DZIP(1)                  ZOAU Command Syntax                DZIP(1)


dzip - Archive a set of datasets to a binary file.


dzip [-dDfhovV] [-Q<tmphlq>] [-s<size>] [-t<volume>] [-S<storclas>] [-m<mgmtclas>] [-e<dataset-pattern>]+ [<file>|<dataset>] [<dataset-pattern>|<volume>]+ [<volume>]

    Run in debug mode.

    Dump to data set instead of file.

    Exclude pattern for data sets, this option is ignored if dumping
    a volume.

    Specifies potentially recoverable errors should be tolerated.


    Specifies the user-desired management class that is to be used
    when creating temporary and target datasets.

    Overwrite file or dataset destination if it already exists.

    Use an alternative high-level qualifier for temporary dataset
    name. This will override TMPHLQ environment variable as well.

    Specify how large to allocate datasets. Valid units are:
    CYL, TRK, K, M, G. Defaults to bytes if no unit provided.

    Specifies the user-desired storage class is to be used when
    creating temporary and target datasets.

    Specifies a particular volume should be used when creating
    temporary and target datasets.

    Run in verbose mode.

    Dump a volume instead of datasets
    If a volume is provided along with dataset information and -V is
    not specified, dzip will look for provided data set patterns on the
    provided volume.


    Overrides the current high-level qualifier used for temporary
    dataset name.


Archives a set of datasets into a binary HFS file denoted by
<file>. This binary file is used by dunzip to restore datasets.

Datasets will retain the format followed by the first HLQ segment.
For example, MY.DATASET.FILE will restore as <HLQ>.DATASET.FILE.

If specifying multiple dataset patterns, separate with a space or comma (,).


The following rules apply to <dataset-pattern>.

The high level qualifier (HLQ) must be specified in full.

The single asterisk (*) is used in place of exactly one qualifier.
In addition, it can be used to indicate to DFSMSdss that only part of a
qualifier has been specified. For example, just the first, last,
middle, or first and last parts.

When used with other qualifiers, the double asterisk, **,
indicates either the nonexistence of leading, trailing,
or middle qualifiers, or the fact that they play no role in the
selection process.

Two asterisks are the maximum permissible in a qualifier.
If there are two asterisks in a qualifier, they must be the first
and last characters.

A question mark (?) or percent sign (%) matches a single character.


Archive datasets that match pattern IBMUSER.MVSCMD.* into file mvscmd.dzp

    dzip /tmp/mvscmd.dzp IBMUSER.MVSCMD.*

Archive all datasets in volume ZOSAAS

    dzip -V /tmp/zosaasvol.dzp ZOSAAS

Archive datasets that match two patterns in volume MYVOL1 into a dataset


Archive datasets that match DATA.** but not DATA.SET.*

    dzip -eDATA.SET.*  /tmp/mybackup.dzp DATA.**


0       Success.

Other   Error, see message for details.

