Logging in with IBM MFA Compound In-Band when new PIN required

This section describes how you log in with generic RADIUS and IBM® MFA Compound In-Band when a new PIN is required.


If you receive a new PIN required message, perform the following steps:

Note: Your security administrator can reverse the order in which you enter the credentials, so that you enter your passphrase or password first, followed by the separator. Consult your security administrator for guidance.

  1. Enter your new PIN, followed by the separator, followed by your passphrase or password.
  2. Press Enter. You are prompted to re-enter the new PIN.
    ICH70008I IBM MFA Message:                 
              ::Please re-enter new PIN:       
  3. Re-enter your new PIN, followed by the separator, followed by your passphrase or password. If the PIN is accepted, the following message is displayed:
    ICH70008I IBM MFA Message:                                                     
             ::PIN Accepted.::Wait for the token code to change,::then en         
             ter the new passcode:    
  4. Wait for the SecurID token code to change.
  5. Enter the new SecurID credential using the new PIN, followed by the separator, followed by your passphrase or password. How you generate the new SecurID credential depends on the token type you are using: fob-style hardware token, hardware token with a PINpad, or Soft token.