- List datasets that match a pattern. These can be non-VSAM datasets, generation datasets (GDS), generation data groups (GDG), and VSAM datasets.
dls [-abdFHhjJlmpqsTtuUv] [-V <VOLSER>] [<DATASET_PATTERN>]+
List members and members aliases.
List details, including block size.
Print out debug messages.
Display the catalog entry type identifier.
Only available in conjunction with the -t option.
Display syntax help.
Display a header for extended listings.
Print the output in JSON format, instead of a list.
JSON output is only enabled when detailed information is
requested with one of the -blsu options.
Make the JSON output readable.
This option forces -j if it was not set.
Display detailed information based on the dataset type.
List migrated datasets.
Enable quiet mode. Quiet mode suppresses all output except the exit value.
Include dataset size (estimate of used, allocated sizes).
Include the dataset type.
Only display information for the specified dataset type.
TYPE may be one of the following:
List details, including last reference (usage) time.
Display dataset sizes in "human-readable" format, such as 1.1K,
42M, or 123G, where 1K = 1024 bytes.
Print verbose information.
Only display datasets that are on volume VOLSER.
lists datasets that match the pattern specified to stdout.
Multi-volume data sets produce a line of output for each utilized volume when
, -F
, -l
, -s
, or -u
are specified.
When the -a
option is provided, dls prints a list of members and their aliases for partitioned non-VSAM datasets. dls
lists only aliases that are equal to or less than eight characters long.
When the -t
option is omitted, dls
outputs non-VSAM dataset and generation dataset information by default.
Supported entry types are as follows:
- AIX for alternate indexes. (Note: This AIX acronym is different from the IBM AIX operating system.)
- CLUSTER for VSAM clusters and components.
- GDG for generation data groups.
- GDS for generation datasets.
- NONVSAM for non-VSAM datasets.
- PATH for VSAM paths.
When you specify the -F
option, the catalog entry type is represented by a single character:
- A for non-VSAM datasets.
- B for generation data groups.
- C for VSAM clusters.
- D for VSAM data components.
- G for VSAM alternate indexes.
- H for generation datasets.
- I for VSAM index components.
- R for VSAM paths.
When you request detailed information, output is determined by dataset type as follows:
- For non-VSAM and generation datasets: recfm, lrecl, dsorg, and volumes.
- For generation data groups: limit and base attributes.
Specify -m
to show migrated datasets. -m
cannot be used with options -b
, -s
, or -u
When JSON output is requested, the response has the following form:
{ "datasets": [], "gdgs":[] }
The "datasets" array contains only objects with the requested non-VSAM and generation dataset information, and the "gdgs" array contains only objects with the requested GDG information.
If your locale is set to En_GB.IBM-285, any dollar sign ($
) characters in a dataset name are automatically translated to the pound sterling character.
The following rules apply to <DATASET_PATTERN>
The high-level qualifier (HLQ) must be specified in full. An asterisk (*
) matches any sequence of characters. A question mark (?
) matches a single character.
List all non-VSAM datasets under your default high-level-qualifier:
dls -l "`hlq`.*"
Get a JSON object with detailed information for datasets under your high-level-qualifier:
dls -j -bsu "$(hlq).*"
List all non-VSAM datasets that have an HLQ of TEST
, followed by TSTR
, and then exactly three characters, with a low-level qualifier of JCL
dls -l 'test.tstr???.*.jcl'
Test whether a dataset exists:
dls -q ${prefix}.my.jcl
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Dataset exists."
List all the non-VSAM datasets that match the pattern TEST.**.X*
: and volume VOLSER
dls -l -V VOLSER TEST.**.X*
At least one dataset was found matching a <dataset-pattern>
No datasets were found.
Error in dataset listing. See error messages for details.
dinfo(1), dcp(1), drm(1), dtouch(1), dls(1), decho(1), ddiff(1), dgrep(1), dsed(1), mrm(1), mls(1)