BPXYMNTE — Map response and element structure of w_getmntent

DSECT (MNTENTPARMDATA) will be generated with either DSECT=NO or DSECT=YES. If DSECT=NO is specified, you may need an additional DSECT / CSECT statement to return to the current DSECT or CSECT. To get the new version of the MNTE, set MNTE2=YES. Users of MNTE2=YES must initialize MNTEHID to 'MNT2' and set MNTEHBLEN to MNTE#LENGTH.

            BPXYMNTE   MNTE2=YES                                                
** BPXYMNTE: z/OS UNIX w_getmntent response structure and element                 
**  Used By: GMN                                                                
MNTEH                DSECT ,                                                    
MNTEHID              DC    C'MNT2'   Eye catcher                                
MNTEHSIZE            DC    A(MNTE#LENGTH)   Size of area (MNTEH+MNTE)           
MNTEHCUR             DC    XL8'0000000000000000'                                
*                                 Index of next element to return               
*                                    - must be zero (i.e.                       
*                                      X'0000000000000000'),                    
*                                      on initial call                          
*                                    - must be left undisturbed                 
*                                      for subsequent calls                     
MNTEHDEVNO           DS     F'0'  Device number - this value is                 
*                                 specified if information about only           
*                                 one file system is requested                  
MNTEHBLEN            DS     F     Length of mnte body used                      
MNTEHRES1            DS     BL8   Reserved for future - must be zero            
*                                 on entry                                      
MNTEH#LENGTH         EQU   *-MNTEH Length of header structure                   
MNTE                 DSECT ,                                                    
MNTENTBODYV1V2       DS    0F     Define V1 and V2 body size                    
MNTENTFSTYPE         DS    F      File system type                              
MNTENTFSTYPEMVS      EQU   1      MVS Local File System                         
MNTENTFSTYPEREMOTE   EQU   2      Remote File System                            
MNTENTFSTYPEPIPE     EQU   3      Pipe file system                              
MNTENTFSTYPESOCKET   EQU   4      Socket file system                            
MNTENTFSTYPEXPFS     EQU   5      Cross System PFS (XPFS)                       
MNTENTFSTYPECSPS     EQU   6      Char special streams                          
MNTENTFSTYPENFS      EQU   MNTENTFSTYPEREMOTE                                   
MNTENTFSMODE         DS    0F     File system mount flags                       
MNTENTFSMODE1        DS    B      File system mount method - byte 1             
MNTENTFSMODE2        DS    B      File system mount method - byte 2             
MNTENTFSMODE3        DS    B      File system mount method - byte 3             
MNTENTFSSYNCHONLY    EQU   X'01'  File system SynchOnly specified               
MNTENTFSMODE4        DS    B      File system mount method - byte 4             
MNTENTSECACL         EQU   X'80'  Acls supported by sec product                 
MNTENTFSAUNMOUNT     EQU   X'40'  UnMount during recovery                       
MNTENTFSCLIENT       EQU   X'20'  File system is a client                       
MNTENTFSNOAUTOMOVE   EQU   X'10'  Automove allowed                              
MNTENTFSMODENOSEC    EQU   X'08'  No Security checks enforced                   
MNTENTFSMODEEXPORT   EQU   X'04'  File system exported by DFS                   
MNTENTFSMODENOSUID   EQU   X'02'  SetUID not permitted for                      
*                                 files in this file system                     
MNTENTFSMODERDONLY   EQU   X'01'  File system mounted read only                 
MNTENTFSMODERDWR     EQU   X'00'  File system mounted read/write                
MNTENTFSDEV          DS    F      st_dev value to be returned by                
*                                 the stat system call for all files            
*                                 in this file system                           
MNTENTPARENTDEV      DS    F      st_dev of the parent file system              
MNTENTROOTINO        DS    F      ino of the mount point                        
MNTENTSTATUS         DS    B      Status of the file system                     
MNTENTFILEACTIVE     EQU   B'00000000' File system is active                    
MNTENTFILEDEAD       EQU   B'00000001' File system is dead                      
MNTENTFILERESET      EQU   B'00000010' File system being reset                  
MNTENTFILEDRAIN      EQU   B'00000100' File system being unmounted with         
*                                         drain option                          
MNTENTFILEFORCE      EQU   B'00001000' File system being unmounted with         
*                                         force option                          
MNTENTFILEIMMED      EQU   B'00010000' File system being unmounted with         
*                                         immed option                          
MNTENTFILENORM       EQU   B'00100000' File system being unmounted with         
*                                         normal option                         
MNTENTIMMEDTRIED     EQU   B'01000000' File system Umount immed failed          
MNTENTQUIESCED       EQU   B'10000000' File system is quiesced                  
MNTENTMNTINPROGRESS  EQU   B'10000001' Mount in progress for                    
*                                         this file system                      
MNTENTASYNCHMOUNT    EQU   B'10000010' Asynchronous mount in progress           
*                                         for this file system                  
MNTENTFSDDNAME       DS    CL9    DDNAME specified on mount - null              
*                                 terminated                                    
