IBM MFA requirements

This section describes the hardware and software requirements for installing IBM® MFA.

Software requirements

You can install the IBM MFA components as described in Table 1.
Table 1. IBM MFA Requirements
Component Requirement
IBM MFA server and GUI components The Red Hat Enterprise Linux® for IBM Z® and LinuxONE must be at the following versions:
  • 8.x or later
The SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on IBM Z must be at the following versions:
  • SLES 15 or later
postgres database For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on IBM Z:
  • libpq5
  • postgresql10-server
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux for IBM Z and LinuxONE:
  • postgresql-server
openCryptoki For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on IBM Z:
  • openCryptoki
  • openCryptoki-64bit
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux for IBM Z and LinuxONE:
  • openCryptoki
  • opencryptoki-swtok
openssl Red Hat Enterprise Linux for IBM Z and LinuxONE
  • 1.1.1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on IBM Z
  • 1.1.0