BPXYWLM — WLM constants and parameter list DSECTs

BPXYWLM work load manager constants and DSECTs. AMODE 31 callers use BPXYWLM — WLM constants and parameter list DSECTs.

            SYSSTATE AMODE64=YES                                                
            BPXYWLM    ,                                                        
** BPXYWLM: BPX1WLM Interface Declares                                          
**  Used By: Callers of the BPX1WLM Interface                                   
*   BPX1WLM Function Code Constants                                             
WLM_QUERY_METRICS       EQU 1                                                   
WLM_QUERY_SCHEDENV      EQU 2                                                   
WLM_CHECK_SCHEDENV      EQU 3                                                   
WLM_DISCONNECT          EQU 4                                                   
WLM_DELETE_WORKUNIT     EQU 5                                                   
WLM_JOIN_WORKUNIT       EQU 6                                                   
WLM_LEAVE_WORKUNIT      EQU 7                                                   
WLM_CONNECT_WORKMGR     EQU 8                                                   
WLM_CONNECT_SERVERMGR   EQU 9                                                   
WLM_CREATE_WORKUNIT     EQU 10                                                  
WLM_CONTINUE_WORKUNIT   EQU 11                                                  
WLM_EXTRACT_WORKUNIT    EQU 12                                                  
WLM_EXPORT_WORKUNIT     EQU 13                                                  
WLM_UNDOEXPORT_WORKUNIT EQU 14                                                  
WLM_IMPORT_WORKUNIT     EQU 15                                                  
WLM_UNDOIMPORT_WORKUNIT EQU 16                                                  
WLM_QUERY_ENCLAVECLASS  EQU 17                                                  
WLM_CONNECT_EXPORTIMPORT EQU 18                                                 
*  Function codes 100-112 are reserved                                          
ARM_BIND_THREAD               EQU 200                                           
ARM_BLOCK_TRANSACTION         EQU 201                                           
ARM_DESTROY_APPLICATION       EQU 202                                           
ARM_DISCARD_TRANSACTION       EQU 203                                           
ARM_GENERATE_CORRELATOR       EQU 204                                           
ARM_GET_ARRIVAL_TIME          EQU 205                                           
ARM_REGISTER_APPLICATION      EQU 206                                           
ARM_REGISTER_METRIC           EQU 207                                           
ARM_REGISTER_TRANSACTION      EQU 208                                           
ARM_REPORT_TRANSACTION        EQU 209                                           
ARM_START_APPLICATION         EQU 210                                           
ARM_START_TRANSACTION         EQU 211                                           
ARM_STOP_APPLICATION          EQU 212                                           
ARM_STOP_TRANSACTION          EQU 213                                           
ARM_UNBIND_THREAD             EQU 214                                           
ARM_UNBLOCK_TRANSACTION       EQU 215                                           
ARM_UPDATE_TRANSACTION        EQU 216                                           
EWLM_CLASSIFY_CORRELATOR      EQU 217                                           
*   BPX1WLM/BPX4WLM Parameter List Mappings                                     
_WQM             DSECT ,        WLM_QUERY_METRICS Parameter List                
_WQM_SYSI_PTR    DS    AD       Address of a fullword pointer that              
*                               contains the address of the buffer              
*                               to return the WLM system information.           
*                               This data is returned in the format             
*                               of the IWMWSYSI mapping macro.                  
_WQM_SYSI_LEN    DS    AD       Address of a fullword that contains             
*                               the length of the buffer to return              
*                               the WLM system information                      
_WQM_END         DS    0C       End of WQM                                      
_WQS             DSECT ,        WLM_QUERY_SCHEDENV Parameter List               
_WQS_SETH_PTR    DS    AD       Address of a fullword pointer that              
*                               contains the address of the buffer              
*                               to return the WLM scheduling                    
*                               environment information.                        
*                               This data is returned in the format             
*                               of the IWMSET mapping macro.                    
_WQS_SETH_LEN    DS    AD       Address of a fullword that contains             
*                               the length of the buffer to return              
*                               the WLM scheduling environment data.            
