z/OS MVS JCL Reference
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Parameter field

z/OS MVS JCL Reference

A DD statement has two kinds of parameters: positional and keyword. All parameters are optional.

Leave the parameter field blank only in the following cases:
  • When SMS will provide the necessary DD description.
  • When leaving a DD statement within a concatenation unchanged and overriding parameters on subsequent DD statements within that concatenation.

Positional parameters: A DD statement can contain one positional parameter. If coded, this positional parameter must precede all keyword parameters.

Table 1. Positional parameters
[ * ]

See section * Parameter or DATA parameter

*: for data sets containing no JCL DATA: for data sets containing JCL In a non-APPC scheduling environment, begins an in-stream data set.

See section DUMMY parameter

  Specifies no space allocation, no disposition processing, and, for BSAM and QSAM, no I/O.

See section DYNAM parameter

  (Parameter is supported to provide compatibility with previous systems.)

Keyword parameters: A DD statement can contain the following keyword parameters. You can code any of the keyword parameters in any order in the parameter field after a positional parameter, if coded.

Do not use DD statement keywords as symbolic parameters in procedures to be started by a START command from the operator console.

Table 2. Keyword parameters

See section ACCODE parameter

For ISO/ANSI/FIPS Version 3 tapes, access-code: 1 - 8 characters, first must be upper case A - Z.

For ISO/ANSI Version 4 tapes, access-code: 1 - 8 characters, first must be upper case A - Z, number 0 - 9, or one of these special characters: ! * " % & ' ( ) + , - . / : ; < = > ? _

Specifies or changes an accessibility code for an ISO/ANSI/FIPS Version 3 or ISO/ANSI Version 4 tape output data set.


     CROPS=  {RCK}

     FRLOG=  {NONE}

     OPTCD=  {I }
             {L }

     RECFM=  {F }
             {V }

      ACCBIAS=[USER  ]
              [DO    ]
              [DW    ]
              [SO    ]
              [SW    ]

      SMBDFR= {Y | N}

      SMBHWT= nn

      SMBVSP= {nnK | nnM}

      RMODE31=[ALL ]
              [CB  ]

See section AMP parameter

see z/OS DFSMS Using Data Sets Completes information in an access method control block (ACB) for a VSAM data set.
With SMS only:

See section AVGREC parameter

U: space specified in records
K: space specified in thousands
    of records
M: space specified in millions
    of records

Specifies a record request and the quantity of primary and secondary space specified on the SPACE parameter.
BLKSIZE= {value}

See section BLKSIZE parameter

value: the specified maximum length, in bytes, of a block (The maximum is depending on the device type.)

valueK: the specified maximum length, in kilobytes, of a block (The maximum is 2097152K.)

valueM: the specified maximum length, in megabytes, of a block (The maximum is 2048M.)

valueG: the specified maximum length, in gigabytes, of a block (The maximum is 2G.)

Specifies the maximum length of a block.
BLKSZLIM= {value}

See section BLKSZLIM parameter

value: 32,760 bytes - 2,147,483,648 bytes (two gigabytes)

valueK: 32K - 2,097,152K (two gigabytes)

valueM: 1M - 2048M (two gigabytes)

valueG: 1G - 2G (two gigabytes)

Specifies an upper limit on a data set's block size if BLKSIZE is omitted from all sources and the system determines the block size for the data set.
       {Y  }
       {NO }
       {N  }

See section BURST parameter

YES or Y: burster-trimmer-stacker
NO or N: continuous forms stacker

Directs output to a stacker on a continuous-forms AFP printer.

See section CCSID parameter

nnnnn: 1 - 65535 Specifies the coded character set identifier indicating the character code conversion performed on reads from and writes to tapes accessed in ISO/ANSI Version 4 format.
CHARS=  {table-name                  }
        {DUMP                        }
        {(DUMP[,table-name]...)      }

See section CHARS parameter

1 - 4 table-name subparameters:
  1 - 4 alphanumeric or $, #, @

DUMP: 204-character print lines
   on 3800 model 1

Names coded fonts for printing on an AFP printer. Requests a high-density dump on a SYSABEND or SYSUDUMP DD statement.

