Installing z/OS Cloud Broker

You deploy z/OS® Cloud Broker to a Red Hat OpenShift cluster by using the z/OS Cloud Broker operator.

The installation procedure in performed in the Administrator perspective in the OpenShift® Container Platform web console.

Before you begin


  1. Ensure that you are on the Administrator perspective in the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  2. Install the z/OS Cloud Broker operator:

    1. From the navigation of the OpenShift® Container Platform web console, click Operators > OperatorHub.
    2. From the OperatorHub page, search for Cloud Broker, and then click the z/OS Cloud Broker tile.
    3. Click Install.
    4. From the Install Operator page, complete the fields as follows:

      • Update Channel: Select an update channel. When an update is available for the channel that you select, the z/OS Cloud Broker operator automatically receives the updates when your cluster is connected to the internet. The update that is received is then processed according to the selection that you make for the Approval Strategy option below. Channels are tied to a minor version of z/OS Cloud Broker to ensure that an explicit decision is made to upgrade to the next minor version of z/OS Cloud Broker. For example, the z/OS Cloud Broker 1.2.x channel will never include an upgrade to z/OS Cloud Broker 1.3.x.
      • Installation Mode: For the z/OS Cloud Broker Operator, the All namespaces on the cluster option is disabled and the A specific namespace on the cluster option is selected by default.
      • Installed Namespace: Select a namespace from this list.
      • Approval Strategy: To automatically update the running instance of your operator whenever new updates are made available to the channel and when our cluster is connected to the internet, select Automatic (the default). If you want to review an update and then manually approve the update, select Manual.

      Tip: You can change the approval strategy later if required.

      Important: Even if Manual is selected for the z/OS Cloud Broker operator, the sub-operators that are created for each z/OSMF CP&M published template will always be configured to use the Automatic approval stategy. This ensures that each sub-operator receives updates when the z/OS Cloud Broker operator updates are approved

  3. Click Install.
  4. If you selected Manual for the Approval Strategy field, manually review and approve the install plan:
    1. In the left navigation, click Operators > Installed Operators.
    2. Click the zoscb-operator operator.
    3. Under the Subscription Details section, click 1 requires approval.
    4. Click Preview Install Plan.
    5. Click Approve.

Step results

After the z/OS Cloud Broker operator is installed, the deployment status for the operator is shown as Succeeded on the Installed Operators page.

Next step

Create an instance of the ZosCloudBroker custom resource (CR). Then, browse to the Configuration UI, enter z/OSMF credentials (name, host, port, domain, ssl certificate (optional)) and z/OSMF user names and passwords. For more information, see Creating a z/OS Cloud Broker instance.