Types of token devices
Several types of RSA SecurID token devices are supported.
RSA SecurID card-style tokens and key fobs
These devices generate a token code. Card-style tokens (such as the RSA SecurID 200) and key fobs (such as the RSA SecurID 800) function identically, with both displaying the token code on the LCD.RSA SecurID PINpads
The user enters the PIN directly into the token, and the token generates a hash-encrypted 6-8 digit passcode. For example, by using the RSA SecurID 520 card-style PINpad, the user enters the PIN via a 10-digit numeric pad that is contained on the card. The passcode displayed is a hash-encrypted combination of the PIN and the current token code.The
user can use the PINpad token in the following ways:
- If the user has a valid PIN, the user can enter the PIN and the token generates a hash-encrypted passcode. The passcode displayed is a hash-encrypted combination of the PIN and the current token code. The passcode can be six or eight digits, depending on the profile.
- If the user does not have a valid PIN, which can occur if the security administrator forces the user to change it, use the token to generate a token code. The user then uses the generated token code to log in and change the PIN.
RSA SecurID software token applications
RSA SecurID software token applications are available on a computer or other smart device.The user can use the software
token application in the following ways:
- If the user has a valid PIN, enter the PIN and the token generates a hash-encrypted passcode. The passcode displayed is a hash-encrypted combination of the PIN and the current token code. The passcode can be six or eight digits, depending on the profile.
- If the user does not have a valid PIN, which can occur if the security administrator forces the user to change it, use the token to generate a token code. The user then uses the generated token code to log in and change the PIN.