BPXYTHLI — Thread-level information

            BPXYTHLI   ,                                                        
THLI     DSECT ,                                                                
THLIID   DS    CL4       EBCDIC ID - Thli                                       
THLISP   DS    X         Subpool number of this Thli                            
THLILEN  DS    FL3       Length of this Thli                                    
THLIFLAGS DS   0BL4      Flag bits                                              
THLIFLAGB1 DS  0B                                                               
THLISIGPENDING EQU X'80' Signal pending flag                                    
THLICANCELDISABLED EQU X'40' Cancel request type 0=enabled, 1=disabled          
THLICANCELPENDING EQU X'20' Cancel pending for thread                           
THLICANCELASYNC EQU X'10' Cancellation request state 0 = controlled, 1 X        
                         = aysnc                                                
THLIITERATESIR EQU X'08' Use back door signal dlv 0 = Sir can exit 1 = X        
                         New sig in PPSD(Iterate Sir)                           
THLINOSIG EQU  X'04'     Suppress signal generation for this socket    X        
THLITIMEOUTSET EQU X'02' Kernel Time Out Service requested                      
THLITIMERPOPPED EQU X'01' Kernel Time Out Service timer popped                  
         ORG   THLIFLAGB1+1                                                     
THLIFLAGB2 DS  0B                                                               
THLIPTQTIMEOUT EQU X'80' If on, invokers of the BPX1PTQ call will      X        
                         recieve EAGAIN/JRTimeOut if quiece times oyt  X        
                         and all threads are not quieced.                       
THLIFREEZESTOP EQU X'40' Thread has been frozen via Status Stop                 
THLIDEFERSIGNALS EQU X'20' Defer signals for user                               
THLIPOSTANDDEFER EQU X'10' Post regardless of key defer delivery until X        
                         key ok                                                 
THLITCBEXITPERC EQU X'08' Set by application to allow abends in        X        
                         tcbexits to perc to Tcb                                
THLIIRBNORETRY EQU X'04' Set by NSSIR to indicate the calling IRB is   X        
                         not to retry any abends                                
THLISIGIRBABEND EQU X'02' Abend on sigkill regardless of state                  
*      ***************************************************************          
*      *                                                             *          
*      * Use WorkPtr64 instead of WorkPtr when ThliUseWorkPtr64 is   *          
*      * ON. Thread was pthread_created in 64 bit mode               *          
*      *                                                             *          
*      ***************************************************************          
THLIUSEWORKPTR64 EQU X'01'                                                      
         ORG   THLIFLAGB2+1                                                     
THLIFLAGB3 DS  0B                                                               
THLIFORKACCTG EQU X'80'  Child accounting data based on setuid         X        
THLIPROPAUTH EQU X'40'   Propagate JSCBAUTH to child on fork                    
THLIUNDUBCALLERONLY EQU X'20' mvsprocclp should cleanup caller's       *
                         process only                                   
         ORG   THLIFLAGS+4                                                                                                  
THLIPPSD DS    F         Address of Ppsd                                        
THLISIGMASK DS BL8       Signal mask. Primarliy set by sigprocmask().           
