How to specify a custom CCSID for a CICS service

You can specify a custom CCSID when you create a CICS® service.

Before you begin

Refer to Coded character set identifiers to check whether the code page that you want to use is supported in IBM® z/OS® Connect by default. Specify a custom CCSID only when you have a specific requirement for it.

About this task

To specify a custom CCSID in IBM z/OS Connect, you must extend the Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE) to support your custom character encoding with your own CharsetProvider and Charset classes.


  1. Build a custom CharsetProvider JAR file that contains your own CharsetProvider and Charset class implementations.
    When you implement the CharsetProvider class, you must set a canonical name or an alias name for your custom character encoding. This canonical name or alias name is composed of (from left to right) a specific string "Cp" and a numeric string. The numeric string is the CCSID that you need to specify when you generate a service archive (.sar).

    The following two code examples show how to initialize a new character set with two kinds of names.
    Example 1: using a canonical name
    import java.nio.charset.spi.CharsetProvider;
    public class CustomCharsetProvider extends CharsetProvider {
        // The canonical name of the custom charset
        private static final String CUSTOM_CHARSET_NAME = "Cp99999";
        // A handler to the Charset object
        private Charset custom_charset = null;
        public CustomCharsetProvider() {
            String[] alias = new String[] { CUSTOM_CHARSET_NAME };
            this.custom_charset = new CustomCharset(CUSTOM_CHARSET_NAME, alias);

    In this example, "Cp99999" is a canonical encoding and the numeric part "99999" is used to specify the CCSID later.

    Example 2: using an alias name
    import java.nio.charset.Charset;
    import java.nio.charset.spi.CharsetProvider;
    public class CustomCharsetProvider extends CharsetProvider {
        // The canonical name of the custom charset
        private static final String CUSTOM_CHARSET_NAME="Unicode-at-on";
        // The specific numeric alias name of the custom charset
        private static final String CUSTOM_CHARSET_NAME_ALIAS = "Cp99999";
        // A handler to the Charset object
        private Charset custom_charset = null;
        public CustomCharsetProvider() {
            String[] alias = new String[] { CUSTOM_CHARSET_NAME_ALIAS };
            this.custom_charset = new CustomCharset(CUSTOM_CHARSET_NAME, alias);

    In this example, "Unicode-at-on" is a canonical encoding that is not supported in IBM z/OS Connect by default. "Cp99999" is the alias name that is set for "Unicode-at-on" and the numeric part "99999" is used to specify the CCSID later.

    For more information about how to build a custom CharsetProvider JAR file, see the Java API documentation for CharsetProvider.

  2. Deploy the custom CharsetProvider JAR file to be included in the JVM.
    Choose the method that corresponds with your level of Java
    • Java 8
      1. Copy the JAR file to the z/OS Connect runtime JRE extensions directory. For example, $ZCEERUNTIME_JRE_Location/jre/lib/ext.

        In JVM OPTIONS, this directory is named by using the java.ext.dirs option. For example, -Djava.ext.dirs=${JAVA_HOME}/lib/ext.

      2. If you use the API toolkit, ensure that the JAR file is deployed to the API toolkit JRE extensions directory. For example, $ZOSExplorer_Install_Location/jdk/jre/lib/ext.
      3. If you use the build toolkit, ensure that the JAR file is deployed to the build toolkit JRE extensions directory. For example, $BUILDTOOLKIT_JRE_Location/jre/lib/ext.
    • Java 11 or 17
      1. If you use the API toolkit, modify the eclipse.ini file in ${ZOSExplorer_Install_Location/eclipse.ini}. In this file, anywhere under the -vmargs line, insert the following line:
        This appends the CharsetProvider.jar file to the boot class path of the Java that is used to run the API toolkit.
      2. If you use the build toolkit, set the environment variable ZCN_JAVA_OPTS to the following value before zconbt is called.
        This setting includes the value of ZCN_JAVA_OPTS in the JVM options that is used when running the build toolkit.
      3. Ensure that the same CCSID is available in the z/OS Connect server by ensuring that the JAR file is available. Update your JVM options to include the following line:


Java is now extended to support your custom character encoding.

What to do next

Use the custom code page to generate a .sar file by setting the numeric string (for example, "99999") specified in Step 1 to the CCSID property in the service project editor or in the build toolkit properties file as required. For more information about how to generate a .sar file and deploy it in IBM z/OS Connect, see Create a CICS service.
Note: The specified numeric string, for example, "99999", can also be set to the cicsCCSID property when a policy is applied. For more information about the cicsCCSID property, see Valid properties for use in policy rules.

When the .sar file is generated and deployed, invoke the service and check the response to verify that the custom code page is used in IBM z/OS Connect.