_WQS_END         DS    0C       End of _WQS                                     
_WCS             DSECT ,        WLM_CHECK_SCHEDENV Parameter List               
_WCS_SCH_ENV     DS    AD       Address of a 16 byte character string           
*                               that contains the scheduling                    
*                               environment to be checked.                      
_WCS_SYS_NAME    DS    AD       Address of a 8 byte character string            
*                               that contains the system name to be             
*                               checked.                                        
_WCS_END         DS    0C       End of _WCS                                     
_WDC             DSECT ,        WLM_DISCONNECT Parameter List                   
_WDC_CONN_TKN    DS    AD       Address of an fullword that contains            
*                               the connect token to be disconnected            
*                               from.                                           
_WDC_END         DS    0C       End of _WDC                                     
_WDW             DSECT ,        WLM_DELETE_WORKUNIT Parameter List              
_WDW_ENC_TKN     DS    AD       Address of a doubleword that contains           
*                               the WLM enclave token representing the          
*                               work unit to be deleted.                        
_WDW_END         DS    0C       End of _WDW                                     
_WJW             DSECT ,        WLM_JOIN_WORKUNIT Parameter List                
_WJW_ENC_TKN     DS    AD       Address of a doubleword that contains           
*                               the WLM enclave token representing the          
*                               work unit to join.                              
_WJW_END         DS    0C       End of _WJW                                     
_WLW             DSECT ,        WLM_LEAVE_WORKUNIT Parameter List               
_WLW_ENC_TKN     DS    AD       Address of a doubleword that contains           
*                               the WLM enclave token representing the          
*                               work unit to leave.                             
_WLW_END         DS    0C       End of _WLW                                     
_WNW             DSECT ,        WLM_CONTINUE_WORKUNIT Parameter List            
_WNW_ENC_TKN     DS    AD       Address of a doubleword to return the           
*                               the WLM enclave token of the created            
*                               work unit.                                      
_WNW_END         DS    0C       End of _WNW                                     
_WCW             DSECT ,        WLM_CREATE_WORKUNIT Parameter List              
_WCW_ENC_TKN     DS    AD       Address of a doubleword to return the           
*                               the WLM enclave token of the created            
*                               work unit.                                      
_WCW_CLASSIFY    DS    AD       Address of a fullword pointer that              
*                               contains the address of a IWMCLSFY              
*                               Parameter List.                                 
_WCW_ARR_TIME    DS    AD       Address of a doubleword field that              
*                               contains the arrival time of the                
*                               work request in STCK format.                    
_WCW_FUNC_NAME   DS    AD       Address of a 8 byte character string            
*                               that contains the descriptive function          
*                               name of the work request.                       
_WCW_END         DS    0C       End of _WCW                                     
_WSC             DSECT ,        WLM_CONNECT_SERVERMGR Parameter List            
_WSC_SUB_SYS     DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte character string            
*                               that contains the subsystem type the            
*                               server manager is requesting connection         
*                               for.                                            
_WSC_SUB_SYS_NM  DS    AD       Address of a 8 byte character string            
*                               that contains the subsystem name the            
*                               server manager is requesting connection         
*                               for.                                            
_WSC_APPL_ENV    DS    AD       Address of a 32 byte character string           
*                               that contains the application                   
*                               environment name associated with the            
*                               server.                                         
_WSC_PAR_EU      DS    AD       Address of a fullword that contains             
*                               number of parallel execution units              
*                               in the server environment.                      
_WSC_END         DS    0C       End of _WSC                                     
_WWC             DSECT ,        WLM_CONNECT_WORKMGR Parameter List              
_WWC_SUB_SYS     DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte character string            
*                               that contains the subsystem type the            
*                               work manager is requesting connection           
*                               for.                                            
_WWC_SUB_SYS_NM  DS    AD       Address of a 8 byte character string            
*                               that contains the subsystem name the            
*                               work manager is requesting connection           
*                               for.                                            
_WWC_END         DS    0C       End of _WWC                                     
_WEW             DSECT ,        WLM_EXTRACT_WORKUNIT Parameter List             
_WEW_ENC_TKN     DS    AD       Address of a doubleword that contains           
*                               the WLM enclave token representing the          
*                               active work unit.                               
