Sample JCL to format SMF records

IBM® z/OS® Connect provides sample utilities for formatting SMF 123 records. Choose the sample to use based on the subtype and version of the records you are formatting.
Note: To use any of these samples, you must first edit the JCL to replace the necessary values by following the instructions in the sample.

Formatting SMF 123 version 2 records

To format SMF 123 version 2 records, records use either of these samples to dump your SMF data and format the records:
  • To print the formatted data to the job output, edit and submit the JCL <hlq>.SBAQSAMP(BAQSMFP). This JCL runs the provided utility load library <hlq>.SBAQLIB1(BAQSMFP) to format all the request data sections and print them to STDOUT. Source for this C sample can be found at <hlq>.SBAQSAMP(BAQSMFPC).
  • To print the formatted data to a comma-separated file (CSV), edit and submit the JCL <hlq>.SBAQSAMP(BAQSMFX). This JCL runs the provided utility load library <hlq>.SBAQLIB1(BAQSMFX) to format all the request data sections and write them to a comma-separated file (CSV). This file can then be opened by using a spreadsheet application on a desktop workstation. Source for this C sample can be found at <hlq>.SBAQSAMP(BAQSMFXC).

If you want to modify and recompile the sample programs, you require the IBM z/OS XL C/C++ compiler.

Formatting SMF 123 version 1 records

To format SMF 123 subtype 1 version 1 records only, dump your SMF data set and use the sample JCL provided in <hlq>.SBAQSAMP(BAQS123). The JCL uses the ICETOOL utility and formats the user data section.