opercmd - Run a specified z/OS operator command and write the output to the terminal.


opercmd [-dhjJptuvw] [-c CONSOLE] [-T TIMEOUT] OPERATOR-COMMAND

    Specifies an optional suffix that will be used when generating the
    name of the EMCS console that will submit the operator command.
    The suffix must be an integer between 0-9999. If this argument is
    omitted, the integer used will be 0000.

    The generated console name consists of the first four characters of
    the submitting user ID, concatenated with the provided integer.
    The integer will be left-padded with zeros to be four digits long.
    For example, if the user ID is "ZOAUSER", the generated console name
    will be "ZOAU0000".

    This argument is only necessary when running multiple opercmd
    invocations simultaneously with the same user ID. EMCS console names
    must be unique.

    Print out debug messages.

    Display syntax help.

    Print output in JSON format. By default it has this form:

    { "data": { "output":"<command output>" }, "meta": {...} }

    Additional entries for the console and reply ID are included
    when present.
    When -d is enabled, it includes entries for date and time,
    and timeout values.

    Prints JSON output in a readable format. This option enables `-j` if it was not set.

    Preserve the case of the OPERATOR-COMMAND input. The command is
    converted to uppercase by default. This is useful for operator commands
    that specify a case-sensitive z/OS UNIX path.

    Provide terse output. Only the command response is printed to the terminal.

    Specifies the maximum amount of time, in centiseconds (0.01s), to wait for the
    console command to complete. The specified value must
    be between 1 and 2147483600. The default value is 100 centiseconds,
    or 1 second.

    This is the maximum amount of time that opercmd will wait, regardless
    if any command response output has been received. If the command response
    is unexpectedly truncated, then the value of this argument should
    be increased.

    If a timeout of 0 is specified, the default timeout will be used.

    Print out verbose command information.

    Always wait for the amount of time specified by the TIMEOUT argument.
    The wait will always be for the full period, whether or not any
    command response output has been received.


Run a z/OS operator command and write the output to the terminal. The maximum length of the command is 126 characters. Note that many operator commands require higher levels of authority. If you do not have the right level of authority, you will not be able to run the command. Typically you will need to surround the command in quotes to prevent command-line globbing.

By default, the specified operator command will be converted to uppercase before being submitted. Use the -p (preserve case) argument in order to submit the command exactly as specified.

Operator commands that begin with dashes (-) may be interpreted as options by opercmd. To avoid this, use the double-dash argument (--) to signify the end of the argument list immediately before the operator command. This will indicate the end of the option list and that the following argument is to be processed as an operator command.

In the event that a console command response contains unprintable characters, they will be replaced by spaces before being printed. Use the -u argument to suppress this replacement.


This utility requires authorization to use. The submitting user ID must have READ access to the MVS.MCSOPER.ZOAU profile in the OPERCMD class. Failure to obtain this authority will result in an error message.


The following environment variables can be used to alter the behavior of opercmd.

Number of allocated 1024 byte buffer pages to capture the console command output. The default is 128 pages, and the total allocated memory is 128 kB.


If you are issuing a console command that contains a dollar sign ($), you must be sure to either escape it or surround the command in single quote ('). Otherwise the UNIX shell will interpret the command as a shell variable and substitute it for something else.

For example, to issue the JES command $DSPL, you could run the following command with single quotes:

opercmd '$dspl'

You could also escape the dollar sign:

opercmd "\$dspl"


Display system activity:

opercmd "d a,all"

Display IPL information with debug output enabled:

opercmd -d "d iplinfo"

Display the system time with a console suffix of 628:

opercmd -c 628 "d t"

Display VTAM options and wait the entire timeout period for output:

opercmd -w "d net,vtamopts"

Display JES spool utilization and wait 10 csec (0.10 sec) for output. Note that single quotes are used to prevent the UNIX shell from treating the dollar sign as a variable.

opercmd -w -T 10 '$dspl'

Display the system time in JSON format:

opercmd -j "d t"

{"Command":"D T","Output":"IEE136I LOCAL: TIME=18.06.54 DATE=2023.131
UTC: TIME=22.06.54 DATE=2023.131\n"}

An additional entry will contain the generated console ID if -c was set:

opercmd -j -c 628 "d t"

{"Command":"D T","Console":"IBMU0623","Output":"IEE136I LOCAL:
TIME=18.06.54 DATE=2023.131  UTC: TIME=22.06.54 DATE=2023.131\n"}

Using debug output with JSON will include entries for timestamp, timeout, and console ID:

opercmd -j -d "d t"

{"Timestamp":"2023132  13:13:50.00","Timeout":1,"Command":"D T",
"Console":"IBMU0000","Output":"IEE136I LOCAL: TIME=13.13.50
DATE=2023.132  UTC: TIME=17.13.50 DATE=2023.132\n"


    opercmd completed successfully.

    Syntax error. Correct the opercmd syntax and resubmit the command.

    Not enough memory to hold the entire command output. Adjust the CONSBUFPGNUM environment variable to a larger value and optionally rerun the command.

    Unauthorized user. See AUTHORIZATION section on how to grant permission to use opercmd.

    Invalid argument. One or more of the arguments to opercmd is incorrect. Examine the error message for details and correct the argument value.

    An error ocurred when submitting the console command. Examine the error message for details.