_WEW_END         DS    0C       End of _WEW                                     
_WXW             DSECT ,        WLM_EXPORT_WORKUNIT Parameter List              
_WXW_ENC_TKN     DS    AD       Address of a doubleword that contains           
*                               the WLM enclave token representing the          
*                               work unit to be exported.                       
_WXW_EXP_TKN     DS    AD       Address of the 32 bytes to return the           
*                               WLM export token of the exported work           
*                               unit.                                           
_WXW_CONN_TKN    DS    AD       Address of a fullword that contains             
*                               the connect token associated with the           
*                               workmanager.                                    
_WXW_END         DS    0C       End of _WXW                                     
_WUXW            DSECT ,        WLM_UNEXPORT_WORKUNIT Parameter List            
_WUXW_EXP_TKN    DS    AD       Address of the 32 bytes that contains           
*                               the WLM export token representing the           
*                               exported work unit.                             
_WUXW_CONN_TKN   DS    AD       Address of a fullword that contains             
*                               the connect token associated with the           
*                               workmanager.                                    
_WUXW_END        DS    0C       End of _WUXW                                    
_WIW             DSECT ,        WLM_IMPORT_WORKUNIT Parameter List              
_WIW_EXP_TKN     DS    AD       Address of the 32 bytes that contains           
*                               the WLM export token representing the           
*                               exported work unit.                             
_WIW_ENC_TKN     DS    AD       Address of a doubleword to return the           
*                               WLM enclave token of the imported work          
*                               unit.                                           
_WIW_CONN_TKN    DS    AD       Address of a fullword that contains             
*                               the connect token associated with the           
*                               workmanager.                                    
_WIW_END         DS    0C       End of _WIW                                     
_WUIW            DSECT ,        WLM_UNIMPORT_WORKUNIT Parameter List            
_WUIW_EXP_TKN    DS    AD       Address of the 32 bytes that contains           
*                               the WLM export token representing the           
*                               imported work unit.                             
_WUIW_CONN_TKN   DS    AD       Address of a fullword that contains             
*                               the connect token associated with the           
*                               workmanager.                                    
_WUIW_END        DS    0C       End of _WUIW                                    
_WQEC            DSECT ,        WLM_QUERY_ENCLAVECLASS Parameter List           
_WQEC_ENC_TKN    DS    AD       Address of a doubleword that contains           
*                               the WLM enclave token representing the          
*                               work unit to be queried.                        
_WQEC_SYSEC_PTR  DS    AD       Address of a fullword pointer that              
*                               contains the address of the buffer              
*                               to return the WLM Query Enclave Data.           
*                               This data is returned in the format             
*                               of the IWMECD mapping macro.                    
_WQEC_SYSEC_LEN  DS    AD       Address of a fullword that contains             
*                               the length of the buffer to return              
*                               the WLM Query Enclave Data.                     
_WQEC_END        DS    0C       End of WQEC                                     
_WCEI            DSECT ,        WLM_CONNECT_EXPORTIMPORT Parameter List         
_WCEI_SUB_SYS    DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte character string            
*                               that contains the subsystem type the            
*                               work manager is requesting connection           
*                               for.                                            
_WCEI_SUB_SYS_NM DS    AD       Address of a 8 byte character string            
*                               that contains the subsystem name the            
*                               work manager is requesting connection           
*                               for.                                            
_WCEI_END        DS    0C       End of _WCEI                                    
_ABI             DSECT ,        ARM_BIND_THREAD Parameter                       
*                               List                                            
_ABI_CONTEXT     DS    AD       Reserved.                                       
*                               Must be zero.                                   
_ABI_TRAN_HDL    DS    AD       Address of a 8 byte field that                  
*                               contains the transaction handle.                
_ABI_FLAGS       DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte field                       
*                               that contains flags.                            
_ABI_BUFFER4     DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains additional input data.                 
_ABI_END         DS    0C       End of _ABI                                     
_ABT             DSECT ,        ARM_BLOCK_TRANSACTION Parameter                 
*                               List                                            
_ABT_CONTEXT     DS    AD       Reserved.                                       
*                               Must be zero.                                   
