DLOCKCMD(1)                   ZOAU Command Syntax                 DLOCKCMD(1)


dlockcmd: Command line interface for obtaining an exclusive lock on a dataset or dataset member.


dlockcmd <dataset_name> <seconds_to_sleep>


dlockcmd forks a child process and exits. the child process tries to
obtain an exclusive lock on the dataset or dataset member by calling
dataset_lock(char *dsname) function and will automatically unlock
the dataset upon termination after the given seconds of sleep.

To manually unlock the dataset, SIGQUIT signal should be send to the 
child process_id (i.e kill -SIGQUIT 1234567). The signal will be handled 
and dataset_unlock(char *dsname) will be called to unlock the dataset.

Lock return codes - dataset_lock(char *dsname):
  0  - Active task now has control of the resource.
  4  - The resource is not immediately available.
  8  - A previous request for control of the same resource has
        been made for the same task.  The task has control of the
  14 - A previous request for control of the same resource has
        been made for the same task.  The task does not have
        control of the resource.
  18 - Environmental error.  The limit for the number of
        concurrent resource requests has been reached.  The task
        does not have control of the resource unless some previous
        ENQ or RESERVE request caused the task to obtain control
        of the resource.

Unlock return codes - dataset_unlock(char *dsname):
  0  - The system has released the resource.
  4  - The resource has been requested for the task, but
        the task has not been assigned control of it.  The
        task continues waiting  (This return code might result
        if an exit routine, which received control because of
        an interruption, issued the DEQ macro on behalf of
        the task).
  8  - Control of the resource has not been requested by
        the active task, or the resource has already been


Lock a dataset member for 1000 seconds:
    dlockcmd "SOME.PARTITONED.DS(MEM)" 1000

Unlock the dataset locked by dlockcmd with process_id 1234567
    kill -SIGQUIT 1234567


0       dlockcmd successfully locked/unlocked the dataset.

other   Error occurred. See error messages for details.