pjdd - Print the output for a given job ID and ddname.



    Print debug information.

    Display syntax help.

    Print output in JSON format in this form:

    `{ "data": { "content":{...} }, "meta": {...} }`

    Prints JSON output in a readable format.
    This option forces `-j` if it was not set.

    Print verbose information.


Print the output for a given job ID and DD name.

  • <JOB_ID> is a job ID.
  • <STEP_NAME> is the job step of the DD name (OPTIONAL).
  • <PROC_NAME> is the proc step of the DD name (OPTIONAL).
  • <DDNAME> is the DD name allocated to that job to print.
  • <DSID> is the dataset id of the DD name.

pjdd pjdd can show the contents of some SYSIN datasets. On JES2 systems, EVENTLOG output is parsed to show step information in the following format:

<step number> <step name> <program name> <substep number> <proc step> <exec name>

<step number> Step number (starting at 1). <step name> Step name (from the EXEC card). <program name> Program name (from PGM= parameter on EXEC card). <substep number> Substep number (zero for non-z/OS UNIX steps). <proc step> The name of the step that invoked the procedure. <exec name> z/OS UNIX or MVS Program name.

Note: blank fields are replaced with '-'.

  • The special behavior for the EVENTLOG DD is only available in systems running JES2. JES3 does not create this type of record.
  • <STEP_NAME>, <PROC_STEP>, and <DDNAME> can be wildcards '*' or '' to match all cases.
  • You must provide <STEP_NAME> if <PROC_NAME> is specified, even if passed as ''.
  • If EVENTLOG or 8 is specified as <DDNAME|DSID>, no other filter should be specified.
  • If a DD is empty, the "content" object in JSON output will contain a single space.
  • The special behavior for the EVENTLOG DD is only available in systems running JES2. JES3 does not create this type of record.

Use ddls(1) to find the STEP_NAME and DD name for a particular job ID.


Print the expanded JCL running for job id STC02621:

pjdd stc02621 jes2 jesjcl

Output STEP2 of a STEPA for job id JOB09212:


Output STEP2 of a STEPA for job ID JOB09212:

pjdd JOB09212 '*' STEP2 OUTDD

Output SYSPRINT for job id JOB00767:

pjdd JOB00767 sysprint

Print all DD contents for JOB00767:

pjdd JOB00767 '*'

Print all DD contents for JOB00767 where STEP_NAME is CREATE:

pjdd JOB00767 create '*'

Print the DD with DSID 103 for job JOB00767:

pjdd JOB00767 103

Print contents of the EVENTLOG for job JOB00767 in a JES2 system:

pjdd JOB00767 EVENTLOG
pjdd JOB00767 8



    An error occurred. See error messages for details.


ddls(1), jcan(1), jls(1), jsub(1)