_ABT_TRAN_HDL    DS    AD       Address of a 8 byte field that                  
*                               contains the transaction handle.                
_ABT_FLAGS       DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte field                       
*                               that contains flags.                            
_ABT_BUFFER4     DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains additional input data.                 
_ABT_BLOCK_HDL   DS    AD       Address of a fullword pointer that              
*                               contains the address of the 8 byte              
*                               field to return the block handle.               
_ABT_END         DS    0C       End of _ABT                                     
_ADA             DSECT ,        ARM_DESTROY_APPLICATION Parameter               
*                               List                                            
_ADA_CONTEXT     DS    AD       Reserved.                                       
*                               Must be zero.                                   
_ADA_APPL_ID     DS    AD       Address of a 16 byte field                      
*                               that contains the application ID.               
_ADA_FLAGS       DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte field                       
*                               that contains flags.                            
_ADA_BUFFER4     DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains additional input data.                 
_ADA_END         DS    0C       End of _ADA                                     
_ADT             DSECT ,        ARM_DISCARD_TRANSACTION Parameter               
*                               List                                            
_ADT_CONTEXT     DS    AD       Reserved.                                       
*                               Must be zero.                                   
_ADT_TRAN_HDL    DS    AD       Address of a 8 byte field that                  
*                               contains the transaction handle.                
_ADT_FLAGS       DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte field                       
*                               that contains flags.                            
_ADT_BUFFER4     DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains additional input data.                 
_ADT_END         DS    0C       End of _ADT                                     
_AGC             DSECT ,        ARM_GENERATE_CORRELATOR Parameter               
*                               List                                            
_AGC_CONTEXT     DS    AD       Reserved.                                       
*                               Must be zero.                                   
_AGC_APP_HDL     DS    AD       Address of a 8 byte field that                  
*                               contains the application handle.                
_AGC_TRAN_ID     DS    AD       Address of a 16 byte field that                 
*                               contains the transaction ID.                    
_AGC_PAR_CORR    DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains the parent correlator.                 
_AGC_FLAGS       DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte field                       
*                               that contains flags.                            
_AGC_BUFFER4     DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains additional input data.                 
_AGC_CUR_CORR    DS    AD       Address of a fullword pointer that              
*                               contains the address of the buffer              
*                               to return the current correlator.               
_AGC_END         DS    0C       End of _AGC                                     
_AGT             DSECT ,        ARM_GET_ARRIVAL_TIME Parameter                  
*                               List                                            
_AGT_CONTEXT     DS    AD       Reserved.                                       
*                               Must be zero.                                   
_AGT_TIMESTAMP   DS    AD       Address of a fullword pointer that              
*                               contains the address of a 64 bit                
*                               field to return the arrival time.               
_AGT_END         DS    0C       End of _AGT                                     
_ARA             DSECT ,        ARM_REGISTER_APPLICATION Parameter              
*                               List                                            
_ARA_CONTEXT     DS    AD       Reserved.                                       
*                               Must be zero.                                   
_ARA_APP_NAME    DS    AD       Address of a character string that              
*                               contains the application name.                  
_ARA_IN_APP_ID   DS    AD       Address of a 16 byte field that                 
*                               contains an input application ID.               
_ARA_FLAGS       DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte field                       
*                               that contains flags.                            
_ARA_BUFFER4     DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains additional input data.                 
_ARA_OUT_APP_ID  DS    AD       Address of a fullword pointer that              
*                               contains the address of a 16 byte               
*                               field to return the output                      
*                               application ID.                                 
_ARA_END         DS    0C       End of _ARA                                     
_AMR             DSECT ,        ARM_REGISTER_METRIC Parameter                   
*                               List                                            
_AMR_CONTEXT     DS    AD       Reserved.                                       
*                               Must be zero.                                   
_AMR_APP_ID      DS    AD       Address of a 16 byte field that                 
*                               contains the application ID.                    
_AMR_MET_NAME    DS    AD       Address of a character string that              
*                               contains the metric name.                       
_AMR_MET_FORMAT  DS    AD       Address of a 1 byte field that                  
*                               contains the metric format.                     
