dmod - A command-line multi-line (block) edit of partitioned dataset members, sequential datasets, or z/OS UNIX files.


dmod [-bdfhijJlrsv] [-c <encoding>]
     [-m <marker_begin>\n<marker_end>\n< {mark} marker>]
     [-e <command>]+ <cmd> <dataset>

   Block operation mode.

    Specifies dataset encoding. The default is IBM-1047.

    Print out debug messages.

    For executing multiple sed commands. In block mode it should
    be used with -s.

    Force open. Open dataset member in DISP=SHR mode. (Default is DISP=OLD).

    Display syntax help.

    Print a JSON object in this format:
    { "data": {"cmd": "<command>", "found": <integer>, "changed": <boolean> } }

    Print JSON output in a readable format. This option enables -j if it
    was not specified.

    Obtain exclusive lock on the dataset to be modified.

    The marker line template. The template should be 3 sections separated
    by '\n'. "{mark}" should be included in the < {mark} marker>
    (default="# {mark} MANAGED BLOCK") section and will be replaced with
    <marker_begin> (default="BEGIN") and <marker_end> (default="END").
    The two marker lines will be surrounding the lines that are going to be
    inserted. Marker lines can only be used once. If marker lines already exist
    in the dataset or UNIX file, they will be removed with the surrounding
    lines before new lines are inserted.

    Use back references in regular expressions.

    Stop executing sed commands if current command was successful.

    Print out verbose command information.


dmod supports operations over generation datasets (GDS) that are referenced by relative name, but does not protect the generation data group base during execution. To serialize the group, use a batch job or mvscmd. Relative names are useful only when modifying sequential datasets. To reference a PDS or PDSE member from a GDS, use its absolute name.


Block mode

Insert line(s) after the last matching pattern with default marker:

dmod -b "/<regex>/a\<line1>[\nline2\nline3 ...]/$" dest

Insert line(s) before the last matching pattern with default marker:

dmod -b "/<regex>/i\<line1>[\nline2\nline3 ...]/$" dest

Insert line(s) EOF with default marker:

dmod -b "$ a\<line1>[\nline2\nline3 ...]" dest

Insert line(s) BOF with default marker:

dmod -b "1 i\<line1>[\nline2\nline3 ...]" dest

Delete the last block with matching default marker:

dmod -b "//d" dest

Insert line(s) after the last matching pattern with custom marker:

dmod -b -m "<marker_begin>\n<marker_end>\n< {mark} marker>" \
     "/<regex>/a\<line1>[\nline2\nline3 ...]/$" dest

Insert line(s) before the last matching pattern with custom marker:

dmod -b -m "<marker_begin>\n<marker_end>\n< {mark} marker>" \
     "/<regex>/i\<line1>[\nline2\nline3 ...]/$" dest

Insert line(s) EOF with custom marker:

dmod -b -m "<marker_begin>\n<marker_end>\n< {mark} marker>" \
     "$ a\<line1>[\nline2\nline3 ...]" dest

Insert line(s) BOF with custom marker:

dmod -b -m "<marker_begin>\n<marker_end>\n< {mark} marker>" \
     "1 i\<line1>[\nline2\nline3 ...]" dest

Delete the last block with matching custom marker:

dmod -b -m "<marker_begin>\n<marker_end>\n< {mark} marker>" \
     "//d" dest

Modify ASCII dataset:

dmod -b -c ISO8859-1 <command> dest

Multiple sed commands, will not execute command2 if command1 was successful:

dmod -b -s -e <command1> -e <command2> dest

Normal mode

Replace word (global replace):

dmod "s/<regex>/<line>/g"    dest

Replace line global:

dmod "/<regex>/c\<line>"     dest

Replace nth line:

dmod "<n> c\<line>"          dest

Replace line first match n=1,last match n=$:

dmod "/<regex>/c\<line>/<n>" dest

Insert after (greedy match and insert):

dmod "/<regex>/a\<line>"     dest

Insert before (greedy match and insert):

dmod "/<regex>/i\<line>"     dest

Insert after (non-greedy match and insert,first match n=1,last match n=$):

dmod "/<regex>/a\<line>/<n>" dest

Insert before (non-greedy match and insert,first match n=1,last match n=$):

dmod "/<regex>/i\<line>/<n>" dest

Insert at start of file:

dmod "1 i\<line>"            dest

Append to end of file:

dmod "$ a\<line>"            dest

Append to nth line:

dmod "<n> a\<line>"          dest

Insert before nth line:

dmod "<n> i\<line>"          dest

Delete regex existed line:

dmod "/<regex>/d"            dest

Multiple sed commands:

dmod -e <command1> -e <command2>    dest

Modify target file, print debug information:

dmod -d <command>            dest

Modify ASCII dataset:

dmod -c ISO8859-1 <command>  dest

Multiple sed commands, will not execute command2 if command1 was successful:

dmod -s -e <command1> -e <command2> dest


Block mode

Insert a block (3 lines) after last line containing "1st" with custom marker:

dmod -b -m "OPEN\nCLOSE\n# {mark} IBM BLOCK" \
      "/1st/a\line 1\nline 2\nline 3/$"  IBM.TEXT

Insert a block (3 lines) EOF with default marker:

dmod -b "$ a\line 1\nline 2\nline 3"  IBM.TEXT

Delete last matching block with custom marker:

dmod -b -m "OPEN\nCLOSE\n# {mark} IBM BLOCK" "//d"  IBM.TEXT

Normal mode:

Change all occurrences of "1st" to "change":

dmod  "s/1st/change/g"  IBM.TEXT

Replace lines containing "1st" with "this is changed":

dmod  "/1st/c\\this is changed"  IBM.TEXT

Replace the last line containing "1st" with "this is changed":

dmod  "/1st/c\\this is changed/$"  IBM.TEXT

Insert "this is appended" after last line containing "1st":

dmod  "/1st/a\\this is appended/$"  IBM.TEXT

Insert "this is inserted" before any line containing "1st":

dmod  "/1st/i\\this is inserted"  IBM.TEXT

Delete any line containing "1st":

dmod  "/1st/d" IBM.TEXT

Add a new line to beginning of the file:

dmod  "1 i\\this is an added line" IBM.TEXT

Insert a new line after the 2nd line:

dmod  "2 a\\this is an added line" IBM.TEXT


    dmod successfully applied the command to the dataset.

    Error occurred. See error messages for details.

