Configuring IBM Verify Gateway for RADIUS for SMS message with an OTP

In password-then-transsmsotp, the user provides their IBM® Security Verify password. Then, an SMS message with an OTP value is sent to the phone number in the user's profile. A RADIUS challenge requests the OTP value.

Before you begin

The password-then-transsmsotp you set must match the authentication method you set for users in IBM Security Verify.


  1. In the installation directory on your Windows system where you installed IBM Verify Gateway for RADIUS, edit the IbmRadiusConfig.json configuration file to set the auth-method to password-then-transsmsotp:
                "address": "ip-address",
  2. Save the changes.
  3. In password-then-transsmsotp authentication, the login flow is as follows:
    1. The user must provide their IBM Security Verify password.
    2. An SMS message with an OTP value is sent to the phone number in the user's profile.
      Your passcode is: 9131-963017.
      It expires in 5 minutes.
    3. The user must enter the OTP value, 963017 in this example, in response to the ENTER MFA INFORMATION prompt and press Enter to continue.
      ICH70008I IBM MFA Message:        
                 Enter OTP 9131:963017        
      Enter the OTP value in the Password field if TSO pre-prompt is not enabled.