APFADM(1)                   ZOAU Command Syntax                 APFADM(1)


  apfadm: Authorized Program Facility (APF) administrator


  apfadm [-dfhjlv] [<-AD> <ds,vol | ds,sms | ds>]* [<-M> <marker>] [<-PR> <dataset> ] [-F [DYNAMIC|STATIC]]

  -A/-D   Add/Remove a dataset to/from the APF list. Value can be in three formats: 
          <ds,vol | ds,sms | ds>
          If vol or sms is not provided, code tries to find the volume serial or SMS.

  -d      Enable debug.

  -f      Force set the list format to DYNAMIC before add/remove operation. Only effective when -A or -D is used.

  -F      Set APF list format to DYNAMIC or STATIC. Without value, will print the current format.

  -h      Print syntax.

  -j      Print APF list in JSON format (should be used with -l).
          [{"format": "DYNAMIC"}, {"header": ['<1st line>', ... '<5th line>']}, {"vol":"G2201D", "ds": "SYS1.LINKLIB"}, ...]

  -l      Print APF list.

  -M      Custom marker in "\/\*.*{mark}.*\*\/" format, default: 
          "/* {mark} MANAGED BLOCK <timestamp> */"
          <timestamp> will be replaced with current time, format: "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"

  -P      The dataset be used to Persist the APF entry.
  -R      The dataset be used to Remove the APF entry.


  Authorized Program Facility Admin (apfadm) is a tool for:
  1. Adding/removing libraries to the authorized list
  2. Making the entry persistent or remove an entry from persistent dataset
  3. Making the list format DYNAMIC or STATIC
  4. Printing the current list


  Print current list in JSON format:
      apfadm -lj

  Add and remove libraries to the list and persistent dataset:
      apfadm -A lib1,vol1 -D lib3,vol3  -A lib2,sms -A lib5 -D lib4,vol4 -P "SOME.PARTITONED.DS(MEM)" -R "SOME.PARTITONED.DS2(MEM)"

  Add libraries to the list and persistent dataset with custom marker:
      apfadm -A lib1,vol1 -A lib2,vol2 -M "/* {mark} USR001 PGM001 */" -P "SOME.PARTITONED.DS(MEM)"

  Set the list format to DYNAMIC:
      apfadm -F DYNAMIC


  0       apfadm is successfully applied to the dataset.

  other   Error occurred. See error messages for details.


opercmd(1), dls(1)