BPX4UMK (umask) example

The following code changes the process's file mode creation mask (to user read, group execute, other execute). For the callable service, see umask (BPX1UMK, BPX4UMK) — Set the file mode creation mask. For the data structure, see BPXYMODE — Map the mode constants of the file services. AMODE 31 callers use BPX1UMK (umask) example.
         XC    S_MODE,S_MODE                                            
         MVI   S_MODE3,S_IXUSR+S_IXGRP+S_IXOTH  Search permission       
         CALL  BPX4UMK,              Set file creation mask            +
               (S_MODE,              Input: Mode              BPXYMODE +
               RETVAL),              Return value: previous mode mask  +
               MF=(E,PLIST)          ----------------------------------