_AMR_MET_USAGE   DS    AD       Address of a 2 byte field that                  
*                               contains the metric usage.                      
_AMR_UNIT        DS    AD       Address of a character string that              
*                               contains the units of the metric.               
_AMR_IN_MET_ID   DS    AD       Address of a 16 byte field that                 
*                               contains an input metric ID.                    
_AMR_FLAGS       DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte field                       
*                               that contains flags.                            
_AMR_BUFFER4     DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains additional input data.                 
_AMR_OUT_MET_ID  DS    AD       Address of a fullword pointer that              
*                               contains the address of a 16 byte               
*                               field to return the output                      
*                               metric ID.                                      
_AMR_END         DS    0C       End of _AMR                                     
_ART             DSECT ,        ARM_REGISTER_TRANSACTION Parameter              
*                               List                                            
_ART_CONTEXT     DS    AD       Reserved.                                       
*                               Must be zero.                                   
_ART_APP_ID      DS    AD       Address of a 16 byte field that                 
*                               contains the application ID.                    
_ART_TRAN_NAME   DS    AD       Address of a character string that              
*                               contains the transaction name.                  
_ART_IN_TRAN_ID  DS    AD       Address of a 16 byte field that                 
*                               contains an input transaction ID.               
_ART_FLAGS       DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte field                       
*                               that contains flags.                            
_ART_BUFFER4     DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains additional input data.                 
_ART_OUT_TRAN_ID DS    AD       Address of a fullword pointer that              
*                               contains the address of a 16 byte               
*                               field to return the output                      
*                               transaction ID.                                 
_ART_END         DS    0C       End of _ART                                     
_ATR             DSECT ,        ARM_REPORT_TRANSACTION Parameter                
*                               List                                            
_ATR_CONTEXT     DS    AD       Reserved.                                       
*                               Must be zero.                                   
_ATR_APP_HDL     DS    AD       Address of a 8 byte field that                  
*                               contains the application handle.                
_ATR_TRAN_ID     DS    AD       Address of a 16 byte field that                 
*                               contains the transaction ID.                    
_ATR_TRAN_STA    DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte field that                  
*                               contains the transaction status.                
_ATR_RESP_TIME   DS    AD       Address of a 64 bit field that                  
*                               contains the response time.                     
_ATR_STOP_TIME   DS    AD       Address of a 64 bit field that                  
*                               contains the stop time.                         
_ATR_PAR_CORR    DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains the parent correlator.                 
_ATR_CUR_CORR    DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains the current correlator.                
_ATR_FLAGS       DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte field                       
*                               that contains flags.                            
_ATR_BUFFER4     DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains additional input data.                 
_ATR_END         DS    0C       End of _ATR                                     
_AAS             DSECT ,        ARM_START_APPLICATION Parameter                 
*                               List                                            
_AAS_CONTEXT     DS    AD       Reserved.                                       
*                               Must be zero.                                   
_AAS_APP_ID      DS    AD       Address of a 16 byte field that                 
*                               contains the application ID.                    
_AAS_APP_GRP     DS    AD       Address of a character string that              
*                               contains the application group                  
*                               name.                                           
_AAS_APP_INS     DS    AD       Address of a character string that              
*                               contains the application                        
*                               instance name.                                  
_AAS_FLAGS       DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte field                       
*                               that contains flags.                            
_AAS_BUFFER4     DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains additional input data.                 
_AAS_APP_HDL     DS    AD       Address of a fullword pointer that              
*                               contains the address of the 8 byte              
*                               field to return the application                 
*                               handle.                                         
_AAS_END         DS    0C       End of _AAS                                     
_AST             DSECT ,        ARM_START_TRANSACTION Parameter                 
*                               List                                            
_AST_CONTEXT     DS    AD       Reserved.                                       
*                               Must be zero.                                   
_AST_APP_HDL     DS    AD       Address of a 8 byte field that                  
*                               contains the application handle.                
_AST_TRAN_ID     DS    AD       Address of a 16 byte field that                 
*                               contains the transaction ID.                    
_AST_PAR_CORR    DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains the parent correlator.                 
