Logging in with a fob-style hardware token

You can log in to IBM® FTP with a valid PIN. Your administrator must have configured your account for IBM MFA Compound In-Band. This use case requires a fob-style hardware token.


Perform the following steps:

  1. Open an IBM FTP connection and enter your user name.
  2. Press Enter.
  3. Get the 6- to 8-digit token code displayed by the SecurID token.
  4. Enter your PIN followed by the 6- to 8-digit token code displayed by the SecurID token, followed by the separator, followed by your passphrase or password in the password field. For example, assume that the separator is the vertical bar (|). If your PIN is 4321, your token code is 456789, and your password is 12345678, enter 4321456789|12345678 in the password field.
    Note: Your security administrator can reverse the order in which you enter the credentials, so that you enter your passphrase or password first, followed by the separator. Consult your security administrator for guidance.
  5. Press Enter.
    If successful, IBM FTP displays PASS.