The following code issues a recv from a socket. SOCKDESC
was returned from a previous call, either BPX1SOC or BPX1ACP.
For the callable service, see
recvfrom (BPX1RFM, BPX4RFM) — Receive data from a socket and store it in a buffer.
For the data structures, see
BPXYSOCK — Map SOCKADDR structure and constants and
BPXYMSGF — Map the message flags. AMODE 64 callers use
BPX4RFM (recvfrom) example.
CALL BPX1RFM, Read from a socket +
(SOCKDESC, Input: Socket Descriptor +
=A(L'BUFFERA), Input: Length of the input buffer +
BUFFERA, Input: Address of the input buffer+
PRIMARYALET, Input: Alet of the input buffer +
MSG_FLAGS, Input: Flags +
=A(L'SOCKADDR), Input: Length of the socket addr +
SOCKADDR, Input: The socket address +
RETVAL, Return value: 0 or -1 +
RETCODE, Return code +
RSNCODE), Reason code +
VL,MF=(E,PLIST) ----------------------------------