See section CHKPT parameter

  Requests a checkpoint at each end-of-volume except the last.
CNTL=  {*.label                      }
       {*.stepname.label             }

See section CNTL parameter

label: names CNTL statement
stepname: CNTL in named step
procstepname: step in named

Causes the system to execute statements following an earlier CNTL statement.
COPIES= {nnn                            }
        {(,(group-value[,group-value]...))  }

See section COPIES parameter

nnn (JES2): 1 - 255
nnn (JES3): 0 - 255
1 - 8 group-values (JES2): 1 - 255
1 - 8 group values (JES3): 1 - 254

Specifies number of copies printed. For an AFP printer, can instead specify number of copies of each page printed before the next page is printed.
With SMS only:
See section DATACLAS parameter
data-class-name: installation-defined name of a data class Specifies the data class for a new data set.

DCB= ( {dsname                        } )
     ( {*.ddname                      } )
     ( {*.stepname.ddname             } )
     ( {*.stepname.procstepname.ddname} )
     (  [,subparameter]...              )

See section DCB parameter

subparameter: see tables in DCB parameter description

*.ddname: copy DCB parameter from named cataloged data set

dsname: copy DCB information from named earlier DD statement

stepname: DD in named step

procstepname: step in named procedure

Completes information in data control block (DCB).

See section DDNAME parameter

ddname: names later DD statement Postpones defining the data set until later in same step: on a DD statement in the calling step or in a procedure called by the step.

     destination (JES2):
          NnRmmmmm to NnnnnnRm
          Rnnnnn or RMnnnnn or RMTnnnnn

     destination (JES3):

See section DEST parameter

LOCAL or ANYLOCAL: local device

name: named local or remote device

Nnnnnn: node (1 - 32,767)

NnRmm: node (1 - 32,767) and remote work station (1 - 32,767); 6 digits maximum for n and m combined

Rnnnnn or RMnnnnn or RMTnnnnn: remote terminal (1 - 32,767)

Unnnnn: local terminal (1 - 32,767)

(node,userid): node (1 - 8 alphanumeric or $, #, @ characters) and TSO/E userid (1 - 7 alphanumeric or $, #, @ characters) or VM userid (1 - 8 alphanumeric or $, #, @ characters)

device-number: 3-digit or 4-digit hexadecimal number (/ required before 4-digit number)

device-name: local device (1 - 8 alphanumeric or $, #, @ characters)

group-name: 1 or more local devices or remote stations (1 - 8 alphanumeric or $, #, @ characters)

nodename: node (1 - 8 alpha- numeric or $, #, @ characters)

Sends a sysout data set to the specified destination.

See section DISP parameter

status: NEW, OLD, SHR (for shared), MOD (for data set to be modified)

normal-termination-disp: DELETE, KEEP, PASS, CATLG, or UNCATLG

abnormal-termination-disp: DELETE, KEEP, CATLG, or UNCATLG

Describes the status of the data set and tells the system to do the following with the data set after normal or abnormal termination of the step or job: delete or keep it on its volume(s), pass it to a later step, or add it to or remove it from the catalog.

See section DLM parameter

delimiter: 2 characters In a non-APPC scheduling environment, terminates an in-stream data set.
DSID= {id      }

See section DSID Parameter

id: 1 - 8 characters
V: label was verified (only on a
   SYSIN DD statement)

Identifies a data set on a diskette of a 3540 Diskette Input/Output Unit.
{DSNAME} = {dsname                        }
{DSN   }   {dsname(member-name)           }
           {dsname(generation-number)     }
           {&&dsname(member-name)         }
           {*.ddname                      }
           {*.stepname.ddname             }
           {NULLFILE                      }

See section DSNAME parameter

unqualified dsname: 1 - 8 alphanumeric or $, #, @ characters, -, +0

qualified dsname: multiple names joined by periods

member-name: member in PDS or PDSE

generation-number: 0 or signed integer

stepname: DD in named step

procstepname: step in named procedure

NULLFILE: dummy data set

Names the data set.
         Start of change {(LIBRARY,1)}
         {(LIBRARY,2)} End of change
         {HFS    }
         {PDS    }
         {PIPE   }

See section DSNTYPE parameter

BASIC: basic format data set
LARGE: large format data set
EXTREQ: extended format data set
EXTPREF: extended format data set

LIBRARY: partitioned data
   set extended (PDSE),Start of change with
   optional version number End of change

HFS: hierarchical file system
   (HFS) data set
PDS: partitioned data set
PIPE: FIFO special file

Specifies the type of data set.

