How to use the RESTful administration interface to manage API requesters

You can use the RESTful administration interface to manage API requesters.

The RESTful administration interface for API requesters is available in paths under /zosConnect/apiRequesters. A Swagger document describing the RESTful administration interface for IBM® z/OS® Connect API requesters is available on the URI /zosConnect/api-docs once the API requester feature is enabled.

Supported operations

The following table lists the methods and administrative tasks that are supported in the RESTful administration interface for API requesters.

Notes for all calls

  • All successful calls return HTTP status code 200 unless otherwise specified.
  • URLs returned by any of the calls contain the protocol, server, and port from the request.
  • Any call using an HTTP method with a URI that is not mentioned in the topics in Table 1 will return an error 405 Method Not Allowed.
  • If an error occurs while a request is being processed, an appropriate HTTP status code and the following JSON will be returned:
           "errorMessage": "{message}",
           "errorDetails": "{details}"
    Note: errorDetails is optional and will only be returned for some error scenarios.