MVSCMDMSG(1)              ZOAU Command Syntax            MVSCMDMSG(1)


mvscmdmsg - print a ZOAU error or ZOAU syntax to stderr.


mvscmdmsg [-hvdM] command msg-number msg-type [substitution string]*
	-h syntax
		-v verbose name output
		-d print debug messages	
	-M=path use path instead of the default path to look for messages


For a given ZOAU command, retrieve msg-number with a corresponding 
msg-type (one of I,W,S,E) from the docs directory for the given 
national language, perform substitution for the parameters specified, 
then write the message to stderr.

Message number 0 is recognized as a syntax request and the file
'command.1' is read from the docs directory. All other message numbers are 
recognized as error messages and the message is retrieved from the file 


The following prints out info msg 2 for the mvscmd command:
	mvscmdmsg mvscmd 2 I

The following prints out error message 37 for the mycmd command,
searching for the messages in the directory /alternate/directory:
	mvscmdmsg -M=/alternate/directory mycmd 37 E


0			mvscmdmsg completed without error.

non-zero	mvscmdmsg failed. See error messages for details.