See section EATTR parameter

OPT: Extended attributes are optional

NO: No extended attributes

Indicate whether the data set can support extended attributes (format 8 and 9 DSCBs) or not.
EXPDT=  {yyddd   }

See section EXPDT parameter

yyddd: expiration date (yy: 2-digit year, ddd: day 001-366)

yyyy/ddd: expiration date (yyyy: 4-digit year, ddd: day 001-366)

Specifies an expiration date for the data set.
FCB=  {fcb-name                }
      {(fcb-name [,ALIGN  ]  ) }
                 [,VERIFY ]

See section FCB parameter

fcb-name: 1 - 4 alphanumeric or
   $, #, @ characters
ALIGN: operator check forms
VERIFY: operator verify FCB image

Specifies FCB image, carriage control tape for 1403 Printer, or data-protection image for 3525 Card Punch.
          {TEXT  }

See section FILEDATA parameter

BINARY: byte-stream file
TEXT: delimited by the
      EBCDIC newline character
RECORD: the data consist of records
          with prefixes.

Specifies the content type of a z/OS® UNIX file.
FLASH=  {overlay-name          }
        {NONE                  }

See section FLASH parameter

overlay-name: forms overlay frame
   (1 - 4 alphanumeric or $, #,
   @ characters)
count: copies with overlay (0 - 255)
NONE: suppresses flashing

For printing on a 3800 Printing Subsystem, indicates that the data set is to be printed with the named forms overlay and can specify how many copies are to be flashed.

See section FREE parameter

END: unallocate at end of last step CLOSE: unallocate when data set is closed Specifies when to unallocate the resources for this data set.
       {Y  }
       {NO }
       {N  }

See section HOLD parameter

YES or Y: holds this sysout data set

NO or N: allows normal processing for this sysout data set’s output class

Tells the system to hold this sysout data set until released by the operator.

See section KEYLEN parameter

bytes: number of bytes (1-255 for key-sequenced (KS), 0-255 for sequential (PS) or partitioned (PO)) Specifies the length of the keys in the data set.
With SMS only:

See section KEYOFF parameter

offset-to-key: position of key (0 to difference of LRECL and KEYLEN minus 1) Specifies the offset of the first byte of the record key.
LABEL= ([data-set-seq-no][,label-type] [,PASSWORD]) [,IN ] [,RETPD=nnnn       ])
                                       [,NOPWREAD]) [,OUT] [,EXPDT= {yyddd   }]
                                       [,        ]) [,   ] [        {yyyy/ddd}]

See section LABEL parameter

  data-set-seq-no: data set position on tape volume (1 - 4 decimal digits)

label-type: SL: IBM® standard labels SUL: IBM standard and user labels AL: ISO/ANSI Version 1 and ISO/ANSI/FIPS Version 3 labels AUL: user labels and ISO/ANSI Version 1 and ISO/ANSI/FIPS Version 3 labels NSL: nonstandard labels NL: no labels BLP: bypass label processing LTM: leading tapemark

PASSWORD: password required to access data set

NOPWREAD: password required to change or delete data set

IN: only read BSAM data set opened for INOUT or BDAM data set opened for UPDAT

OUT: only write to BSAM data set opened for OUTIN or OUTINX

RETPD=nnnn: retention period (nnnn: 1 - 4 decimal digits)

EXPDT=yyddd: expiration date (yy: 2-digit year, ddd: day 001 - 366)

EXPDT=yyyy/ddd: expiration date (yyyy: 4-digit year, ddd: day 001 - 366)

Specifies information about a data set’s label, password, opening, expiration date, and, for a tape data set, relative position on the volume.

See section LGSTREAM parameter

name: the name of the prefix that the system logger uses for the forward recovery log stream Specifies the prefix of the name of the log stream for an SMS-managed VSAM data set.
With SMS only:

See section LIKE parameter

data-set-name: dsname of model data set Specifies the attributes of a new data set.

See section LRECL parameter

bytes: length in bytes (1-32,760 for PS or PO, 1-32,761 for KS, ES, or RR) Specifies the length of the records in the data set.
Start of change

See section MAXGENS parameter

End of change
Start of change maximum-generations: 0 - 2000000000 End of change Start of change Specifies the maximum number of generations for members in a Version 2 PDSE. Requires APAR OA42358. End of change
With SMS only:

See section MGMTCLAS parameter

data-class-name: installation- defined name of a data class Specifies the management class for a new data set.
MODIFY= {module-name        }

See section MODIFY parameter

module-name: 1 - 4 alphanumeric or $, #, @ characters

trc: table-name in CHARS parameter (0 for first, 1 for second, 2 for third, and 3 for fourth table-name)

Specifies a copy-modification module in SYS1.IMAGELIB to be used by JES to print the data set on a 3800 Printing Subsystem.