THLIPRLI DS    A         -> Prli. Process related information                   
*      ***************************************************************          
*      *                                                             *          
*      * Use ThliWorkPtr64 if this thread was created via a pthread  *          
*      * create done in amode 64                                                
*      *                                                             *          
*      ***************************************************************          
THLIWORKPTR DS A         -> To user work area specified on             X        
THLICOMECB DS  0F        User communication ECB                                 
THLICOMECBWAIT EQU X'80' ECB wait bit                                           
THLICOMECBPOST EQU X'40' ECB post bit                                           
         ORG   THLICOMECB+4                                                     
THLICOMFLAGS DS 0BL4     ECB control flags                                      
THLICOMFLAGSB1 DS B      reserved                                               
THLICOMFLAGSB2 DS B      reserved                                               
THLICOMFLAGSB3 DS 0B     reserved for user                                      
THLICOMFLAGSU0 EQU X'80' reserved for user                                      
THLICOMFLAGSU1 EQU X'40' reserved for user                                      
THLICOMFLAGSU2 EQU X'20' reserved for user                                      
THLICOMFLAGSU3 EQU X'10' reserved for user                                      
THLICOMFLAGSU4 EQU X'08' reserved for user                                      
THLICOMFLAGSU5 EQU X'04' reserved for user                                      
THLICOMFLAGSU6 EQU X'02' reserved for user                                      
THLICOMFLAGSU7 EQU X'01' reserved for user                                      
         ORG   THLICOMFLAGSB3+1                                                 
THLICOMFLAGSB4 DS 0B                                                            
THLIWILLFREEZEME EQU X'08' LE will issue FreezeMe for this task                 
THLIFROZEN EQU X'04'     BPX1PQG freeze request has been issued        X        
                         against the task                                       
THLISIGPOSTED EQU X'02'  User posted due to signal                              
THLISIGWAIT EQU X'01'    User wants ECB posted when a signal will be   X        
         ORG   THLICOMFLAGS+4                                                   
THLIKEY  DS    CL1       PSW key of Thli control block. The key is in  X        
                         bits 0-3, bits 4-7 are zero                            
THLIIP@LEN DS  X                                                                
THLIFLAGS2 DS  0B        Flag Byte                                              
*      ***************************************************************   
*      *                                                             *   
*      * Specifying JOBNAME for APPLID is only used by MRPWD and     *   
*      * PRSUI.                                                      *   
*      *                                                             *   
*      ***************************************************************   
THLIF2_SETAPPL EQU X'80' Set RACROUTE APPL parm with JOBNAME                    
THLICVTON EQU  X'40'     Activates auto conversion for this thread              
THLICVTOFF EQU X'20'     Deactivates auto conversion for this          X        
                         thread-both ThliCvton and ThliCvtOff should   X        
                         not be on                                              
         ORG   THLIFLAGS2+1                                                     
THLIEXECPARMNUM DS X     Number of parms being passed in exec style    X        
                         parm list. Zero indicates either mvs style    X        
                         parm list or not exec                                  
THLITIMERECB DS 0F       ECB posted when timer pops from BPX1STE call           
THLITIMERECBWAIT EQU X'80' ECB wait bit                                         
THLITIMERECBPOST EQU X'40' ECB post bit                                         
         DS    BL.030                                                           
         ORG   THLITIMERECB+4                                                   
THLIASPIRBECB DS 0F      ECB posted when aio done                               
THLIASPIRBWAIT EQU X'80' Wait bit                                               
THLIASPIRBPOST EQU X'40' Post bit                                               
         ORG   THLIASPIRBECB+4                                                  
THLIJAVA DS    A         JAVA thread control block address. *** DO NOT X        
                         MOVE this field *** Modified by assembler     X        
                         code in JAVA                                           
THLITIMEOUT DS 0CL8      Kernel Time Out Service parameters                     
THLISECS DS    BL4       Seconds to wait for event                              
THLINANOS DS   BL4       Nanoseconds to wait for event                          
THLICCSID DS   H         Program character set Id for filesystem       X        
THLIAPPLIDLEN DS X       Len of string in ThliAppid ignored if 0 or >8          
         DS    CL5       Reserved                                               
THLISRMFLAGS DS 0B       SRM flags Ownership: SRM                               
THLIVCMOVERRIDE EQU X'80' This bit indicates that this unit of work    X        
