BPXYSMC — Map shared mutex/condvar declares and constants

BPXYSMC maps declares and constants for shared mutex/condvar support
            BPXYSMC   ,                                                         
* ********************************************************************          
* *   Define equates for FcnCode parameter                           *          
* ********************************************************************          
SMC_WAIT EQU   1         Wait function request                                  
SMC_POST EQU   2         Post function request                                  
SMC_INIT EQU   4         Initialization function request                        
SMC_DESTROY EQU 8        Destroy function request                               
SMC_POSTALL EQU 16       Postall function request                               
SMC_SETUPTOWAIT EQU 32   SetupToWait function request                           
SMC_CANCELSETUPTOWAIT EQU 64 CancelSetupToWait function request                 
* ********************************************************************          
* * Mapping for FcnFlags parameter                                   *          
* ********************************************************************          
SMC_FCNFLAGS DSECT                                                              
SMC_FCNFLAGSB1 DS 0BL1                                                          
SMC_MUTEX EQU  X'80'                                                            
SMC_CONDVAR EQU X'40'                                                           
SMC_TIMEDWAIT EQU X'20'                                                         
SMC_OUTSIDEWAIT EQU X'10'                                                       
         ORG   SMC_FCNFLAGSB1+X'00000001'                                       
SMC_FCNFLAGSB2 DS 1BL1                                                          
SMC_FCNFLAGSB3 DS 1BL1                                                          
SMC_FCNFLAGSB4 DS 1BL1                                                          
SMC_FCNFLAGS_LEN EQU *-SMC_FCNFLAGS                                             
* ********************************************************************          
* * Mapping for Time Structure pointed to by TimeStrucAddr parameter *          
* ********************************************************************          
SMCT     DSECT                                                                  
SMCTSECS DS    1FL4      The time to wait for the condition variable   X        
                         expressed in seconds. Seconds can be any      X        
                         value greater or equal to 0 or less than or   X        
                         equal to 4,294,967,295.                                
SMCTNANOSECS DS 1FL4     The time in nanoseconds to be added to        X        
                         SmctSecs to wait for condition variable.      X        
                         Nanoseconds can be any value greater than or  X        
                         equal to 0 and less than 1,000,000,000.