Adding IBM MFA administrator IDs

You must run the azf_administrator_util utility to add one or more IBM® MFA administrator IDs.

About this task

To add one or more IBM MFA administrator IDs, complete the following steps:


  1. Log in to the IBM MFA server system by using SSH.
  2. Change directory (cd) to /opt/IBM/MFA/bin.
  3. Run the azf_administrator_util command as root with the add parameter and provide the required access level to the user. The allowable access is as follows:
    Access Level Allowed Access
    NONE Nothing is allowed for the provided user ID.
    READ The user ID is allowed to get entity (user, method, and policy) information.
    ADD The user ID is allowed to add entity (user, method, and policy) information.
    UPDATE The user ID is allowed to update entity (user, method, and policy) information.
    DELETE The user ID is allowed to delete entity (user, method, and policy) information.
    CONTROL Includes READ+ADD+UPDATE+DELETE entity (user, method, and policy) access.
    SUPERADMIN Includes CONTROL plus the ability to edit the IBM MFA server options and restart the IBM MFA server through the GUI.

    Specify SUPERADMIN to be able to perform all IBM MFA administrative functions.

    ./azf_administrator_util add username SUPERADMIN
    An output that is similar to the following example is displayed:
    Successfully added administrator user username with permission SUPERADMIN