Updating IBM MFA server and GUI
If you update to a newer version of IBM® MFA, your existing database and configuration settings are maintained.
Before you begin
When you update to a newer version of IBM MFA, your existing database and configuration settings are maintained. However, as a general best practice, you should back up your database before any update, as described in Backing up and restoring the IBM MFA database.
Important: Special considerations
for SELinux
If SELinux is enabled in your environment, perform the following steps:
- Review the process context and tags associated with the postgresql and pkcsslotd services before enabling mfa.service dependencies on the postgresql and pkcsslotd services.
- After you have identified the required SELinux tags, implement the sample scripts in /opt/IBM/MFA/db/db-selinux-rhel.sh and /opt/IBM/MFA/db/db-selinux-sles.sh, respectively, to update the MFA SELinux settings and enable dependencies in mfa.service.
About this task
The IBM MFA server installs the mfa.service, which has dependencies on postgresql and pkcsslotd systemd services. systemd ensures that the dependent services are running before starting IBM MFA server.