_AST_FLAGS       DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte field                       
*                               that contains flags.                            
_AST_BUFFER4     DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains additional input data.                 
_AST_TRAN_HDL    DS    AD       Address of a fullword pointer that              
*                               contains the address of the 8 byte              
*                               field to return the transaction                 
*                               handle.                                         
_AST_CUR_CORR    DS    AD       Address of a fullword pointer that              
*                               contains the address of the buffer              
*                               to return the current correlator.               
_AST_END         DS    0C       End of _AST                                     
_APA             DSECT ,        ARM_STOP_APPLICATION Parameter                  
*                               List                                            
_APA_CONTEXT     DS    AD       Reserved.                                       
*                               Must be zero.                                   
_APA_APP_HDL     DS    AD       Address of a 8 byte field that                  
*                               contains the application handle.                
_APA_FLAGS       DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte field                       
*                               that contains flags.                            
_APA_BUFFER4     DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains additional input data.                 
_APA_END         DS    0C       End of _APA                                     
_APT             DSECT ,        ARM_STOP_TRANSACTION Parameter                  
*                               List                                            
_APT_CONTEXT     DS    AD       Reserved.                                       
*                               Must be zero.                                   
_APT_TRAN_HDL    DS    AD       Address of a 8 byte field that                  
*                               contains the transaction handle.                
_APT_TRAN_STA    DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte number that                 
*                               contains the transaction status.                
_APT_FLAGS       DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte field                       
*                               that contains flags.                            
_APT_BUFFER4     DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains additional input data.                 
_APT_END         DS    0C       End of _APT                                     
_AUB             DSECT ,        ARM_UNBIND_THREAD Parameter                     
*                               List                                            
_AUB_CONTEXT     DS    AD       Reserved.                                       
*                               Must be zero.                                   
_AUB_TRAN_HDL    DS    AD       Address of a 8 byte field that                  
*                               contains the transaction handle.                
_AUB_FLAGS       DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte field                       
*                               that contains flags.                            
_AUB_BUFFER4     DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains additional input data.                 
_AUB_END         DS    0C       End of _AUB                                     
_AUT             DSECT ,        ARM_UNBLOCK_TRANSACTION Parameter               
*                               List                                            
_AUT_CONTEXT     DS    AD       Reserved.                                       
*                               Must be zero.                                   
_AUT_TRAN_HDL    DS    AD       Address of a 8 byte field that                  
*                               contains the transaction handle.                
_AUT_BLOCK_HDL   DS    AD       Address of a 8 byte field                       
*                               that contains the block handle.                 
_AUT_FLAGS       DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte field                       
*                               that contains flags.                            
_AUT_BUFFER4     DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains additional input data.                 
_AUT_END         DS    0C       End of _AUT                                     
_AUP             DSECT ,        ARM_UPDATE_TRANSACTION Parameter                
*                               List                                            
_AUP_CONTEXT     DS    AD       Reserved.                                       
*                               Must be zero.                                   
_AUP_TRAN_HDL    DS    AD       Address of a 8 byte field that                  
*                               contains the transaction handle.                
_AUP_FLAGS       DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte field                       
*                               that contains flags.                            
_AUP_BUFFER4     DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains additional input data.                 
_AUP_END         DS    0C       End of _AUP                                     
_ACC             DSECT ,        EWLM_CLASSIFY_CORRELATOR Parameter              
*                               List                                            
_ACC_CONTEXT     DS    AD       Reserved.                                       
*                               Must be zero.                                   
_ACC_APP_HDL     DS    AD       Address of a 8 byte field that                  
*                               contains the application handle.                
_ACC_TRAN_ID     DS    AD       Address of a 16 byte field that                 
*                               contains the transaction ID.                    
_ACC_FLAGS       DS    AD       Address of a 4 byte field                       
*                               that contains flags.                            
_ACC_BUFFER4     DS    AD       Address of a data area that                     
*                               contains additional input data.                 
_ACC_CLASS_CORR  DS    AD       Address of a fullword pointer that              
*                               contains the address of the buffer to           
*                               return the classify correlator.                 
_ACC_END         DS    0C       End of _ACC