algorithm: (number of NJE lines) x 2 + ((number of offload devices) + 2)
JES2 determines the number of NJE lines at an installation through
the LINENUM= parameter on this initialization statement and the number
of lines defined on a packet of predefined transmitters and receivers
based on the L(nnnn).ST(m) initialization statement, the L(nnnn).JT(n)
initialization statement, or the L(nnnn).ST(n) initialization statement.
JES2 determines the number of offload devices defined through the
number of OFFLOAD(n) initialization statements defined. For more information
about how to adjust this parameter for particular installation needs,
see z/OS JES2 Initialization and Tuning Guide.
If the result of the algorithm is less than 10, JES2 allocates
10 cells.
Note: Use
this parameter to increase the limit for the JNUM resource that is
reported on the HASP050 message.
- WARN=nnn|80
- Specifies the percentage (0-100) of NJE header and trailer cells
that have been used by this JES2 member when it issues the $HASP050
warning message.
If you specify WARN=0, JES2 does not issue the
$HASP050 message.
Modification: $T NJEDEF operator
- JRNUM=n|1
- Specifies the number (0-7) of network job receivers to be associated
with each NJE line. The value of n is an integer that specifies the
maximum number of input job streams allowed to be concurrently active
on a given line. This specification should match the value of JTNUM=
on other members with which this member is to communicate directly.
Modification: Hot start.
- JTNUM=n|1
- Specifies the number (0-7) of network job transmitters to be associated
with each NJE line. The value of n is an integer that specifies the
maximum number of output job streams allowed to be concurrently active
on a given line. This value should remain unchanged unless it is known
that a particular user has some jobs with extremely large amounts
of input to be transmitted and other short jobs that must be transmitted
concurrently. If there are not enough receivers on the receiving node
to receive jobs over the line, excess transmitters drain automatically.
The sum of the values JTNUM= and STNUM= must not exceed 8.
Modification: Hot start.
- LINENUM=nnnnn|0
- Specifies the number of lines (0-65535). including
CTC adapters, to be used by this JES2 member for NJE communications.
The value of nnnn is an integer between 0 and the number of lines
defined by unique LINEnnnn initialization statements.
This value
does not include the number of NJE lines that have transmitters and
receivers specifically defined by the JRNUM=, JTNUM=, SRNUM=, or STNUM=
parameters of the LINE statements, or by the L(nnnn).ST(m) statement,
the L(nnnn).JT(n) initialization statement, or the L(nnnn).ST(n) initialization
Modification: Hot start.
- Specifies whether (YES) or not (NO) JES2 issues the $HASP549 mail
notification message automatically to notify a userid that a transmitted
file has arrived from another node or a spool reload procedure.
If Exit 40 sets a response value of X040FRNT or X040RRNT,
this parameter is ignored. For more information on Exit 40, see z/OS JES2 Installation Exits.
If you specify MAILMSG=Yes, and the target userid is not logged
on, the $HASP549 message is discarded. However, JES2 adds the $HASP549
message to the shared SYS1.BRODCAST or userid.BRODCAST
data set when the target userid is logged off.
Modification: $T NJEDEF operator command.
- MAXHOP=nnnnn|0
- Specifies the maximum number of nodes (0-65535) through which
a job can travel before it is placed in hold. To determine the proper
value for your installation, you should specify a value that is twice
the longest path in your network plus 2. Specifying MAXHOP=0 or MAXHOP=65535
causes JES2 to assign no limit.
Modification: $T NJEDEF
operator command.
- NODENUM=nnnnn|1
- Specifies the maximum number (1-32767) of nodes in the NJE network
to which this member belongs or a value greater than or equal to the
highest numbered node in your system. For example, if your system
contains three nodes numbered 1, 2, and 3, set NODENUM=3 (or greater).
However, if your system contains three nodes numbered 1, 10, and 20,
set NODENUM=20 (or greater).
Modification: The number of nodes can be increased on any start other than a
hot start, or through operation command. Cold start is required to
decrease the value.
- OWNNODE=nnnnn|1
- Specifies the number (1-32767) of this node, where nnnn is an
integer between 1 and the value specified in the NODENUM= parameter. In an NJE network environment, node names must be unique
to be able to connect to other nodes. Therefore, the NJEDEF OWNNODE
value must be coordinated with other node names (in network) and point
to a node number that has a unique node name. Each JES2 member
of the same multi-access spool configuration must have the same value
Modification: Cold start.