                         should not follow the standard SRM management X        
                         in an VCM=on environment. Instead of trying   X        
                         to assign the work to the same affinity node  X        
                         for cache efficiency concerns, assign this    X        
                         work to any affinity node, ignore any cache   X        
         ORG   THLISRMFLAGS+1                                                   
THLISHMDUMPPRIO DS X     Dump priority assigned to shared memory      *         
                         segment on next shmget() or shmat() call               
         DS    CL3       Reserved                                               
THLIWORKPTR64 DS CL8     -> To user work area specified on            *        
THLIUTOKENINFO DS 0CL8   Fork Hi Memory token                                   
THLIPARENTTKN DS CL4     parents IARV64 user token                              
THLICHILDTKN DS CL4      token assigned to child                                
THLIRETCODE DS F         Failing retcode from CPR                               
THLIRSNCODE DS F         Failing rsncode from CPR                               
THLIAPPLID DS  CL8       Applid passed for ptsec, and __passwd after  *
         DS    CL24      reserved                                               
THLIEP_FUNCTIONCODE DS F                                         
THLIEXTENEDEDPARMS DS 0CL24                                      
         ORG   THLIEXTENEDEDPARMS                                
THLIEXTENDEDPARMAREA DS 0CL24                                    
         DS    CL24                                              
*      Add a substructure of 5 under the Main UNION for each     
*      set of input parms  (each of these maps over the storage  
*      defned as ThliExtendedParmArea)                           
         ORG   THLIEXTENEDEDPARMS                                
THLIEXTENDEDAPPLPARMS DS 0CL24 Entry parms                           
THLIEP_APPLIDLEN DS X                                                
THLIEP_APPLID DS CL8                                                 
         DS    CL15                                                  
         ORG   THLIEXTENDEDPARMS                                        
THLIEXTENDEDMRSMFPARMS DS 0CL24 BPX1SMF parms                           
THLIEP_MRSMFFLAGS DS 0B                                                 
THLIEP_MRSMFIEFU83 EQU X'80' If on for invokers of BPX1SMF, SMF is     *
                         invoked to write the SMF record such that the *
                         SMF record is given to installation exit      *
                         IEFU83 rather than exit IEFU84                 
         ORG   THLIEP_MRSMFFLAGS+1                                      
         DS    CL23                                                     
         ORG   THLIEXTENDEDPARMS                                        
THLIEXTENDEDGIDNAME DS 0CL24 Output for GIDNameSet                      
THLIEP_GIDNAMELEN DS F                                                  
THLIEP_GIDNAME DS CL8                                                   
THLIEP_GIDLEN DS F                                                      
THLIEP_GID DS  F                                                        
THLIEP_GROUPCOUNT DS F                                                  
*   End of Extended parameter area declarations                         
* ********************************************************************  
* * The ThliSecErrDetail area provides detailed information for      *  
* * select SAF service errors. This information is only provided when*  
* * the syscall rv/rc/rs values are ambiguous and do not provide the *  
* * user with enough information to determine the potential cause    *  
* * of the error. Refer to the appropriate SAF service documentation *  
* * to decode the RACF/SAF return codes.                             *
* ********************************************************************
THLISECERRDETAIL DS 0CL64                                            
THLISECERRCT DS 0CL40    This level also maps the first 40 bytes of  
                         the ctrace SAF exception record, see the    
                         bpxtrace command for details                
THLISECSERVICENAME DS CL8 SAF serice name                            
THLISECSERVICEQUAL DS CL8 REQ or function (when applicable)          
THLISECSAFRC DS F        SAF return code                             
THLISECRACFRC DS F       RACF return code                            
THLISECRACFRS DS F       RACF reason code                            
THLISECSCRV DS F         Syscall RV                                  
THLISECSCRC DS F         Syscall RC                                  
THLISECSCRS DS F         Syscall RS                                  
THLISECERRNONCT DS F                                                 
THLISECSYSCALL DS CL8    Syscall name                                
         DS    CL4       reserved (dword bdy)                        
THLISECERRTOD DS CL8     Time of error (TOD)                         
         DS    CL20      reserved                                    
*     NOTE: The size of this control block is retrieved dynamically  
*           during runtime by the modules that need it.              
*           When adding additional fields to this control block,     
THLIEND  DS    0C        End of Thli  
*   Extended paramter codes.   
THLI#ID  EQU   C'THLI'   Control Block Acronym    
THLI#LEN EQU   144       Length of Thli           
THLI#SP  EQU   230       Subpool for the Thli