MNTENTFSTNAME        DS    CL9    File system type name -                       
*                                 from the FILESYSTYPE parmlib                  
*                                 statement - null terminated                   
MNTENTFSNAM44        DS    CL44   File system name - as a 44 byte field         
                     ORG   MNTENTFSNAM44                                        
MNTENTFSNAME         DS    CL45   File system name - for PDSE/X, this           
*                                 is the name of the PDSE/X containing          
*                                 file system, null terminated                  
MNTENTPATHLEN        DS    F      length of mount point path name               
MNTENTMOUNTPOINT     DS    CL1024 Name of directory where the file              
*                                 system is mounted - (mount point              
*                                 path name - null terminated                   
MNTENTJOBNAME        DS    CL8    Job name of quiesce requestor                 
MNTENTPID            DS    F      PID of quiesce requestor                      
MNTENTPARMOFFSET     DS    F      Offset of MntEntParm from MNTE                
*                                 (Zero if none)                                
MNTENTPARMLEN        DS    H      Length of mount parameter                     
*                                 (Zero if none)                                
MNTENTSYSNAME        DS    CL8    Name of system to mount on                    
MNTENTQSYSNAME       DS    CL8    Name of queisce system name                   
MNTENTFROMSYS        DS    CL8    Filesystems to be moved from here             
MNTENTRES00          DS    2B     Alignment                                     
MNTENTRFLAGS         DS    0F     Request flags                                 
MNTENTRFLAGS1        DS    B      Request flags - byte 1                        
MNTENTRFLAGS2        DS    B      Request flags - byte 2                        
MNTENTRFLAGS3        DS    B      Request flags - byte 3                        
MNTENTRFLAGS4        DS    B      Request flags - byte 4                        
MNTENTCHANGE         EQU   X'01'  Change f.s. server request                    
MNTENTNEWAUTO        EQU   X'02'  Change automove setting                       
MNTENTSTATUS2        DS    0F     Status of filesystem                          
MNTENTSTATUS2B1      DS    B      Status of filesystem - byte 1                 
MNTENTSTATUS2B2      DS    B      Status of filesystem - byte 2                 
MNTENTSTATUS2B3      DS    B      Status of filesystem - byte 3                 
MNTENTSTATUS2B4      DS    B      Status of filesystem - byte 4                 
MNTENTUNOWNED        EQU   B'00000001' File system unowned                      
MNTENTINRECOVERY     EQU   B'00000010' File system in recovery                  
MNTENTSUPERQUIESCED  EQU   B'00000100' File system super quiesced               
MNTENTSUCCESS        DS    F      Successful moves                              
MNTENTREADCT         DS    F      Number of reads from filesys                  
MNTENTWRITECT        DS    F      Number of writes done                         
MNTENTDIRIBC         DS    F      Number of directory I/O blocks                
MNTENTREADIBC        DS    F      Number of read I/O blocks                     
MNTENTWRITEIBC       DS    F      Number of write I/O blocks                    
MNTENTBYTESREAD      DS    BL8    Number of bytes read                          
MNTENTBYTESWRITTEN   DS    BL8    Number of bytes written                       
MNTENTFILETAG        DS    CL4    File tag (see BPXYSTAT)                       
MNTENTSYSLISTOFFSET  DS    F      Offset of system list                         
MNTENTSYSLISTLENGTH  DS    H      Length of system list                         
MNTENTAGGNAMELENGTH  DS    H      Length of Aggregate name                      
MNTENTAGGNAMEOFFSET  DS    F      Aggregate Name Offset or 0                    
MNTENTROSECLABEL     DS    CL8    Readonly seclabel                             
MNTE#LENGTH          EQU   *-MNTE Length of this structure                      
MNTENTPARMDATA       DSECT ,      Mount() parameter data dsect                  
MNTENTPARM           DS    0C     Parameter specified with mount()              
MNTENTSYSLISTINFO    DSECT ,      Deadsys move to syslist dsect                 
MNTENTSYSLISTNUM     DS    H      Number of entries in the syslist              
MNTENTSYSLISTFLAGS   DS    H      Flags                                         
MNTENTSYSLISTINCL    EQU   X'0000'  Include syslist                             
MNTENTSYSLISTEXCL    EQU   X'0001'  Exclude syslist                             
MNTENTSYSLIST        DS    32CL8  System names                                  
MNTENTAGGNAMEDSECT   DSECT ,      At MntEntAggNameOffset if not 0               
MNTENTAGGNAME        DS    0C     Aggregate Name, Null terminated               
* To access MNTEH, MNTE and MNTENTPARM:                                         
* LA     RegOne,buffer            RegOne->BPX1GMN buffer and MNTEH              
* USING  MNTEH,RegOne             Addressability to MNTEH                       
* LR     RegTwo,RegOne            RegTwo->MNTEH                                 
* LA     RegTwo,MNTEH#LENGTH(RegTwo) RegTwo->MNTE                               
* USING  MNTE,RegTwo              Addressability to MNTENTPARMLEN               
*                                 and MNTENTPARMOFFSET                          
* ICM    RegThree,15,MNTENTPARMOFFSET Load offset from start of                 
*                                 entry  (i.e. start of MNTE)                   
* BZ     SkipParm                 If zero, skip processing parm                 
* ALR    RegThree,RegTwo          RegTwo->MNTE,                                 
*                                 RegThree=MNTENTPARMOFFSET                     
*                                 RegThree->MNTENTPARMDATA (after)              
* USING  MNTENTPARMDATA,RegThree  Addressability to MNTENTPARMDATA              