dtail - Print out the tail of a non-VSAM dataset.


dtail [-bdhjJlv] [-n [+-]NUM] DATASET

  Prints out dataset contents in "binary mode".

  Print out debug messages.

  Display syntax help.

  Print output in JSON format.
  Options -b (binary mode) and -l (newline suppression) are ignored,
  and do not affect JSON output. This means records with NULL bytes
  get truncated and each record is followed by a line break.

  Output appears in this form:
    { "data": { "content": "..." }, "records":<records printed>,
    "content_length":<characters read from the dataset> }

  Prints JSON output in a readable format.
  This option forces -j if it was not set.
  Suppresses printing of newline characters between dataset records.

-n NUM
  Controls the number of lines displayed from the dataset.
  See DESCRIPTION for details.
  Print out verbose command information.


dtail prints out the tail of a non-VSAM dataset, which can be either a partitioned dataset member or a sequential dataset.

dtail can print active generation datasets referenced by absolute or relative names.

If a negative number NUM is specified, the last NUM lines of the dataset are printed to stdout.

If a positive number NUM is specified, the first (NUM - 1) lines of the dataset are skipped and printing starts from line NUM.

If the number NUM does not have a sign (e.g. -n NUM) it is treated as if a negative number was specified (this is consistent with tail).

If no number is specified, the last 10 lines are printed.


Print the last 10 lines of the dataset ZOAU.EXAMPLE:


Print the entire contents of the dataset ZOAU.EXAMPLE:

dtail -n +1 ZOAU.EXAMPLE

Print the last 5 lines of the dataset ZOAU.EXAMPLE in binary mode:

dtail -n 5 -b ZOAU.EXAMPLE

Display the last two records of IBMUSER.MY.TEXT in a readable JSON format:

dtail -J -n 2 'IBMUSER.MY.TEXT'

  "data": {
      "content": "Record 09
      Record 10
  "records": 2,
  "content_length": 162


  dtail completed without error.

  dtail failed. See error messages for details.


dcat(1), decho(1), dhead(1)