Test the CICS catalog manager API

You can test your newly created API is working by invoking the catalog API directly from the z/OS® Connect API toolkit by using the API Explorer.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have the API Discovery feature enabled in the server.xml server configuration by adding the following element to the feature list:
Note: Use of the API Discovery feature requires that you are using z/OS Connect V3.0.48 and z/OS Connect API toolkit V3.0.9.4, V3.2.9.4, or later.


  1. Start CICS® and ensure that the TCPIPService is open.
  2. Start your IBM® z/OS Connect server. For more information, see Starting and stopping IBM z/OS Connect.
    1. Check the messages.log file for the following messages to confirm the services are installed.
          BAQR7043I: z/OS Connect service archive placeOrder installed successfully.    
          BAQR7043I: z/OS Connect service archive inquireSingle installed successfully. 
          BAQR7043I: z/OS Connect service archive inquireCatalog installed successfully.
    2. Check the messages.log file for the following messages to confirm the API is installed.
          BAQR7000I: z/OS Connect API archive file catalog installed successfully.
  3. In the z/OS Connect Servers view of the API toolkit, under the APIs folder, double-click on the catalog API.
    The API is opened in the API Explorer. If you are not using the API Explorer feature, select Open in Swagger UI from the context menu.
  4. Click List Operations to see available operations in the API.
    Figure 1. Operations in the API
    List of operations in the API.
  5. Test inquiring on an item by clicking GET /items/{itemID} .
    1. Specify a value of 10 for the itemID.
      Figure 2. Testing the GET request
      List of operations in the API.
    2. Click Try it out!.
      Information about the request URL, request headers, response body, response code, and response headers are provided. The response body contains the output message:
      • "CA_SNGL_DESCRIPTION": "Ball Pens Black 24pk"


You have verified that your newly created catalog API works to CICS.