See section OUTLIM parameter

number: 1 - 16777215 logical records maximum Limits the logical records in this sysout data set.
OUTPUT=  {reference                 }
  • *.name
  • *.stepname.name
  • *.stepname.procstepname.name

See section OUTPUT parameter

name: names earlier OUTPUT JCL
stepname: OUTPUT JCL in named
procstepname: step in named

Associates this sysout data set with one or more OUTPUT JCL statements.

See section PATH parameter

pathname: pathname for a file

Specifies the name of a UNIX File.

See section PATHDISP parameter


Tells the system to keep or delete the file after the job step ends.

See section PATHMODE parameter

file-access-attribute for file owner class: SIRUSR, SIWUSR, SIXUSR, SIRWXU

file-access-attribute for file group class: SIRGRP, SIWGRP, SIXGRP, SIRWXG

file-access-attribute for file other class: SIROTH, SIWOTH, SIXOTH, SIRWXO

file-access-attribute to set process IDs: SISUID, SISGID

Specifies file access attributes when creating a UNIX File.

See section PATHOPTS parameter

file-option for access group: ORDONLY, OWRONLY, ORDWR


Specifies access and status for a file.

See section PROTECT parameter

  Requests that RACF® create a discrete profile to protect a data set on direct access or a tape volume.
Coding RECFM for BDAM Access Method:
RECFM=     {U  }
           {V  }
           {VS }
           {F  }
           {FT }
Coding RECFM for BPAM Access Method:
RECFM=     {U   } [A]
           {UT  } [M]
           {V   }
           {VB  }
           {VS  }
           {VT  }
           {VBS }
           {VBT }
           {F   }
           {FB  }
           {FT  }
           {FBT }
Coding RECFM for BSAM, EXCP, and QSAM Access Methods:
RECFM=      {U   } [A]
            {UT  } [M]
            {F   }
            {FB  }
            {FS  }
            {FT  }
            {FBS }
            {FBT }
            {V   }
            {VB  }
            {VS  }
            {VT  }
            {VBS }
            {VBT }
For BSAM, EXCP, and QSAM using ISO/ANSI/FIPS data sets on tape:
RECFM=      {D  } [A]
            {DB }
            {DS }
            {U  }
            {F  }
            {FB }

See section RECFM parameter

Record format is:
   F: fixed length
   B: blocked
   S: spanned
   V: variable length
   U: undefined length
   T:  track-overflow feature
   D:  variable-length ISO/ANSI tape
Control characters are:
   A: ISO/ANSI code
   M: machine code

Specifies the format and characteristics of the records in a data set.
With SMS only:

See section RECORG parameter

Organization of records:
   KS: key-sequenced
   ES: entry-sequenced
   RR: relative record
   LS: linear space

Specifies the organization of the records in a VSAM data set.
With SMS only:
REFDD= {*.ddname                      }
       {*.stepname.ddname             }

See section REFDD parameter

Referenced DD statement:

ddname: unqualified name

stepname: qualified by step name

procstepname: step in procedure

Specifies the attributes of a new data set by referring to a previous DD statement.

See section RETPD parameter

nnnn: number of days (0-9999) Specifies the retention period for a new data set.
     {CR }
     {CRE }

See section RLS parameter

NRI: can read uncommitted changes CR: can read only committed changes CRE: ensures that records read by a unit of recovery are not changed by other units of recovery until the reading unit of recovery issues a syncpoint. Specifies the record-level sharing protocol to be used with a VSAM data set.
With SMS only:

See section SECMODEL parameter

profile-name: name of model profile GENERIC: model is generic profile Specifies a RACF profile to be used for a new data set.

See section SEGMENT parameter

page-count: number of pages of a sysout data set Specifies the number of pages produced for the current segment of the sysout data set before the data set is spun-off for output processing. (JES2 only)
For system assignment of space:
SPACE=({TRK,    } (primary-qty [,second-qty] [,directory]) [,RLSE] [,CONTIG] [,ROUND] )
       {CYL,    }              [,          ]               [,    ] [,MXIG  ]
       {blklgth,}                                                  [,ALX   ]
       {reclgth,}                                                  [,      ]
To request specific tracks:
(ABSTR, (primary-qty,address [,directory]))
To request directory blocks (with SMS only):

