- Create an empty dataset or generation data group (GDG).
dtouch [-adhjJuvV] [OPTIONS] <DATASET>
Verbose allocation output.
The -a option is ignored if JSON output is enabled with -j or -J.
This is the number of directory blocks for a partitioned data set (PDS).
Optional parameter for PDS datasets. Default is 5.
This is the block size of the dataset. The default sizes are:
- 80 for record format F.
- 32718 for FBA.
- 32720 for FB and FBS.
- 32743 for VBA.
- 32760 for VB and VBS.
- 0 for U.
In JSON output mode, the block size can have a value of 0 when it is
determined by the record format and length.
This is the storage class for an SMS-managed dataset.
Required for SMS-managed datasets that do not match an SMS-rule.
Not valid for datasets that are not SMS-managed.
Note that all non-linear VSAM datasets are SMS-managed.
Print debug messages.
<DATA_CLASS> is the data class name for an SMS-managed dataset.
Optional for SMS-managed datasets that do not match an SMS-rule.
Not valid for datasets that are not SMS-managed.
Note that all non-linear VSAM datasets are SMS-managed.
Use <SECONDARY_SPACE> to define the amount of secondary space for dataset
allocation. This is the size of the extents. Defaults to 1/10 of
The size value may include one of the following suffixes:
- K or KB (kilobytes)
- M or MB (megabytes)
- G or GB (gigabytes)
- C or CYL (cylinders)
- T or TRK (tracks)
If no suffix is added, the size is calculated as bytes.
When using bytes, KB, MB, or GB units, the number of tracks to
allocate is rounded up, which can produce a small difference in the
expected dataset size.
Sets the EMPTY attribute for generation data groups.
If this option is omitted, the GDG is created with the NONEMPTY attribute.
This is the format of allocated space to use when allocating the
dataset. It may be one of:
- ALX - Different areas of contiguous space are to be allocated.
- CONTIG - Space must be contiguous.
- MXIG - Maximum contiguous space is required.
Display syntax help.
Print JSON output. The following attributes are only in the output if
they were explicitly defined by their command line option:
- Data class (-D)
- Management class (-m)
- Storage class (-c)
- Volumes (-V)
The value for primary and secondary space is the number of tracks allocated,
regardless of the unit used for -s or -e. For example, -s15M will show
'"primary": 265'.
Print JSON output in a readable format.
Required for Key Sequenced Datasets (KSDS)
This is expressed in bytes. The default lengths are:
- 80 for fixed datasets (F, FB, FBS).
- 133 for format FBA.
- 137 for variable datasets (VB, VBA, VBS).
- 0 for unformatted datasets (U).
For variable datasets, the length must include the 4-byte prefix area.
This defines the maximum number of generations in a GDG.
Required for generation data groups.
This is the management class for an SMS-managed dataset. Optional for
SMS-managed datasets that do not match an SMS-rule. Not valid for
datasets that are not SMS-managed. Note that all non-linear VSAM
datasets are SMS-managed.
Sets the PURGE attribute for generation data groups.
If this option is omitted, the GDG is created with the NOPURGE attribute.
This is the record format that is used when creating the dataset.
It is one of F, FB, VB, FBA, VBA, U, FBS, VBS.
The default is FB.
Use <PRIMARY_SPACE> to specify the primary space allocation for the
dataset. The default value is 100 tracks.
The size value may include one of the following suffixes:
- K or KB (kilobytes)
- M or MB (megabytes)
- G or GB (gigabytes)
- C or CYL (cylinders)
- T or TRK (tracks)
If no suffix is added, the size is calculated as bytes.
When using bytes, KB, MB, or GB units, the number of tracks to
allocate is rounded up, which can produce a small difference in the
expected dataset size.
Sets the SCRATCH attribute for generation data groups.
If this option is omitted, the GDG is created with the NOSCRATCH attribute.
This may be one of the following:
The default type is PDSE. LIBRARY is a synonym for PDSE.
Unit name of the device that the dataset will reside on.
Specifies a device group esoteric name, a generic device type, or a
specific device number. If you target a specific device number, you
must precede the device address with a slash (/) character.
Verbose name output.
Use <VOLUMES> to specify a list of volumes for dataset allocation. It must
be a list of comma-separated volume serials. When providing multiple
volumes, processing will begin with the first volume in the provided list.
Offline volumes are not considered.
Volumes can always be provided when not using SMS. When using SMS, volumes
can be provided when the storage class being used has GUARANTEED_SPACE=YES
specified. Otherwise the allocation will fail.
Sets the EXTENDED attribute for generation data groups.
If this option is omitted, the GDG is created with the NOEXTENDED attribute.
Sets the FIFO attribute for generation data groups.
If this option is omitted, the GDG is created with the LIFO attribute.
Name of the dataset to allocate.
Name of the generation data group to allocate.
allocates a generation data group (GDG), partitioned dataset (PDS), partitioned dataset extended (PDSE), sequential dataset, or VSAM dataset.
is similar to the touch
command, except it creates datasets instead of zFS files.
uses the following values when converting between different unit types:
- 1 KB = 1024 bytes
- 1 MB = 1024 KB
- 1 GB = 1024 MB
- 1 track = 56664 bytes
- 1 cylinder = 15 tracks
Allocate an FB 80 PDSE with a primary size of 5M named IBMUSER.DATASET
dtouch ibmuser.dataset
Allocate an FB 80 sequential dataset with a primary size of 5M named TSTRADM.MY.TEXT
dtouch -tseq tstradm.my.seq
Allocate an FB 80 sequential dataset with a primary size of 5M named TSTRADM.MY.TEXT
on volumes 000000
, VOL002
, and VOL003
dtouch -tseq -V000000,vol002,vol003 tstradm.my.seq
Allocate a VSAM KSDS file with a 3 byte primary key starting in column 4 called IBMUSER.DATA.FILE
in data class MYDATA
dtouch -tksds -k3:4 -cmydata ibmuser.data.file
Allocate a VB 136 PDS with a primary size of 400K called
. This file will have 132 characters of text per record:
dtouch -tpds -rvb -l136 -s400k ibmuser.my.listing
Define a generation data group named IBMUSER.MY.GDG
with a limit of 255 generations:
dtouch -tgdg -L255 ibmuser.my.gdg
Allocate a sequential dataset named IBMUSER.MY.DATA
to the specific device number 2E17
dtouch -tseq -u/2E17 ibmuser.my.data
Allocate a sequential dataset in storage class STORCLS and get JSON output:
"data": {
"dsname": "IBMUSER.SEQ.DATA",
"storclass": "STORCLS",
"dsorg": "PS",
"recfm": "FB",
"dsntype": "BASIC",
"primary": 100,
"secondary": 10,
"lrecl": 80,
"blksize": 0,
"keylength": 0,
"keyoffset": 0,
"dirblks": 0
"program": "dtouch",
"options": "-J -t seq -c STORCLS ",
"rc": "0"
dtouch completed without error.
Errors occurred. See error messages for details.