The wait-extension callable service allows the calling process to obtain status information for its child processes.
Operation | Environment |
Authorization: | Supervisor or problem state, any PSW key |
Dispatchable unit mode: | Task |
Cross memory mode: | PASN = HASN |
AMODE (BPX1WTE): | 31-bit |
AMODE (BPX4WTE): | 64-bit |
ASC mode: | Primary mode |
Interrupt status: | Enabled for interrupts |
Locks: | Unlocked |
Control parameters: | All parameters must be addressable by the caller and in the primary address space. |
AMODE 64 callers use BPX4WTE with the same parameters. All parameter addresses and addresses in parameter structures are doublewords.
The name of a fullword that contains a value that indicates the function to perform. If the value is #wait3, the wait3() function is performed. If the value is #waitid, the waitid() function is performed. The constants #wait3 and #waitid are defined in macro BPXYCONS.
Idtype | Description |
P_PID | waitid() waits for the child with a process ID that is equal to the value that is specified in the 'id' parameter. |
P_PGID | waitid() waits for the child with a process group ID that is equal to the value that is specified in the 'id' parameter. |
P_ALL | waitid() waits for any children. The 'id' parameter is ignored. |
The P_ constants are defined in the BPXYCONS macro.
The name of a fullword that contains a value that contains the process id or process group id of the children to wait for. This value is valid only when the function_code is #waitid. Together with Idtype, Id is used to determine which children are to be waited for.
The name of a fullword (doubleword) that contains the address of a fullword in which this service is to place the status value for the child process whose status is available.
This parameter is valid only when the function_code is #wait3.
If the wait-extension service returns because the status of a child process is available, and if Stat_loc_Ptr is not a null pointer, information is stored in the location that is pointed to by Stat_loc_ptr. If this field is null, no information is returned. This area is mapped by BPXYWAST.
The name of a fullword that contains the wait options for this invocation of the wait-extension service.
If the function_code is #wait3, the possible values are as the same as the 'options' parameter for the wait (BPX1WAT, BPX4WAT) service.
Option | Description |
WEXITED | Wait for child processes that have exited. |
WSTOPPED | Return status for any child that has stopped upon receipt of a signal. |
WCONTINUED | Return status for any child that has stopped and has been continued. |
WNOHANG | Return immediately if there are no children to wait for. |
WNOWAIT | Keep the process whose status is returned in the info_area_ptr parameter in a waitable state. This does not affect the state of the process; the process may be waited for again after this call completes. |
These constants are defined in BPXYCONS.
If Function_code is #wait3, Info_area_ptr is the name of a fullword (doubleword) that contains the address of an rusage structure. If this field is null, no information is returned. The rusage structure is defined in macro BPXYRLIM.
If Function_code is #waitid, Info_area_ptr is the name of a fullword (doubleword) that contains the address of a siginfo_t structure. If the function returns because a child process was found that satisfied the conditions that were indicated by the arguments Idtype and Options, the structure that is pointed to by info_area_ptr is filled in by the system with the status of the process. If this field is null, no information is returned. The siginfo_t structure type is defined in macro BPXYSINF.
The name of a fullword in which the BPXWTE service returns -1 if it is not successful.
If it is successful and the Function_code is #waitid, the wait-extension service returns a value of zero.
If it is successful and the Function_code is #wait3, the wait-extension service returns the process id of the child status is being reported for. If WNOHANG was specified and status is not available for any children specified by the Id, the wait-extension service returns a value of zero.
Return_code | Explanation |
ECHILD | The calling process has no existing unwaited-for child processes. |
EFAULT | The address of a returned parameter is incorrect. The following reason codes can accompany the return code: JrBadExitStatusAddr, JrBadSiginfoAddr, or JrBadRusageAddr. |
EINTR | The function was interrupted because the calling process received a signal. |
EINVAL | An incorrect Option, Idtype, or Function_code was specified. The following reason codes can accompany the return code: JrBadOptions, JrBadIdType, or JrBadEntryCode. |
The name of a fullword in which the wait-extension service stores the reason code. The wait-extension service returns Reason_code only if Return_value is -1. Reason_code further qualifies the Return_code value. For the reason codes, see z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes.
For an example using this callable service, see BPX1WTE (wait extension) example.