See section SPACE parameter

  TRK: allocation in tracks

CYL: allocation in cylinders

blklgth: allocation in average blocks, 1 - 65535

reclgth: allocation in average records (SMS)

primary-qty: number of tracks, cylinders or blocks to be allocated

second-qty: additional tracks or cylinders to be allocated, if more are needed

directory: number of 256-byte records for PDS directory

RLSE: release unused space when data set is closed

CONTIG: contiguous primary allocation

MXIG: allocation in largest available space

ALX: allocation of up to 5 separate contiguous primary quantities

ROUND: allocation by block length rounded to integral cylinders

ABSTR: allocation at the specified address

address: track number of first track to be allocated

Requests space for a new data set on direct access storage.
SPIN=  {UNALLOC} (JES2 only)
       {NO     }

See section SPIN parameter

UNALLOC (JES2 only): the data set is available for printing immediately upon unallocation. UNALLOC is supported on JES2 only. NO: the data set is available for printing at the end of the job Specifies that the output for a sysout data set is available for printing immediately upon unallocation or at the end of the job.
With SMS only:

See section STORCLAS parameter

storage-class-name: installation- defined name of a storage class Specifies the storage class for a new data set.
SUBSYS= (subsystem-name           )

See section SUBSYS parameter

subsystem-name: identifies the
subsystem-parameter: specifies
   information for the subsystem

Requests a subsystem to process this data set.
SYSOUT=([class] [,writer-name] [,form-name])
                [,INTRDR     ] [,code-name]
                [,           ]

See section SYSOUT parameter

class: A - Z, 0 - 9

writer-name: 1 - 8 alphanumeric or $, #, @ characters

form-name: 1 - 4 alphanumeric or $, #, @ characters

code-name: 1 - 4 alphanumeric or $, #, @ characters (JES2 only)

*: same output class as MSGCLASS parameter on JOB statement

Defines this data set as a sysout data set and (1) assigns it to an output class, (2) requests external writer to process it, (3) identifies print or punch forms, and (4) refers to the code-name of a JES2 /*OUTPUT statement.

See section TERM parameter

  The TERM parameter has no function in an APPC scheduling environment. In a foreground job,indicates that this data set is coming from or going to a TSO/E userid. In a batch job, indicates that this DD statement begins an in-stream data set.
UCS= {character-set-code                    }
     {(character-set-code [,FOLD] [,VERIFY])}
     {                    [,    ]           }

See section UCS parameter

character-set-code: 1 - 4 alpha- numeric or $, #, @ characters

FOLD: operator load chain or train in fold mode

VERIFY: operator verify UCS image

Specifies universal character set, print train, or font for an AFP printer.
UNIT= ([ddd          ] [,unit-count][,DEFER])
       [/ddd         ] [,P         ]
       [/dddd        ] [,          ]
       [device-type  ]
       [group-name   ]


See section UNIT parameter

device-number: 3-digit or 4-digit hexadecimal number (/ required before 4-digit number and optional before 3-digit number)

device-type: machine type and model

group-name: 1 - 8 alphanumeric or $, #, @ characters

unit-count: 1 - 59

P: allocate same number of devices as volumes for parallel mount

DEFER: defers mounting until open

SMSHONOR: indicates that the system should honor the device number or group-name for a SMS-managed tape library request

AFF=ddname: requests allocation of same devices as for DD statement ddname

Requests allocation to a specific device, a type or group of devices, or the same device(s) as another data set. Also can specify how many devices and deferred mounting.
{VOLUME}=([PRIVATE] [,RETAIN] [,volume-seq-no][,volume-count][,][SER=(serial-number[,serial-number]...)])
{VOL   }            [,      ] [,             ]                  [REF=dsname                            ]
                                                                [REF=*.ddname                          ]
                                                                [REF=*.stepname.ddname                 ]
                                                                [REF=*.stepname.procstepname.ddname    ]
                                                                [REF=*.procstepname.ddname             ]

See section VOLUME parameter

  PRIVATE: requests a private volume

RETAIN: requests private tape volume remain mounted and unwound or requests public tape volume be retained at device

volume-seq-no: begins processing with volume 1 - 255 of existing multivolume data set

volume-count: maximum volumes for output data set (1 - 255)

serial-number subparameters (1 - 255): volume serial numbers (1 - 6 alphanumeric, $, #, @, or special characters)

REF: copy volume serial numbers from another data set or earlier DD statement, or copy storage class for SMS-managed data sets

dsname: from cataloged or passed data set

ddname: from named earlier DD statement

stepname: DD in named step

procstepname: step in named procedure

Identifies the volume(s) on which a data set resides or will reside.

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