- PATH=n|1
- Specifies the maximum number (1-8) of paths from the local subsystem
to a given non-adjacent node that must be maintained simultaneously.
The integer value should be set to the maximum number of connection
devices the local subsystem has for sending work to a given non-adjacent
node. If, at any given time, a node will use only one path to transmit
data to another node, the value should be left at 1.
Modification: Single member warm start.
- RESTMAX=nnnnnnn|79992000
- Specifies the maximum tolerable resistance (0 to 79992000) of
a connection. If the resistance of a path is greater than the value
specified in RESTMAX=, the path will be ignored.
If the path to
a given node passes through an undesirably large number of members,
the value of RESTMAX= may be set so that JES2 ignores the paths which
are too long for practical use. Low values would be used when a member
should wait for better connections before attempting to communicate
with nodes connected through inefficient paths. (For more information,
see z/OS JES2 Initialization and Tuning Guide.)
When RESTMAX=0, the direct path to any adjacent node is considered
usable regardless of the resistance to that node. Nodes beyond the
adjacent node are only considered reachable if the total resistance
to them is zero or they are in the same subnet as an adjacent node.
RESTMAX=0 can be used to ensure that data will only be sent directly
to an adjacent node and never to an intermediate node for forwarding
to the destination node.
Note: This parameter applies to both
adjacent and non-adjacent nodes.
Modification: $T
NJEDEF operator command.
- RESTNODE=nnnn|100
- Specifies the resistance (1-2000) of the node to the flow of jobs
through the network. High values of RESTNODE= will tend to make other
JES2 members choose other paths rather than come through this member's
node (see z/OS JES2 Initialization and Tuning Guide for more information).
Modification: $T NJEDEF operator command.
- RESTTOL=nnnn|0
- Specifies the maximum difference in resistance (0-8000) allowed
between the best possible path and an acceptable alternate path. This
value has no meaning unless the value specified in the PATH= parameter
is greater than 1.
If the value of RESTTOL= is greater than or
equal to the minimum resistance between any two nodes within the network,
jobs and messages may be transmitted throughout the network in an
erratic fashion. (For more information, see z/OS JES2 Initialization and Tuning Guide.)
Modification: $T NJEDEF operator command.
- SRNUM=n|1
- Specifies the number (0-7) of network SYSOUT receivers to be associated
with each NJE line. The value of n is an integer which specifies the
maximum number of SYSOUT receiver streams allowed to be concurrently
active on a given line. This specification should match the value
of STNUM on the other members with which this member is to communicate
directly. The sum of the values JRNUM= and SRNUM= must not exceed
Modification: Hot start.
- STNUM=n|1
- Specifies the number (0-7) of network SYSOUT transmitters which
will be associated with each NJE line. The value of n is an integer
which specifies the maximum number of SYSOUT transmitter streams allowed
to be concurrently active on a given line. This value should remain
unchanged unless it is known that a particular user has some extremely
large data sets to be transmitted, and other short data sets that
must be transmitted concurrently. If there are not enough receivers
on the receiving node to receive SYSOUT data over the line, excess
transmitters drain automatically.
Modification: Hot start.
- TIMEtol=nnnn|1440
Specifies the approximate time difference (0 -
1500 minutes) allowed between the TOD clock of this node and any adjacent
node. For example, if you specify TIMETOL=60 and an adjacent node
attempts a signon to this node with a clock that differs from this
clock by 60 minutes or less, the signon is successful. If the adjacent
node's clock differs from this clock by significantly more than 60
minutes, the signon fails.
Supply a TIMEtol= value (or accept
the default value) so that JES2 can determine whether to accept status
information about any node in the network or permit a signon.
During JES2 processing, if a record is received with a future timestamp,
but the time does not differ from the TOD clock value by more than
the TIMETOL=value, JES2 accepts the record. If the timestamp is in
the future by an amount that is significantly greater than the TIMETOL=
value, JES2 rejects the record. For network topology records, rejection
results in the record being ignored (with error message $HASP500).
For network signon records, the signon to the adjacent node fails.
Modification: $T NJEDEF operator command.