Create a data set

With ZOAU, you can create a partitioned data set called ${prefix}.DATA.FILE that has a logical record length of 133 bytes, a record format of FBA, and a primary size of 5 MB in the following ways:

  • Issuing a shell command:

    dtouch -tpds -l133 -rfba -s5mb ${prefix}.DATA.FILE
  • Calling an API in Python programs:

    datasets.create("%s.DATA.FILE" % HLQ, type="PDS",
                  record_length=133, record_format="FBA", primary_space="5M")

Without ZOAU, to achieve the same purpose, you need to write the following JCL statements:

//* Allocate a partitioned dataset that is about 5M (89 tracks)
//       DCB=(LRECL=133,RECFM=FBA),SPACE=(TRK,(89,89,20)),DSORG=PO